Un2talented (Book 3 of the Un2 Series)

Chapter Chapter Forty-Seven


“Yes, Dorian, you.”

“In a way that’s kind of reassuring. I guess. I was going after Cadence hoping I could find her and bring her back. Now you say you think I’m the one that can do it.”

“We do. We think you are the best shot at bringing everyone home. We can fill you in on what has happened in prior attempts, but there’s no guarantee that any of it will happen in this lifestream.”

“I have no idea what any of that means,” A fitting look of confusion washed over Dorian’s face.

“Okay, sorry. This has become such a huge part of our existence that we forget that it isn’t part of anyone else’s. Time for a little ‘Time Travel 101’.”

The group gathered at one end of the table to hear what Reese and Joey had to say.

“This may get confusing. I know it took me a while to grasp the lifestream concept, but once you get it, you get it. Joey, please jump in at any time if I start going off the rails.”

“Will do.” Joey nodded. “But you got this.”

Joey patted Reese on the back and took a seat with the others.

“We call it time travel, but it is far more complicated than just zipping around through time because time is not a linear thing. Time is like a . . .”

Reese stopped to consider her analogy.

“Use the storybook one,” Joey urged.

Reese continued, “Time is like one of those children’s storybooks where you get to a point in the story and have to choose what the character will do. For example, the hero gets to a fork in the road and must turn left or right. You choose to have him turn right and the story continues. You make decisions, again and again, that influence the end of the story. Are you all with me? Because this is where it starts getting tricky.”

Everyone understood, except Shorty, but he insisted they move along.

“So, you had the hero turn right at the fork, but there is still a story that happens if he turned left. That story exists, you just aren’t aware of it or its outcome. This breastplate allows you to return to that point in the book and go to the left, experience that adventure and every other possible adventure.”

“So, you’re telling me there are these ‘life streams’ where I’m something different than I am now like I’m a famous music producer or the president?”

“Yes. You could even be a character that played a very minor role in the first two books of a trilogy but find yourself as the protagonist in the third.”

“That’s oddly specific,” Dorian replied with a furrowed brow.

“Not as odd as you may think,” Reese winked knowingly.

“That’s cool, and all but how does that help the kid?” Shorty asked. He picked the crumbs from his shirt and tossed them into his mouth.

“I was getting to that. Going on all these adventures solo would suck, so the creator of the armor made these.” Reese withdrew a bracelet from a leather pocket near her waist. “Whoever wears the breastplate is considered the primary traveler. He, or she, controls the destination. The bracelets are worn by traveling companions. They go along for the ride. The breastplate and the bracelets are linked to one another. The traveler can track the bracelets and their wearers. Cadence has one of the bracelets.”

“Then why don’t we just zap her here?” Lanky asked.

“The armor travels through time, not through space. If Cadence is wearing the bracelet she will be located at the same point in time as the primary traveler. Where she is, I could not tell you. As I said, the breastplate can help find her. That is why I’m offering it to Dorian to use on his journey.”

“I’ll take it! Anything that might help! Thank you! Thank you!” Dorian jumped up to hug Reese. As he did, his mouth went cold, and his canines dropped and lengthened. He jumped back, startled.

“You’re a . . .”

Reese placed her index finger across his lips. “It’s a long story involving an ouroboros bite, a life-saving gesture, and a drastic change in diet. Yes, I am one of those, but a really nice one. Right, guys?”

Gary barked loudly and wagged his tail.

“One of the nicest!” Leslie confirmed.

“Now that you have filled your stomach we should consider heading toward the portal,” Lenny suggested.

“We need to get you into this armor,” Reese agreed.

Dorian held his arms wide, “Breastplate me!”

“It isn’t as simple as that. The armor needs to consider you worthy of being its wearer. You need to vanquish me.”

Dorian blushed. “I’ve never vanquished anyone. I’m still a virgin.”

The room laughed. Dorian’s shade of red deepened.

“Vanquish means defeat. You need to conquer me in battle.”

Reese stepped up, placed her elbow on the table, and opened her hand wide. “Any form of vanquishing will do, as long as it is an honest win.”

Dorian positioned himself across the table and clasped her hand within his multi-hand.

“We will go on the count of three. I can’t fake it, so you better give it your all! One. Two. Three!”

Dorian’s hand rocked backward as Reese focused all her energy on her forearm. His newly formed musculature was able to counteract the force that would have easily smashed his hand into the tabletop an hour earlier. Their hands slowly came to the center.

“C’mon, you need to try harder. Defeat me! Use my strength against me!”

A vein rose in Reese’s forehead as she doubled her effort. Dorian pushed back, but it was barely enough to keep things status quo. His eyes turned to black saucers as he siphoned Reese’s strength. Every muscle in his body tightened. He pushed with all his might.


The rapid escape of Dorian’s internal gasses caught Reese by surprise, causing her to chortle, snort, and lose focus. He was able to take advantage of the moment and slammed her hand to the table.

“Interesting technique!” Joey laughed.

The group heartily agreed and then collectively winced as Dorian’s “technique” reached them.

“Not exactly my plan, but it got the job done!” Dorian chuckled.

“I’ll be happy to relinquish the armor to my defeater, but can we do it out in the hallway or maybe in another wing?” Reese punctuated her question with a wave of her hand.

Lenny moved through the doorway. “It’s about time to get back to the portal anyway,” he coughed. “We can make the exchange when we get there.

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