Uncovering My Wife's Secrets

Chapter 187

Gwen had arrived. Everyone looked over. At that moment, they did not look at Gwen as a person but as money. They stared at
Gwen’s face. Their eyes were as wide as a nickel, afraid they would miss the slightest flaw on Gwen’s face. The hall was so
quiet that one could hear a pin drop. No one spoke. They even held their breaths. Gwen walked in, her high heels clicking. As
Gwen approached, everyone saw her face more clearly.
Suddenly, someone laughed and shouted excitedly. “We won. The odds are 4 to 1. Gwen js too awesome. Not only is her face
without blemish, but it also looks flawless today. Her skin is perfect. She can only be described as having porcelain skin. It’s just
like a baby’s skin!”
“Damn. That’s sweet. If I had known earlier, I would have bet 20 million.” “Count your blessings. Mr. Whitaker, you wagered 7.5
million dollars. With a 4 to 1 odds, you’ve already earned 30 million.” “Haha. Who would complain about having too much
money?” “Exactly.” “Mr. Dalton, come on. You can pay up now.” Someone immediately shouted at Henry.
“Yeah, it’s time to pay up.” Everyone surrounded Henry. All of them rubbed their hands in excitement. Henry was about to speak,
but Sybil beat him to it. “What are you hollering about? Has anyone inspected Gwen? What’s there to pay?”
When everyone heard Sybil’s words, they were unhappy. They shouted more aggressively, “Everyone saw her. If you’re saying
my eyesight is poor, what about everyone else who’s seen her? How else do you want to inspect her? Does she have to wash
her face on the spot?” “That’s right. All of us saw her. Gwen’s skin is so good. It’s so smooth that there’s not a single flaw. She
has no acne at all.”
Sybil said, “What are you yelling about? Stop being so noisy. This is a side bet of the wager made by the traditional and modern
medicine teams. Let’s wait for their result first. At that time, we’ll conclude the outcome of our bet.” “Ms. Xander is right,” said
someone. “What she said made sense. Let’s wait, then. We’ll see the outcome soon.” “Haha. I can’t wait.”
“That’s right. Look at her smooth face. She didn’t have a single breakout last night. In all likelihood, she won’t have one anytime
soon, either.” “Haha. I don’t think so, either. Gather ’round, guys. It’s time to buy some new cars.” “I’ve already decided. I’m
getting the Pagani Zonda F. It’s easy money, after all.” “Haha. I’ll buy my girl a Ferrari. She’s been wanting it for a long time.”
Everyone started discussing fervently.
As the discussion continued, Gwen walked in with a confident smile. She greeted Annalise, “Good morning. Ms. Barton.” After
leaving the convention hall yesterday, Gwen was in a bad mood. She also knew about traditional medicine. She was afraid that
she would have a breakout because her temper was flaring up, and her body might be affected. Therefore, the first thing she did
when she returned home was to make herself some herbal tea and ingest some vitamin C sachets. Then, she went to the spa.

Not only would going to the spa relax one’s mood, but it would also loosen up one’s muscles. It could improve one’s blood
circulation as well. It was very effective in detoxifying and nourishing the face.
Gwen controlled her diet starting yesterday afternoon. She did not eat anything spicy or too flavorful. Instead, she chose light
vegetables. At night, she only ate two pickled cucumbers. Afraid of losing sleep at night, she did some dumbbell exercises for
another 40 minutes. Typically, she was very much against sports and rarely exercised.
However, to prevent any breakout, she gritted her teeth and persevered. She exercised for forty minutes until she was drenched
in sweat After that, she took a shower and slept comfortably. She believed that after doing all those things, she would sleep
soundly through the night. But in the end, Gwen had overestimated herself. She did fall asleep at first. However, she woke up at
one in the morning.
When Gwen woke up, she wanted to continue sleeping, but her body was out of control. Her cerebral cortex was abnormally
excited, and the longer she lay down, the more awake she became. The moment her mind cleared up, all she could think about
was what Annalise had told her during the day. Annalise had used her methods to treat Old Madam Zeller.
“God, I’m so angry.” Gwen was so angry that she got out of bed. Feeling that her mouth was dry, she drank some water and lay
down to continue sleeping. However, she was like a cat on a hot tin roof. Gwen tossed, turned, flipped over, and lay on her side.
No matter which side she tried to sleep on, she felt uncomfortable.
“I’m goddamn furious!” She was so angry that she threw the blanket aside and got up. Gwen buried her head in her hands and
raked her fingers through her hair, warning herself. “Don’t think. Don’t think about her anymore.” She repeated to herself.
However, she could not control herself at all. Her mind was filled with thoughts of how that bitch, Annalise, used her method to
treat Old Madam Zeller and steal her credit.
How much more humiliation could she suffer in front of the Zeller family? They had already chased her out. On the other hand,
Annalise used her method to treat Old Madam Zeller and received their praise.
The more Gwen thought about it, the angrier she became. The angrier she was, the higher the probability that she would not be
able to sleep. The bed creaked from her tossing and turning so much. Gwen then thought of how Annalise, a woman from the
countryside, could make Julian fall head over heels for her. Was Julian blind? In what way was she inferior to Annalise?
She was a Ph.D. student. Gwen was a Ph.D. student and was not even 25 years old. In the entire country, she’s considered a
rarity. The more she thought about it, the angrier she became. She could not sleep at all.

She felt that her insides might actually flare up. She immediately sat up, settled into a meditative position, and began to do some
abdominal breathing exercises. After ten minutes, Gwen felt better and lay down again. In the end, she still could not fall asleep.
And just like that, the sun rose. She felt an itch on the side of her nose and immediately reached out to touch it.
When she touched it, she felt a slight bump. It hurt a little. She was so frightened, and her expression changed drastically. She
immediately jumped off the bed and ran to the bathroom to look in the mirror. In the mirror, she saw the two small pimples beside
her nose. She was furious. What would she do? She panicked.
She reached out to touch the acne and moved further away from the mirror. It was not too obvious. She immediately had a plan
to cover it with concealer. Gwen thought that as long as she appeared confident and her makeup looked good, she would
definitely be able to get away with it. Hence, she began to apply her facial mask, wash her face, and put on makeup. After more
than an hour, her makeup was finally perfect.
The cosmetics she used had always been of excellent quality. Coupled with the fact that she was young and was skilled at
putting on makeup, she looked exquisite and beautiful. The acne could not be seen at all. She immediately went to look for Mina.
As soon as Mina saw her, she immediately checked her face. She noticed that Gwen’s makeup was exquisite and there was no
flaw on her face. Mina said, “Our team has won!”
Seeing that Mina could not tell she had acne even though Mina looked at her so closely, she was relieved She greeted Annalise
confidently. Gwen’s strategy was called “hiding in plain sight”. When Gwen greeted Annalise directly, no one would suspect that
Gwen had acne. After all, it was hard to see, even in person.

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