Two Alphas, One Mate

Chapter New Recruit

Alpha Holden:

She looked at my dumbfounded. I knew what I wanted and I wanted that to be clear, especially to her. She was so naïve and young and I knew I could get what I want from her.

“Holden, I had no idea you wanted pups so soon.” Her eyes were widened with shock, but she was mine now, and I knew she would agree to it eventually.

“Sleep on it Angel. Let me get us coffee.” I kissed her forehead as I got up from the bed. She puckered her lips and twiddled her hands around on top of the blankets. Was she excited or scared?

“Thanks.” She gave a shy smile as she watched me get changed, I looked back at her and she blushed while I put my pants on.

I was surprised of how receptive she was, considering how fast our relationship was progressing. Getting what I want from Diana was going to be easier then I thought.

The next few mornings were tiresome, maybe it was me adjusting to someone else sleeping beside me? I was used to an empty bed and Diana’s constant tossing and turning kept me awake at all hours.

Before I stepped out of our room I found myself starring at my sleeping angel, admiring her beauty and the power she held. I needed her to love me for this relationship to work, so I have been holding back at a lot of my more aggressive tendencies.

Maybe this is why I’ve been training my ass off the past few days. When I was younger I remember hardly seeing my father for this very reason, and now I understood why. I was exactly like him.

Suddenly a pinging vibration radiated in my pant pocket.

“Shit!” I pulled my phone out to silent the ringing.

I looked up and saw Diana turning in the bed, but she was still asleep. I sighed in relief and quickly left the room to avoid making more noise.

I glanced at my phone, squinting my eyes to adjust to the bright blue light. It was Iris, my Beta. Unusual for him to text, but I suppose he didn’t want to interrupt my sleep by mind-linking me.

“Alpha, training at 4am r u coming?”

“On my way Iris.” I texted back.

The training facility I had built next to the pack house didn’t look like much from the outside. It looked like a regular warehouse with grey steel walls and no windows, but the inside was top of the line. I spared no expense installing the best equipment for my warriors to train.

As I reached for the door handle I sensed someone behind me and suddenly I felt a light tap on my shoulder. How dare someone sneak up on me!

I quickly spun around and rammed my hands into the perpetrator's body, pinning them into the steel wall with no where to escape. The culprit's red hair gave her away immediately.

“What the fuck!? Aria? What the hell are you doing?!” I yelled as I compressed her body against the wall. She looked just as frightened, probably caught off guard of my reception.

I released my grip and she casually dusted her shoulders off. She was a smart ass, but she was my top warrior and my Gamma.

“I was hoping to congratulate you on your new mate. I was sad that I wasn’t there to help fight off those rogues. Pity, seemed like fun.” She playfully smiled and flirtatiously twirled her long red hair with her finger.

The more she spoke the more I enraged I became. My heart rate spiked, sending pulses through my body like waves crashing in the ocean. I raised my hand and whipped it across her face, hard enough to leave a red mark and a slight sting on the back of my hand.

She held her hand against her face and sharpened her eyes at me. If she was going to act like a little bitch, I was going to treat her like one.

“Shut the fuck up Aria and get in the building now. Training starts at four and you’re late.” I started pushing her through the door and she annoyingly rolled her eyes and complied with my commands. There would be no retaliation, only submission.

“Alpha, welcome! How’s married life?” A large man wearing black combat gear was standing in the middle of the caged octagon centered in the training facility. His face had its usual stubble and his short dark hair was pulled back away from his face. We were the same age, but he looked far more aged then myself.

“Iris.” I walked inside the ring and grabbed his hand to shake.

“I was just explaining to these new warriors about the upcoming expedition to the Delaware Pack.” Iris made eye contact to all the new recruits, signaling to them to be at attention.

“Ah yes.” I peered around the outer perimeter of the caged arena to see a lot of unfamiliar faces. These warriors were our newest recruits, young prunes ready for the picking. We needed to weed out the weak from the strong if we wanted to maintain our strong numbers. I couldn’t have them wasting our resources if they couldn’t handle being a Crimson pack warrior.

“We will depart tomorrow at 0700 hour. If you are late, you will be left behind. If you are too scared there is the door.” I pointed to the door on the other side of the building. All of the recruits stood at attention, their eyes following me as I paced along the perimeter of the octagon.

“Thank-you Alpha.” Iris placed his hand on my shoulder and I allowed him to continue with the lesson.

“That brings me to our next item.” Iris looked over at Aria who was standing near the edge of the ring waiting for her cue. She gave a sharp affirmative nod and headed towards the back of the building.

As we all stood there awaiting for her return, I glanced around the room and admired the accomplishments that littered the surrounding walls. My enemies heads, all taxidermized to match the same expression right before their last breathe. Feelings of excitement and pleasure tingled through me as I recalled every single exact moment of execution.

Iris's voice brought me back to reality as Aria reappeared from the back. “Ah, Aria thank-you.” Iris enthusiastically glanced forward examining the specimen that was trailing behind her. It was the biggest one I’ve ever seen.

“A fresh rogue I see.” I said looking over at the red wolf. Two of my warriors that accompanied Aria held the beast back with two chains tied around it’s neck.

He was larger then what we were used to capturing, which would make this much more interesting to watch. I pursed my lips into a grin as they walked towards me inside the caged octagon. The excitement was mounting as I got a better view of the rogue. His red fur was unique, something that I would never forget.

I stepped forward as the wolf was dragged into the center of the ring.

“SHIFT NOW.” I commanded.

The red wolf looked away. “He seems healthy for a rogue. What’s his story?” I asked.

“A group of scouts found him in the outer skirts of your convoy that was heading back to our territory. He was following you Alpha. Pretty ballsy for a rogue” Aria stepped back as the wolf growled, obviously displeased with her comment.

“Release him.” I ordered.

The warriors holding the chains immediately released their grips and the loud sound of steel hitting the floor echoed throughout the building.

“Leave the cage.” I muttered under my breathe. I locked eyes with the rogue as I heard the others leave the ring to spectate.

“Like I said rogue. SHIFT!” I grew frustrated at his defiance and retaliated by ramming my fist directly into his face. He whelped from the pain but remained defiant by staying in his wolf form.

“Do you want to die slowly or quickly?” I growled, shunting his body into the back wall. The sharp wire from the barbed fencing pierced his skin as he crashed into it. He howled and scrambled to unlatch tiny spikes that clung onto his skin.

The wolf stumbled forward as the fencing finally was freed from his body. He lurched forward as he painfully started to transition.

His red fur slowly turn to bronzed skin, while his black dreads fell behind his back and around his face. I tried to examine the tattoos that covered his arms, back and chest but didn’t recognize the scripture. I could only assume this rogue used to be a warrior, which sparked my interest even more.

“Now was it that hard?” I knelt down beside him and listened to his bones cracking and reforming. He hissed from the pain and remained on all fours while he adjusted to his human body.

“What more do you want? Just kill me.” He groaned. Blood was oozing from his mouth, pooling on the ground below him.

“Tell you what rogue, if you can beat all of my warriors, one by one. I’ll let you go. ” I stood up and held my hands behind my back awaiting for his answer. I never gave mercy on my enemies, so the offer probably came as a shock to everyone watching the spectacle.

“Fine. Have it your way.” He spat more blood onto the floor aggressively. “But I will represent my old pack and fight on behalf of my former Alpha.” The injured rogue slowly got up from his feet. His wounds were slowly receding as he finally showed his true form. He was almost at my height and had a considerable amount of muscle mass, more then any rogue that I have ever come across. I was impressed, considering he was living feral in the forests for so long.

“Ok rogue, you got yourself a deal.” I didn’t even bother asking him about his former pack. What was the point when he was going to die? I walked out of the ring allowing a young warrior dressed in combat gear to enter.

“Alpha.” The young man bowed his head as he entered the octagon.

“Good-luck,” I replied as I made my exit.

I spectated on the sidelines, while Iris and Aria stood next to me. My warrior landed a few punches on the rogue but he was un-phased by the failed attempts to injure him. The young man's strength was no match to his, and in a matter of a few seconds the he was on the floor bleeding from his mouth.

The rogue was so quick, it was almost hard to follow his movements. I was unsure if the young warrior was dead or alive, but it didn’t bother me. I was more intrigued by the rogue's ability to fight.

“Send in another one.” I whispered to Iris.

One by one the rogue fought my warrior students, they were either being pulled out dead or severely injured. I wasn’t going to lie, I was becoming impressed by the rogue's ambition. It’s been a while since I’ve seen someone fight like this and it got me excited.

“What do you think Alpha?” Iris whispered while we continued watching. Iris looked captivated by the performance and had his hand under his chin, deep in thought.

“I am growing fonder by the minute.” I replied, “but I think we have seen enough.” I started clapping my hands as the rogue grappled a young warrior into arms, pinning his face into the ground. “That will be all rogue. Thank-you.” I stepped forward towards edge of the caged octagon to assess the rogue's injuries.

Barely a scratch on his body, very impressive considering that I had just put thirteen of my warriors to kill him.

The deluded warrior that the rogue released from his grip stood next to him, holding his broken arm in place.

“Out now!” I commanded.

The young man immediately proceeded to the exit in fast pace, realizing how close he came to death and the tired rogue was left to stand alone in the blood soaked octagon. Waiting for my mercy, but I had other plans for him.

“Rogue, I have another offer for you"

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