Un2talented (Book 3 of the Un2 Series)

Chapter Chapter Eighty-Four

Griffin fumbled with his belt buckle as the snallygaster spewed its first fireball.

“Dorian, get these damn things off of me!”


“Maneuverability. I’m much more agile without them.”

The second round of fireballs strafed the tail. Dorian grabbed the leather waistband atop the mechanical legs and pulled. Griffin popped free of his harness and remained aloft.

“You can’t go alone! If you do, it will scorch you before you can even attempt an attack!” DeLeon cautioned.

“Reese needs help. If I fly straight up to the ceiling, I can use the stalactites as cover. I’ll distract it while she makes her escape.”

To everyone’s horror, Reese was consumed by the open end of the snallygaster before Griffin could swoop in.

“We need to save her!” Dorian shouted. “I’m going out there!”

“I’m not very nimble. I don’t know if I can outrun a flamethrower,” Leslie worried. “But, I’ve got your back.”

“Let me and Griffin go first,” Dorian offered. “We’ll draw its attention while you and DeLeon approach from the other direction.”

I’ll go with Griffin while you and Leslie sneak in,” DeLeon insisted.

“No! I’m preloaded with dance moves and impeccable timing,” he said, acknowledging Cadence. “I’m better suited to be a distraction than a dragonslayer.”

Dorian turned to the others.

“I think the three of you should jump through the portal and alert Granny. She will help you to devise a plan in case we fail. Will you do that?”

The three agreed after their initial urge to resist.

“I’m not crazy about this,” Cadence sighed.

“Soon, we will be reunited at the Chronostream. From there, it will be a quick drive back to the future. I promise,” Dorian pulled Cadence close. The rest of the group joined in.

“The keys are in the visor, just in case,” Dorian whispered to Cadence before they separated. “Just pull into the water and floor it.”

Dorian and his group watched Cadence, Joey, and Gary sprint back into the tunnel.

“I’ll go first,” Griffin said. “Then, Dorian can run toward the wound. Hopefully, we’ll be able to keep it focused on us while you two come up behind it.”

“Make good use of these!” Griffin handed his katanas to Dorian.

With a nod to the others, he soared into the grotto and climbed as quickly as his wings could carry him. The snallygaster watched the cromangi disappear into a cluster of stalactites. Dorian sprinted toward the beast as soon as the creature shifted its focus.

“We too have wings, little flying dog-man,” The choir countered. It unfurled its massive wings and began to rise from the ground.

Dorian raised his swords and then leaped at the beast, plunging his weapons into the ragged edge of its scaly belly. The snallygaster continued to rise, unfazed by its attacker.

DeLeon and Leslie entered the cavern, unable to do anything but observe Dorian’s plight.

“Don’t let go!” Leslie called.

“I’m not planning on it!” Dorian countered.

“You’ve got company!” DeLeon warned. “Look below!”

Dark hands from within the wound clawed at Dorian’s legs. He pulled a sword free and plunged it back into the beast, pulling himself up a foot higher than before. One of the undead slid down from the interior of the wound, held by its ankles by another revenant. It began to swing to and fro, grasping at Dorian with each pass. When it became obvious that Dorian remained out of reach, another revenant slid down, extending the chain.

“I was never a fan of the circus,” Dorian griped. “This seals that deal!”

He gripped one hilt tightly with his multi-hand and pulled the other katana free from the beast. He sliced at the revenant as it swung within striking distance, severing its neck. It exploded into a cloud of coarse black dust. Dorian reinserted the sword and pulled himself higher.

The snallygaster felt a twinge this time as the blade entered its hide. It swiped at Dorian, but its claws were far too short to reach him. It spat a fireball at him, but it did not connect due to Dorian’s position within the curvature of the torso. The snallygaster ceased its climb and leveled off horizontally. Dorian now dangled precariously from the beast as it skirted the cavern ceiling. It rolled and dipped as it tried to rid itself of its unwanted passenger. Dorian was able to maintain his grip on his weaponry, but with each twist and turn, the razor-sharp swords sliced through the snallygaster’s hide. Dorian pulled a blade free with the intention of re-anchoring it, but the added weight on the single sword caused it to gash the hide wide open. Dorian plunged backward and saw the ceiling rapidly move away from him. His fall stopped with a sudden jolt.

“Gotcha!” Griffin barked as he swooped to catch him. He looped his arms beneath Dorian’s armpits and carried him off like a winged backpack.

“Thank you!” Dorian gasped. “I thought I was done for!”

“Not while this flying monkey is around!” Griffin chuckled.

The snallygaster turned a flew at the pair.

“Are you up for some aerobatics? I’ve got an Idea.”

“Whatcha thinkin’?” Griffin asked.

“Can you maneuver us so we are directly above him with him flying up toward us? Their circus act gave me an idea.”

“I’ll try. Hold on!”

Griffin dove with the snallygaster in furious pursuit. Leslie and DeLeon scattered as the chase barrelled past. They struck out with their blades, even though they were well out of reach of the beast.

Dorian joined the katanas at their hilts and held the edged bo staff tight against the length of his body.

“When you go vertical, try to put as much of a spiral into our ascent as possible, okay? I mean, really spin.”

“Will do.”

“It’s bound to try and hit us with a fireball. As soon as it opens its beak, drop me, and then get the hell out of the way. We don’t want to singe that precious corgi butt of yours!”

“Even in a time of crisis, it proves to be a beacon of joy!” Griffin laughed. “Going up!”

Griffin turned an abrupt ninety degrees and began to alternate the flaps of his wings to create an upward spiral. The snallygaster followed close behind, closing the gap between it and Dorian’s feet. It inhaled deeply.

“It’s gonna blow!” Dorian yelled. “Drop me now!”

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