Two Alphas, One Mate

Chapter The Night of Chaos: Part 1


The next day...

“What do you think Alpha?” Iris whispered next to me.

I held my finger to my forehead as I tapped my foot impatiently, hoping something more interesting would occur, but the two warriors sparring was as boring as watching a documentary on mute. No one on this trip has impressed me so far and I was to the point where I wanted to jump in the fight ring myself. The temptation always increasing as Iris brought out more warriors to ‘impress’ me.

“What do I think?” I scoffed. Watching them fight was worse then watching rats fight over a piece of food.

“We got a better line up of our newer warriors, you may be pleased with them.” Iris glanced at his clip board, scrolling down the names with his fingers. He was a man of focus and never asked questions, another reason why we got along so well. I couldn’t imagine running this pack without him.

“Hm, good.” I sighed.

“You seem quiet Alpha. If you don’t mind if I ask, is it regarding Diana?”

For a moment I hesitated when he brought up her name. A part of me was happy, and for once in my life I felt content. An unusual feeling that I was never familiar with when growing up.

“She said ‘yes’.” I smirked.

“Really? That’s great Alpha, soon we will have an heir to train in this very stadium!” Iris held his hand high, pointing to the bright lights and the center ring where the two warriors continued to spar.

My father and I used to train here when we wanted to let loose. It was owned and managed by Alpha Cyrus of the Red Blood pack, he often opened his doors to me when I needed a getaway.

“Yes Alpha, so great.” Aria’s sarcastic remark sparked my attention, causing me to turn my head to the opposite side.

She was wearing an extra slutty top today, perhaps to impress some of the Red Blood pack members... Or maybe me? Who knew, but she enjoyed the getaway just as much as me. Her breasts were practically popping out of the blouse that she wore two sizes too small. If I didn’t know her, I would never guess she was a murderous warrior.

I nudged her elbow and smirked to Iris sitting on the opposite side to me, “Maybe one day you will find a mate... Even if its an impossibility anyone will want you,” I laughed and Iris joined in on the joke.

“Or maybe Iris can show me a thing or two, I mean he has a whole army of men coming in and out of his quarters at night.” Aria laughed mockingly as she glanced over at Iris, who was having none of it. He sneered back as she giggled, her face blushed as she resettled herself back into the seat of her chair.

Aria was often a pain in the ass with her sarcastic attitude, but it often relieved some of the tense moments between the three of us.

“Ok kids, let’s get back to business.” I stood up, my eyes focused on the two sweaty warriors, still scuffing away. “I’ll show you two how it’s done.” I proceeded walking towards the ring, eyes of spectators followed me as I approached them.

The young warriors were on the floor at this point, clutching each other for submission.

“Get up, both of you.” I muttered in a deep voice.

Both of them scrambled to their feet as they caught their breathe. Their naked torsos were black and blue, while red bloodied claw marks covered their skin like works of art.

I felt forgiving today so I paused for a moment, allowing for their wounds to heal.

“You two against me.”

“Yes Alpha!” They said in unison.

Their faces showed they were ready, but I could smell their fear. The stench filled my nostrils, causing my body to pulse in excitement. Did they even realize what they were getting into?

I glanced over at Iris and Aria, both of them smirking intensely in my direction.

“Take it easy on them.” Iris mind linked.

“Watch and learn,” I smiled back.

I nodded at the warriors to indicate I was ready, and they nodded back in agreeance. Not a split second later, I made the first move.

I took a quick side step and kicked the smaller warrior’s knee, snapping it like a twig. I could hear his bone crack under the pressure of the impact, causing some of the spectators to gasp from the sight. He immediately let out a painful groan and fell hard to the floor, gripping his twisted knee.

“Pathetic.” I muttered under my breathe.

I refocused my attention on the much bigger warrior who was standing beside his injured comrade. His eyebrows furrowed down as his hands were in grappling position, ready to parry my attempts to hit him. I could hear growls rumbling through his throat, which caught me by surprise, he had more aggression then I originally thought.

He quickly maneuvered his feet to attempt to get around me, hoping to position himself to my most vulnerable position, my back. He threw an elbow and a swift knee, but my reflexes kicked into overdrive allowing me to quickly avoid the incoming attacks.

I could already see his confidence dwindling, his wrinkled face deepening in frustration. His loud growls echoed through the entire stadium, his eyes starting to blacken as his body shook in anger.

Shortly after his outburst I was met with another right kick, another avoidable attempt to hit me. I side stepped allowing his kick to go straight through the air causing him to do a 360. I chuckled as he tried regaining his balance, his eyes piercing into me like a projectile missile aiming for its target. His teeth were barring in frustration as drool slobbered on the floor like he was a feral dog.

“You dare bar your teeth at me boy!?” I roared.

I could feel the rage build inside me. My veins were popping out of my neck as the adrenaline took over. It was time to show him his place in this pack, and that was at the bottom.

Before he even realized what was happening I reached out with my hands tightly balled into fists and punched through his side, instantly sending the young man to his knees as he screamed and buckled forward.

I switched positions too fast for him to counter me, and by the time his eyes caught on to me I had already extracted my claw from my hand.

As both of his arms lowered I saw a window of opportunity, and with one strong motion I swiped across his face, digging deep into his skin. Blood oozed out furiously creating a small pool beneath him.

He yelled at the top of his lungs as he clutched the large gash that stained his face. His body fell to the floor, possibly caused by shock, but more importantly to show his submission to me. Some may have assumed the fight was done, but it was far from over.

Yelling and applause erupted in the stadium as the young warrior struggled to get his bearings. I glanced over at the crowd cheering me on, all standing from their seats. They were enjoying the violent spectacle and I was going to give them more to watch. A satisfactory smile grew on my face.

This is what I lived for.

The young warrior continued whelping as he struggled to crawl backwards using his hand to guide him out of the way. I stood over him silently, watching him struggle to distance himself from me.

“What is your name?” I asked.

The bloodied warrior halted and looked up at my curiously. Was he surprised I stopped? Did he think I was giving him mercy?

“David, Alpha.” He nervously said as he held his hand to his face.

“And what is your name?” I glanced over to the smaller warrior, still clutching his knee as it healed.

“Lucas, Alpha.” He hissed in pain.

“David, Lucas, only ONE will leave this ring.” As I said this their eyes widened in shock.

“But-” The smaller warrior looked over at his comrade with concern.

“You either die, or kill him. Your choice.” I growled.

The two wounded warriors were still staring at each other, like they were unsure of what to do. I raised my eyebrows, giving them one last glance before leaving the ring.

As I got closer to the exit I heard them both shifting into their wolves, bones cracking and reforming. The howling and growling roared in the arena and the mass of warriors began cheering them on, but out of all the excitement I found myself too distracted to see the finale.

I was fixated on something else.

I stared into her beautiful dark brown eyes as she locked eyes with me. I could see that she wanted to leave as she got up from her seat, adjusting her tight clothes and allowing her large breasts to slightly break free from her black cotton shirt. The anger I previously felt in the ring completely subsided and filled with pure ecstasy as I gazed at her hips, swaying side to side as she walked confidently in my direction.

I could hear the two wolves in the ring, ripping each other to shreds, but all of that didn’t interest me. The beautiful vixen that I set eyes on was all that I wanted and I knew she wanted it back.

The shouting and screaming from the audience got louder as I got closer to the exit. She and I were both parallel to each other, walking towards the same door, soon to be united.

We remained locked onto each others gazes, her lips pursed as her tongue, ever so slightly peeking out. I clenched my teeth, the temptation to grab her and claim her for myself was almost taking over. I was so close I could practically taste her, my heart racing faster and faster the closer I got.

In the moment of such violence, we both had an urge.

A forbidden urge that brought my lips to hers as we finally arrived at the door.

“Let’s get out of here.” I whispered.

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