Un2talented (Book 3 of the Un2 Series)

Chapter Chapter Twenty-One

Dorian had experienced a trio of odd encounters since finishing his shift. He replayed each of them in his head as he walked back to the motel. The beatboxing with Cadence could be easily explained away by claiming that she made him feel more confident with his abilities, even if that was a bit of a stretch. But the clairvoyance and dancing episodes were inexplicable.

He picked at the wrapper on the lozenges and freed the end tablet by wedging his thumb between it and the next one in line. He raised the roll to his mouth and flicked the medicated mint into his mouth. The eucalyptus overpowered the cherry flavoring by a considerable margin. He grimaced at the medicinal tang that coated his tongue.

An SUV pulled in front of the motel office as Dorian approached the edge of the parking lot. Doors opened on all sides as the road-weary family poured out onto the driveway. A teenage male rounded the back of the vehicle and popped open the rear window, releasing an energetic Border Collie holding a flying disc in its mouth. It dropped the disc at the boy’s feet and waited anxiously for him to throw it. A flick of the wrist sent the disc sailing toward the opposite end of the lot from Dorian. The dog shot across the lot and then launched itself at its target, snatching it from the air a half-dozen feet above the pavement. It landed and then bounded back to the boy for a pat on the head and another toss of the disc. The dog bobbed from side to side as the boy shifted the disc from hand to hand. An over-exaggerated fake to the left sent the dog running toward Dorian. The absence of a flying disc was quickly forgiven by the appearance of a new human. The collie made a beeline for Dorian.

“Hey there, pup!” Dorian squatted to greet the incoming canine. ” Aren’t you a handsome one?” The dog pushed its head under Dorian’s hand and received a scratch behind the ear. He thanked Dorian with a slobbery face wash.

“Sorry,” the teen called. “He’s been cooped up with us for a while. He’s happy to see a new face.”

“That’s okay,” Dorian waved. “He’s pretty good with that disc!”

“He sure is! Watch this!”

The teen tossed the disc at the pavement, so it ricocheted toward Dorian and the dog. It angled upward at a trajectory that would put it well above their heads by the time it reached them. Without thinking, Dorian leaped into the air alongside the dog. They landed together; Dorian with the dog in his arms and both with the disc in their mouths. He released his bite on the disc and set the dog on the ground, which in turn trotted to the teen.

“Dude, that was incredibly weird and equally awesome!” the boy laughed, amazed.

“Uh . . . yeah. Thanks.” Dorian dipped his head and hurried to the rear entrance of the motel office. Cadence turned to face him as he entered.

“You won’t believe . . .”

“I saw!” Cadence interrupted. “What? Why?”

“I don’t know!” Dorian exclaimed. He tossed the bag of balloons onto the desk and moved closer to Cadence. “It gets weirder!”

“Weirder than catching dog toys in your mouth?” Cadence asked, doubtfully.

“Get this, while I was at Burt’s he fell off of a ladder.”

Cadence gasped.

“He’s okay, I grabbed him before he hit the floor.”

Cadence sighed in relief. Dorian moved in closer as if to tell her a secret.

“While he was in my arms, I danced with him like I was Gene Kelly!”


“Tap danced, to be more accurate!” Dorian clarified.

“Tap danced? You have enough trouble walking!” Cadence laughed.

“I know!” Dorian agreed. “As it turns out, Burt used to do a bit of the ol’ soft shoe in his younger days. He’s still quite the dancer!”

Dorian continued to speak as he paced around the office.

“There have been a few unusual things that have transpired throughout the day, but I think I see a pattern. First, there was you and the beatboxing, then the flashes of clairvoyance when I was with Granny. Next was the boogying with Bert and then, most recently, the Frisbee with Fido.”

“Nice bit of alliteration near the end, there.” Cadence commented.

“Unintentional, but thanks. Soooo, it occurs to me that I can do whatever the person I am with can do.”

“Latine loqui tibi?” asked Cadence.


“I just asked if you can speak Latin. I speak Latin. That blows a hole through your theory.”

Dorian reassessed his hypothesis.

“I think I’ve got it. Remember how I could beatbox only when you held my hand? I danced when Burt fell into my arms. I was petting the dog. I bet I need to be touching the person to do what they do!” Dorian extended his hand. “Touch me. Touch me and speak Latin.”

“That’s a new one,” Cadence laughed. “Whatever happened to talk dirty to me?”

“Say whatever you want. Just make it in Latin.” Dorian re-offered his hand.

Cadence thought a moment, clenched his hand, and said, “Potes meos suaviari clunes!”

The meaning of this phrase and the proper response was nowhere to be found within Dorian’s head. It simply slid in one ear and out the other. Disappointed, he responded with “I-don’t-understand-anything-that-was-spoken-it-just-doesn’t-process-my-brain-must-be-broken!” strung together in immaculate triplets. The two gawked at each other, gobsmacked.

“That was amazing, so clean and precise!” Cadence cheered.

“Thanks! I think I really know what is happening now. I can mimic a person’s most impressive quality, as long as I am touching them. Impeccable rhythm is your thing. Granny is some kind of psychic. It all makes sense.”

“Just how does any of this make sense?” Cadence replied.

“Well, it really doesn’t make sense. I just meant that I figured it out!” Dorian acknowledged. “Let’s go test this out!”

“Dory, as much as I would love to help you explore your newfound superpowers this mere mortal has to go pick up her uniform for her new job.”

“Can I go with you?” Dorian pleaded.

Cadence scowled.

“Pweeeze?” Dorian unleashed the puppy-eyes, pouty-face combo.

Cadence groaned, “Okay, get in the car. But you have to promise me that you won’t cause any trouble.”

“I promise I will keep the wreaking of havoc to the bare minimum.”

“Dory!” Cadence screeched.

“Okay, jeez, I’m just kidding. SHOTGUN!”

“There are only two of us.”

“Oh, yeah.”

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