Under an Endless Moon (Moonlit Ridge Book 2)

Under an Endless Moon: Chapter 7

It was just past midnight when I took a final look at Angie and her two little boys. They were all buckled in the trailer of the truck, huddled together and dripping fear, which I fucking hated with every ounce of my being.

“You okay?”

Angie gave a shaky nod as she curled her arms around both her boys. “Yeah. I think we’re definitely going to be.”

Even though I could tell she was terrified, I could still hear the hope and gratitude in her voice.

“Gonna get you there safe. Trust in that,” I told them. “I’ll be right in front.”

I pulled down the partition that kept them concealed in the trailer. It’d been fitted with seats and buckles. The space hidden by a façade that we then covered with pallets. Plus, the actual trailer itself had been fortified so it was safe for someone to ride back there.

All of it was compliments of Jud Lawson who’d done the work pro bono, saying it was an honor to get to participate in what we did in some small way.

Once we had them locked inside, Theo and I loaded the pallets of soda cans in front of the partition before we shut the double doors, making sure it was locked and secure.

My part of the job was often considered the easy part—the best part because I got to drive the chariot that took them to their final destinations.

To the new starting line where they got to begin their lives anew.

But it was tough seeing them like this. When they came to the realization that everything they’d known was gone. They were no longer who they’d been born, their identities completely erased, their brand-new path unfamiliar and terrifying.

No doubt, that detail alone could fuck with the mind, not to mention what they’d been through to get them to this point. I just hoped with all of me that where I was taking them would be so much better than the turmoil they were coming out of.

That they’d find peace and joy and life.

That all of this would be worth it.

“Be careful with them,” Theo said, his face cast in shadows where we were hidden behind The Sanctuary in a giant storage unit, closed off and concealed from the rest of the guests.

“You know I always am.”

We were actually settling them in Sacramento, which was only a couple hour drive from here, far away from Georgia where they’d come from. I always drove straight through, no matter where we were taking them, but tonight’s delivery would be short.

My mind turned to the file folder I had in the front cab, my guts churning with the knowledge of the little detour I’d be taking on my way back.

“House is furnished and stocked. Documents have been delivered and accounts have been set up. They should have everything they need.” Theo rambled it like he was checking off a list, recalculating everything in his head as he stared at his boots and ran an anxious hand through his hair, his stacked Ss tattoo writhing in the night.

He always got antsy at this point of the process. Worried that something had been missed along the way, dude growing attached since they stayed here at the motel for up to two months while everything was put in order.

“Yeah, everything’s been triple checked. We have it handled. I’m going to get them to their new home safely, and they can start their new lives. Just like we always do. There’s no need to worry.”

He scoffed as he peered up at me, his dark gaze tormented. Demons playing in their depths. “Always worry, brother. Always fuckin’ worry that something’s going to go wrong. That they’re gonna be discovered or go…”

He gave a harsh shake of his head to cut off the train of thought. We’d had a couple instances when one of the victims had gone back to their abuser. We put in a lot of work to make sure that didn’t happen, but we couldn’t control everything, and we sure as shit didn’t try to lord supreme over the decisions they made once they moved on from here.

We set them up and let them go, making sure they had the resources they needed to keep them secure for the rest of their lives.

Reaching out, I squeezed his shoulder and dipped down to make sure I got into his line of sight. “Angie is strong, and she wants to give those boys the best life she can. She’s not going to go back on that.”

His nod was reticent, and I slanted him a grin, trying to inject some lightness into the mood. “Your job is done here, brother. Why don’t you go and find yourself a little fun? Grab a beer or two and find someone sweet to put a smile on your face. No need for you to be moping around. Tonight should be a fucking celebration.”

He grunted though he smirked. “You act like you need to twist my arm.”

I clapped him on the back. “That’s what I thought.”

He gave a low chuckle before he sobered. “Be safe out there. Text me and let me know when it’s done.”

“I will.”

I strode to the cab and climbed inside. It was a newer truck we had painted to look exactly like one of the soda distributors’ trucks. The cover was perfect for traveling at night. I even had a part-time job with the company to make this shit halfway legit, delivering to some of the businesses around town, though this truck was always hidden until I had a job.

I buckled, then I picked up my phone to make sure I had the correct address inputted.

My guts tangled when I saw the texts waiting for me. My insides an instant riot when her face slammed into my mind. The way she’d had me so spun up last night I hadn’t been able to sleep, thoughts consumed with that fucked-up image she had put in my head.

But any teasing and tempting she’d been doin’ last night had been eradicated. Gone with her concern and affection.


Please be careful out there. We need you here.


I need you here.

For one second, I gave myself over to wishing I was different. To wishing I could have done it all differently and it hadn’t come to this. To wishing I could be something better for Raven.

To wishing that I could have stopped it. Saved her. Saved them both.

I’d failed.

And Raven?

I wanted so much more for her than this.

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