Two Alphas, One Mate

Chapter Breaking Point


Our hug felt euphoric. I didn’t want to let go. I barely knew Damian, but it only felt right. This felt right, and in my moment of grief I wanted to kiss him, but the news about Holden created a deep hole in my heart that needed to mend.

Only time can heal the grief I was feeling right now. So many thoughts were running through my head as I processed the information. I felt like this entire thing was my fault. The fire, meeting Holden, disregarding my father and brother… How could I give myself to someone who killed my entire family?

Tears kept falling down onto his chest. His warm chest that I wanted to wrap myself in. I still wanted to take my time, but just being near him made it unbearable. I wanted to feel the sparks on my skin, I wanted to bask in his scent, I wanted to hear his voice even if there was nothing to say.

“Diana, he did this for you, don’t blame yourself.” He whispered into my ear.

Could he read my mind? I didn’t say I blamed myself, but it was exactly how I was feeling.

“I can’t help it…”

His hands pulled me away from his chest and rested on my shoulders. Our eyes met as I looked up to him.

“He wanted you from the moment he found out what you were. Only you could give him an heir of great power. He would burn down the entire city to claim you for himself.”

“I’m so foolish…” I looked down in shame.

“NO.” His hand cupped under my chin and our eyes met once again.

“YOU’RE NOT FOOLISH Diana, you were tricked, you were manipulated and you were put into a corner with no-where else to go. Sometimes our mind tries to convince ourselves that our situation is ok, constantly at battle with the truth and what we desire to believe. It’s only in our nature to survive and avoid pain, so take your time to process what I’ve have shown you. But know this, in time, Holden will come for you.” Damian finished speaking, but he looked like he was holding back, like something was bothering him. We were so connected as our bodies touched; it was like I could read into his emotion. I knew there was something hidden away. A detail he kept from me.

“What else?” I asked.

“Excuse me?”

“You’re not telling me everything.”

There was a moment of hesitation and he breathed in deeply.

“There are some things I left out, yes.”

“And that is?”

I felt his body tense up. I was scared what he was going to tell me, but everything had to be put on the table.

“Come.” He released his hands from my body and headed towards his desk. He pulled the top drawer out and placed a stack of photos on top of the desk, spreading them across for me to see.

“I didn’t want to show you these right away, but if I were in your position, I would want to know too. These were taken the night we came. We had drones track Holden to this location, and well… See for yourself.”

I was scared to look. Was it as bad as I thought? Deep down, I had a feeling what it was.

As I turned my head down to look, I came to realize why Damian was so hesitant to show me. It was absolutely disgusting. Daggers once again pierced into my chest and heart. It was the final blow to my already fragile mind.

“IS THIS?” I gasped as I picked up one of the photos. It was a photo taken from distance, but the camera picked up everything I needed to see.

Damian scratched his head as he watched my every move. He knew this would be the cherry on top of the sundae.

I held my hand over my mouth, watching that red headed bitch grabbing onto Holden like he was last man on the damn planet.

“FUCKING BITCH.” I balled my hand into a fist and slammed it through Damian’s desk.

“Diana!” He reached for my hand but there was no calming me down now. A tsunami of emotions were nearing land and was about to crash down on everything.

“How in the hell did you leave this out of the file? Why did I have to ask to see this?! I fucking knew it all along! How could he betray everything a werewolf stands for? How could this be?!”

“Please Diana-”

“HE KILLED MY FAMILY, THEN PROCEEDS TO FUCK THAT RED HEADED GAMMA BITCH ARIA? Who else has he fucked right under my nose? He takes what he wants and stomps on it. That’s what he does and I’m not just going to kill him, I’m going to kill that bitch Aria SLOWLY. BOTH OF THEM. I will enjoy every bit of it…” I could taste blood from my extended canines piercing into my lips. Adrenaline pumped through my body and there was no other emotion that I felt, only pure rage.

Damian’s hand came on my shoulder, but I wasn’t in the mood for pleasantries.

“I need to run NOW!” My wolf has been so locked away, she wanted to get out. She wanted to run free. She wanted to expel the rage boiling over inside our body.

“I’ll come with you.”

“NO, I need time to think Damian. You need to understand me. This is what I need right now. I NEED TIME FOR MYSELF. You just revealed Holden’s monstrosities and I will not twiddle my thumbs in this house any longer! I need to blow of some steam before I destroyed this entire office. I’m sorry but its what I need right now.”

Damian’s eyes darkened. I knew he wouldn’t want me to go alone, but I would never run away now. Would I be that stupid to run away?!

“You’re not marked yet!” He gritted through his teeth.

“I think this pack already knows who I am Damian. Don’t tell me something I already know.”

Suddenly, Eric burst into the office, out of breath and eyes widened in shock.

“ALPHA, I figured out who it was.”

My emotions were so built up I completely ignored what Eric was talking about. Probably pack business that I could care less about in this moment.

I proceeded to stomp out of the room, not looking back. There was no stopping me now. I needed this before I went absolutely insane.

“I’ll have warriors tailing you, JUST FOR YOUR INFORMATION.” Damian spoke over Eric’s shoulder.

“FINE.” I didn’t look back, I couldn’t now.

I hated that I was walking out when I was on the clasp of connecting more with Damian, but all of these facts were tumbling inside my head and I was bursting with emotions. I wanted to be near Damian, but I couldn’t let our connection interfere with my grief.

Whenever trauma came into my life, I always ran away to be by myself. When my mother died, I ran away for days on end. My father had to track me down, only to find me wondering the forests alone. I survived by hunting and living off the land. I was on the feral side, but I enjoyed the time alone.

But when my family died, Holden refused to let me out of his sight. I couldn’t get the space I wanted. Maybe it was because he didn’t want me to run away in fear that I figured him out. Good thing for Holden was I was too naïve to put two and two together.

Only twenty minutes past and I was relieved to know that Damian was giving me the space that I wanted. Maybe I should give him credit for not chasing me down. I couldn’t see the warriors that were trailing me, but I could smell them nearby.

I found a spot by a rivers edge near a clearing of trees.

I was looking down at my reflection in the water while tears poured from my eyes. Maybe it was strange for a wolf to cry, but it felt good to let it out. I kept thinking about my family that I lost and how stupid I was to think Holden was my savior. I gave him my heart and my body, and he just took it like a greedy child.

“Diana? You there? I’m not sure how I am mind linking you, but you need to come back.”

Was that Eric’s voice?

“Can’t I just have a moments peace? I’m sorry I failed to leave out the fact that we are now connected, but I really need my space. I ran a few kilometers west near a river bank. Tell Damian I’M FINE. He sent warriors to protect me, I can smell them nearby, I'm safe.”

Suddenly I heard rustle in the nearby bush and in the clearing there was a large grey wolf. Mostly likely one of the warriors Damian sent to protect me.

“You don’t understand. Please come back now! You are in danger, Damian is already on his way, he should be there at any moment.”

Well, there goes my alone time.

I wanted to speak to the warrior standing in the distance, but unfortunately, we could not communicate. He seemed familiar, but I couldn’t figure out where I’ve seen him before.

“Tell me Eric, what sort of danger am I in?”

I started walking towards the house. I was not far, and if I ran fast enough it would only a 10-minute sprint.

“I don’t want to alarm you, but if you must know, one of our warriors has betrayed us and no one knows where he is.”

“Well good thing I have the warriors that Damian sent to protect me.”

“That’s the thing Diana, those warriors have gone silent. No one can reach out to them.”

I looked behind me as I continued my pace back to the house. The grey wolf was trailing closer behind me.

“Um, Eric, what does this warrior look like?”

“Well, slightly smaller Fenrir warrior, dark grey, brown eyes, also has white fur on his right paw, you can't miss it.”

I glanced back to see if that matched the description, but he was gone.

“I think he backed off Eric. I don’t see him.”

I picked up the pace, I couldn’t see him, but I knew he was still lurking around.

Suddenly, as I turned my face to look forward, a naked man stood in my tracks, but he wasn’t completely naked, he was holding a rifle.

He was fairly young, brown eyes, dark brown wavy hair, and his body was lean. He wasn't as bulky as some of the Fenrir warriors I've seen, but I knew he was one of Damian's men. I could smell his scent.

I put the brakes on as he raised the gun barrel in my direction.

“Well, if it isn’t the Crimson whore!”

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