Two Worlds Between Stars: the Seer

Chapter Home

When the group got back to the village, Flame and Ivy got banned but they laughed about it, “Great now I don’t need to deal with those assholes anymore,” said Ivy, “Preach,” responded Flame. Yakir went back to his mom and hugged her tight. She whispered words in old Remaran and all Yakir did was smile, cry, and nod.

“You ready?” Aamir said, clutching Adilah’s hand. She nodded with a potion in hand, she found it in Nisha’s pocket labeled, Adilah’s cure, Dari showed up beside her, her tail wagging. And then they stepped into the arc once again.

Adilah opened her eyes, she was lying on glass and ash. She pushed herself up to the ground. “Aamir?” she said. “Right here A,” he extended his hand to help her up. They look around. The entire orchard was gone, with a giant hole in the ground. Adilah winced and looked at her palm, electricity was dancing over a gash. “What the fuck?” she said. She looked at the sky, clouds were rolling in. “We should get home, go to your place?” said Aamir. Adilah nodded, still looking at her hand. They started back, Dari trailing at her heels. Aamir told jokes, keeping Adilah busy and when they rounded the corner they were greeted with nothing. Adilah’s house was completely in flames. She started to run. “Mama!” she screamed. She looked back at Aamir. “No,” he said. Her face turned to stone and she mouthed sorry, before running into the flames. “Mama!” she yelled, coughing. “Where are you,” her hands covering her mouth. She started to slow down and collapsed.

“Where is she?” said Mama. “Aamir? Where is Adilah?!” she said again. Aamir pointed at the burning house before breaking into a run. His arms were caught but Mama. “I need to get to her. I promised.” He said as he struggled in her grip. “I’m sorry.” “Why?” she said. “For this.” He stepped down on her foot, hard, and started to run when her grip loosened. “Adilah!” he screamed. He looked around, crawling on the ground as flames engulfed the kitchen, smoke rising to the top of the house. He saw a body. “Adilah?” he said. No response. She was covered in soot and was wheezing. “I’m gonna get you out of here,” he said, picking her up. He shifted her weight and started to walk quickly back towards the entrance. One of the beams collapsed in front of him. He was completely surrounded by fire. It went black and both bodies fell to the floor. His vision went blurry, light blinding him, smoke stinging his lungs and eyes. He saw her right in front of him, just a lump on the floor, completely still. Then his eyes closed and he drifted away from everything.


She heard sirens, loud sirens. Her breath fogged the oxygen machine. She looked around, everything was loud, her eyes blurry. She was moving fast. Examining her arms there were gashes, blackened with soot. “Adilah? Can you hear me, what is your name?” a voice said. “A-adliah, abbas. Adilah Abbas,” she said. Was that her voice? “You went missing, where did you go,” the voice said. “Remara, an-another world,” she said, memories flashing through her mind. “Sorry ma’am I don’t understand,” said the voice. Adilah’s eyes closed shut again.

“Ad- where is Adilah,” Aamir said coughing, he was being rushed on a stretcher. He started struggling, “I need to see Adilah,” he started struggling but they had tied him down. “Aamir, we need you to calm down,” said one of the nurses. “Don’t tell me to calm the FUCK DOWN WHERE. IS. ADILAH,” he screamed. “Miss Abbas is safe. You will see her soon,” said another nurse. He exhaled and stopped struggling, his arms relaxed. He allowed himself to be rolled into a room, the luminescent lights blinding him, he squinted. He looked around and saw his frantic Grammy clutching a bag in her lap. “Oh, Aamir. My boy.” She came over to him on the stretcher and kissed him on the head. “Have you seen Adilah,” he asked. She nodded. “I went to see her before I came here,” she said. “Is she okay?” Grammy nodded from side to side, “She’s been better,” she said. Aamir’s heart raced. The nurse hooked him to an IV. “What room is she in?” He asked. “Grammy, where is she?” he asked. “She’s in...the ER,” she mumbled. “Aamir?” she said. “I need to be there, I need to be with her,” he said. “Aamir calm down,” Grammy said calmly, “I can’t I-I love her, Grammy. I need her,” he said. “Aamir, she has a concussion and she’s burned really badly,” Grammy said, “She’s not awake right now. You can’t talk to her,” said Grammy. Aamir closed his eyes, trying to hold back tears. Before he knew what he was doing his hand was on the IV. He ripped it out and pulled off the oxygen mask and untied himself. “Hey!” said the nurse. And he ran. Fast. He looked around the building, and he was blinded. “Honey, are you supposed to be out here?” said a nurse. “I-I need to go to the bathroom,” he lied. “Okay, right through that door there,” she said pointing to large, white commercial doors. He ran through them and looked around again. “ER, ER, ER,” he said looking over each doorway. He went through another set, and then another. Until he was outside. “ER!” he said looking at a sign pointing to the right wing. He ran and burst through the doors. “Can I help you,” said the receptionist. “I need to see Adilah Abbas,” he said, banging his hands on the counter. “Okay,” she said looking through the list on the computer. “Ah, room 220, But you may have to wait, looks like she’s concussed.” the receptionist responded. “Okay, thank you,” he said and walked quickly through the marked door. “220,” he said, examining each door. He found the door and pushed it open. Adilah’s mom stood there, her face streaked with tears. “Where is Adilah,” he asked. “Right through there, but...” she said but he was already pushing open the doors. Adilah sat propped up her head wrapped in a bandage, large burns covered her arms. “Adilah, you’re okay,” he said. Hugging her, she winced. “Who are you?”

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