Two Worlds Between Stars: the Seer

Chapter Keys and Troubles

Aamir was walking back and forth between the two trees they had pitched their tent between. Adilah was just waking up but she was glad to because the night only brought nightmares and thoughts that were quite disturbing. Yakir was already there with the food that his Ma Mandra gave him. Dari was laying down near the stream trying to grab a fish with her teeth, barking whenever it got away.

Aamir noticed her waking and walked over to sit by Adilah to ask, “How did you sleep? wait, stupid question, how much did you sleep?”

Adilah was surprised that he noticed her lack of sleep and knew there was no point in lying to him, “honestly I think horses get more sleep and they only sleep 3 hours every 24 hours. I want to go home but if I do I am scared of what I will find there. But what am I going to do? I am 17 and I am supposed to be saving Remaria from something that we don’t even know what it is I truly want your Grammy’s baghir and see you in your robe. I want it to be normal again!”

Aamir sat in front of Adilah and grasped her hands, “A we’re, together, going to figure this out. But we can’t do that if you don’t sleep. I know it is scary having to see your Pa like this but I can’t tell you how much I know you can do this. Yes, I am very hungry too. But, A, what is normal? Is it bombings and poverty? Tell me, what is normal?”

Adilah went silent. Aamir used his hand to lift her chin so she was looking at him, “Trust me.” She nodded.

Yakir came over and Aamir looked away, “Guys! I think I know why you’re here,” Aamir and Adilah exchanged glances and stood up. Yakir continued, “Adilah you said you saw something when you came here but I can’t remember anything happening so I asked Ma Mandra and some of the other Mandri, but none of them could remember. But the one thing we all have in common is the earthquake. I think something happened during the earthquake so I looked through our library and found something on mythic deception. Here I will show you.” Yakir reached into his bag and grabbed a small dusty book. The book was crusted in dust and the binding was coming off due to age but you could almost make out the gold stitch on the cover.

When Yakir opened the book dust erupted around them and when it settled the book looked new. Covered in red and gold with the words, “Eyes and Seers″ stitched on the cover. The pages were of a crisp, cream color and the words were bold and bright.

As Yakir looked over his shoulder at Adilah and Aamir he said, “What? You don’t have books that renew themselves?” when they shook their heads,

Yakir rolled his giant eyes and responded, “humans.” Aamir let out a little snicker.

As Yakir flipped the pages Adilah noticed the pictures and eyes that were drawn into the book. Yakir then stopped on a picture of the very thing that erupted from the earth when they first got here.

Before Adilah could stop herself she pointed to the picture and remarked, “That is what I saw. It came from the ground and stared right at us and then just disappeared.”

Aamir noticed and studied the picture again, “Oh yeah that is what we saw, it stared directly at us. I think. I don’t know where the hell its eyes are.”

Dari pawed the picture and tilted her head as if she was agreeing with Aamir.

Yakir started to read, “Long time ago there lived a time of erasing and deception. The all-powerful controlled what the Remara saw and didn’t, remembered and forgot now the age is anew.”

Aamir confused asked, “What does that mean,”

Yakir explained, “I was translating it into your language. This is in the olden Remaran.”

“So basically there is a power greater than the Remara and it is making you forget you ever saw it?” asked Adilah.

“Well, it is just a theory but hypothetically yes. Powerful spirits have greater control and with it is the ability to control its subjects,” said Yakir. “The thing you saw is not the actual power but is being controlled by it. For all, I know it could be a human, like you or a Remara like me.” Yakir said.

Adilah got lost in thought again and then asked, “is it good to be controlled or is it bad?” Yakir said, “I think it is good but this book was made by the first Remara who was human. He says that the seers’ deception is not often which is why I brought it up, because the earthquakes have happened more frequently now. I think your job is to release us from this power before it causes the downfall of Remaria.”

Adilah got thinking about this. Maybe this is what she was saving the Remara from but what exactly is it? Aamir was now down by the creek washing Dari with a bottle of homemade soap that was made from one thing he foraged. Yakir sat down and Adilah sat beside him.

This time it was her turn to ask, “Yakir you look sad is there a reason?”

Yakir replied, “yes, but you never give a reason, so why should I tell you?” Adilah looked taken aback but understood what he meant.

He was helping them but she hasn’t given him any explanation. “You’re right, you deserve an explanation. My pa is sick back home. I came here because I was having dreams about an orchard near Aamir’s house when we went there the other day an arch and key appeared and it said whoever shall hold this key can save the world of their own and another I came here without thinking because I think it may be the only thing to save my pa. Now, why are you sad?”

Yakir sighed, “I don’t like the idea that my thoughts and memories are being chosen for me. I don’t feel like I have my head anymore. I worry that the Seer may come again and I will give away your location.”

Adilah thought about this. “Well if you do we will figure it out. It isn’t too late to just stay home with your Ma we haven’t left yet. But we do leave tomorrow it is up to you Yakir. We never asked you to help but we wouldn’t mind your expertise on the trip.”

Yakir nodded. “Okay, now do you still have the key?”

Adilah got up and went over to her bag, reached in, and pulled out the gold key still inlaid with the words. She walked back over and sat down next to Yakir again. “Yeah, why? I don’t know what it is for but then again I wasn’t thinking about anything when I walked into the arch.” Yakir twisted and fiddled with the key in his fingers, dragging his finger over the words and examining it closely with immense curiosity.

As he studied it Adilah felt the need to interrupt, “what do you think it is?”

He responded, “I am not sure. But, it looks oddly familiar.” He studied the key a bit more and handed it back to Adilah. “We should start moving tomorrow. Aamir and I discovered a path on the map I drew that may help. But I have a feeling we may run into some Remara and they aren’t always friendly.” Adilah looked scared but positioned herself and said, “for Papa.”

Aamir, dripping wet, walked over to where they sat. “I am NEVER washing that dog again.” He rang out his shirt as Dari pranced, looking happy with herself. Aamir quickly shot her an evil glare and went back to drying his shirt and pants.

“You know some dogs behave when they are getting washed, though, A, is a walking she-devil.” Dari barked and smiled.

“So what are we working on?” Adliah filled him in on what Yakir and her were talking about, “Yakir thinks he has an idea what the key does. We are planning to take the most direct route to the Dark Lands where Yakir thinks the Seer is living. We will leave tomorrow.”

“Okay sounds good but on an unrelated note do you have a change of clothes?” Adilah rolled her eyes.

she sighed, “Yes,” she pulled out a change of clothes for Aamir and watched him bolt down to the river to clean off. Adilah and Yakir continued talking and a few minutes later Aamir was back in a dry outfit.

“Ahhh, much better, Dari.” Dari barked again and jumped up on Aamir. Aamir wasn’t ready and fell over backward and started to laugh.

Things settled down and Yakir went home.

Adilah and Aamir sat close and Aamir grabbed a blanket from the bag.

As Adilah leaned her head on Aamir’s shoulder she said, “thank you for being here,” she didn’t catch what he said as she drifted off to sleep but it sounded like, “Always.”

The next morning, birds were chirping and Adilah was waking up when she realized Aamir was packing already and Dari was playing with sticks. Off in the distance, Yakir started running towards them with his bag of things. Smiling, he came over and said, “I am ready for some mischief.” Adilah and Aamir shared a laugh, “there will be no mischief, we’re going to go to the Dark Lands to find the Seer and hopefully not get caught by dragons or fire Orlii,” Aamir stated, “actually the Fire Orlii is on my list of things I want to see. They are amazing.” Yakir nodded but looked terrified, “why the Fire Orlii? They are harmless but some are very powerful and don’t always welcome newcomers.” They continued packing their bags and Adilah clipped Dari’s leash onto her collar. Aamir was placing some food he found into bags that Yakir had brought from home. “Yakir, are you sure your Ma Mandra is going to allow you to come with us?” said Aamir. Yakir responded, “I left her a note explaining everything and that I would take care of it. We’re going to save the Remara!” Adilah reflected on this. Was that what the note she left Mama meant? That she was going to save Papa. Mama must be worried about what she was thinking. Aamir came over, “Adilah you okay? Look I know that is a stupid, idiotic question but it is the only one I got. You left your Mama a note, well guess what I left my Grammy a note so they can worry together. I am here all the way through I promise.” Adilah got up without thinking and hugged Aamir, “thank you.” Aamir let go and continued packing and talking with Yakir about the quickest route. Adilah smiled, Aamir was her best friend, family, and now maybe even more. He was always there. She liked knowing she would never be alone. Aamir looked back and smiled at Adilah. Dari trotted over to Adilah trailing her leash behind her. The rugged old leash was falling apart so Adilah decided to unclip it for now. They couldn’t waste money on a new one so they were stuck with the torn, leather leash that was pretty much in threads. “Do you think we forgot anything?” asked Aamir. “We should be good. We have food, water, stuff for Dari, the key, some gears I can work with, swimsuits, a change of clothes, and what else? Are we missing anything?” said Adilah. “I think that covers pretty much everything as long as we have warm clothes because we will probably trek the mountains and Yakir said they can get pretty cold,” explained Aamir. Yakir nodded in agreement. Adilah let out a deep breath, “I’m coming Papa.” Adilah grabbed the leash and Dari sat up. Aamir walked over and said, “You sure you want to do this” “Thanks, Aamir. But I have to. This is the only way I feel I can do something to help my Papa. I have lost a lot to the war, we all have, I CAN’T lose Papa too.” Aamir stood up and put out his hand. Adilah took it and hoisted herself up. “Alright then it’s settled, let’s get moving!” Adilah laughed and Dari barked. “Yakir, lead the way!” Yakir grabbed a map from his tiny bag that he brought from home and a compass. “We go north towards the forests. Most of the nymphs live there and they are pretty much harmless.” But there are a few things we will need to look out for. Aamir spoke, “Let’s get to the forests and out of them before we figure out our next move.” Adilah nodded, “I agree with Aamir. One step at a time.” They started to walk on a dusty path. Pretty much quiet accepting the birds chirping and singing in the trees. Then as they stepped into the brush a deep fog covered them. Adilah was screaming, “Aamir, Yakir, where are you!” Then as the map had shown and the book had warned. The thing she saw in the bushes the other day was there again. This time a closer look happened. It was a centaur. A girl centaur and her bow had its arrow pointed right at Aamir’s heart.

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