Two Worlds Between Stars: the Seer

Chapter If the Water Could Talk

Adilah woke the next morning with the sweltering sun beating down on her face. She didn’t remember much from last night just sobbing, sadness and Nisha. She was a liar and a killer and was going to be the victim of revenge. But first, they need to go through Aenon and the water pari. Adilah rolled her neck, she knew she slept weird on Aamir’s chest but she liked listening to his heartbeat. It helped to distract her from her Papa. Dari started to lick her face but her tongue was dry. Adilah frowned. She went into her pack and opened the canister to give Dari a drink but it was gone.

“Does anyone know how to control water,” she asked.

“No,” they all yawned as they covered their eyes from the sun.

“Well where is the water in the parched wasteland,” she asked. Aamir stretched. “I heard that,” said Fiare.

“I didn’t mean anything by it,” said Adilah.

Suddenly Flame called out, “oww,” he said. He looked at his body which was now a half-horse. “Can someone help me up?” he said, slipping every time his hooves started to get a grip. Ivy smiled and laughed. “Glad my pain eases your mind,” he said and put his arms out for balance. Smiled at himself and took a step only to fall back on all fours again.

Adilah went to go help Flame. Getting him to stand upright to walk over to her satchel which happened to be now dirty and fraying in a few areas. She rummaged through it to find an apple, some dried berries, and a bag of dog food.

She pondered, “I’ll need some more supplies for the trip.” She went back to rummaging. A journal, gears, tools, and a few other things.

Aamir leaned over her shoulder, “What’chu doing?” he asked.

“Packing our things,” she answered as she placed more things in the run-down satchel. Jupiter yawned, Ceres stroking her head as Jupiter’s eyes fluttered open. She smiled. “Good morning friends!” she said looking up into Ceres’s face and seeing her reflection in his glasses. Ceres smiled down at her.

“Yakir, can you pass me that,” Adilah asked, pointing to a screwdriver. Yakir picked up the tool and handed it over.

The group was ready. Fiare sat collecting things from the rubble.

“Dad, We’re leaving now, are you gonna be okay?” said Jupiter. He nodded.

“Actually, Ceres wait,” he said. Jupiter turned and gave Ceres a look and nodded. Fiare stood and hugged him. Ceres looked shocked but hugged him back. After a brief moment of silence, Fiare held him away from his shoulders.

“Take good care of her Ceres. I’m glad to say you’re part of my family, I’m sorry for the way I have treated you,” he said. Ceres smiled.

“Now you can go,” he said to Jupiter, still holding Ceres’ shoulders. And the group set off.

They walked and walked. There was an occasional scattered comment. But mostly they were surrounded by loud silence. Ivy walked slowly behind the group, his hooves leaving imprints in the hot clay. “Did you really mean that?” said Flame. “Ivy?” he asked. Ivy looked up at him with a face, it was a mixture of hurt and something else he couldn’t quite put his finger on.

“What do you want me to say,” she said.

“Anything?” he said.

“You were a jerk,” she said.

He nodded, “I know, I like you, I really do. And saying that I realize the things I said were a pretty stupid way of showing it.” he stepped in front of her, “I’m sorry, I do trust you, I just I have never had anyone look out for me before. Still trying hard at this whole friends thing,” he said. Ivy smiled. He held out his arms to hug her.

She leaned into him, “that’s all I wanted to hear you, big oaf,” she said into his ear, pulling away.

Yakir looked at them with a grin, “Oy took you long enough!” he said exasperatedly and threw his hands in the air dramatically. Ivy laughed and looked at Flame. “You know Chief is going to kill me right,” he said.

“He was already planning too,” she joked. Adilah exchanged looks with Aamir same with Jupiter to Ceres.

Adilah coughed, “Ahem?” she said, “We should keep walking because some of us will melt if it gets any hotter,” she said. The elves nodded and Yakir started fanning himself and panting, “she’s not wrong, I think I have sweated like 10 pounds and that is almost half of my body weight,” he yelled.

“Then what are we waiting for? Let’s go!” said Jupiter, swinging Ceres’s hand.

It took two hours but they finally got out of the sweltering heat of the fire field. Dari jumped from rock to rock as Ashe and Ember chased her. Adilah was glad Dari could make some friends even though those friends happened to be as hot as lava. With Ivy and Flame chatting about various things and the elves lost in their own thoughts their destination came quickly.

Adilah looked around the cave. It was actually quite beautiful. The walls were wet and the sound of trickling water on the ground echoed through the tunnel. The walls started to round and into a vast room with glowing things on the ceiling, “guys look!” said Aamir, pointing to the ceiling, “are those bioluminescent worms?” he asked. Ivy nodded, “looks like it,” she said. “Quite amazing huh but I like the dark better,” an unfamiliar voice said from the dark.

Emerging from the rock came to a girl with her hair tied back in a ponytail. She wore a blouse though it was muddy and wrinkled.

“Hello, I’m Iris,” said the voice.

“Hi, I’m Adilah. Nice to meet you but uhh why here,” said Adilah with a puzzling expression.

“’Cause I’m on a mission, but that’s all I’m going to say,” said Iris. Aamir leaned in to whisper to Adilah, “Well that’s not ominous at all,” he said sarcastically. Iris covered her mouth and laughed. Then she closed her hands into a fist and the cave faded away to reveal a black beach, cliffs, and a calm ocean. Another girl appeared dressed in black. She stood behind Iris and looked as if she had always been there. “This is Kala,” Iris said, gesturing to the girl in black. Kala started to make signs with her hands and Iris repeated them back.

“What are you doing?” said Yakir. Kala shrugged at Iris, “Kala is deaf, she only knows sign language,” she said.

“Oh, that makes much more sense,” said Yakir.

Aamir looked around at where the cave used to be, “How did she do that?” he said confused.

“I’m a forest nymph so I have illusionist powers,” she said, using her hands she made a butterfly appear.

“That’s impressive,” said Aamir, putting out his finger to let the butterfly land. Adilah crossed her arms with jealousy, I have talents too you know, she thought. “Where are we,” said one of the centaurs though Adilah wasn’t sure which one, she was pretty sure it was Ivy but the crashing waves on the shore made their voice disappear into the wind. “We’re on the Black Shore just a few miles closer and we would be at Aenon’s underwater palace,” said Iris. “That makes sense I guess,” said Yakir. He picked up sand and let it sift through his four fingers. “This sand is soft,” he said. Kala laughed.

“How can she hear me?” asked Yakir.

“Kala can read minds and has learned to feel the vibrations in the ground so she can kind of understand our conversation,” answered Iris. Kala tapped on Iris’s shoulder, ‘You don’t need to narrate everything you know. This is a spy mission the sooner we get back the easier Nisha will be on us meaning I don’t get raped again in front of everyone.’ She said, Iris, rolled her eyes. “Kala what type of elf are you?” asked Jupiter. Kala cocked her head and then opened her palm letting a small flame dance in the center. Fire elf. Jupiter smiled at her sweetly and also let fire dance on her fingers. “Me too,” said Jupiter, trying to enunciate her words. Kala allowed herself to smile, something she didn’t do often anymore. Kala pointed to Ceres. Iris nodded, “She’s wondering if you’re also a Fire elf,” she said. Ceres shook his head and turned to Kala. He opened his palm and faced it down letting frost spread around his feet. He closed it and the frost retracted. The nymph and the elf nodded. “Cool!” exclaimed Iris. Kala nodded in agreement.

“So about this mission of yours?” asked Adilah. “I told you it’s classified,” Iris said, losing all of her kindness. She crossed her arms. “Why here?” Adilah asked again. “Can’t say,” replied Iris. Kala reached into her jacket nervously and pulled out a small knife. She tapped on Iris’s shoulder.

‘Why do we have to do this?’ She asked.

You said it before. ‘Get it done then Nisha won’t be mad,’ Iris responded.

‘But they seem nice, it’s not right. Nisha is doing this for power, Adilah is doing it to save her dad,’ Kala retorted.

‘Adilah didn’t say anything about her dad,’ Iris said confused. Kala crossed her arms and looked at Iris. She tapped her head.

‘Right, mind reading.’ Kala nodded. They both looked back at the group. They had taken a step back after Kala had drawn the knife from her jacket. Kala felt like she could disappear. Adilah was in shock, her eyes locked on the small blade. Jupiter had her hands in fists, ready to open them as did the other elf, Ceres. Kala let out her breath and twirled the blade in her hand. It wasn’t her pocket knife and it didn’t have that feeling in her hand that reminded her of home but it would have to do. “What are you going to do with that?” said Adilah, stuttering on every other word. “We’re going to do what we need to do,” said a small voice in the back of Adilah’s head. Kala’s gaze locked with hers. The deaf elf was communicating with her and suddenly she realized that the two people in front of her were more dangerous than they let on. Iris’s lip quivered as she spoke, “We need to complete this for our boss, sorry you seem like a nice lot,” she extended her hands and twisted them.

The Black Shore dissolved into a hospital room. Adilah looked around and her friends weren’t there, just her Papa on a bed, the monitor beeping beside him. She started sweating as she stared at her father, her heart beating so loudly and fast she felt it would explode in her chest. “Papa?” she said. Her father’s eyes stirred underneath the heavy eyelids, he mumbled. His head started turning from side to side and then it stopped all of it. The line in the monitor beeped rapidly and then stopped and went fast. “Papa,” she said again, tears threatening to fall at her eyelids. His hand fell limply to his side. Adilah collapsed and cried. Iris appeared, “why are you here? You should be there?” Iris gestured to her father. Iris smiled and then disappeared into the air.

Aamir stared at Adilah. She was laying there with blood coming from her wounds. They were back in Morrocco and a bombing had happened. He wasn’t there to protect her. He tensed as Iris appeared beside him, “Sad isn’t it. You don’t want to move because she is here but she is bound to get hurt one day and you won’t be there to protect her,” she said and like in Adilah’s illusion, she disappeared.

This happened to everyone. Yakir looked at the burning neighborhood where he grew up. Ivy saw Flame on a stake as her father laughed in the background. Flame watched Ivy get married to River, the centaur that was chosen for her by Chief after Flame got banned and never saw Ivy again. Ceres was left by Jupiter. And Jupiter watched as Ceres turned evil by Nisha. Everyone was haunted by their nightmares and Iris, was enjoying it. Iris hated using her power for evil but using it was better than being stuck. Kala stared behind her in horror as she watched every illusion fade in and out.

Suddenly Iris was toppling over. Kala lay beside her panting, the knife splashed into the water, Iris sent her a dark look. Why did you do that? You were supposed to kill them! She said, Don’t knock me over! She sat up, the sand soft beneath her hands. I don’t need more blood on my hands than I already have, I don’t want to be what Nisha trained me to be and you don’t want to be this person either. Kala signed. Iris sighed, she knew Kala was right no matter what Nisha did to them it wasn’t worth killing another group of innocent people. She dropped back to the ground moving her hands on the soft sand. Kala got up and walked over to the silver glint on the shore, she grabbed the knife. She chucked it into the sea. I don’t need a stupid blade from your hellish land, Nisha. Your life will be the only one I will be glad to take, she signed angrily and flipped her middle finger at the sea. Iris looked away and towards the group. Ivy was by Flame. Aamir was hugging Adilah as she sobbed and her dog laid her head on her knees. Yakir didn’t blink for 20 minutes, it seemed just staring at the place where the imaginary village was.

As Iris stood up Adilah tensed. She scuffed back until her heel hit the cliff. “Please forgive us,” said the voice in her head. “Please, we don’t want to hurt you,” it continued. Adilah clutched her head and closed her eyes. “STOP IT! GET OUT!” she yelled. Kala lept backward and she dropped her gaze. Adilah fell to her knees and cried. Aamir walked carefully over and placed his hand on her shoulder. She looked up and wiped her nose on her sleeve. Kala took off her jacket and revealed a dirty white tank top. She laid the jacket carefully on a rock and sat down on the Black Shore. When Adilah finally gathered herself together she walked over to her pack and shifted things inside until she had the compass and a screwdriver in her hand. Dari watched curiously as did Ashe and Ember it seemed as if everyone was still and all that was heard was the lapping of the waves and Adilah’s shaking breath. She moved her hands quickly not letting anyone see what she was creating and when she was done she quietly placed the screwdriver back inside the pack, latched it up, and walked back over to where she was sitting with the compass. Is she going to tell us what that is? Signed Kala. Iris shrugged. Whispers were exchanged between Aamir and Adilah and then Aamir looked at the sad and solemn faces and said, “We’re getting revenge for Tara.” Iris’s eyes stretched to a scared face, “Ta-Tara died 16 years ago right? Why are we getting revenge now?” Adilah’s face contorted to confusion, “Where did you hear that? Tara died yesterday because of your stupid “savior”,” she sniffled. “Nisha lied. She said she died. She said she saved me from the “gropes” of the forest. She said,” said Iris. Yakir cut her off, “what do you mean?”

“Tara, my mom.” Everyone’s faces dropped and Kala turned around on the shore, her back being nipped at by the sharp coolness of the water, but still, her face remained calm. Yakir’s eyes squinted and he put out his hand pretending to pat the air as he said, “say that again?” Iris rolled her eyes and shouted, “TARA IS MY MOTHER! IWasSeparatedFromHerAtBirthAndWasToldSheWasDeadButSheWasn’tAndINeverGotToMeetHerBecauseOfThatSonOfAFuckingDevilNISHA!” She gulped in a breath and was about to continue when Adilah stood up, “Come with us?” she said. The voice came into her head, why? Adilah looked at Kala, “Because while I am not happy that you tried to kill us and made our worst fears come to life I think you guys would rather be free.” Iris nodded and Kala shrugged, signing, Beats getting beat. Let’s do it.

Nisha paced the room. “Where are those worthless brats?” She checked her watch. “JACOB!” she yelled. Someone rushed into the room. He was a small, frail man with red hair and blue eyes, his face dotted with freckles. “Yes Nisha?” he said exasperatedly. “Have Kala and Iris returned yet?” He shook his head vigorously. Nisha walked to Jacob with a scowl on her face, “What. DO. YOU. MEAN. THEY AREN’T HERE! I DON’T WAIT AROUND FOR WORTHLESS BRATS THEY WAIT ON ME! ” She spat. “I’m sorry ma’am but they haven’t come back yet,” Jacob said meekly. Nisha turned to the window behind her, the dark clouds creating an ominous lurking on the ground. “You really don’t understand, do you,” she said coldly. “N-no, I don’t believe I do ma’am,” he said. “Well, I’ll explain. You see Jacob when you want something done the best way is to get it done yourself,” She smiled and in a quick move her hand launched behind her back and the meek boy was turned to stone.

The faces around the shore still stayed stunned as Iris continued gulping in breaths from her long but helpful rant. Flame started moving, he bowed twice, and then Ivy repeated his movement. “Wh-What are you doing?” said Iris, surprised by the sudden affection. “You’re the next successor. You’re the only living member of the last elder,” said Ivy. Iris looked down at her feet like she was suddenly very interested in her shoes, which were in threads. Kala stood up and walked over, placing her hand on her shoulder. Iris smiled, Thank you, she signed. You know, once you’re free and you can return to the forest you can have everything you never got. Kala said hopefully. Iris shook her head, “I don’t want the world, I want to be better and that is only going to happen if Nisha is dead.”

“What are you going to do when you’re free Kala?” she said. I’m going to find my father, and return to my homeland. Then I will raise an army and right every wrong and destroy anything with Nisha’s name, a person like that doesn’t deserve mourners and doesn’t deserve a tomb. Aamir smiled. “What,” said Adilah, looking at him. “I know some words in sign language now, and I think I know what Kala said,” he responded confidently. “What did she say?” said Adilah. ”I like pancakes and that donkey is green,” he signed, trying to respond to Kala. Kala laughed, shaking her head and Iris fell to the ground in hysterics. “What? What did I say?” asked Aamir. Iris wiped her eyes of tears, “You said ’I like pancakes and that donkey is,” she snorted, “green!” and with that, she started to break down into laughter again. Aamir rolled his eyes, “I meant to say ‘What is that giant whirlpool behind you’ but not everyone is perfect,” he crossed his arms.

Everyone turned around to see a massive whirlpool. The wind started, whipping around, picking up sand and hitting it into the group’s eyes. The once clear water turned murky and a deep blue as the fish and sand were ripped from the bottom and drawn into the underwater tornado. Well, that’s interesting of all the things that have happened in the Dark Lands. I am actually scared of water, signed Kala. The water shot up into a spiral making a tornado, everyone grabbed onto something everyone except Iris who still stood in shock, slowly her feet left the ground and she was pulled into the column. “NOOOO!” Yelled Kala in a hoarse voice. She jumped into the water, breast stroking and letting the water pull her towards her best friend. Adilah tried to stop her but she just kept swimming. Kala! Stop and Kala! Wait, filled her mind but she just focused on Iris. She had just gotten to the edge of the column when suddenly it collapsed bringing Iris with it. Kala started to panic. She looked up into the dark sky and took a deep breath, laid on her back floating and closed her eyes, and looked for Iris’s mind. Iris, where are you, she wondered. I’m here Ka.... I’m h... said Iris’s familiar voice. She kept drifting in and out until the voice stopped completely. Kala dove under the water and opened her eyes, the salt water stinging them immensely almost like pins and needles but she swam. The pressure hurt her ears and then it was totally dark. She felt around the water for any sign of life. Her hand hit something, it was cold making her flinch back. She reached out again and felt, was that hair? Iris! She grabbed ahold of the limp body and started upward letting her ears pop and relax. She broke the surface and gulped in a breath and started to swim back to shore as the waves fought to pull her back down. Once her hands hit the sand she crawled to the group laying Iris down carefully as if she could break. Kala coughed and coughed up water and pulled dark seaweed from her hair which was now stringy and coarse. Goosebumps crawled over her and she felt cold but all Kala could focus on was Iris. Wobbly, Kala stood up and walked over to her lifeless body, Adilah sitting around it with Aamir and the others. Dari licked her face and Ashe put her tail over her as she tried to warm Iris up.

Kala sat on her knees, Iris please wake up I need you, she started pressing on her chest trying to make her cough up the water but she didn’t know CPR, she was taught to kill not to save. Adilah’s eyes went bright, What? Said Kala’s voice in her head. “I-I have a potion from the Elms! Nisha left it when she thought we could help her. We used it to heal me and Aamir and there is still some left,” she said and walked over to her bag. She pulled the deep blue potion out of her bag “Ha! Yes!,” she exclaimed and ran back to Iris. Kala pressed her ear to Iris’s chest. Faint but there was a heartbeat. She sat up, Adilah poured a bit of the potion on Iris’s tongue, dissolving when it hit her.

In a few long minutes, her eyes fluttered open and she turned to her side to throw up the water she inhaled. Kala hugged her tightly, What happened? She thought. Kala didn’t answer. Iris tried to ask again when suddenly Kala’s lips were against hers. Don’t scare me like that ever again, Iris’ eyes closed, I can’t make any promises.

Kala started to draw back worried she took it too far, Iris grabbed her forcefully bringing Kala closer, forgetting that everyone around her was watching, her fingers twirled into Kala’s stringy, sweet-smelling hair and she focused only on the warmth and curve of her body. Kala held her tighter. Iris bit at Kala’s lip as Kala’s hand slid to her neck. Iris felt bruised but it didn’t matter. She pulled back and started kissing and nipping at Kala’s neck, letting her hand slide up her back. She never felt so alive. Finally, the two separated, letting their heads rest together. That was fun wasn’t it, said a voice in Iris’s head, Which part? The part where I almost died or the fact that I finally got to kiss you. Kala blushed, finally?

I never thought I would find anyone for me, yet here you are. Thought Iris.

Kala smiled at this: you’re the first one to give me a chance, Iris. Nobody wants the deaf girl. Iris shook her head, I do. I always have. Iris kissed her quickly on the cheek leaving Kala with blossoms of red.

When they finally looked up, Jupiter almost burst with joy, “EEEEE!” She squealed. Kala looked down at her feet, blushing. “You guys are so cute together!” She said, Even Ceres had a small smile. The two elves were the only ones around them. While the others looked around the cliffs for someplace safe. The clouds were dark, and fat drops of water started to fall. Kala looked up and stuck out her tongue, Her hair falling out of the bun. Jupiter fell into Ceres’s arms, her feet dragging on the ground. The four watched the rain fall onto the shore leaving little holes in the ground. “Guys if you’re done putting on a show we found a cave!” yelled Yakir. Kala chuckled. Iris stood up, holding out her hand for Kala to take. The four walked over to the rest of the group who stood at the base of the cliff looking up. Where is the cave? Kala signed. Iris shrugged, “Where is the cave,”

“Up there,” Aamir said looking up the cliff. Iris went wide-eyed. “How the hell do you expect us to get up THERE!”

“Language!” yelled Yakir. Iris rolled her eyes, “I come from hell,” she said. Yakir flinched, “Well I’m sorry, I wasn’t aware that the devil had soldiers,” he crossed his arms. Jupiter and Ceres looked at each other.

“I have a rope,” said Adilah.

“How are we supposed to get the rope up there?” asked Ivy.

“JupiterandIcanflyupthere,” said Ceres rapidly. Jupiter slapped his arm. “What! We can!”

“Yeah for 2 fricking minutes!” Said Jupiter, nervously. Adilah looked over the cliffs, “It should be enough, you only need to be up there to put the rope which should take one minute and twenty-three seconds,” she said. Aamir smiled at her. “Nope! Not doing it, it’s too close!” said Jupiter, pointedly. “Then I’ll go up there,” said Ceres. Jupiter’s mouth dropped. “I will not let my boyfriend shake hands with death,” she said. “It’s my decision. Give me the rope,” said Ceres to Adilah. “But,” said Jupiter. Adilah handed the rope to him, he let out a breath, “Here goes.” Ceres nodded, looking up he took a deep breath, and slowly his feet left the ground. His palms faced down. The cold wind started to blow, throwing him off balance, Ceres banged into the cliff. He restationed his balance as drops of red blew in the wind. “20 seconds!” said Adilah checking her watch. Ceres started to falter but managed to stay in a straight line, “4 seconds!” she yelled up. “Would you stop saying that!” said Jupiter, biting her nails. “1 second!” Ceres started to fall and at the last second he grabbed the edge of the cave and screamed out in pain. He looked for a foothold and crawled up, disappearing over the edge. In a matter of moments the rope toppled out of the mouth of the cave, “Climb!” yelled Ceres. Each one climbed up the rope, Ivy turning human and using the potion to make Flame human too they climbed last. Once everyone was in the cave, Jupiter ran over to Ceres. “Oh my god! Ceres,” she said tenderly, touching Ceres’ arm. Ceres squinted. “Jupiter?” he said. “I’m here,” she said. Ceres’ glasses were cracked, his arm bleeding from a gash. “I’m fine,” Ceres said. “Adilah can you hand me your bag, I hope you don’t mind but I put some potions in there.” Adilah smiled, banging her forehead, “That’s why it’s so much heavier,” Ceres laughed. “Yeah sorry about that.” Adilah handed him the bag. He rummaged around and then pulled out a beaker-shaped bottle. He drank a little bit and his arm started to stitch itself up. “Was that,” Ceres nodded, “Yes Yakir it is Carmeta, I made it myself. Figured we would need it, it seems like this lot has a knack for getting hurt.” he chuckled. Ceres winced as the skin stitched itself together. Adilah started to get something out of her bag when something growled, well whimpered. It was a small voice but still made everyone jump. Kala smiled. Adilah lit a match and held it out. A small black body with purplish wings cowered in the corner. Iris’ jaw dropped, “Cricket?” the small dragon chirped. Kala smiled again. Iris dropped her hand and bent down to her knees letting the dragon clumsily run into her arms. “Why are you here?” she said. Cricket chirped as smoke flared from his nostrils. He turned his left wing to Iris revealing a tear in the middle part. “Oh you poor thing, did Nisha do that to you?” She asked. Cricket flinched at the name. Kala tapped Iris’ shoulder, Cricket says that Nisha tore his wing when we didn’t return she figured that if we came back and he was hurt then she could keep us there. Iris nodded silently. Aamir bent down, staying on the balls of his feet. He rested one arm on his knee and using the other he started to stroke Cricket’s black scales.

Adilah listened to the chirps echoing through the cave, the waves crashing 20 feet below. “Flame?” she called. “Hm?”

“You mind starting a fire?” she asked. “Yeah sure, got any sticks? And a lighter?” he asked. Adilah rolled her eyes and rummaged through the bag, “I have a few of the berry sticks from earlier. Will that help?” He nodded, “as long as they’re dry.” She patted the thin twigs feeling around the dry wood. She carefully took them out and made a pyramid. Once she set the wood she backed up letting Flame and Yakir use the wood and create the sparks. As the fire started to dance around the twigs Adilah saw something in the middle. The sandgrouse. Her sandgrouse. The only gift from her father and was in the middle of flames. “No! Flame, put it out, put it out!” Flame beat his hooves on the fire and let it burn out. She ran to the pile. But it was too late the bird was charred and the flames had scarred and chipped it. The once smooth wooden bird was now a pile of ash and wood.


It’s night now. Aamir stared at his friend. Adilah had laid down in the corner, facing the wall. She hadn’t said anything for the last 3 hours and he was starting to get worried. Everyone else was asleep. Ivy was next to Flame. Ceres and Jupiter. And Kala sat with Iris, Cricket resting in between them, all three hadn’t fallen deeply into sleep almost like they thought fully relaxed like they will be taken or hurt if they close their eyes fully. Aamir tended to the newly made fire trying to keep it lit at least a little. Dropping the stick, he walked over to Adilah and sat down, “Hey,” he said. He lifted his knees to his chest and laid his head down. “Hey,” she responded, still facing the wall. They sat in silence, listening to the crashing waves on the black sand beaches. “I hate this,” she said. Aamir nodded. “There is a lot of fricking stuff to hate lately.”

“For all I know, my Pa could be dead,” Adilah muttered coldly.

“I don’t think you want to believe that.” Aamir countered.

“Yeah well, it’s not up to me.” She retorted.

Aamir laid down next to her. Adilah rolled over and faced him the faces inches apart. He tucked a strand of hair behind her ear, “We’ll fix this like we fix everything else.” Adilah looked at her feet, “What are we?” she mumbled, trying to change the conversation. “Hm,” Aamir said. “What are we?” Adilah said louder looking into his eyes. Aamir smiled, “well that’s up to you.” Adilah moved to him. He reached out and pulled her head closer and kissed her softly. Adilah ran her hand to his neck pulling him closer. His hand tangled into her hair. She shivered slightly. Aamir smiled. Adilah moved closer, closing the space between them, their bodies now pressed together. Aamir winced slightly. She started to pull away again remembering the giant gash still healing under his thin shirt but Aamir pulled her closer again. Eventually, Aamir pulled away. He let his forehead rest against hers and slowly they fell asleep, Adilah tangled in Aamir’s arms.

When they all awoke the next morning it was a bright blue sky except for the clouds covering the distant Dark Lands. Everyone was on edge even the animals. Ashe was pacing. Cricket was running in circles. And Ember and Dari were facing out the mouth of the cave.

Aamir finally woke up to find Adilah against him. He quickly remembered the night before and smiled. Aamir slowly got up not wanting to wake her but was quickly stopped and approached by Adilah. “Why didn’t you get up? You were awake,” he said. “I didn’t want to wake you plus I got to stay curled up with you for a little longer.” She cracked a smile. “Meanwhile I was working on this.” She held up a star-shaped stone. “It’s a grapple for the rope so we don’t need to put anyone at risk.” Jupiter’s shoulders dropped like she was tense the whole time. They all understood. She didn’t want to put Ceres at risk again. “How will we get up the cliff? We don’t have the right footwear to climb and it is very steep,” Kala signed. She let her hand drop into Iris’. Iris smiled. “I agree with Kala.”

Yakir held up his four fingers and closed his eyes, turning his head slightly, “Wait a minute. What the flapdoodle did she say?” he said dramatically. Ivy snickered, covering her mouth, “Flapdoodle?” she said, giggling. “Okay look, let’s just stop criticizing everything I say alright? Sooooooo,” he whipped his head back towards Iris, “What did she say?” he repeated. Iris nodded with a thin lip, “Right you guys don’t understand her. It’s become a second language to me I almost forgot. She said that” Kala made the movements again. Iris watched intently, “How will we get up the cliff. We don’t have the right foodwurt?” she said. Kala slapped her forehead, and made the movement again, “Oh footwear. And it is very steep.” Kala slapped her arm. Iris rubbed it dramatically, “Hey! I got there,” she said. “Eventually.” Kala rolled her eyes. “Hm,” said Adilah walking to the mouth and peering up. “I guess I could climb first and attach the rope that way I can pull you up. Flame you’re going to have to change again, sorry.” Flame crossed his arms. Aamir shifted uncomfortably. “I don’t want you to get hurt, A,” she smiled, “Well then I guess you better make sure I don’t.” she retorted, “besides I think the elf couple has had enough action with this cliff.” As if on cue, Ceres winced. “Okay fine, if I can’t convince you...” Aamir started. “Nope! You can’t,” Adilah cut off, much more bubbly than the night before. Adilah replayed last night’s events in her head ending with the kiss between Aamir and her. She smiled slightly. She breathed out, “Okay well? I’m off,” she shrugged and moved over to the side of the mouth, and with that, she was climbing. It had been a long time since Adilah went climbing. Pa used to take her before the French invaded, but now the most climbing she’s done in the past few years is climbing the ladder in the bomb shelter. Seagulls cawed overhead. She looked up, the blinding sun shone in her eyes. Turning her attention back to the wall, she moved in precision weighing each option before taking it. Knowing that below Aamir was watching her. Suddenly, her eyes went dark and she was back on the cliffs, a woman dressed in black with a staff stood in front of her, her voice cutting through the air, “Adilah I thought I could help you... But I guess you’re Pa would have been dead soon anyway.” Thunder boomed in her ear. Adilah blinked rapidly. Her breath and her body shook. Adilah moved her hand to another hold and missed. Losing her balance she started to fall but was able to grab on to another hold and place her feet firmly beneath her. A few moments later, Adilah made it to the top of the cliff and found a sturdy tree to tie the rope to. “Start climbing,” she yelled down. The rope started to drop a bit with the weight of someone on the other end. One by one the group appeared over the edge. Aamir came last. As soon as he saw Adilah he ran and hugged her. “I saw you slip I didn’t know what to do.” Adilah moved her gaze to his hand. His fingertips were bloodied. “Aamir?” she said. He followed her gaze, “Oh! That, it’s um, from climbing,” he said and looked down. “Mhm,” she said unsure. “Is everyone up?” she called out. A small chirp echoed through the crisp air. Cricket appeared over the side carrying, Ashe, Dari, and Ember on his back. The group laughed. Cricket continued to chirp as each animal found their owners. It was clear that he was pleased with himself and liked all of the attention. “Okay where to next? Iris?” Adilah said leaning sideways to face the prisoner. Kala shifted uncomfortably. Iris swallowed, “About a mile north, turn right at the pond, half a mile west, then you reach Nisha’s lair.” Yakir held up a finger, “Isn’t it a castle,” he said. Iris glared, “It’s a prison, a living hell,” she said. Everyone stayed silent. Kala reached into her jacket pulling out a small knife, a pocketknife. She twirled it in her hands getting a better grip. Adilah looked up at the castle. She exhaled slowly. “Welp, the sooner we get there the sooner its done.” she said, trying to sound optimistic. Aamir smiled and stepped up to her side, draping his arm around her shoulder. With that, the group walked, tentatively, to possible doom.

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