Under Her Skin [+18]

Chapter 3

She was burning and he did not care. The strange male held onto her, like he enjoyed the fire.

Instantly her flames winked out, the slight disappointment evident on her face as she stared at Nik. At the queen. At the king who could do nothing but watch in shock and horror.

"Was that all?" The male whispered to her, sensing her disappointment. "Now can we leave?"

"I need to stay."

He pressed a dagger against her neck.

"Don't." Nik pleaded before looking at his Queen who instantly nodded. His body sagged in relief before he came running towards her. The males hands tightened around her neck, the other hand still holding her twisted arm behind her back, in between them. "Katara." Nik said standing in front of her and not caring that the male stood behind her, rigid in spot. Any sudden movement and he could kill. Would.

"I'm not going with him." Her voice was shaky as she looked at Nik, begging with her eyes to free him from this giant man.

"Look at me." He snapped his fingers in front of her. "Remember who you are. Remember what you are. Nothing can break that and remember everything we've taught you."

"I want to go to Nessa." She was crying now, the sudden thought of being pulled away from everything she knew clawed her mind. Katara pulled on her arm, trying to twist and turn in the man's arms who continued to hold her like it did not bother him.

She was crying, tears streaming down her face as Nik looked at her with a small sad smile on his face. "Don't fight it, Katara." His words were gentle as he took a daring step forward and stopped her from kicking and fighting the man who held her. "We will be okay, I promise you. Just go."

"I need to kill them!" She screamed, the hawks in the sky mimicking her scream. "They killed her!"

"Hey hey hey." Nik grabbed her face before she could bite the man who held her. He lifted her face up, looking down at her with tears in his eyes that threatened to spill. A guard did not cry. Ever.

She started sobbing, writhing in his hold. "I don't want to go." She cried. "Please."

"I love you." He pressed a kiss on her forehead.

The pain was non existence as she felt the dark stars blinking in her sight. Instantly they overpowered her body as she saw Nik lower the back of the dagger from her head as she fainted in the strange Male's arms.


Katara had woken up several times, forcing her body to wake up in what seemed to be a breeze of wind but someone always made her fall asleep with the back of a dagger. But now she was alone, and no strange male held her.

She looked around the ancient room she was in. The walls were bricked and not painted in any colour. The bed she had laid on was the softest bed she had ever been on. The pillows were fluffy, covered in a black cloth to match the rest of the room and the furniture which was barely anything other than a few chairs and a table.

Katara climbed out of the bed, pushing her dark red hair out of her face as she walked towards the window. Her feet were bare on the carpeted black floor as she hurried towards the window.

This was not Eridaya. It was cold and covered in snow. Mountains of snow piled everywhere or were they actual mountains? The moon shone in the darkness, providing a beautiful light to the ground where people walked. She pressed her hand against the window, hissing at the coldness and instantly pulling it back.

Katara was still wearing the blooded nightgown. She turned away from the window, ignoring the world she was. She needed to get changed. She walked towards the first door near the window and pulled it open. A breath escaped her as she stared at the clothes. Hundreds of what seemed to be coats and thick tunics and pants were folded neatly on the rows of shelves. She walked inside slowly, aware of all the shoes.

Whose room was it?

There were no weapons to arm her body with but clothes would do. Katara ran her fingers over the thick fur coats. She had never seen a coat in her life. Eridaya was always beautifully warmed and nights were never cold for anything like a coat to be stitched by the people. Katara picked up a dark blue tunic that would fall to her knees but it was soft and too big. She still held it against her body, because she needed to change out of the blooded nightgown.

She walked towards the folded pants, but they were all too big. Boots would do instead. They were also too big. Katara bent down, picking up black boots that were big for her feet but would keep them warm nevertheless. She pulled a black belt with hooks for a sheath for daggers or swords were made and walked out of the room.

Katara dropped all the clothes on the bed before stripping out of the nightgown. Her body was covered in blood. A sigh escaped her lips.

She had crawled while the hunters had screamed as everything burned around them but she had crawled towards her mum, holding her and kissing her head softly, letting the flames burn her body so no hunter could drag the body over to the mortal side. Then she had gone to the Alpha, thanking him for everything he had ever done before burning his body. Hours might have passed but she had kissed every single wolf, 100 wolves had died that morning, and she had kissed everyone on the forehead, thanking them and sending their souls to the AfterWorld. Before she ran.

Katara walked towards the other door, opposite the bed but it was locked as she tried to pull it open. This was the door that would lead to the world she had stepped into. The front door. Instead, she walked to the other one that was a bathroom, knowing every castle room had a bathroom attached to it.

This was a castle, she had seen it when she looked out the window. Females wore gowns and large fur cloaks as they had walked through the snow across to the other towers, which seemed to be the entrance for the castle she was locked in.

Katara didn't care. She needed to be warm enough for the outside world when she ran away. The vampire queen had told her only an ocean separated them and though she had never really listened in the history the Alpha always taught, she knew something. She knew there were other lands, other kingdoms that ruled in this world. But each land only had the history of its own people which was why there was nothing ever for Katara in Eridaya.

She didn't think of it as she walked towards the dark bathroom, and towards the basin with the silver faucets. She twisted the faucet, letting the water pour out of it as she stared at herself in the cold bathroom. The floor was warm though, as if some sort of magic kept the ground warm. The bathtub was massive, big enough for four people to sit in it, or the strange fae male, and it was black, as was the toilet and the basin.

She let out a sigh, staring at the dull green eyes and the once beautiful face that was now covered in blood. She didn't look down at her bare body, at the bare chest that she was gifted with or the disgustingly ugly scar running up her inner right thigh. There was no sad story behind the scar, it was just a stupid mistake she had done once. She had been naked, caught with a wolf boy and they had been running while still trying to get dressed and she was stupid enough not to see the piece of word sticking out of the tree and she had slammed into it, letting out a blood curdling scream. Her mother had not been impressed when she had finally found her.

Katara sighed, touching the hot water and she cupped it into her hands before splashing it onto her face. She scrubbed the blood off her body, before drying it with the black towel and combing her frizzy red hair with her fingers. Katara hurried out of the washroom but the cold did not greet her naked body as the room was still warm. She pulled on the huge tunic, letting it fall down her body to her knees. It was like a dress. A massive dress but it was warm and it covered her neck since the neckline was till the top. She grabbed the black belt, wrapping it around her body as her magic stirred slightly inside of her. She pushed it out of her mind, fastening the belt around her body tightly, making sure the tunic fit her waist.

She pushed her bare feet into the boots, not being able to find any socks, and laced them up before pulling her hair up her head and wrapping it around in a bun, trying to keep it from falling down again. She needed a leather strap to keep it together.

The door handle rattled. She froze, staring as the door was pushed open and a male walked inside. The same male who had abducted her. He froze as well, his eyes trailing down her body, a slight snarl escaping his lips. "What are you doing?" His voice was filled with confusion as he forced his eyes to look at her hands which were holding her hair up.

It was the first time Katara noticed the scar above his right eye. It was a long scar that ran from his eyebrow down to the side of his face, as if a beast had clawed at his skin. He noticed her gaze on his scar.

"Tell me she's dressed, Erix." Another voice flowed through the room before an arm came around Erix's shoulder and the man showed himself.

He was tall, not built like a warrior as Erix who watched every breath she took. This man was beautiful. There was nothing else to describe him with. His hair was light brown, cropped to ears, a few strands curling behind them but it was his eyes that were the darkest shade of blue she had ever seen. His skin was pale slightly tanned but, nothing like a vampire skin colour, but more of a male who barely went out into the sun. He wore a beautiful black tunic with gold swirls along the chest which disappeared under his black cloak, another beauty that fell to his legs. He wore gold boots, something Katara had never seen.

None of his clothes mattered to her except the crown above his head. She stared at the gold crown with blue jewels in it.

"Prince Arran." Erix introduced him.

A cheeky grin appeared on Prince Arran's face as he bowed to her. Bowed. To. Her. "In front of a beautiful lady like yourself, every royal must bow." He said, his voice a lovely drawl as he walked into the room.

"What is your name?" He walked towards her until he was standing in front of her, running his gaze over her body. "I must say, you do look beautiful, even if you are wearing Erix's tunic." A chuckle escaped him.

"I need a-" She didn't get a chance to finish her sentence as she saw the leather strap thrown into the air and towards her. She blinked, watching it land into her hand which she outstretched to grab it.

Erix didn't even look at her, pretending he didn't throw the leather strap at her. Her hair fell down her shoulders. "Arran, I'm going to my room. If you need me, you know where to find me." Erix walked out of the room not waiting for Arran to say anything.

Arran stared at her as she lifted her hair back up and wrapped the leather strap around it. "What is this Kingdom? This land?"

Their voices, their accents were different from where she was from. They spoke like they did not speak the words of her kingdom as if her language was foreign to their tongue.

"The Kingdom of Wisteria." The Prince answered, a smile on his face. "I heard you are from Eridaya, am I pronouncing that right?" He questioned.

She nodded her head, glancing at his ears. Pointed. "Is everyone Fae?"

Another smile tugged on his lips. "Why don't you come and find out?" He held his hand out to her in between them, waiting for response. "I am told it's quite cold compared to Eridaya, but Wisteria can be beautiful with all the snow."

She did not hold his hand. "I wish to return to Eridaya. This may be your home," she talked to him, looking up at him as he frowned. "But this is not mine. I may look like you, I may be a Fae, but my heart is not one." The blatant truth was all she could offer him. "My home is Eridaya and I wish to return to it."

"So you can kill the mortal hunters?" A smirk tugged on his lips. Katara blinked, giving the only hint of surprise. "Erix told me. I apologise for the inconvenience caused by his late timing but you should see the better side of you coming here. A fresh start with your kind."

"I am not his wife."

Arran blinked once before he burst out laughing. "Katara, you are going to be magnificent for this kingdom." She looked at him confused as he held her hand and walked, pulling her slightly, out of the room. "Erix is a warrior, he is my best friend and I shall tell you a little secret." He bent down from his tall height to whisper in her ear. "Erix is married to his sword." He chuckled before walking her out of the dark room and into the brightly lit hall.

The red carpet would be soft under her feet but she dragged them in the large boots she was wearing as Arran continued to gala, still holding her hand tightly. She did not fold her fingers around his hand. "Warriors do not marry, at least not my guards. Erix only said that to make sure the King and Queen knew exactly where and who you were going with."

She stayed silent, letting him talk and listen to his own voice as she looked through the windows on her right side as they walked through the hallway where maids bowed at the Prince before running off into the room she had stayed in. "You see, Katara, I am going to Wed a female this spring."

Spring came to these lands?

"I have been with many females my whole life, how old are you exactly?" He turned to glance at her but she was looking at the beautiful tapestries hug on the left side of the wall. A silver haired female laid next to a black wolf, while the rest of the world burned around her.


"Yes?" She looked at him realising they had stopped walking.

"How old are you, sweetheart?"


"No, in Fae years. When were you born?"

"19 years ago…" She answered him slowly. Arran turned to face her completely, still not letting go of her hand.

"You are 19 years old." He repeated and she nodded. "You must be joking with me." He did not see a smile or any amusement on her face. "I am 500 years old, well will be in less than a year."

He did not look any older than 24.

"I know that wolves and vampires age slowly. It is no shock to me that I will do that as well." She told him not to be surprised by his answer. The Vampire Queen was more than a thousand years old, and so was the Wolf King and the Alpha. Nik was more than 600 years old and Nessa was 345 years old.

"You are not a wolf or a vampire though." He muttered before sighing deeply. "Katara, darling. You will live for over thousands of years." He said slowly as if speaking to a child.

"I know." It was still no surprise to her.

"Do you know of the Fae history?" He questioned, a little surprised.

Katara pulled her hand away from him. "No, I don't. But the Alpha always helped me. He helped me learn more about my body. I've known that I will age differently from vampires and wolves because I heal faster." She walked towards the windows, staring out at them, at the world she had been thrown into

She didn't want to tell him that the yellow flower did not work on her. The first time they were attacked with it, it was she who had been shot but nothing had happened and she was a child who barely knew a lot about the hunters. The Alpha had told her to stay away from the mortal land borders.

"You continue to surprise me."

"Because I know what I am and I'm not afraid of it?" Katara questioned, turning to look at him. "No matter what you say or do, I will still want to go back to my home."

"Do you not wish to learn more about yourself?"

She shook her head. "I have to return to Eridaya immediately."

Arran sighed, walking ahead. "Follow me." He motioned her forward.

She followed him, glancing at the world outside before he walked through the golden double doors and into another hallway with doors on the left hand side. No tapestries hung on the wall this time but she counted ten doors before he walked through another set of double doors. "Where are you taking me?" She questioned at last as he walked down the spiral stairs after walking through another set of doors. She ignored all the people that stared at her and her clothes, or the guards that opened every single door the Prince walked through.

"To my parents." He answered as she followed him to the last step, arriving at the hall.


"Because I wish to present my wife to the King and Queen of Wisteria."

Katara laughed but Arran did not find it amusing as he walked through the double doors that two silent guards opened. She followed him. "You must be joking."

He stopped next to a door and turned to her. "Katara, sweetheart, I need a wife and it's been a few centuries where I have not found my mate, so I sent Erix to find me a suitable wife in the closest kingdoms to us. Thank the Gods, you are a Fae, but I was ready to marry a wolf."

He spoke so fast and instantly she realised it was the biggest mistake she had ever made by allowing Nik to knock her unconscious. Katara took a step backwards. "You're delusional." She blurted out. "You can't possibly think I will marry you. A stranger who I have never met."

"I'm a Prince, darling."

"I don't give a damn if you're the king!"

"Will you keep your voice down? We're supposed to pretend we're madly in love." He hissed the words at her but she didn't care.

There were no weapons on the Prince. Why would they be? He didn't need them in a castle that was overly protected.

"Come on darling. Let's meet the parents." He reached out, grabbing her hand instantly and pulling her into the room.

"Let go of me!"

"Father!" The Prince called out as they walked through one of the double doors. She blinked at the bright light shining down from the multiple glass chandeliers hanging in the enormous room. The room was bare except for a slight stage where two thrones sat and a beautiful couple sat on them.

It was Erix she saw first though. Arran staggered to a stop, his hand tightening around hers as Erix stayed on the ground, knelt with his head bowed. "What is-"

Arran could not finish his sentence before the queen spoke. Katara wondered how old she was if she barely looked in her thirties. She was beautiful, the same colour hair and eyes as the Prince but her skin was darker as if she enjoyed the sun. "Tell me, darling, why Erix, the monster, had to go fetch your sweet bride who I'm dying to meet?"

Erix the monster.

Katara kept her mouth shut and Arran sighed, pulling the smile back onto his face. "Mother, you know how I hate the sun. I've brought my darling bride to see you, so we can have your blessings for the marriage."

Erix did not look up. He did not raise his head. Katara focused on her breathing as she looked away from him and towards the king and Queen. She knew when to keep her mouth shut. This was not the Wolf King or the Vampire Queen who treated her like their own daughter. She had spent time with wolves and vampires, people with the kindest soul but she didn't know how kind the Fae could be. Or how vicious.

"Bring her forward, boy." The king motioned them forward. Arran held onto her hand, pulling her forward and she walked, suddenly realising how underdressed she looked. The Queen wore a beautiful black gown and Katara looked worse than a maid who quickly ran out of the room.

She lifted her head, held her chin high. She may not have royal blood flowing through her body but her heart was one of Royals. Katara pulled her hand away from Arran, not staring at the king and Queen in the eye as she bowed. She bowed low, tilting her body down before raising her back up. She held her hands behind her back, standing tall.

Arran stared at her but she did not look at him. "I'm honoured to meet you, your majesties." She lowered her head a little again. Her heart was racing in her chest and she knew they could hear it but she was not afraid. Not a single drop of fear flowered through her body.

"Is she wearing another male's clothing?"

She could hear Erix stiffening behind her but she had blocked his view by standing in front of him. A part of her hated seeing anyone bow.

"A mistake on my own accord." She answered immediately. "I could not find any gowns to wear and wearing a nightgown to present myself in front of you would n-"

"Father, she was hurt and wore the first thing she could find." Arran walked towards her. He held her hand, lifting it up and placing a kiss on the back of her hand. "I love her, Father and this is the woman I wish to marry."

"Which kingdom is she from?" The Queen asked, her voice thick with accent as her gaze pinned Katara with fury. Katara tried not to frown at the queen. She had done nothing.

"What is the language she speaks, love?" The king shook his head at his wife before sighing. "I do not know of Eridaya having an heir to the crown."

She was not the heir.

"Father I love her no matter her title." Arran said to his father, turning to look at him. Katara looked at the Prince. His words would have warmed her heart if they were true. "I wish to marry her. I do not care for her title or her heritage. She is to be my wife."

Katara was not going to be his wife. A plan formed in her mind that instant. If she was to marry a Prince, she would be allowed to explore, especially since she was new to Wisteria. She needed a boat and then she would return to Eridaya.

The king and Queen sighed in union before nodding their head to the Prince. "If that is what you wish, there are several other princesses in this castle from around the other kingdoms who wish to spend some time with you. Entertain them while the wedding preparations start." The king waved his hand, dismissing them.

The king gave his Prince the chance to be unfaithful. It didn't settle well with Katara though she didn't like the Prince or the Royals. Loyalty was cherished with the wolves.

The Prince held her hand, pulling her away from the king and Queen. "What about Erix?" She questioned softly, not sure if the Royals heard her voice as the Prince pulled her out of the room. She glanced over her shoulder, watching as Erix pulled the tunic off his body, leaving his top half bare as the queen descended down the stage.

He disappeared from her view as the doors instantly closed. The Prince turned to look at her. "What was that in there?" He questioned, running his gaze over her body, as if seeing someone completely new. "How well prepared are you for the life of a princess?"

"Do you mean to ask if I know which fork to use when I eat?"

Arran chuckled. "The wedding preparations will start soon and I have-"

"Why do you wish to marry someone you don't know?" It didn't make any sense to Katara. No matter how old anyone got in Eridaya, they would wait for their mate. The Vampire Queen had waited centuries until the bond between the Wolf King and herself clicked into place. They had married the next day. She knew of their history and their battles against other kingdoms that they had destroyed. The Alpha had mated with a lovely female wolf who had passed away to the AfterWorld before Katara had been born and yet he did not look at any female with lust in his eyes.

Faithful. It was something so common in Eridaya, yet among the Royals in this castle, it did not seem to mean anything.

"Marriage is necessary." Arran shrugged his shoulders, walking across the hall and away from what had been the throne room. She followed him as he talked. "I wish to marry so I could become King of Wisteria. Everybody in this land knows that and it's not a surprise to my parents." He said, walking up red carpeted stairs.

Guards were stationed at every door down below her but there were none the further she went upstairs. Arran pushed open the double doors himself, revealing only two doors on this floor. "This is my room." He pointed to the door on the right. There were no windows on this floor, nothing to provide sunlight or moonlight, as if this was a cage itself. "That room belongs to Erix." He pointed to the door on the left before walking to his own room.

"Katara, I want to take over the whole world." Arran said as he walked into his room. "Of course I will leave Eridaya alone since it is the place you come from, but my wish is to be the king of all kingdoms. To build an empire and be an emperor."

She did not walk into his room. "You wish to take over the world?" That was stupid and would start a war this world could not afford to fight. Every kingdom had problems of their own, she was sure of it.

"Yes, and my father thinks it will create an unstoppable war but my mother agrees with me. She says I should be king of all kingdoms. It's in my destiny."

Katara did not see a Prince with a beautiful smile in his room. She saw a Prince with wicked thoughts and a child who wanted to please his mother.

She definitely needed to leave this place.


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