Two Alphas, One Mate

Chapter Titanium Alloy


I furiously typed a message onto my phone, pouring my emotions onto the screen.

That asshole hasn’t said anything since he left. Who does he think he is?! Just leaving with Aria for a couple days on a road trip while I twiddled my thumbs at home, waiting for him? And no doubt after I agreed to have his pups!

He said it was a training excursion, but deep down, I was worried. I couldn’t explain it, but something didn’t seem right, and to top it off, that bitch Aria was with him.

I hissed in pain as I grabbed my mark.

It constantly burned like bee sting ever since he left. I rubbed the spot with my fingers, hoping it would relieve some of the pain, but as time marched on, the worse it felt. I wondered if he felt the same discomfort that I did?

I was ready to send the horrible message, filled with vulgar language and exclamation points, but something was holding me back.


I collapsed on the bed with the phone shoved in front of my face, contemplating what I should do.

Should I send it?

My finger hovered over the send button. Was I being crazy? Was it the wine Adrian so graciously brought up to my room after a long day of cooking in a hot kitchen?

I decided to help Adrian cook the pack meals for the day, since there was nothing better to do, and surprisingly, I enjoyed the time I spent with him today and learnt a lot about who he was.

He used to be a warrior commander for Holden’s father, but as he grew with age, he lost his strength, so Holden decided it was best to keep him close in the pack house running the day to day.

He seemed pretty drunk himself after we finished cooking... I think we went through several bottles of wine by the time we were ready to eat.

I took another large gulp of the red liquid from my glass as I let out a large belch afterwards. I held my hand on my stomach to contain the gas that was coming out of me. I couldn’t care less if anyone saw me in this state, I was an emotional wreck.

I kept envisioning Aria and her sexy body, flaunting herself in front of Holden and whoever else wanted to take a gander in her direction.

I tightened my hand around my phone, feeling the anger surge through me like a tidal wave.

“FUCKING BITCH!” I threw the phone like a baseball across the room, hitting the wall on the opposite side. Bits of drywall crumbled down from the impact.

“Opps.” I chuckled followed by a drunken hiccup.

My head was fuzzy and I felt like I was floating away on a cloud. It was actually one of the better days I’ve spent recently. Adrian sometimes reminded me of my father, so big and mighty, but had a funny sense of humor that would brighten your day.

I sighed as I starred into the ceiling, thinking of my family. All the memories, all the times we spent together; gone. Like the ashes from our house, blown away in the wind and never to be seen again. I couldn’t figure out what I was upset more about, my dead family, or Holden leaving on a mini vacation with Aria.

I didn’t care if anyone thought I was an over jealous woman, because I knew deep down something was wrong. How could I be so naïve before? What should I do? Should I run away? Was I over reacting?

My eyes were slowly shutting and my breathing was beginning to calm like a undisturbed lake; no ripples in the water, just calm serenity. I was being lifted up into the clouds, like I was being taken into another dimension, and I was ready to finally pass out. I was ready to be taken from all the anxious thoughts I’ve built up over the day.

“Screw you Aria....” Were the last words I mumbled as I dozed off in my drunken slumber.

A few hours later....

“What in the hell is that?” I mumbled in my hazy state. Was I still dreaming?

I woke up to hear loud buzzing and alarm coming from my phone, which was still on the ground on the other side of the room. I guess it still worked after all.

I was still half asleep as I squinted my eyes to find the phone in the pitch black room. I think I was still slightly tipsy from the night before because I swayed back and forth like I was walking on a rigidity boat.

As my eyes adjusted to the screen light I finally made out the words through the partially cracked screen, but what I read next confused me. Was this a sick joke? Or a prank? Or a drill?

Did we do drills in Crimson pack?



I see that there was also 23 missed calls from Holden. Now he wanted to call me? It takes us going under attack to get his attention?

He must have been going crazy when I wasn’t answering. I guess this wasn’t a drill after all.

I quickly snapped myself in an upright position as I got to my feet. My head was spinning as the panic began to set in. Was this as serious as I thought? I’ve never heard of anyone coming this close to the house. Holden assured me that this place was impenetrable.

I placed my finger tips on my forehead and rubbed back and forth trying to think. This whole situation was out of my element, and I’m sure I wasn’t the only one surprised the proximity of the attack.

I tried to mind link Holden.

Holden? You there?” I repeated over and over again, but there was no response. He must be still too far to reach.

I kept concentrating on mind linking anyone for help, but I was met with an explosion of voices coming from different directions. It was overwhelming to the point where I had to shut myself out from the noise.

I ran to the door to make sure it was locked, and surprisingly, it already was, but from the other side. I jiggled the handle furiously and it wouldn’t budge.

“SHIT!” I slammed my fist to the door.

How cowardly was I to stay in my bedroom like this? I needed to do something. I started to hear loud movements outside the door, like foot steps. Who the hell was that? Rogues? Crimson warriors? Humans?

I knew I needed to arm myself with something, just in case. I reached under my mattress to grab a blade that I always kept safe with me, not even Holden knew I had one.

It was silver switch blade that I always kept in my pocket. My father gave it to me when I turned 18 to have for the ‘just-in-case moments’. I guess this was one of those moments. He taught me how to use it; how to pierce a wolf directly in the heart if the time came, but I never thought in a million years it would come to that.

I swallowed hard as I listened to the commotion.

I tiptoed to the door to get a better listen and it sounded like madness. I couldn't make out what I was actually hearing, there was screaming, yelling, and hard pounding against the walls. I trembled in fear as the noise got closer to the vicinity to my room.

“Adrian?!” I yelled out, hoping he would hear me, but I could only hear the commotion on the other side.


I jumped back as I heard the large bashing against the door.

I stood frozen, unsure what to do. My eyes were widened like a deer in headlights as my body shivered in anticipation.

“You’re fucking dead!!” A familiar voice roared. Was that who I thought it was?

“Adrian?!” I yelled back while pounding my fists to the door.

“Holden ordered me to lock your door and protect you! I have warriors to assist me; you will be safe Luna. Just stay inside you’re room. WE WILL KILL THE SNEAKY BASTARDS!”

“Who is it Adrian?? Rogues? Humans? Tell me!!” I yelled back.

There was no response.

“Are they dead Adrian? What is going on?! I demand you to let me out now!” I screamed.

I wasn’t sure if silence was good or bad, but the worst thoughts came to mind.

“Luna... They are coming. Stay put." Suddenly, Adrian’s voice entered my head though mind link. Based on the sound of his voice, it wasn’t good.

“Let me out now Adrian, I can help you. You don’t understand, I can be useful.” Once again, there was no reply.

I could sense Adrian and the other warriors standing near the door, but that was only before the loud gun shots started going off.

I ducked down with my arms covering my head to avoid the stray bullets coming through the wall. I felt broken dry wall flying all around me like a fireworks display. My only instinct was to crouch down behind the door because I knew it was solid steel.

The tussle and gunfire went on for a minute, which felt like eternity, but then, just as it started, it finally went silent.

I could hear whimpering from the injured wolves outside my door. My eyes flickered open as I realized that those injured wolves were MY Crimson warriors, and they sounded seriously injured; they needed their Luna.

“Adrian? Let me heal them. Let me out now.” I commanded through mind link, but like before, there was no response.

“Screw this,” I jumped to my feet and started pounding on the door. “Adrian! Let me out now! I can help! You need me!” I screamed out, but only the whimpering wolves could be heard on the other side.

“” Finally a response from Adrian, but he didn’t sound right. His voice was shallow, like he could barely speak.

My urgency to help pulsed though me, sending my adrenaline into overdrive. “Adrian! As your Luna, I command you to let me out this instance!”

Suddenly, there were several shots fired again, but this time, they sounded much closer. The injured wolves were no longer heard; their whimpering most likely silenced by the bullets.

I gasped and immediately started stepping backwards to the other side of the room, hoping to keep quiet until the attackers left.

Maybe they got what they needed and would just leave? Why would they need to come in here? I was trying to make light of the situation in my head, but I was failing miserably.

Tears were falling down my cheeks and I was beginning to realize this was the end. This is where I died. My hands were shaking and my body was trembling as I pulled my phone out to make my final call, but much to my luck, the keypad was busted from my drunken tardiness.

“Fuck!” I slammed the phone against the ground, shattering it into tiny pieces.

“Diana.” Holden’s voice miraculously filled my head sending my once pessimistic attitude out the window. He was going to save me, I just knew it. I was safe in here until he came. I was so happy to hear his voice and all the anger I felt towards him last night was suddenly evaporating.

Holden?! Where are you? There is an attack and I don’t know what the fuck I’m doing! I’m locked in the bedroom. I think Adrian and the warriors are dead....” I kept my eyes on the door as the shadows underneath kept moving, like someone was standing on the other side.

“Remain calm Diana. Did you get a look at them? How many were there?”

“I don’t - I don’t -” My eyes were so focused on the shadows that I couldn't find the words to speak.

“Diana keep your shit together! Tell me who it is! I’m getting closer to you, just sit tight. Aria and Iris should be there shortly."

I was completely frozen, like I was stuck in quick sand. I was trying to stay as quiet as I could, hoping not to spark the attention of the intruders on the other side.

My hand was clasping onto the silver blade so tightly that I was starting to feel blood drip down my wrist. The pain; numbed by the adrenaline pumping through my body.

“Diana, listen to me. When this is all over, we need to talk. Just stay alive you hear me!! I’m - I’m sorry.”

"What?” What the hell was Holden talking about? Why was he sorry?

“I’m sorry for everything! Just stay alive ok?!”

I wasn’t even focused on Holden’s voice anymore, I was more focused on the loud crashing that was occurring on the other side of the door. It sounded like someone was trying to get in.

“Someone’s coming Holden.” I stepped back further, but my back was already up against the wall.

“Don’t fucking say that! You will be ok, just hang on.”

“I’m going to die Holden.” The bashing of the door was getting louder, and I could start to see the hinges starting to weaken.

“You’re wrong Diana! That’s not regular steel, that’s fucking titanium Alloy and there is no way anyone is coming through, no matter if they are wolf or not!! Their not fucking getting in you hear me?!” Holden’s explanation of what the door was made of didn’t matter, because I was witnessing the door, slowly starting to deteriorate and crack. Whatever was bashing the door on the other side was no regular wolf.

“Holden, I love you. I must go, I need to concentrate on protecting myself... Until my last breath, I will die fighting.” Just before he could respond, I cut him off.

I couldn’t bear to hear his response. I glanced down at the small blade in my hand, and glanced back up at the door, ready for the fireworks. This was the end for me and I was going to die on my own terms.

You know when you see a movie where the climax scene goes in slow motion?

Well, this was it.

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