Twisted Ties of Love

Chapter 28

Chapter 28 

The nurse was the same one as before. She really couldn’t let go of her worries about Izabella When she heard the bell ring, the volunteered to push the medicine cart. She imagined all kinds of scenanos in her head, but she didn’t expect to see Izabellas bloody hand when she opened the door 

The originally tidy ward was a mess with papers scattered on the floor, IV tubes tangled on the bed, and medicine bags thrown on the floor, leaking all over the place 

The most striking thing was Izabellas injured hand Her entire hand was dyed red with blood, even the sheets were coveted in it

What what happened? Did he bully you?The nurse looked at Izabella’s hand, and then at her slightly red eyes As if to take care of her emotions, the nurse spoke very cautiously 

Izabellashook her head, her voice hoarse from crying. “I did it myself” 

The nurse didn’t quite believe her 

She took some cotton swabs and antiseptic solution from the cart and carefully lifted Izabella’s left hand. The blood had somewhat clotted, so it needed to be cleaned 

The punctured area was oozing blood, the wound wasn’t small, and the bleeding wouldn’t stop for a while 

It might hurt a bit, just bear with it 

OkayIzabella responded softly, staring blankly at the ceiling She’d already endured the most painful part, so what was this little injury to her

The nurse removed the needle and looked at Izabella’s scarred left hand. She couldn’t use this hand for injections anymore 

The nurse asked. Can I give you the injection in your right hand?” 

Izabella asked. How much longer do I need to have the IV?” 

The nurse flipped through the document, and calculated roughly, I’m afraid it’ll be about half a month” 

That long? Izabella frowned, wondering if shed be able to attend the hearing next week 

She sighed. Go ahead” 

The nurse had good skills, so the injection didn’t hurt too much it was still an indwelling needle, but it was a bit inconvenient in her right hand 


After changing Izabella’s medication, the nurse kindly changed her sheets and cleaned up the papers on the floor. Looking at the fake medical records, she asked Izabella, Did your husband leave?” 

Izabella nodded

The nurse didn’t know what to say for a moment. Izabella was the daughter of the Salotti family. Until the days ago she was the big star in the women’s circle in the R City 

Now, the internet was reporting that she had snatched someone else’s fiance, and kneeled on the street to save her marriage. She disregarded the Salotti Group’s bankruptcy, and didn’t care about her father who had become a murderer in jail 

There were all kinds of rumors about her on the internet. The nurse didn’t understand the grudges of wealthy families, but she sincerely felt sorry for Izabella 

Everyone used to describe her as an invincible strong woman, but who would have expected her to be dying of gastric cancer and not survive more than two years

Any comforting words at this point would just sound like pity The nurse hesitated for a long time, finally saying. Take good care of yourself.” 

Don’t worry, this won’t happen again Thank you for today trabella smiled at her, but her smile was full of bittemess

No trouble at allThe nurse quickly shook her head and left quietly with the medicine cart

The room suddenly became very quiet, so quiet that she could hear the sound of the IV drip

When people are quiet their thoughts tend to wander, and when her thoughts wandered, she would think about Brett, which seemed to have become a habit

Brett was really gone for good and wouldn’t come back

She heard that during the 46 hours she was unconscious, Brett had been by her side, but she didn’t believe it 

It was five days before Alan’s retrial, and Brett never appeared before her again in those five days

The people Izabella saw most during the day were her caretakers and Presley 

Presley worked at the hospital and was usually very busy, but he would visit her whenever he had time, urging her to have chemotherapy 

Izabella was a delicate girl who was scared of pain and didn’t want to go through the agonizing chemotherapy 

As expected, she shook her head at the mention of chemotherapy

Tim not having chemotherapyChemotherapy could prolong her life and was more berteficial for treatment. But she had already given up. Seeing that Presley still wanted to persuade her, she said bluntly. Ill lose a lot of hair from chemotherapy and I don’t want to become bald That’s worse than dying.” 

What’s more important right now, your life or your hair?Presley shook his head helplessly, though his expression wasnt as heavy as before 

You know how much I love to dress up and wear makeup Izabella smiled, rather perfunctorily, And you also know I’m afraid of pain” 

After Presley left, Izabella asked the nurse to help her to the restroom 

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