Tyler (Blue Halo Book 6)

Tyler: Chapter 22

Tyler watched Emerson from across the bar. He hadn’t stopped watching her since they got here. She wore a tight beige dress that hugged her curves like a second skin and showed way too much creamy leg. He liked it. A lot.

What he didn’t like were the looks she was getting from other men.

A group in the far corner, in particular, had been looking at not only Emerson but all the women. A bunch of rough-looking guys. Tyler was keeping a damn close eye on them, as well.

The only reason he’d allowed her to come out tonight was because his entire team was here. And Emerson needed a night out. He just wanted the woman happy.

He cradled his beer as he sat in a booth near the back deck. Flynn, Aidan, and Callum sat around him, while Logan and Liam stood at a bar table near the entrance, beers in hand. Jason and Blake stood near the back entrance, also at a tall bar table.

All exit doors were covered, yet no one watching would look at them and know they were each on full alert.

“You doing okay over there, Ty?”

Tyler dragged his gaze back to his friends at Flynn’s question. “I don’t like not knowing Levi’s location.”

The guy was too unstable.

Aidan leaned across the table. “There are eight of us and one of him. She’s safe tonight.”

On a practical level, he understood that. Didn’t stop the unease from coiling in his stomach and eating away at him.

“I can’t lose her,” he said quietly. He watched as she threw back her head and laughed at something one of the women said. “I’ve never felt like this before. Like the idea of losing her…”

“Means losing yourself,” Flynn finished, an intensity in both his voice and eyes. “I know that feeling well, my friend.”

Aidan sipped his beer as he looked over at his own woman. “When Cassie was in Salt Lake City, every day was a battle. When you’ve found your person, but they’re out of your reach, you don’t ever feel whole.” His gaze shifted back to Tyler. “Exactly why we won’t allow you to lose her.”

“We’ve got your back and hers,” Callum finished.

“Thank you.” He was so damn grateful to have them. He’d lost his mother while he’d been at Project Arma, true, but he’d gained seven best friends. Men he considered brothers. Men he’d step in front of a bullet to protect.

When he saw Callum smiling at two women he’d never seen before, Tyler had to ask. “Someone caught your eye, buddy?”

Callum grinned wider as he looked back at them. “Fiona, the librarian who hates me, is over there.”

Tyler glanced in the direction Callum indicated to see a brunette and a blonde, both in heels and short dresses. He only had to wonder for a second which woman might be Fiona before the brunette swung a look their way. Her gaze caught Callum’s, and when he winked at her, she rolled her eyes and looked back to her friend.

Callum laughed under his breath. “I put the last book I borrowed in my duffel bag, and the cover folded over. I folded it back, but she noticed the crease. Told me I was a book murderer.”

Flynn lifted his beer to his mouth. “Well, it’s certainly sounding like you’re not taking care of her books.”

“It’s just a book. It’s no reflection on how I take care of women.” He grinned again, his gaze shooting back to her.

“Bring her by,” Aidan said. “I’ll fill her head with a bunch of great stories about you.”

Callum smirked. “I don’t think so.”

Tyler’s smile broadened. His friend had that look in his eyes. It was one Tyler had seen before. It said that Callum wasn’t going to give up.

The woman had no hope.

Now that he’d met Emerson, he knew exactly what falling in love could do to you. It pulled you apart, then put you back together exactly the way you were meant to be.

He wanted to tell Emerson he loved her. The words had been right there on the tip of his tongue three nights ago, when he’d had her pressed against the wall in his home gym. But she’d been too upset about her brother. When he told her he loved her, he wanted to be the only thing on her mind. He wanted her to hear his words and have the two of them be the only things that existed in that moment.

When he saw Emerson move to the dance floor with the women, he straightened. She started to sway her hips, and heat tinged with desire whipped through his body.

Fuck, she made him want her so bad.

When he saw the guys in the corner watching too, he stood.

So did they—and the other men were closer.

When one of the guys reached her—and actually touched her ass—Tyler saw red. He flew across the room, intent on claiming what was his.

It was taking everything in Emerson not to stare at Tyler. Not to glue her gaze to the man like he was the only person in the bar.

The women surrounded her—all partners of the men from Blue Halo. Grace, Courtney, Cassie, and Carina. Even Willow had gotten a sitter for Mila so she could join them.

They were all great. Welcoming, friendly, funny. She was on her second Blue Lagoon cocktail and hadn’t stopped laughing all night. She sipped the sugary drink, listening as Carina shared a story about her failed attempt at breakfast in bed.

“The eggs were soggy, the coffee cold, and I even managed to burn the toast.” Carina shook her head. “I swear, it was the worst attempt at spoiling the man, yet he ate it all with a smile on his face.” She grinned. “Then he thanked me in a way that made me want to bring him soggy eggs every morning of the week.”

They all laughed.

“I had a very similar dinner experience with overcooked, dry chicken and undercooked, hard potatoes,” Grace said, shaking her head. “Logan ate everything I put on the table.”

“That’s love,” Cassie sung, sipping her own drink.

Emerson’s gaze once again flashed to Tyler. Did he love her? She wanted to share how she felt about him, but God, she was nervous. Nervous he wouldn’t say it back. That he’d tell her it was too soon.

She took a big gulp of her cocktail as she turned back to the women.

Courtney nudged her shoulder. “Good, right?”

“Dangerous.” It was deceptively sweet, but by the feel of her head, she was sure it was packed with alcohol.

“Eh. Who wants to play it safe when we have super-soldiers who can carry us home?”

She chuckled. The idea of Tyler carrying her out of here and slipping her into bed didn’t sound terrible. Especially if he slipped in with her.

She looked at him again, her eyes softening. It was only Courtney’s chuckle that pulled her attention back to the women. No, correction, not just Courtney’s chuckle. They were all staring at her with big grins on their faces.

“Is that how I look at Flynn?” Carina asked.

Grace lifted her wine to her lips. “Oh yeah.”

“Why wouldn’t you, though?” Cassie asked, humor in her eyes. “Those men deserve to be stared at.”

Courtney shook her head. “No, they deserve to be plastered on billboards for the world to see.”

“I’d line up to see those,” Emerson said, running her finger over the rim of the glass.

“You doing okay, what with everything that’s happening with your brother?” Cassie asked tentatively.

Emerson’s smile dimmed. “Honestly? I’m not sure. I want to talk to him.” And not in a small, dark closet while running from Tyler and on the verge of a panic attack. Really talk to him. See if she could get through his paranoia. “I need to know if there’s any part of the old Levi still left.”

Until then, she could only hope and pray that there was.

When she looked up, she wasn’t sure what she expected to see. Judgment? Disgust that Emerson still cared for a man who’d worked for Project Arma?

She saw none of that. The only emotion staring back at her from the women around the table was sympathy.

“You will,” Courtney finally said.

She wasn’t so sure. Some days it felt like she was asking for a miracle. Because catching Levi felt awfully close to catching a drop of water in the ocean.

“You’re all so kind,” she said softly. “And Tyler…God, he’s just been amazing. Standing by me, even though I want to help a man who indirectly hurt him.”

Cassie squeezed her hand. “Not all situations are so simple, especially when the heart is involved. I would know. Aidan and I were together. But, to save my sister, I married another man six months after Aidan was taken.”

Her eyes widened.

Cassie smiled. “It’s a long, complicated story, but Aidan and I never stopped loving each other. Eventually, we found our way back together and he forgave me.”

That did sound like a long story.

Grace leaned forward. “I revealed the big secret of Project Arma to a journalist. It’s because of me that everyone in the world knows what they can do and what they went through. I did it because I was put in a situation where, if I didn’t, I would have been in a lot of danger. Logan forgave me.”

The women nodded.

“These men aren’t only dangerous,” Cassie offered. “They’re smart, and they protect the people they love with everything they have.”

Love. Yet again, she wondered what Tyler was feeling. “Thank you for saying that.”

Cassie lay a hand over hers. “Of course.”

“Look.” Courtney nodded at someone across the room. “Callum’s been staring at that woman over there,” she said, clearly trying to lighten the mood a bit. “He won’t be far behind Tyler.”

Emerson looked at Callum, then followed his gaze, and sure enough, he was watching a pretty brunette across the room.

Courtney winked and gulped the rest of her cocktail. “All right, it’s dancing time!”

“I’m really not much of a dancer—”

Everyone is a dancer.” Courtney pulled her from the table. “Come on.”

She took a last sip of her drink, a little more liquid courage, then allowed herself to be dragged to the dance floor. The second they got out there, the others started moving to the music like they were born to dance.

It was contagious. She moved her body with them, letting herself forget the danger that surrounded her for a moment, getting lost in the music.

When her gaze moved around the room, she caught sight of Logan walking toward them, his eyes only for Grace. Jason was approaching from the opposite direction. Both men looked like forces to be reckoned with.

Suddenly, a hand grazed her ass.

She swung around to see a tall, scruffy-looking man standing behind her, a sleazy grin on his face. “Hey, baby. Wanna dance?”

She opened her mouth to tell the man no, but Tyler was there before she could, pushing between them, looking tall and fierce. Anger just about bounced off him.

He shoved the guy in the chest. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” There was a dangerous edge to his voice. Like he was daring the man to try something.

The guy frowned. “She yours?”

“Yeah. She’s mine.” He stepped closer. “And if I see you touch her again, I’ll break your fucking hand.”

The guy’s jaw clenched, but he took a step back. “I didn’t know.”

“Well, how about you wait for permission to touch a woman’s ass next time?”

Tyler took another step toward him, but she grabbed his arm.

The guy held up his hands in surrender. “Fine. Sorry.” He walked away, but Tyler didn’t turn around.

Her fingers tightened on his arm. “Hey.”

Finally, he turned and looked at her. “Are you okay?”

“Yes.” Because Tyler was here.

Some of the anger slipped from his face. Then his arms wrapped around her. When his head lowered, his warm breath brushed her neck. An earthy, masculine scent surrounded her.

“You’re beautiful.”

Her skin tingled all over at his whispered words, and her tummy warmed at the intensity in his stare. The way he made her feel so much with a single look was staggering.

“I think he’s gone now if you want to sit back down.”

His lips brushed her ear. “Not a chance. Now that I have you, I’m not letting you go.”

A shiver worked down her spine. Then his lips pressed against her neck. Her eyes shuttered, and she was sure she’d perish right there and then. Burn to the ground.

“Tyler…” she breathed.

His arms tightened around her waist. They swayed for so long, she forgot time and surroundings and reason. She forgot the worries that plagued her. She forgot everything but him. She let the strength of his hands and the sway of his body lull her away from reality. Every so often, she felt a kiss against the top of her head. A warm, familiar breath by her ear.

She snuggled further against his chest.

Eventually, his voice broke the sensual haze. “I need to get you home and do unspeakable things to you.”

Her belly flopped. “I’m not opposed to unspeakable things.” Not even a little bit.

His hand lowered to take hers. Courtney and Grace were dancing with their guys, while Cassie and Carina had gone to Aidan and Flynn.

Courtney lifted her head from Jason’s chest. “Going home?”

Jason nuzzled her neck. “Hm, that doesn’t sound like a terrible idea for us, either.”

Courtney chuckled. “Well, come on then, big guy.”

Emerson laughed as she moved off the dance floor, Tyler’s hand around hers. She’d only taken a few steps toward the exit when she felt it. The familiar prickling on the back of her neck. The eyes on her.

She stopped, a chill sweeping over her skin.

Someone said her name, but it was like white noise. All she could focus on was that feeling. His proximity.

Her gaze flew around the room, searching.

Strong hands gripped her shoulders. Tyler’s hands. She looked up, heart hammering, and whispered, “He’s here.”

Tyler’s eyes narrowed. His gaze whipped around the room. She caught glimpses of his team standing taller. Alert.

Then a scream sounded, quickly followed by another, and some quieter cries. The music stopped. And finally, she found him.


Coming out of the women’s bathroom, gun to a woman’s head.

The same woman Callum had been staring at all night.

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