Two Worlds Between Stars: the Seer

Chapter Breaking Bonds

Jupiter continued to stare at the doorway wishing that Kala would come back. The rest of the group popped up. “We need to go,” said Flame, after knocking out the guard. Jupiter looked up and pulled back tears, nodding with the rest of the group. “Let’s get out of here then. This place creeps me out,” said Ivy. “Oh, what about it? The chains? The blades or the unidentified serums?” Yakir said. Ivy glared at him.

“Um...I don’t know what we’re waiting for but...I would like it if I don’t die so can we please get out of here!? I have already faced death way too many times on this trip,” said Aamir. “Right.” Adilah started walking. Ceres grabbed her shoulder. “Ho-How did you do this.” He asked, holding up the bloody palm. Adilah looked at her hands. Little sparks jumped around. She looked back at Ceres. “You never told me what elder my Pa was,” she said. “He was the elder of the sky. He could control the weather and everything but his specialty was lightning.” Jupiter said. Adilah looked back at her hands and the sparks. “Good to know. Now let’s go.” She said and walked out quietly with the group following behind.

After minutes upon minutes of finding the exit to the castle and avoiding the pacing guards they finally got back to the cliff. Nisha stood by the cliff facing out towards the dark waters, the wind whipping at her face. Just as victory was in their grasp it fluttered away like ashes. “You are making this much harder than it needs to be, Adilah,” she said coolly, turning her head off her shoulder and spinning around. She clapped. Guards appeared at her side. “I tried to give you the easy way. But you’ve given me no choice but to give you the bad.” She said. They each walked slowly in a circle. Jupiter and Ceres already had their hands extended, ready for battle. And after a few moments, the battle had begun.

Jupiter slid across the ground, and the air started to warm up, as the fire began to emerge from her palms. Ceres looked over at her and smiled; god I love her so much and began to create ice spears and other weapons. Yakir grabbed one of the newly made ice spikes and glared at the guards, screamed, and charged, his blue face filled with rage, “For Remaria!” He screamed and laughed, “You’re going to hell bitches!” Adilah grabbed two weapons, “Aamir! On your left.” A guard sent a fist at him, and Aamir ducked and caught the spike Adilah threw. “Thanks!” he said and start lunging at one of the guards. Suddenly out of the blue, Jupiter was tackled by one of Nisha’s goons; they rolled on the rocky ground sending up plumes of dust from the gravel. Every punch from Jupiter left burn marks on the guards’ skin but the guard fought back well. After grappling for a while, Jupiter and the guard started to fight dangerously near the cliff’s edge. Ceres ran to assist his girlfriend but when he got there, it was too late. First, the goon fell, then Jupiter, but not fast enough for Ceres to grab her hand. Both of the elves were crying, one’s tears were boiling and the others were cold as ice. Jupiter gripped Ceres’ hand forcefully but he didn’t care; all he had to do was to save Jupiter from falling. Blood fell onto her face in icy red drops. Of course, the damn cut had to open right now, he thought. Ceres reached out with his other hand trying to grip tighter but the weight of Jupiter and the guard started pulling Ceres closer to the edge. The warmth from Jupiter’s hand and ice from Ceres began to create water, and Jupiter’s grip started slipping. “I love you and I’m so sorry,” she said. Ceres shook his head, “Please Jupiter I can’t lose you too. I love you.” He cried harder and gripped tighter trying to pull her back up She smiled, “It’s okay. I’ll see you again. I promise.” and then she let go; those being her last words before she fell into the crashing waves and jagged rocks. Ceres screamed loudly, all the others looked over only to find Ceres kneeling over the cliff’s edge without Jupiter by his side. Ceres sobbed as he watched their soulmate fall into the rocks. crashing waves. Their vision began to blur from his tears but he saw Jupiters’ smile, the last smile she would make, and then her body hit the water with a loud crack, the tip of a rock piercing through her stomach, and then she sank, deep, into the dark waters of the sea. Ceres waited for her to emerge but she never came back up. All that was left was a darker patch of what Ceres knew was Jupiter’s blood. He was overcome with anger, ice ruptured from his hands, he stood up, his shoulders hunched up to his ears, “You bitch! You killed her!” he swiveled around. Nisha turned, “Oh boo hoo your girlfriend has died. But don’t worry my dear Paloma, you’ll join her very soon.” she cackled. He screamed, driven by his anger, their tears turning to ice and shattering to the ground in crystal-like shards.

Ceres launched at Nisha creating a spear with his hand as he ran. She dodged quickly. Ceres lunged over and over as Nisha cackled and drifted away from the spear each time. Ivy crouched behind a rock turning her head slightly to look out past her shoulder. “Hi,” said a voice. Ivy screeched and turned, pointing her arrow at the person’s head. “Um, are you trying to kill me? I’m not the enemy here,” said Flame. He used his hand to lower the arrow. “Flame don’t fucking scare me like that again!” he held his hands up in surrender, “sorry.” Ivy rolled her eyes and turned back to the rock. “We need to take down Nisha. We get her, we get the goons.” She watched Ceres lunge at Nisha and aimed. Ivy closed one eye trying to focus on Nisha’s movements. Left, up, right, back, jump, left, up, repeat. Ivy repeated the movements in her head. Flame moved up to her ear, “Whatcha doing?” he asked. Ivy groaned, “focusing now shush,” she answered. Back, jump, left, up, repeat, left, up, right, back, jump, left, up, repeat. She pulled back the bowstring. And shot.

It all happened so fast. Adilah swiveled her head towards the screech to see Nisha clutching her stomach. Blood poured out with the tip of an arrow piercing her black cloak. Even the minions stopped to watch their leader stagger. Ceres stared in anger holding the ice spear. Nisha fell to the ground as Ceres towered over her. Ivy made her way putting the bow across her back. “Son of whore,” Nisha said, coughing up blood. “Ha, you think I fucking care about your opinion.” Ceres bent down, “I hope it’s slow. You deserve it. Say hi to Satan for me.” He spat and kicked her. She moaned. Adilah watched, Aamir clutched her hand, their fingers intertwined. Ceres grabbed the arrow by the back and twisted it. Dark red blood poured out of the wound. Nisha’s breath staggered in short rapid gasps, each one making her cough up more blood. Yakir’s face twisted in disgust.

Ceres let go of the arrow, her palm covered in red. Ceres bent down again and ripped Nisha’s cloak off revealing the black undershirt. The middle of the shirt was in threads as the arrow pierced through. He examined the wound staring in at the stomach. “Damn, you got the bitch good Ivy,” Ceres smiled sinisterly. Adilah slowly made her way over. Nisha’s eyes were filled with fear. “It didn’t have to end this way you know,” Adilah said looking down. “Yo-ou father was my cl-ost frend he and I trand to-ghr,” Nisha said blood filling her mouth. “He hated me but I love him,” she said, “I’m sor- bolt,” she said. Her eyes went still and she stopped, everything just stopped. Nisha was dead. The seer was dead. The Remaran were free. So why did Adilah feel guilty? She looked away from the body. Aamir squeezed her hand, she looked up. “Are you okay?” he whispered. She nodded silently. He placed a small kiss on her forehead. She smiled. “I love you, A,” he mumbled. “I love you too.” They turned back to Nisha who was now lying in her own blood. Ceres panted. The ice spear melted and he silently turned away and sat at the cliff, staring down at the black waves tumbling over each other below. He closed his eyes, tears ran down his face.

“Hey who are you to think you can come into this realm?” yelled Jupiter, fire forming on her palms. “Um, since when was there a new elder in charge? You don’t look like much,” retorted Ceres, covered in worn-out clothing. Jupiter chuckled. A bolt went through Ceres’ body. Why did that laugh sound so pure? He thought. Jupiters’ flames retracted. “I’m Krissy. But just call me Jupiter. Does the sassy queen have a name?” she asked. Ceres rolled her eyes, “I’m Pa- Ceres. Call me Ceres. And I’m more of a king who would totally ruin you.” he said. Jupiter laughed again. “But actually why the hell are you here? No pun intended, we are totally a living hell.”

“Well if the elder is so curious. I’m just walking through. I need to um... meet with someone.” Ceres said. Jupiter cocked her head but didn’t question his explanation. “Well, you aren’t gonna make it very far. I might as well help you, it’s not like I have anything better to do.” Jupiter responded. Ceres laughed, “Alright, it’d be nice to have company,” Ceres said. Jupiter twisted her palms on the sand, making a glassy object. “Wear this. On your face. It’ll allow you to breathe. You’re not used to this sort of air.” Jupiter said, handing him the object. He placed it over her head. “The glass makes you look even prettier,” Ceres said without thinking. Jupiter blushed and looked away. Ceres didn’t mind it. Jupiter cleared her throat, “Shall we get a move on?” Ceres laughed and nodded.

Ceres was supposed to leave the day after but the day after turned into 3 years. 3 years with Jupiter and 3 years of being finally happy.

Year 3

“Ceres are you there?” Jupiter said, lightly knocking on the door. Nothing. Jupiter knocked again. Nothing. She opened the door slowly, rain pouring outside, thunder rumbling, the acid leaving holes in the ground. Ceres was in their bed sleeping. Jupiter pondered, should I? The thunder shook the whole volcano making up her decision. She slipped the door closed and walked into the dimly lit room, Ceres mumbling softly. Jupiter climbed into the vacant side and sat there, her knees up to her cheek and she started to rock. “It’s kinda creepy that you’re in here,” Ceres said. Jupiter screeched. “I-I didn’t know you were...” Ceres cut her off, “Awake? I always am.” Ceres sat up next to Jupiter, his legs crossed on the pillow. They both turned to each other, “I need to tell you something.” They said simultaneously. They searched each other’s eyes, and both leaned in. Their lips touched, making them both shiver. Ceres’ hand slipped to Jupiter’s cheeks, cupping them and turning her head up slightly to deepen the kiss. Jupiter leaned in more. Ceres fell backward taking Jupiter with her, they laughed softly and then found each other again. Jupiter lay on top of Ceres, Her legs intertwined with his. Jupiter played with Ceres’s hair as Ceres kept his hands on her neck and back pulling her closer whenever they seemed to drift. Jupiters’ eyelashes swept Ceres’ cheeks., making them bloom red. Ceres slid his hand up her shirt stopping at her bra strap. An electric shock went through Jupiter, her mind buzzing. She pulled Ceres back up, moving slowly backward, her lips never parting Ceres. Ceres followed her forward his hands cupping her face. Jupiter’s feet landed on the floor. As soon as they were both standing Ceres forcefully grabbed her, slamming Jupiter against the wall. Jupiter murmured giving him time to slip his tongue into her mouth. She made a yip in her throat. Ceres went crazy, How the fuck did I wait three fucking years for this? He thought. Jupiter clutched Ceres’ neck and sliding one hand down to the waistband of his shorts, her fingers dipped in. Ceres’ twirled her hands in Jupiter’s soft hair and then went down to her thigh clutching it hard. They were pressed together for almost an hour.

They stopped for two minutes to catch their breath, Jupiter started to get hot and while Ceres wasn’t looking slipped off her shirt revealing a sheer white tank-top. She stood awkwardly as Ceres turned around and stood stunned, She figured it out before I did, damn, he thought. In return, he slipped off his usual baggy shirt leaving a thin black top underneath. He dropped the shirt off to the side making Jupiter blush. He started towards her and grabbed her hips before Jupit was ready. Ceres moved her mouth down to Jupiters’ neck and nipped at it. “I’ve been waiting for THIS since the day I met you,” Ceres said against her neck. Jupiter tilted her neck up, exposing more, and made a sound in her throat. They moved back up against the wall. Ceres pulled her even closer, his hand slipping back under the shirt. She shivered, making Ceres want even more. He slowly made his way back to her mouth, slipping his tongue back in through her teeth. Jupiter was ready this time, she caught his tongue, and just like their legs, they intertwined.

Jupiter was no longer insecure and started to be the lead. She grabbed his hips and spun around pressing him against the wall. He made a stunned growl, Jupiter slid her hand up his thin shirt, his skin cold, and Ceres winced. Jupiter’s fingers danced over his skin before she realized that her hands were starting to get warm with a flame, she twisted her hand to put it out. Ceres relaxed again. Jupiter slid the other hand up the shirt and gripped Ceres. Jupiter’s lips started to hurt and her skin felt on fire., but every single time they met each other she forgot all about it. She knew parts of her breasts were showing, she knew what she was doing when she was taking her shirt off. It clearly had the right effect. Ceres pulled as close as he could, his hand playing in the back of her thin bra. His fingertips brushed the side of her breast making her shiver. Ceres’s other hand slid down her body to her shorts, dipping his fingers into the waistband enough for him to play with the lace on the top of her underwear, Shit, Jupiter thought.

Ceres was strong, and Jupiter felt safe. That’s why she had come into the room in the first place.

Ceres grabbed her hips forcefully and picked her up, Jupiter wrapped her legs around him her thighs resting on his hips. She started to fall back but Ceres brought her back upwards, spinning, and moved her backward so her back rested on the furnished wall. His hand ran up from her shorts to her neck and back. “Ceres?” Jupiter murmured into Ceres’s mouth, but all that came out was a gurgle, Jupiter just closed her eyes. Ceres heard the sound. But he wasn’t about to stop. His eyes drifted to the clock. 1:49 am. That meant one hour and half pressed against Jupiter’s body. Ceres slipped her hand out of Jupiter’s shirt and moved down to grab her thighs. Jupiter wrapped her arms around his neck, their lips parted. Jupiter sighed before opening her eyes, she wanted more. She wanted it not to end. Ceres smiled up at her, and they laughed hard. Ceres spun her around and set her down on the bed, letting go of her thighs. ButJupiters grip got tighter around his neck and hips, she leaned back pulling Ceres on top of her. Ceres laughed. Jupiter smiled and pulled him in to kiss her again. Ceres mumbled against her and eventually escaped it took everything in her to not pull Ceres back in. Ceres rubbed her finger over Jupiters’ lips which were now red and torn, bleeding in bits. Jupiter winced a bit, her skin sparked when he touched her. “Does it hurt?” Ceres whispered. Jupiter nodded side to side, “Not as much as having to wait three fucking years for that.” Jupiter grabbed his hand and locked their fingers together Ceres smiled and put his glasses back on. “I love you,” Ceres mumbled looking at the ground. Jupiter jumped up, “I love you too,” Jupiter answered. “Jupiter I have something to tell you,” Ceres said, “I already know about Nisha,” Jupiter said quickly. Ceres looked at the ground, ashamed. “Hey,” Jupiter said, lifting his chin for him to meet her eyes, “It’s okay.” She kissed his cheek. They sat on the bed. The thunder shook the volcano, Jupiter whimpered and launched at Ceres’s arm, her fingers leaving crescent moons on his forearm, Ceres laughed and wrapped her arms around Jupiter pulling her towards the headrest, he pulled the covers over them and gave her a kiss on the top of her head. Jupiter laid her head down on his shoulder and quickly drifted into a nightmareless sleep.

Ceres opened his eyes again, tears streaming down his face. At some point during the memory, the group joined him by the cliff. He remembered her falling, the relaxation on her face. He waited for her to surface, to climb up, to tell him it was okay. But he knew she was gone. And she wasn’t ever coming back. His eyes started to furrow. He looked over his shoulder back at the dead elder. He grabbed a rock and sharpened it against the cliff. Then he stood up and walked over, he raised the rock over her head and brought it down hard on Nisha’s skull, he heard a crack, raised it and brought it down again, heard a crack, and repeated. He did it 7 times, by the time he was done blood was pouring out of her eyes, where the rock punctured them. He laid the red-covered rock down and ran over to the cliff. He put out one foot, if he couldn’t be with Jupiter in this world he would be in the next. He closed his eyes lifting his weight from the foot still on the ground. He stepped but something stopped him, he opened his eyes and looked back. Adilah, Aamir, Yakir, Flame, and Ivy were holding his arms. He started to struggle but their grip tightened, “Please let me go, I need her,” said Ceres, sounding helpless, tears carving rivers on his cheeks. “We’re not about to let you commit suicide! And if you think we are then you need to rethink,” said Adilah, firmly. “Please,” Ceres said struggling some more. He just needs to keep their attention away from his right arm. He started to form a spear in his hand, “I need to be with her, I can’t, not be with her,” he said. His bangs blew in his eyes, “I love her,” he said. The spear was almost fully formed just a little longer. His arms started to slip from their grip. He positioned the spear right at his heart. His arm kept slipping, and he could feel the point starting to tear into his skin, in a matter of seconds the spear went completely into his heart he heard them screaming, and he went limp in their arms. Ceres fell, down, into the crashing waves.

CeresI never got to see her, because they found me and Flame healed me, and that killed me more than the spear. I’m done. I can’t be without her. I will be gone when they leave. I will be with her. I have to be with her. She’s everything to me.

When Ceres came to, he immediately got angry, he stood up and then fell down again realizing he had put a spear through his heart, “HOW COULD YOU! YOU DON’T FUCKING KNOW, YOU NEVER WILL. THIS IS BULLSHIT. I SELL YOU GUYS OUT AND THEN SAVE YOU, YOU SHOULDN’T FUCKING CARE ABOUT ME, AND I DON’T CARE! I CARE ABOUT HER. I NEED HER,” he yelled and started to cry again. Adilah made her way over to Ceres and wrapped her arms around him. Ceres leaned into her and covered her face with her hands. “I need her. I just- I need her. I can’t be without her. I need her. Please let me go.” He mumbled. “She wouldn’t want that, and you know that,” Adilah whispered. Ceres hurt, even more, knowing that Adilah was right, if he was going to do what Jupiter wanted he wouldn’t be seeing her for a long, long time. He closed her eyes and Adilah continued to clutch him as he cried into her arms.

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