Under Investigation

Chapter 5

“It was delicious Daniel, thank you.” I wipe my mouth from the meal and offer the man a kind smile. No surprise it was a masterpiece, like every meal the man cooks.

“You say that every time, Adira.” He smiles warmly towards me before he glances towards Magnar and Ekon, his features melting to a more reserved, polite expression. “What did you two want to know?” He asks, cutting straight to the point, not one to beat around the bush.

“We want to get the perspective of the pack members on how the Alpha and Beta treat regular members of the pack.” Ronny glances towards me with a frown.

“Margaret said that things were going to change; is the tyrant and his minion going to be taken out of power? He needs to be put to death.” Ronny turns to look at me, his eyes glitter. “Are they here to-?” He stops short, making me nod and offer a small smile.

“Yes, they are doing an investigation on all members who hold power, from Alpha to warriors.” Daniel pauses as he glances towards me.

“You?” I nod slowly, Ekon sits back, watching everything like a hawk.

“Me included, I’m no different than they are.” I say gently watching as Daniel stares, Ronny, the more vocal partner shakes his head with a huff.

“That’s nonsense.” Ekon clears his throat, redirecting the conversation.

“Can you two describe the type of encounters you’ve had personally with the Alpha and Beta?” Ekon asks, Daniel’s features glower as his eyes burn passionately, flickering to his wolf’s.

“They murdered our children. They took two innocent, precious lives. To prove a point! They are evil monsters.” His voice breaks in his upset, Ronny grabs his hand, drawing his attention. Magnar glances at me with a deep frown.

“They adopted two orphaned kids from another pack, four years ago. After a year Alpha took it upon himself to give an ultimatum.” Such an awful day. My mouth dries in memory as I stare at them. “He took their lives in the worst way he could; they had to watch as they died.” I explain quietly as Daniel tries to recover, tears leak from his eyes as he stares at Ekon. Magnar is forced to look back, the fire in his eyes burn white.

“They are evil; this isn’t a healthy, thriving pack. This is a death sentence, rogues have it better. The only ones who smile anymore are the sadists.” Ronny explains with tears in his eyes, his voice tight with emotional pain. A fresh start for this pack is needed desperately. It’s not going to be easy. It’ll be years before the pack can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

“How often are members killed?” Magnar asks as he leans back in his chair, struggling to portrays sense of calm. I stay silent as Daniel releases a cold laugh.

“Do you mean by someone? Or by themselves?” Ekon glances at me as if to confirm.

“There is a high suicide rate within the pack.” I explain quietly, my stomach churning with unease. The mental calm is shattered as Father forces a link between us. ‘I need to speak with you, now. Come to the hold.’ The link shatters just as quickly as it stabbed into my mind, the brutal invasion leaves a painful ache that throbs.

“How does that affect pack morale?” Ekon asks as he glances between the pair. My chair scrapes the floor as I stand earning glances from the table.

“Adira?” Ronny asks with a frown.

“I’ve been summoned by Alpha. I trust you two can find your way back to your quarters? I’ll be able to get you all you need by morning at the latest.” I inform them, Magnar stares at me with a questioning gaze.

“Do we need to-” I shake my head as I tuck my chair back under the table.

“That’s not necessary, please continue on. I want this to be a strong case.” There’s no way Father will get off of the hook, I won’t let it. I turn towards the mated couple and smile, seeing them hold their hands, their eyes shift with unease. “Please tell them all you can. Don’t worry for what happens, this is the last stand.” Ronny stares at me, having a good guess for what’s to come in my near future.

“I better see you tomorrow.” He points at me as Daniel nods and offers a tense smile, upset with the topic at hand.

“Be safe Adira.” He murmurs softly. I offer them a nod before I turn towards the door and leave. Cold air fills my lungs as my eyes take in the store district, random members of the pack wander the sidewalk on their mission to get necessities. Some are growing brave, please let this pack win and thrive. My feet carry me towards the pack hall, mind numb with everything. Father needs this last bit of control to strike fear into the pack members. Don’t let him win. I have steel my core to refrain from my own pain and fear.

Ronald stands guard at the entrance, engaged in conversation with a lead warrior, Mario Gaile, stands with his back to me. He turns as Ronald’s expression changes, stretches in an amused grin. “The bitch of the hour has arrived.” I fight Nera as she launches towards the barrier in my mind, wanting nothing more than to escape and tear this man to shreds. Enough… his time is near enough, he’ll earn his punishment.

“Alpha is waiting for you Adira.” Mario speaks as he turns to face me, his hazel eyes bored of this all.

“You’re in for a lovely chat.” Ronald taunts with a devilish smirk. I can only give him a bland stare as I step past him, Mario opens the door and waits for me to enter. Wonderful. I ignore the heavy feeling that clutches my belly as terror sinks in. Mario follows me down the steps, the lock snicks behind us as he turns the key. Ignore it. Don’t let them win. I follow the scent of Father and Anthony down to the torture chamber, two other warriors stand back against the wall, their eyes glitter curely.

“How has the tour been?” Anthony asks, his eyes dance with darkness, shadows of pleasure.

“Boring, not many have been talked to.” Father turns and walks slowly, forcing my eyes to follow his movements, not trusting him.

“What’s the latest in their actions? Do they have any plans?” I watch him waging a mental war.

“There’s a formal investigation being filed. An interview trailer will be on the grounds by this evening.” The room stills as he turns slowly to stare at me. His eyes ablaze with hidden emotion.

“And what has led them to believe that’s required?” He grits through clenched teeth, jaw tense with rage. You and your pets, you sick bastard.

“Matthew’s stunt of stalking didn’t sit well with them.” It’s a reasonable enough explanation. Father hums as he paces slowly.

“Matthew did bring up that interaction. Said you were pretty defensive.” He offers and waits for me to speak. Instead I stare at him, refusing to answer. Father pauses to lean against the post I know I’ll be chained to. The times I’ve been strung up for hours on end. Anthony growls at me, I don’t bother to spare him a glance.

“They did request her as an escort; could there be more there?” Father glances at him, he moves to unbutton his suit jacket and rolls up his sleeve, a taunt. This is going to suck.

“Well? Is there Adira? Are you whoring yourself out? I can smell them on you.” His nostrils flare as I stare at him emotionless.

“Of course you smell them, I’ve spent the past two days with them up my rear.” Just don’t inspect my room. Nera whimpers as Father turns to admire the wall of tools. It’s one last time, Magnar will end their lives. Don’t let them win.

“What have they been asking the peasants?” Father asks with his back to me, two of the warriors shift and move around, coming to attention. Father grabs a cattle prod and tests it. The loud crackle of electricity snaps together. My skin crawls at the echo of sound.

“What’s the pack morale, how are members treated, deaths, basic questions.” He gives a nod and two warriors grab my arms in suffocating grips. I don’t struggle against their holds, Don’t make it worse. Pushed forward to stand at the post, I listen as Father tests the prod once more. Cold metal cuffs are attached tightly, not secured to tighten the more I struggle. Don’t let them win, they can’t win.

The pack link is forced open, combined in a strong loop as Father stands back, a sadist glee in his voice. Nera whimpers as she cries for her mate. I fight to contain her pain, to minimize her soft pleading cries for Magnar. He can’t hear you, there’s no sense. ‘This is a formal reminder for those thinking of betraying my trust and my care. This is what awaits you.’ Father taunts as my shirt is lifted up over my head to expose my skin.

Cold metal prongs press into my skin as a shot of electricity runs through my body. The fire that lights through my body makes me grit my teeth, the sharp pain lessens all within a matter of seconds. A grunt rests on my lips as I bite my tongue, a weak attempt to keep my composure. My shirt presses into my throat as Father starts talking again.

‘For those thinking of speaking against me. Remember, this is me being nice.’ He snarls over the link. I hear the serrated blade in his belt be unsheathed, the sound all too familiar. Pain seats my skin as the cold metal cuts deeply into my back. I yank my arms against the cuffs feeling them tighten mercilessly. Anthony laughs as I feel a blend of salt and ground wolfsbane, the potency of it sears my open wound. Pain licks through my blood as a fire slowly seeps into my bloodstream.

I fight Nera as she whines, calling, begging for her mate. Enough… he can’t… fix it. The process is repeated five more times, blood trickles from my back as my skin shrivels from dehydration. Sweat it out, push it out of your system. My mind grows sluggish as my heart slows, numbed in pain of the poison. The sound of a whip cracking meets my ears before my mind recognizes the pain.

My legs buckle as I snarl, seeing red, the rub ground into the open wounds, encouraging the pain. “Stand Adira, you aren’t done.” Anthony growls as he pulls my hair, I struggle to put my legs beneath me. My eyes close as the poison filters fire through my body. When is this going to end?

“Water’s done.” Mario announces and my core clenches as I struggle to pant, Nera’s mind crazed with wolfsbane. Please, Goddess, let this end. The whip crosses my back, driving the rub deeper.

“Show time.” Anthony whispers in my ear with a sadistic chuckle, his hand presses my skull against the wall. Boiling water is poured over my back, running down my shoulders, weighing my shirt down. I can only gasp as my skin boils angrily, the rub blinds my now delirious mind.

“We don’t want the pack to think you’re a favorite, no do we?” Anthony laughs, Father releases a soft chuckle.

‘Remember peasants, this is me being nice.’ Father cuts the link off abruptly and waves his hand to me, picking up his suit jacket he smirks. “Adira, you’ll die before I will. I’ll make sure you’re the one to take the fall.” He whispers in my ear a clear taunt of his power. Not until I kill you. He turns and walks away, his footsteps echo in the empty hold. “Release her.” He calls over his shoulders whistling.

Nera whines for her mate, my legs unable to function. The cuffs cut into my wrists. The cold metal is slick with fresh blood. I drop like a weight, head against the pillar. Dark spots fill my vision, discolored yellow blotches cover the rest of my vision. I need to go to my room. Time passes, the hold empty of Anthony and the three warriors, the silence fills my mind completely. His reign of terror will end. I make a promise to the Goddess above.

I will not let him win without a fight. The heaviness in my limbs grows as I struggle to stand, to fix my shirt. Get to your room. I lay there for another hour before I struggled to stand, the hot fabric of my jeans and shirt another weight on my pain riddled back. I move to the house, up the stairs familiar with the map of this house. I need to get this out and off of me.

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