Two Times The Charm Novel (Clara and Emmett)

Chapter 27

Chapter 27
“1 bear a striking resemblance to you, therefore I undoubtedly must be your legitimate offspring! Moreover, my grandmother
showers me with excessive affection, thus negating any possibility of me being adopted! But why am I unable to reside with my
mother?” Aiden lowered his head in contemplation “All my schoolmates have mothers, so why do I not?”
“Your mother has passed away”
“No way!”
Emmett suddenly turned his gaze towards him, furrowing his brows “How can you be so sure? Have you seen her?”
“No, I have not its just that i don’t believe she is deceased, I suspect you’re lying to me
“When you mature you shall naturally come to know the truth! Now, hasten to bed! Otherwise, you can forget about visiting the
amusement park this weekend”
With that, Emmett turned and left, his departing figure appearing somewhat flustered
The following moming, Clara accompanied Alex to the nursery, then proceeded to take a taxi to her workplace.
Upon entering the premises, she initially intended to greet the receptionist, but her attention was drawn to two individuals
engaged in hushed conversation nearby
It was not her intention to eavesdrop, but the volume of their voices was simply too conspicuous
“This is the sole woman in the CEO’s vicinity, Isn’t it?”
“Yes, indeed She appears rather ordinary. How could the CEO allow her to remain by his side?”
“Perhaps she possesses some means to captivate the CEO’s favor
Clara sighed helplessly.
What tricks could she have? It was Emmett who asked her to be his personal secretary!
Clara walked straight past them and took the elevator.

Just as she got to the boss’s office a pair of black leather shoes appeared in front of her.
Clara was startled and locked up-
The man in front of her somewhat resembled Emmett, but he was clearly much older!
This must be his father
“Hello” Clara quickly bowed her head
Patrick nodded slightly, “Are you Clara?”
“Yes, I am Clara”
“Come to the lounge with me” After saying this, Patrick walked ahead
Clara hesitated for a moment, but had no choice but to follow
If he tries anything, she’ll just scream!
Once they entered the lounge Patrick poured himself a cup of water and then gave Clara a once–over
Clara felt uncomfortable under his gaze.
“You don’t need to be so nervous, I called you here because I have something to tell you”
“Go ahead!”
“My son has always disliked contact with women, he keeps his distance from all females, even his own mother! But you.. you’re
the exception”
Clara gently rubbed her forehead “Um I really haven’t done anything with your son! Im just an ordinary secretary!”
“You are not ordinary Patrick cleared his throat and spoke solemnly “Let’s not beat around the bush. I assume you haven’t been
married, correct?”
No. I haven’t”
“Then many my son!”

Clara could barely resist the urge to cover her ears, thinking she must have misheard!
“You don’t have to be so surprised. I said, marry Emmett, my son!”
“Mr. Melendez, there truly is nothing between him and me! He once saved my life, and I merely wish to repay him! As for
anything else, I genuinely have no further thoughts!”
Patrick furrowed his brow slightly “Whether or not you have other thoughts is not important. What matters is that you have not
been rejected by my son”
“The Melendez family cannot continue without a young mistress His mother and I have been troubled by this issue for a long
time. Emmett has always been reluctant to engage with women, but you are the only

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