Under His Protection

Chapter 29

Six weeks later: Jade had taken over the sandwich shop from her aunt, who agreed to stay on, working two days a week. Her aunt was thrilled when Jade asked if she would, it would keep her in touch with the friends and customers who visited the shop. The two women who also worked for her aunt Jade kept them on. One, an older woman, Brenda, and the other was a young woman named Kerri, who was around her own age.

Jade was in the back taking a short break when her aunt walked in, sitting down next to her. “Dear, you’re doing a great job running this shop, the customers love you.”

“Thanks, Aunt Eve. I do love being here and owning my own shop”

“Then why do you always look so sad and lost? I’m guessing it has something to do with that young man back in California.”

Jade got up and going over to the sink placed the empty mug inside. When she had come back she moved in with her aunt until she found a place of her own. Right from the beginning, her aunt knew something was wrong so she told her about Zane. “Getting over him is harder than I thought it would be,” she said, turning to face the older woman. “I never told him I loved him.”

Eve went over and gave Jade a warm, motherly hug. “There, there,” she said, patting her back. “It’s never too late to tell him.”

“It’s too late auntie, he’s probably moved on by now.”

Placing her hands on Jade’s shoulders looked her in the eye. “Think about it, you won’t know until you call him. And if he has then you must move on too. I hear the new sheriff that’s coming is single.”

“Oh, you are always trying to set me up and I’m just not ready yet.”

“Jade,” Brenda said as she poked her head in the door. “Evan’s here to see you.”

She rolled her eyes. Evan has been asking her out ever since she came back to town and she keeps turning him down. “That man just can’t take no for an answer.”

“Why don’t you go out to lunch with him, just once? You never know, you might just have some fun,” Eve said, giving her a shove toward the door.


Weeks earlier back in California: Zane and Joe were having lunch at the local diner, he never noticed how the waitress was flirting with him. He paid her no mind, the only woman that filled his thoughts was Jade. He wondered how she was doing and if she was happy.

“Congratulations on making detective.”

“Thanks, Joe,” he answered dryly.

“For a man who’s been wanting this for as long as I’ve known him, you sure don’t seem very happy. You haven’t noticed how that pretty little waitress has been hitting on you, you’re not the same man you were a couple of months ago.”

“I’ve changed. I thought this was what I wanted, but now I know it’s not. There’s something else I want more.”

“Let me guess, it’s Jade you want. Why you didn’t tell her you loved her is beyond me. If she’s what is going to make you happy then go after her before you lose her to someone else.”

Zane looked at Joe, lines creased his forehead. “Go after her, just pack everything in and go to Kansas. I just got my promotion and what would I do there? How would I support us?”

Joe reached into his pocket and taking out a piece of paper handed it to him. “Call this man, it will solve all your problems, trust me.” Smiling he leaned back, picked up his sandwich started eating. “Eat up pal, and you’re paying.”

One month later Zane was packed and ready to leave this life behind. He had called the number Joe had given him and accepting the job as sheriff he was ready to surprise Jade and ask her to marry him. Ahead of time, he made arrangements to rent the small house the previous sheriff was living in and he also had him keeping his identity a secret. He loved her and knew she felt the same way about him and if she turned him down he would make it his life mission to change her mind. Heaven help any man who tried to get in his way.

Dressed in his new uniform he jumped into his police cruiser and headed into the small town where Jade had her shop. He kept chewing on his bottom lip, beads of sweat formed on his forehead. He was nervous and excited to see her. It had been almost three months and he couldn’t wait to have her in his arms. Being a detective may have once been his dream, but now his dream was to be married to Jade, have children and grow old together. He just knew he was going to love living here.

Parking the car he stepped into the quaint little shop, his eyes scanned the small area, but he didn’t see her anywhere. A cute little woman, who he learned was named Kerri walked over to him.

“Hi, you must be the new sheriff.”

He took a quick glance at her and looked around, the back door opened and he saw an older woman walk in. His heart was in his throat when he saw it wasn’t Jade. “I’m looking for Miss Edwards.”

The older woman went up to him when she heard him asking about her niece. “I’m Eve, Jade’s aunt. May I ask why you are looking for her?”

He removed his hat as a gesture of respect. “Yes, Madame. I’m Zane Warner and I’m in love with your niece. I need to see her, it’s very important.”

“So you’re him,” she said, crossing her arms. “If you love her why the hell didn’t you tell her before she left California?”

“You’re right, I should have, but I’m here now. Please, where is she?”

“Well you’re too late, she’s gone.”

He felt the room spinning, his throat dropped into his stomach. “Gone, gone where?”

Eve couldn’t bear to see the poor guy suffering. It was clear that he was deeply in love with Jade, it showed on his face. “If you must know she went to California to see you.”

“She’s there, and I’m here.” He sat down, running his hand through his hair.

Eve was done toying with him. “If you get up off your ass you might still be able to catch her before she gets to the airport.”

His eyes lit up and he picked the older woman up off her feet and swung her around. “Thank you, thank you,” he shouted. Putting her down he rushed out and jumped in his car and turned the siren on and stepped on the gas.

“She’s driving a green Chevy,” Eve shouted before he got into the vehicle.

He was starting to lose hope of catching her when he spotted the green Chevy ahead, turning back on the siren and the lights he stepped on it till he reached her and she pulled over. Getting out of his vehicle he pulled his hat down, trying to cover most of his face and walked up to her car and tapped his fingers on the driver’s window. He was not sure yet what he was going to say.

Looking in her rearview mirror she saw the cop car behind her, lights flashing and she cursed as she pulled over to the side of the road. There was no reason for him to pull her over, she wasn’t speeding nor went through any stop signs. When he tapped on her window she rolled it down, she couldn’t see his face. “I wasn’t speeding officer so why did you pull me over?”

“Step out of the vehicle Miss,” he said, disguising his voice.

Grabbing her purse she rooted through it as she got out, not bothering to look at him she looked for her license and insurance. “You must be the new sheriff. Well, let me tell you, you are off to a bad start. Why was I stopped?”

“You’re under arrest.”

“For what?” she snapped and looked at him. She was rendered speechless, her body froze as she stared into his beautiful eyes.

“You’re under arrest for stealing my heart,” he said, taking off his hat pulled her into his arms. He didn’t give her a chance to speak when his mouth came down hard on hers, his kiss hot, his arms tightened around her as she leaned up against the car. Only, and only when he needed to breathe did he end the kiss, cupping her face in his hands. “I love you, Jade. I should have told you before you left.”

“I was on my way to see you, to tell you that I’m in love with you too,” her eyes teared up. “But what are you doing here? What about your job, you worked so hard to become a detective.”

“It’s what I thought I wanted, but this is what I want, to be here with you. Joe heard through a friend that the town was looking for a new sheriff and his friend pulled some strings and here I am.”

“Won’t you be bored here? There’s not much crime around these parts.”

“I can never be bored with you in my life.” Letting her go he backed up, reached into his pocket and took out a small box and got down on one knee.

Jade’s hand covered her mouth and she gasped. “Zane, what are you doing?”

Opening the box he looked up at her. “Loving you is like breathing, I can’t stop. I want to take my last breath kissing you. Jade Edwards, will you marry me?”

“Yes, yes I’ll marry you.”

Standing up he placed the diamond on her finger, picked her up off her feet he kissed her. Just then dispatch called, he was needed at a domestic dispute in town. “I have to go. I’m staying at the old sheriff's place so go there and wait for me.”

She nodded as he got back to his car.

Zane stopped to look at her, his heart was racing. “Promise me you’ll be there.”

“I promise.” She watched as he drove off, her eyes went to the ring he put on her finger and she smiled. She had a stop to make before going to his place, she had to tell her aunt and since she was going to be away anyway she would now spend that time with Zane, here.

He took care of the fight between husband and wife and rushed home to Jade. He had been away from her for so long and he couldn’t wait to get back and get her into bed. Walking in he called out. “Jade, I’m home where are you?” His mouth fell open when he saw her. She was wearing his sunglasses, a cop uniform with the top unbuttoned, no pants, just a pair of very short leather shorts. “Hot damn,” he moaned.

Jade held in her hand a pair of handcuffs. “Mr. Warner put your hands behind your back. I need to give you a full body search.”

“Me first,” he said as he got to her in two long strides. Pulling her up against him he leaned down, his mouth going to hers as he picked her up and carried her to the bedroom and threw her down onto the bed.

Two hours later she was nestled in his arms, they had made up for lost time, and then some.

“Move in here with me now. I don’t want to spend another night without you,” he said as he touched her chin, lifting her head up so that he could look into her eyes.

“I already have,” she said, giggling. “While you were away I went to my aunt’s place and packed my bags. All I have to get is mittens.”

“Mittens?” he asked, lifting his eyebrow.

“Yes, my cat, the one you gave me. Surely you don’t expect me to leave him behind. I know you’re not fond of cats but I love the little guy.”

He let out a sigh, he had forgotten all about the cat. “Well, I guess I could get used to him.” He kissed her, loving the feel of her lips on his. “Jade, I want to get married right away.”

“How about this weekend?” she asked, tracing her fingers along his chest and moving down.

“Perfect,” he answered, letting out a groan when she grabbed his cock that was hard and ready for another round.

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