Chapter 16

Chapter 16

I was not ready to invite Shia into my nest. I felt his pain and rejection in the newly formed bond. Even though he did not speak a word to the fact. I closed my eyes. Briefly, Lathan still buried deep inside of me. Arranging me in the crook of his arm. Making me face the other Alpha that demanded my loyalty. The burning in my chest felt hotter with the heat of Shia’s emotions. It was odd. The feeling of two Alpha’s calling to me. They were not asking me to choose. They were not pitting me against each other. Nonetheless, it was strange. The feeling of unwavering loyalty and devotion. The all-consuming passion that I could feel in my body and their bond.

“I need time,” I whispered to Shia, trying to make him understand.

“I will give you everything.” He promised, purring loudly to help me calm. The heat, smell, and feel of my Alpha’s drew my exhausted body to sleep. I laid awake in the very early morning hours. Purrs had long since changed to deep breathing. I slid from my nest and headed into the bathroom. I knew Lathan would try to keep me hold up in the suite until I fully accepted Shia. He’d locked us away before, telling me, our bond needed to take hold. I could not spend the entire day confined. I slipped out before the sun was up. A quick snack, a gallon of water that I would in the very near future be throwing up. That would occupy an hour of my time before I had someone to spar with. Karina joined me in the training square. The last of the Omega’s to conceive, she was the only Omega I could train with. The others were too far along into their pregnancies. I smiled at my approaching friend. I needed her insight as much as her company. “Your scent has changed you have another mate!” Karina was far less shocked than I was. A smile brightening her already glowing features. I didn’t exactly share her feelings of joy.

“Not by choice,” I grumbled as I stretched out my muscles to warm up. “Alphas, they think we are so helpless,” I complained. Karina laughed. “Was it hard for you to accept River?” I asked. He was the Alpha Ky had chosen as his second. The question stopped her for a moment. The briefest flash of pain passed through her eyes.

“Ky loves me. Despite everything he loves me greatly.” The once timid Omega said. “The choice he made felt right,” Karina said, turning her eyes from mine. “I don’t ever want to feel weak and helpless again. Neisa, with River and Ky I don’t. And I never will, ever.” Karina spit out the bitter words. The attack on the Omega’s resulted in Karina’s rape. I couldn’t imagine her pain and horror. Feeling his Omega’s pain had prompted Ky to choose a second mate for his Omega. He would not risk her safety. Knowing as the king’s second, he held a position that required more of him. Ky would at times have to leave his mate. He had a duty to Omega and the throne. He would not risk one for the other.

“I have never doubted Ky’s feelings for you, Karina.” I tried to clarify my question. “He is a man of honor. I hold your mate in very high regard.” I said, “I am struggling to know my feelings. I have two of them now.” I shook my head. The confusion was as fresh as Shia’s new claiming marks and fledgling bond. “It’s…strange, my heart and head are…twisted up.” I tried to explain my emotions properly. “How does it make you feel?” I asked her again.

” Like a fucking goddess.” Karina chuckled at my shock.

“I wouldn’t know.”

“Don’t you?” She asked me with a wicked smile. “Most women will never know what it feels like to be worshipped by an Alpha. You have two.” I couldn’t fault her observation. Though I was very shocked by her bold behavior on the subject. “Raise your weapon, Omega,” Karina ordered. I recovered, meeting her attack head-on.

“Pregnancy has made you aggressive,” I noted the apparent improvement in her. Karina had always been a mediocre warrior. Lacking the drive to excel, she would never see battle in our clan. She’d been better suited as a nurse. I jumped back missing her swing.

“Sephra will regret taking me.” She vowed as she pushed forward with her attack. “When the time comes, I will kill her,” Karina promised pain to the traitor. The mention of Sephra sent a roaring surge of adrenaline to my muscles. I shared Karina’s bloodlust to kill her. The bitch had killed two of our sisters. Forcing one of the bonded Alpha’s to suicide and damaging the other.

“If you continue to train like this, you just might do it,” I said as I dodged another swing before attacking. Loving the look of surprise that flashed Karina’s eyes before she adjusted and recovered. I advanced with purpose, sending her back. Sweating and the sound of swords meeting cleared my mind of Lathan and Shia. But not for long. I saw them standing next to the weapons rack. Shia stood at attention, his muscular body tall and straight as he looked at me with desire and disbelief.

“You’re were not to leave our suite Neisa,” Lathan informed me. “Come.” He ordered me. Lathan occasionally flexed his muscle over me. Most of the time, I could reason with it. Today however not so much. He had made a life-changing decision for us without talking to me. The rebel that lived in me wanted to be seen and heard.

“If you want me, come get me.” I challenged my Alpha. It’d been months since we trained together. Lathan’s eyes always sparkled with frustration and a hint of anger. More so when I openly defied him. His Alpha instinct immediately tensing his body to react.

“Challenging me will not bode well for you Neisa.” He warned calmly as he waved his hand, ordering me to go willingly.

“Don’t call me to heel like your dog Lathan. It really pisses me off.” I said, walking to the center of the training square. I rolled my shoulders gesturing to the fact I would not be walking out of here willingly. Karina was more subdued and respectful in the presence of our king. She removed herself quickly. Lathan’s chest rumbled with a low roar that gave sound to his temper a second before he grabbed for a sword. Shia bristled, immediately jumping in front of Lathan. The king froze as a low; threatening growl filled the square.

“Step aside, soldier,” Lathan warned.

“That is our Omega, sir.” Shia told him.

“A fact that I intend to remind her of. With your help, of course.” Lathan’s chest was heaving. “Do not worry, brother. I will not hurt her.” The king’s voice was low. Shia reluctantly stepped aside. “Challenging your mate is foolish Neisa,” Lathan repeated as he took a position across from me. My body was responding to the battle and the smell of my aggressive male. “Do you know what I’m going to do to you?” Lathan demanded.

“Nothing, you have to catch me first.” I jabbed at him. Lathan was a mountain of a man. For an Alpha his size he moved gracefully and fast. But I was faster. Keeping out of his reach only angered and frustrated him more. Dangerous disapproving emotions radiated from his entire body. And I knew I was seconds away from defeat. Lathan drove forward. I swung my blade clashing with his I moved to retreat. But he snatched me up. Big hands circled my wrist applying force enough to make me release my weapon. Blazing eyes raked me up and down. Promising me, I would be dealt with appropriately. The smell of his body reminding me I would enjoy it. Lathan dropped his sword and grabbed the nape of my neck, jerking me up against his hard chest. “There are hard consequences for Omega’s who challenge their mates.” He informed me. I could feel his hard consequences against my abdomen. And I greedily pushed into it as my eyes rested on his claiming mark. “I’m going to claim your mouth while Shia mounts you from behind.” Lathan threatened me. “If you fail to swallow a drop of my seed, I will fuck your mouth again.” The dangerously whispered warning clenched me hard. Lathan scooped me up, tossing me over his shoulder and swatted me hard on the ass. His long stride had us out of the training square in three steps. Hands braced on Lathan’s back I looked up to see Shia fall quickly behind.

“Good morning.” I smiled at Shia.

“Sir your Omega is spirited and frustratingly willful.”

“This willful, spirited rebel is half your problem now brother.” The door to our suite was not even closed before Lathan pulled me from his shoulder, crushing my mouth to his as he ripped at the buckles of my chest pad. Growling in frustration when his large fingers could not work the clasp properly. “Now.” He barked the order pulling away enough to allow me the space to open them. With the pad removed, he attacked again grabbing me by the back of my head and steering me to the bed, forcing me onto it. I kneeled as he stood before me. “Open them.” He ordered, tightening his hold on the back of my neck. Letting me know he was in total control. A task that was slightly tricky with him hard and bulging at the seam. I did it, not because he ordered me to, but because I wanted to taste him. Lathan had not let me finish him orally for months now. I freed him, kneeling lower to run my tongue from the base of the shaft all the way to the tip. The taste of my Alpha sent me wild. “Take me into your mouth.” He growled the order. My slick ran as I took him as completely as I could. The ache in me grew as I felt Shia grab my hips. Pressing his face into my clothes covered sex. Big hands ripped fabric out of the way. I moaned when Shia thrust into me, forcing Lathan deeper into my mouth. My body sang with sensation, filled to capacity by two assertive Alphas. Sensation pushing me to an orgasm that threatened to tear me apart. Lathan roared as he gushed hot release into my mouth. “Swallow it all.” He ordered as he pumped his shaft into my mouth. I sucked and swallowed until all I could taste was my own saliva. “Do not hold back.” Lathan gasped as he pulled out of my mouth, telling Shia to find his release and knot me. With a tortured groan, he grabbed my hips and rutted me into another orgasm. Shia’s knot would not go down anytime soon. So again, I found myself seated at the table bodies locked as Lathan sat across from me. “Take your prenatal vitamin.” Lathan gently ordered as he picked up the pill. I shook my head

“No.” I refused.

“No?” Lathan asked. “It makes me sick to my stomach.” Running to the bathroom was not an option well I still sat anchored to Shia’s knot.

“The nausea will pass,” Lathan said, placing the pill to my lips. Still high on my release and rising back up due to Shia’s fingers on my clit. I swallowed the pill. Roving hands caressed my breast as he purred and nuzzled my neck. Shia was no longer content with gentle petting. Wanting to feel, his long fingers dipped inside me, stroking me. My breathing turned to pants as I looked down to watch him stimulate me. The promise of release just beyond my reach. “Whose hand is worshiping you Neisa?” Lathan’s heavy voice asked me. I moaned tilting my hips to push into Shia’s hand.

“His,” I answered.

“Whose?” Lathan demanded.

“His, Shia’s” I moaned.

“Whose Alpha, is he?” Lathan asked, watching me closely.

“AHH! Mine, he thinks he is mine.” The words left me in a frantic rush.

“Remind her,” Lathan ordered. Shia did not hesitate to reopened his claiming marks on my neck. My body clamped down hard on is knot causing Shia’s large body to tremble around me. Euphoric exhaustion swept through me. No doubt a mixture of pregnancy, too much sex and training were to blame. I closed my eyes. “Make sure she eats and drinks when she wakes,” Lathan ordered as he tucked his aroused member back into his pants. Teeth withdrawn from my neck Shia stilled as he licked my wound clean.

“Of course.” Gathering my exhausted body to his chest I heard the door open and close. “Who do I belong to little warrior?” Shia asked. His warm breath on my ear.

“If I say you can I rest?”

“Briefly.” He smiled as his chuckle rumbled his large chest.

“You belong to me.”

“Speak my name.”

“Shia.” The content, triumphant timber of his purr enveloped me. And I drifted off. Nausea tore me from sleep. Demanding my body purge. I ran to the bathroom to do just that. The cold sweat that covered my body was more like the flu as compared to morning sickness. A symptom that did leave me after my stomach was empty. I spat the offensive taste out of my mouth and tried to pull myself up off the floor. Forgetting about Shia, I jumped when he reached down for me. Having an audience was not a good feeling. And I motioned him to leave. Pushing at his hands, but he ignored. “That vitamin has altered your scent.” He said as he walked up to me.

“I hate that pill. Nothing tastes right.” I complained as I reached for my toothbrush. “Damn, prenatal,” I grumbled as I attempted to rid my mouth of the offensive aftertaste. I had been avoiding his eyes, which lasted until he started running water in the shower. “What are you doing?” I asked him.

“My duty.” He said.

“I can bathe myself.”

“I have no doubt. But you are my mate and I am yours.” He reminded me as he removed his clothing. “I will not take you in this state Neisa.” He said as if reading my mind, “I am able to briefly restrain the obsessive pleasure you have over me.” He said before giving me a quick kiss. “Briefly.” He repeated as his eyes took me in. Shia’s purr echoed off the rock wall of the bathroom.

“You are enjoying caring me like a child.” I accused him. “Touching you in any capacity is enjoyable.” I leaned my head back, allowing him to rinse my hair. “You are a dangerous woman, Neisa.” He added gently brushing a finger across his claiming mark. “I could die a content, fulfilled man at this very moment.” The instant bolt of pain and anger that ran through the anchor of his bond in my chest shook me. “You are not allowed to die.” I snapped defensively at him. “What a powerful creature you are.” He regarded me. “Come, you need to eat and drink.”

“Did you hear me?” I asked him.

“Yes, my queen.” The day had passed oddly but fast. Evening rolled around, bringing Lathan home with it.

“Sir, I need to leave,” Shia stated shortly after Lathan returned.

“Why?” Lathan asked before I could.

“I have had her twice today, and I want her again. I want to feel her, taste her. I cannot stop the aching need to take her again.” I blushed at Shia’s words. Even more, shook that he wasn’t.

“Go collect yourself,” Lathan said. Shia nodded at us before leaving.

“Why do you leave me alone with him?”

“I have a country to rule.” Lathan reminded me, I laughed at my first.

“Why him?”

“Besides the fact that he is always on your mind?” Lathan asked.

“He was not in my mind with desire.” I bristled defensively.

“Not while you were awake and guarding your thoughts.” I blushed with embarrassment, knowing that I had more than once dreamt of his mouth on my sex again. Forgetting how powerful the bond was between Lathan and me. “He made an impression on your mind and your body Neisa.”

“An impression you allowed.” I reminded him as I tried to eat.

“I did,” Lathan said as he relaxed back into his chair.

“Why?” That was the million-dollar question.

“There are no words to properly describe the feeling of power and purpose I feel when I’m with you. My body aches exactly as he said. Even knotted deep inside of you I can’t wait until I’m able to take you again. You command and control my entire being.”

“That’s not an answer.”

“I saw the desire that you had awakened in him — instantly alerting the man to his true purpose — exposing a hunger that no Alpha or Beta woman will ever feed. I let him taste you. Knowing it would change him completely.” I chewed on a piece of cheese. It was the only thing that counteracted the taste of silver that lingered on my tongue. I alternated between bites of meat and cheese until I was full. “Would you like to take a walk?”

“Can I practice with my bow?” I asked. Lathan’s second in command had gifted me with a beautiful handmade bow as a late wedding gift. Lathan chuckled as he held his hand out to me.

“Only you Neisa would rather play with a weapon than a stroll in the evening.”

“Pretty soon I will be too damn big to play with any weapons.” I teased looking down at my stomach. “A sight I will cherish," Lathan said as he placed his big hand on my tiny swell. I stood out as long as I had light, firing arrow after arrow into the targets.

“An accomplished swordsman and archer. You are an impressive little warrior.” Shia complimented me. My time of reprieve was over. Again, I refused Shia into my nest. Knotted and made to face Shia, Lathan spoke briefly.

“There are guards posted outside. You will not be permitted to leave until you accepted him into our nest.” Lathan informed me before the comforting blanket of Alpha purring sent me to sleep. I woke in the very early hours of the morning. Covered in a cold sweat, my body shivered even near Lathan’s. I walked by my sleeping Alphas. My muscles were aching like I had been in battle. Slight cramping kept me in the bathroom for a while. I took some pain reliever. Assuming my state was a result of my reopened claiming marks. Perhaps I had a slight infection. But the site looked good. Aside from them being red, they didn’t look abnormal. I washed my face and crept back out, sliding back into my bed. I curled around Lathan’s body. It radiated heat like a fire. The pain reliever did nothing to make me feel better. The cold sweat continued to prickly me head to toe. The stomach cramping got worse. I got up, opened the suite door, asking the posted guard to bring in breakfast. Shia woke as soon as the Beta returned. “Thank you.” I smiled weakly at the Beta who eyed me with concern. I walked slowly back to the table.

“You’re ill?” Shia was at my side. “Your scent is wrong.” He complained. If my scent indicated how terrible I felt I would not be hiding this fact.

“I just need something to drink.” Shia guided me to a chair, and I took the glass of milk and sipped it. My stomach rebelled. Instantly protesting, I doubled over with a cramp. Worry covered Shia’s face.

“Sir, Neisa is ill.” I blinked, and Lathan was at my side. Concerned, worried hands gently searched me. “Go get Henry,” Lathan ordered the Beta guard that had been called back in. “Let’s get you back to bed,” Lathan said I shook my head slightly. My body didn’t want to be moved by my will or his.

“Please, wait,” I begged, leaning my head down, cradling it with my shaking hands. Lathan gently rubbed my back purring loudly while Shia knelt by my side doing the same. Miserable minutes passed while we waited for the doctor. The door opened, and Henry walked in. One look at me had him concerned.

“My lady?” Henry looked as sick as I felt.

“Good morning, Henry,” I mumbled a greeting to the young doctor with an old name, trying to raise my head up and look at him. “How long has she been like this?” The doctor asked as he placed the back of his hand to my forehead. “Not long but her state is changing.”

“My lady tell me what is wrong?” Henry asked

“I don’t know.”

“Can you drink anything?” I shook my head.

“Everything tastes like silver.”


“All I taste is silver. It’s that damn prenatal vitamin. It makes me sick to my stomach.” I weakly pointed a shaky finger at the offending pill that sat on my breakfast tray. Henry pulled back, grabbed the pill smelled it. He looked at it, confused. Placing it cautiously on the tip of his tongue, he cursed spitting violently.

“Hurry, get her to the clinic.” Lathan scooped me up gently, but I groaned anyway.

“What’s wrong?” Lathan demanded.

“Not here.” Henry dared to defy the king. A panicked entourage blew into the small clinic. The noise and commotion seemed surreal. My robe was taken off, regardless of my protesting. I felt the pinch as the needle found a vein. Hurried hands worked nervously over my body. Voices that didn’t hide the fear that drove them to action. “Brea push fluids. Bring me the NG kit and charcoal.”

“What is wrong with her?” The king asked again.

“She’s been poisoned.” Henry did not slow his frantic pace. Working around my stunned mates. “How long has she been complaining of the taste of silver?” Henry asked.

“She said something two days ago,” Shia replied.

“Neisa never complained to me. But her appetite has decreased within the last week.” Lathan added.

“Forgive me, sire. I have no time for platitudes. Neisa, look at me.” I weakly opened my heavy eyes. “I have to place a tube in your stomach. It will be unpleasant, but not painful. Do you understand?” I shook my head. “I will run it through your nose and down the back your throat. You have to swallow it. You have to work with me.” I struggled to lay still as Henry fed a thin tube into my nose. The sensation of it hitting the back of my throat was terrible. “Relax Neisa, please.” The doctor begged me. “Sir, get a glass of water.” He motioned with his head to the sink. “Neisa you need to take a drink of water. Hold it momentarily when I tell you to swallow it. I will guide the tube into your stomach. Do you understand?” I weakly nodded. “Take a drink.” The water was terrible. Tasting of nothing but silver. The water weakly contained in my mouth. I cringed waiting for the second I could rid myself of the taste. “Swallow.” My body trembled with the foreign invasion. “Relax Neisa. You did well. The tube is in place. Brea hand me the syringe.” Henry demanded. “Please be still Neisa.” He begged me. I watched as Henry pushed a large amount of coal-black slug through the tube. Instantly grateful, I didn’t have to taste it. “Now push the epinephrine.” Brea pushed liquid battle through my veins immediately triggering my instinct to fight.


The sweat that erupted across my skin was not the sweat of illness but war. My heart pounded, and my muscles clenched. Poised to take up a weapon. I felt awake and alert on a manic, helpless level.

“Hold her still,” Henry ordered Lathan and Shia. The men were trying to restrain my spastic movements. Blistering pain contracted and knotted my entire body. The feeling of invisible hands manipulated my muscles. Turning and twisting them at will.

“No, Neisa,” Lathan ordered as he pushed my shoulders against the narrow hospital bed. My body had a mind of its own. My hands slipped past his to grab at the intrusive wires, tugging on the IV and wires that had been placed on me. Shia snatched my hands, clutching them in his. I slumped my head back against the pillow, having enough sense to do as they asked me. Lathan took one of my hands when I stopped fighting — holding it as he gently smoothed my damp hair from my face — purring to calm me. I closed my eyes and tried to focus on my breathing. My body, with the help of Henry’s treatment, tried to purge itself of poison. Hours passed as I twitched, writhed, and groaned in a miserable state. A day later, the spastic convulsions had stopped. And I sunk into exhaustion. I went there willingly, to the land of nothing. A magical world devoid of everything. The magic cloaked me for an unknown amount of time. I was, however, not able to stay here. Unwanted sensations returned, clenching my womb with painful rhythmic cramps. Instinctively my hands covered my stomach. I tried to protect my child. My body curled in on itself. But the pain ripped me from my sleep and soaked the bed with a hot gush of fluid.

“My lady, I am incredibly sorry for your loss.” Henry’s sorrowful words were drowned out by the roar of my heartbroken Alpha. I didn’t need the crude ultrasound to confirm the death of my child. There had been so much blood. The little bundle of cells that had been growing within me was gone — killed by someone’s hatred of me. The black cloud of self-loathing and depression settled around my aching heart. Food, fluid, or words did not pass my lips for days. My body purged the contents of my pregnancy, and I mourned the loss. Crying as my child’s life bled from my womb. I grieved in my self-induced isolation. Oblivious to the outside world. I dissented into my own hell. Lathan rarely left my side. Even though I wished he would. I could not deal with his pain. Not when mine was consuming me. And even though I felt his worry and pain trying to reach me through the bond, trying to reach me in my grief. I pushed it away. I was broken and lost.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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