Two Times Rejected Luna, the Desires of all Alpha

Chapter 14

14 Chapter 14 – Move her to the pack house.

Alpha Denzel’s laughter ceased abruptly, and the atmosphere tensed up. So many emotions swam in his eyes, but the most dominant of all was indignation.

“The fingerprints of the first slap are different from the second, which means different hands did them.”

Adira knew she was done for. If Valerie tried to cover again, she might just get punished. After all, Alpha nzel could not be messed with.

As much as Valerie hated it, respect formed in her heart towards Alpha Denzel. The man was smart and not easily deceived, but when she recalled how he believed Alpha Tristan’s words because of the pictures without trying to verify, hate replaced the respect formed just a second ago.


14 Chapter 14-Move her to the pack house.

Valerie had tried her best, but there was nothing she could do anymore. Alpha Denzel was not done, asking, “And the bruises? How did you inflict them on yourself?”

He wanted to see how many more lies she could cook up to defend her abuser. Exposing her lies did not give him the satisfaction he wanted but rather a strange pain.

“What will you do if I refuse to answer?” Valerie seethed. Knowing that he would find her out anyway,

ill not willing to expose Adira and was ready e consequence.


pha Denzel was confused, not knowing if the adamancy was just to defy him. Surprisingly, he was able to restrain his anger. “I’m just curious in knowing whom you are protecting.”

14 Chapter 14-Move her to the pack house.

Adira could not allow herself to be exposed, and seeing that the situation was no longer favorable to her, she quickly coughed up an idea, saying,

“Alpha, I just had a mindlink that Alpha Idris is awake. Last night, he made mention of asking for your permission to take Luna Valerie with him.”

Alpha Denzel’s back was turned, so Adira did not see the deadly fire that glazed his eyes. Valerie saw it and hopped backwards. Her movement caught his attention, and the deadly fire seemed to quench abruptly when he saw her limping to the bed. Even

he ensured not to let it sound in his voice.


ce Alpha Idris has a lot of time on his hands, he wouldn’t mind waiting for me.”

“Are you going to let Valerie go?” Adira asked expectantly. Valerie did not know whether to feel relieved or sad, as she didn’t know much about Alpha


14 Chapter 14- Move her to the pack house.

Idris except that he was ruthless and loved women. There was no hope in being shipped off to him.

“Do you want to go?” Alpha Denzel suddenly asked Valerie. She froze, not knowing how to respond. Between Alpha Idris and Denzel, who was better? At least Alpha Denzel wasn’t into women and hadn’t tried to hit on her after his rejection.

Was it going to be the same with the Alpha who loved women like the food and alcohol he drank on a daily basis?


“Do I have a say?” Valerie asked, her legs growing

e depth of the matter disturbed her more pain in her leg.

“What if I say yes?” He asked, testing her resolve. Valerie pursed her lips, thinking about Alpha Denzel’s reason for asking all these questions but happy that he had forgotten about the slap incident.


14 Chapter 14-Move her to the pack house.

Somehow, she felt the urge to hold this conversation to stall time for the former. “Would you rather send me back to my pack? I heard there has been an attack.”

“Who told you that?” Alpha Denzel suddenly asked, his voice slightly raised as he couldn’t hide his anger. Valerie felt a lump in her throat, cursing internally for making the request.

“I…” her words stuck in her throat when she felt his strong body press against hers, as he pushed her to the bed. Valerie was confused, but Adira had already dashed out of the room.

However, Alpha Denzel jumped out of the window when he pushed Valerie to the bed because she was standing in front of the window. He was already ahead of Adira because of the short cut he took, as they gave a wild chase to whoever Adira and Alpha Denzel saw.



14 Chapter 14- Move her to the pack house.

Adira was nervous, as Alpha Denzel was already ahead

of her. He was chasing after a sand dune wolf. It was so fast but wasn’t big. Alpha Denzel shifted, jumped, and was about to pin it to the ground.

From nowhere, someone hit the sand dune wolf on the head, it shifted to human form, bleeding on the head and vomiting blood. Adira had taken another route, leading her head of the sand dune wolf.

Alpha Denzel’s gaze darkened. “Why did you hit her?”


internally happy, but her face carried “I’m sorry Alpha, I was afraid she would

“Stay with me,” Alpha said to the she-wolf who was losing consciousness. She wasn’t a member of his pack, and all pack members knew that that house was off limits. It was Alpha Denzel’s place of relaxation. He never allowed anyone there.

13:00 O


14 Chapter 14-Move her to the pack house.

“What do you want? Which pack do you belong to?” Alpha Denzel asked. She looked so young, more like sixteen. Alpha Denzel knew she was harmless. She might be a spy because of her smallish form and wolf.

Such wolves were perfect for acquiring information since it was easy for them to blend into other wolves and packs. “A…Alpha…”

Alpha Denzel lowered his ears to hear what she was saying, only hearing “Rad.”

“Can you repeat what you said? Which Alpha sent you?” He eagerly implored, but as the girl coughed, life drained out of her, and she died in his arms.

Alpha Denzel sat on the floor beside the dead body, greatly annoyed to not get the information he wanted. Someone had killed his parents a few years ago. Recently, his mate was also murdered, and so was

< 14 Chapter 14-Move her to the pack house.

anyone close to him.

Alpha Denzel chose to like his own company since then as anyone close to him became a target. “Alpha, what did she say?” Adira stepped closer and asked him.

“Get the warriors to clean up the mess.” He was already walking back to the small house when Adira sighed with relief and called after him,

“Alpha, I got some emergency clothes for you.”

Alpha Denzel took the clothes, putting on the blue jean pants and white shirt. Adira mind-linked one of the warriors to cremate the dead body before catching up to Alpha Denzel. When they reached the worried

Valerie, Adira’s eyes darkened when Alpha Denzel announced,



14 Chapter 14-Move her to the pack house.

“Move her to the packhouse.

She was unmoving, not wanting Valerie close to her Alpha but how could she defy the Alpha’s orders?


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