Uncovering My Wife's Secrets

Chapter 142

Chapter 142 Frowned Upon By All
Learning that Parks Group would develop cooperation with Moonlight Group, the small shareholders and the company’s
executives exchanged glances.
Annalise Barton knew they would have their opinions of her decision. So, she was very forthright and said, “If you all have any
thoughts about this, please feel free to share amongst yourselves. You may gather all your opinions and tell me about them. I’m
not a dogmatic person. I will accept suggestions that are suitable and beneficial to the company.”
Hearing this, many people lowered their voices and began whispering to each other. Because Annalise Barton and Julian Parks
were present, they spoke among themselves in hushed tones at such a low volume that it was like the buzzing sound of a
mosquito in flight.
“I did not expect Ms. Annalise Barton to marry someone from the Parks Residence of Jadeborough. The Parks residence is the
number one wealthiest family in Jadeborough. If Parks Group is willing to develop cooperation with us, we don’t need to do much
to become successful.”
“We can’t just look at the good side of things. There is a need to consider the actual situation as well. Sigh. I might be more
conservative. But, I still hope Mr. Kent Barton can continue to manage the company. Mr. Barton has been doing this for many
years. He is more familiar with and understands the company better. The company has been growing well under his charge all
these years. Small shareholders like us merely sat around and waited to collect our dividends. I am at the age where I don’t want
to be tired out so much anymore. I want to enjoy life after retirement.”
The “If Ms. Annalise Barton had grown up in the city like Ms. Abigail Barton, is as multi-talented with mastery in music, chess,
calligraphy, and painting, and graduated from a proper university, we would think better of her.
truth is that Ms. Annalise Barton grew up in the countryside. And I also heard she did not attend even a day of school. No matter
how smart one could be, without any education, how insightful and intelligent can she possibly be? The man is drawn to her
beauty and marries her on a whim. The novelty has yet to pass. So, to please her, he is giving our company two corner projects
to handle.
“After some time, when the novelty wears off, the man will still have to find another rich young lady of compatible family
background to marry. By then, Ms. Annalise Barton will not be the only one desperate for a place to hide and cry. We will find
ourselves in the same predicament.”

“Yes, yes, yes. So, the best solution is to maintain the original business model. She only needs to wait for the dividends to fall
into her hands.”“It’s best if Mr. Barton can buy over the shares in her hands.”
“That’s right. An incompetent person only needs to sit around and wait to enjoy the benefits of the shares. and dividends. There
is no need to be a copycat and try to pick up the ropes of managing a company. It is just being over-confident in one’s abilities.”
“Alright, let’s continue the meeting. If anyone has anything to say, feel free to bring it up. One at a time,” Annalise Barton said.
Someone immediately asked her, “Ms. Annalise Barton, why isn’t Mr. Barton here for the meeting today?” Annalise Barton
replied, “Uncle Kent is not feeling well.”
“Ms. Annalise Barton, why don’t we have the meeting after Mr. Barton gets well? After all, he has been managing the company
all this while. If he’s not here in the meeting, there’s no way we can reach a decision,” someone else said.
When Julian Parks heard this, he was unhappy. He looked at the man indifferently and said coldly. “Mr. Hayes, can you please
tell this man here who is in command of the company now?”
Mr. Hayes immediately picked up the contract. Then, to the executive who just spoke up, he said, “Hello, Ms. Annalise Barton’s
mother was the founder of Moonlight Group. When she was still around, Mrs. Barton wrote a will to ensure that Ms. Annalise
Barton would inherit 70% of Moonlight Group’s shares when she turns 20.” The executive was even more dissatisfied. He
thought inwardly, “Who are you trying to scare with the shares you have?”
But to everyone else in the room, he said, “Right. I wasn’t trying to say that Ms. Annalise Barton cannot inherit the shares.
Rather, what I mean is that it’s still best if Mr. Barton could personally handle all matters
requiring the company to make decisions. After all, Mr. Barton has been managing the company for the past decade. Besides,
even though Ms. Annalise Barton is inheriting a large percentage of the company’s shares, Mr. Barton also holds some shares,
doesn’t he?” Julian Parks’ expression looked even more sullen. Annalise Barton smiled briefly at Julian Parks to tell him not to
get angry.
She said, “I just said that Uncle Kent is not feeling well and needs to recuperate. I will hire a professional management team to
undertake the president’s duties. The original business model of the Group will not change. At the same time, we will commence
cooperation with Jadeborough’s Parks Group.
“When I said I wanted you all to share and exchange views, I was referring to your views on the cooperation. between Moonlight
Group and Parks Group. You can voice your objections or support. So if anyone here has something to say, feel free to speak
your mind.” Annalise Barton studied psychology in addition to her medical studies abroad.

She studied psychology to learn how to close the distance between her patients and her. This way, she could communicate
better with them. Annalise Barton also wanted to understand her patients’ psychological state promptly and provide
psychological guidance so the patients would be more proactive and cooperative with treatment.
However, psychology was universal. At this moment, Annalise Barton was playing psychological tricks with their minds, dropping
subconscious hints to make the others narrow the scope of the meeting agenda down to the cooperation between Moonlight
Group and Parks Group. With her hints and guidance, everyone naturally started to steer their line of thought in her intended
And sure enough, as soon as Annalise Barton stopped speaking, an executive immediately raised his hand and said, “I agree to
the cooperation between Moonlight Group and Parks Group. However, business is business. Even if it is family, we should keep
clear accounts. Everything related to the project, its content, and the terms and conditions of the cooperation, have to be put
down clearly in black and white.” “That’s right. I am on the same page with Mr. Leslie.” “I second that!” “I also agree with Mr.
“Ms. Annalisa Barton, why don’t wa hava tha maating aftar Mr. Barton gats wall? Aftar all, ha has baan managing tha company
all this whila. If ha’s not hara in tha maating, thara’s no way wa can raach a dacision,” somaona alsa said.
Whan Julian Parks haard this, ha was unhappy. Ha lookad at tha man indiffarantly and said coldly. “Mr. Hayas, can you plaasa
tall this man hara who is in command of tha company now?”
Mr. Hayas immadiataly pickad up tha contract. Than, to tha axacutiva who just spoka up, ha said, “Hallo, Ms. Annalisa Barton’s
mothar was tha foundar of Moonlight Group. Whan sha was still around, Mrs. Barton wrota a will to ansura that Ms. Annalisa
Barton would inharit 70% of Moonlight Group’s sharas whan sha turns 20.” Tha axacutiva was avan mora dissatisfiad. Ha
thought inwardly, “Who ara you trying to scara with tha sharas you hava?”
But to avaryona alsa in tha room, ha said, “Right. I wasn’t trying to say that Ms. Annalisa Barton cannot inharit tha sharas.
Rathar, what I maan is that it’s still bast if Mr. Barton could parsonally handla all mattars
raquiring tha company to maka dacisions. Aftar all, Mr. Barton has baan managing tha company for tha past dacada. Basidas,
avan though Ms. Annalisa Barton is inhariting a larga parcantaga of tha company’s sharas, Mr. Barton also holds soma sharas,
doasn’t ha?” Julian Parks’ axprassion lookad avan mora sullan. Annalisa Barton smilad briafly at Julian Parks to tall him not to
gat angry.

Sha said, “I just said that Uncla Kant is not faaling wall and naads to racuparata. I will hira a profassional managamant taam to
undartaka tha prasidant’s dutias. Tha original businass modal of tha Group will not changa. At tha sama tima, wa will commanca
cooparation with Jadaborough’s Parks Group.
“Whan I said I wantad you all to shara and axchanga viaws, I was rafarring to your viaws on tha cooparation. batwaan Moonlight
Group and Parks Group. You can voica your objactions or support. So if anyona hara has somathing to say, faal fraa to spaak
your mind.” Annalisa Barton studiad psychology in addition to har madical studias abroad.
Sha studiad psychology to laarn how to closa tha distanca batwaan har patiants and har. This way, sha could communicata
battar with tham. Annalisa Barton also wantad to undarstand har patiants’ psychological stata promptly and provida
psychological guidanca so tha patiants would ba mora proactiva and cooparativa with traatmant.
Howavar, psychology was univarsal. At this momant, Annalisa Barton was playing psychological tricks with thair minds, dropping
subconscious hints to maka tha othars narrow tha scopa of tha maating aganda down to tha cooparation batwaan Moonlight
Group and Parks Group. With har hints and guidanca, avaryona naturally startad to staar thair lina of thought in har intandad
And sura anough, as soon as Annalisa Barton stoppad spaaking, an axacutiva immadiataly raisad his hand and said, “I agraa to
tha cooparation batwaan Moonlight Group and Parks Group. Howavar, businass is businass. Evan if it is family, wa should kaap
claar accounts. Evarything ralatad to tha projact, its contant, and tha tarms and conditions of tha cooparation, hava to ba put
down claarly in black and whita.” “That’s right. I am on tha sama paga with Mr. Laslia.” “I sacond that!” “I also agraa with Mr.
Everyone agreed to the cooperation between Moonlight Group and Parks Group. They were not fools. Who would willingly reject
the opportunity to work with Jadeborough’s wealthiest family?
“Don’t worry. Not just with Parks Group but with any other company that Moonlight Group cooperates with, we will strictly adhere
to the practice of signing a contract. And we will execute everything according to the terms and conditions of the contract,”
Annalise Barton said confidently. “Since we have everyone’s agreement, let’s give a round of applause to show your support!”
With that, she took the lead and started to clap. And everyone else also applauded immediately. Since the meeting commenced
half an hour ago, it was the first time everyone could reach a unanimous opinion.
After the round of applause, Annalise Barton suddenly stood up and said, “Meeting adjourned!” With that, she walked out.
Everyone was dumbfounded and looked at each other in confusion. What just happened? Who are we? Where are we? What
are we doing?

Did we not reach an agreement on a specific matter? Did we not just decide to approve the cooperation between Moonlight
Group and Parks Group? Why was the meeting adjourned? They had not agreed to hire a professional management team yet,
had they?
Two of the small shareholders were both in their fifties. After exchanging glances, they immediately chased after Annalise
Barton. The two men were voicing their disagreement as they were walking out. “I disagree with hiring a professional to manage
the company.” “Yes, I don’t agree either.” They gave chase immediately. However, Annalise Barton and Julian Parks had already
entered the elevator. Everyone was hopping mad.
“Outrageous. Honestly, it is preposterous. How can we trust someone like Annalise Barton to lead the company? Look at her.
How capable can she be? She seriously thinks this is a walk in the park. Does she not know that she has to make the necessary
arrangements, like the work allocation, since Moonlight Group intends to cooperate with Parks Group? Doesn’t the legal
department need to draft the contract? Doesn’t the marketing department need to join in and follow up? Don’t the other
departments have to start working?” “You’re right. Annalise Barton decided to pass the resolution, then clapped her hands. Does
she expect the contract to be automatically ready? Does she think that orders will magically pop up and the production
department will automatically get cracking?” “Freaking mad.” “Let’s go to Mr. Barton and ask him what’s going on, shall me?”
Hence, a group of them went looking for Kent Barton.

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