Under Investigation

Chapter 3

“Adira.” Father snaps as he opens the door to his office and buttons his suit jacket, smoothing the fabric out in a self-soothing action. “Escort our guests around the grounds.” I’m guessing you didn’t get your way? Poor you. By the look on his features and anger in his eyes, I can only assume it went poorly.

“Of course, Alpha.” I bow my head slightly, hiding the disgust at the title before I motion for Ekon and Magnar to follow. We walk down the empty halls of the house, the cold interior, barely breathable. Like always it’s miserable here. The sun shines down on the dead grass and Ekon releases a heavy sigh as he rubs his forehead.

“He’s intolerable.” I snort at the complaint, my eyes scan the landscape as I move towards the path, my hands in my pockets as I breathe in the fresh air.

“I could’ve told you that.” Magnar’s brow flickers up, his eyes glimmer amused, the orbs obvious now that I’ve seen them. He has some pretty silver eyes. “What do you wish to see?” Magnar turns his eyes over the landscape, taking everything into account. Make notes darling, it’s the only nice and kept building.

“Take us around the pack lands. We need to get a feel for the place and atmosphere.” Magnar speaks up and I turn to head into town.

“Very well, we can start in the heart of the place. You’ll meet more people in town.” The secluded town really only houses the essentials, even those are on the brink of closure. A grocery store, clothing outlet, hardware store. We have a training facility for rainy days and a school for the children. Not that there are many left. The town opens up with cracked pavement, un-treated sidewalks and a drab appearance.

“What kinds of interactions do pack members have with one another?” Ekon asks as he pauses to take in the town, his calculating gaze peruses the store fronts.

“They walk on eggshells when they aren’t inside of their homes. Between low ranked wolves, things are calm, no fights or arguments. Tension only rises when ranked members enter the space, things shut down with fear.” I explain honestly, my eyes scan the barren store fronts, the restaurant the only one that looks to be filled with life. It is the hot spot.

“What ranked members cause the most issues?” Magnar addresses me, his eyes bore into mine.

“Alpha and Beta are the biggest antagonizers. Some ranked warriors will cause a bit of a stir, more often than not it’s to get in good graces of Alpha and Beta.” I shrug indifferently, Ekon arches his brow at me.

“Are you one of them?” I stare at him for a moment before I shrug slowly with a sigh.

“I’m sure I make them uneasy, I try my best to make amends; but at the end of the day? My Father and Anthony are evil, I pray they are put to death, if I fall with them.” I stare at him as Nera flashes in my eyes, passionate for my pack. “I know this pack will have a leader they deserve, a good one, appointed by the council.” I can’t flinch, nor can I back down. This is a battle to save my pack.

“Alright.” Ekon accepts my answer for now before he turns to look down the empty street again. “What’s your biggest issue with the leaders of the pack?” I’d keep you here for days.

“How they treat the pack members, steal from them, beat them.” I shake my head and lean against a lamp post. “There’s a lot wrong with this pack, from how they collect a ‘protection fee’. Make examples of those who stay outside to play when they walk the streets.”

Magnar’s brow flicks up as he frowns. “Why are they collecting a fee?”

“To use for their own greed? Keeping the pack trapped and imprisoned would be my guess. You can’t escape if you don’t have money to feed yourselves, never mind pay the departure fee.” I pause and nod towards the clothing store, seeing two employees roaming around, hard at work. “Would you like to talk with some other members?” I nod towards the store, both men glance over in interest.

“Yes, I’d like to get a feel for the pack morality.” Ekon says and waves me forward, unbothered by the change in topic.

“Margaret Knolls, an older woman, 75 owns the store; she should be in now. Molly Clarks, 15, her granddaughter works as a salesperson. Deanna Lively, 38, is a part time cashier, works Tuesday, Thursday and Fridays.” I inform them as I open the door greeted by the small bell above the door.

“Good afternoon, welcome to-” Molly stops, her eyes wide, olive skin pale as she stares gobsmacked. Her stare focused above my head, she swallows harshly and glances towards me with a pleading gaze. “Adira?” She squeaks out, nervous as can be, my eyes scan the register and see Margaret standing there leaning against the counter, her olive skin weathered.

“It’s alright Molly, they are friendly.” I assure her as I stop by a table full of folded clothes.

“With us?” She whispers almost mute and I smile gently at her. She twists her fingers nervously together as Margaret moves closer, ready to defend her granddaughter. I nod to ease their growing tension.

“I’d like for you both to meet Mr. McBride and Mr. Price, they are with the council, working an investigation. Molly glances at them with a blush as she nods slowly, her shoulders stiff with tension. I watch as Molly swoons over the pair and Nera raises, growling her unease. That’s our mate, you can’t- I have to cut her off as Molly turns towards me with a shaky frown, unsure what to do.

“Alpha doesn’t-” I shake my head at Margaret, stopping her short.

“Margaret, they are from the council, an investigation has begun.” I pause as I meet her stare unafraid. “These men need the truth, they need to know what happens here-” Molly whimpers and shakes her head.

“No, Adira, he forbid it! He’ll hurt-” Her eyes widen as she glances at Ekon and whines.

“Molly, honey, no. Look at me.” I say gently as I lean against the table, needing her eyes. “He doesn’t have power anymore. I won’t let him hurt you, I’m not alone, the pack isn’t alone anymore. Let them help you.” I try to sooth her gently, her eyes water.

“Adira-” She whimpers as she twists her fingers nervously.

“It’s ok honey, tell them the truth, that’s the only way to fight Alpha and Beta.” Molly bites her lip nervously as she glances back at them.

“W-will you stay?” I pat her shaking hands, unsure.

“I’m not sure I can Molly.” I say gently, her eyes meet mine as she frowns confused.

“Why not? Aren’t-” Ekon clears his throat carefully, drawing Molly’s attention.

“Adira is helping us, to ensure an unbiased trial, she can’t be in on the formal interview.” He pauses as Magnar steps in to take over.

“This isn’t a formal interview, Adira can stay if it’d help relax you.” He offers, his voice dropping slightly, offering comfort of a leader. He’d make a good Alpha. I just pray I’ll be here to see it happen. His eyes meet mine briefly before I turn to glance out the window, watching the street carefully, I take a moment to collect myself.

“Oh…” Molly murmurs as I turn around to give her a gentle smile. “I guess- I can-” Margaret shakes her head as she grabs Molly’s hand.

“No, Molly, not here.” She swallows nervously as she glances out the window paranoid with the open window to the store. Margaret nervously looks up at the pair, her hand shaking in fear. “C-can, can we-” She pauses and takes a breath, making me frown as I glance outside, shadows moves along the street unnaturally. Of course Father would do that. “Can we go out back to the back room?” She calms herself down enough to speak, Magnar nods slowly.

“Of course.” Ekon answers and offers a small, barely there smile.

“W-we can go to the back.” Margaret whispers nervously as she pulls Molly from the store front. Molly frowns as she hangs onto her hand, following her along. The teenager offers me a nervous glance.

“I’ll be back shortly Molly.” I offer her gently as I take a step back towards the door. Magnar stares at me, his brow flickers up in slight interest. I watch as the four step back, Ekon gives me a lingering glance as I step outside. I wonder how deep I am in this with him? I’m forced to push the thought from my mind as I harden my features and stare at Matthew.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” I confront him and stand between him and the store. Matthew turns and offers a smirk, his eyes danced amused.

“I’m following orders Alpha said to follow along on your tour.” His smirk grows as he leans around me, to once more peer into the store. Nera snarls in my mind, ready to fight him.

“Are you stupid?” I accuse him, my eyes narrowing. Keep your calm or you’ll be dead before this is over. “Do you want the Council to have more ammunition against us? Keep this up and we won’t have a leg to stand on.” Matthew’s brows raise as his eyes darken with anger.

“Do I need to report you to the Alpha?” He taunts, trying to not show me how much I’ve gotten under his skin.

“Get back to training before we have this pack crawling with enforcers.” A glint appears in his eyes, amused by my words. He spits at my feet and steps back angry.

“Alpha will know of your behavior.” He spits at my feet annoyed as he moves down the street towards the gym. I was already sentenced for a ‘lecture’, this changes nothing. I watch as he pauses at the door and gives me one last glare, spitting on the sidewalk. Pitiful excuse of a warrior, your threats mean nothing pup. Nera snarls in my mind, ready to put the man in his place. This pack is destined for change, now it’s time to get the evidence needed to put the pair up for death.

I enter the store and school my features. “The ranked wolves are mean and overbearing.” Molly’s voice drifts over the empty store, I flip the sign before and take another breath.

“What side would you say Adira is on?” Ekon asks and I pause in the main store. Maybe it’s best if I stay away. I know this will put me on the stand, punished with them. With luck, not to death. There’s a noticeable pause, Margaret answers this time.

“She tries her best to stay on our side.” She starts out and my heart squeezes while I hang my head in my own upset. I’m a failure for this pack, they deserve better.

“But?” Ekon asks, encouraging her.

“It’s not enough, while she takes the brunt of Alpha’s anger… There’s other times where she’s forced to turn her back.” Margaret finishes off quietly. I stare at the enclosed room feeling my heart clench. Magnar turns his head to face me, I feel his stare, but I can’t force myself to lift my head. There’s so much pain in her voice… I’ve failed them.

Only then does Margaret turn, her face reddens as she stares at me. “Adira, I’m so-” I force a smile and shake my head, struggling to find my voice.

“You don’t have to apologize; the truth needs to come out. I’m just as guilty as they are, even just standing by. I aided in the destruction of this pack.” I offer her a small smile, forced to accept the very real possibility. “This pack deserves peace and justice; don’t hold back to protect me when I’ve failed you all.” Her eyes water as she stares me down before she gives a jerky nod. I may be executed, but I know the Alpha that comes next will be the light at the end of the tunnel they all deserve.

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