Twisted Secrets- I Give Birth To A Billionaire’s Babies ( Isabella Halls )

Chapter 25

Chapter Twenty Five: Want to Be With Her 

Sofia appeared relaxed and casual to many, but she was actually quite savvy with investments. She had become successful at a young age. Isabella could really benefit from Sofia’s help if she decided to go for it. Once Isabella finished talking, Alexander gave Sofia an approving thumbs–up. 

Initially, Alexander thought Sofia was just joking about being his wingman. But now, he realized she was truly excellent at it. It was hard for Sofla to persuade Isabella to leave her house, but she did it because she believed it was best for her. 

Sofia’s trust in Alexander was the main reason. If Alexander hadn’t been trustworthy, she wouldn’t have encouraged her close friend to move out? Isabella didn’t immediately respond to Alexander. She looked at her children and asked, “Do you guys want to move somewhere else?” Amelia, with her big eyes that could melt hearts, asked, “Are we going to Dad’s place?” “Yeah, I think it’s important to ask you two.” 

Miles, aware of the struggles Isabella had faced raising them, agreed quickly, hoping to make things easier for her. Alexander was feeling thrilled. He had been thinking about proposing to Isabella for a while now. Even though he had talked about marriage with her just now, he wanted to make the proposal a special surprise. Amelia leaped into Alexander’s arms, exclaiming, “Yay! Miles and I are finally going to have a dad!” Alexander hugged them both tightly. “I promise to take great care of you and become the best dad I can.” 

Amelia beamed and kissed his cheek. “Having a dad is the best!” When the weekend came, Alexander helped them move. As they were getting ready to leave, Sofia said with a touch of sadness, “You’ll miss me when you’re gone, right? I’ll be upset if you don’t!” Isabella felt a little sad too. “Then why were you rushing me out all this time? Now you’re acting like you’ll miss me?” 

“I’ve always missed you,Sofia said firmly, “but I let you go for your happiness.” She then turned to Alexander with a serious tone, “If you ever mistreat Isabella, I’ll make you regret it. She’s been through too much already. I don’t want her to suffer more because of you.” Alexander assured her, Why would I ever mistreat Isabella? Meeting her has been the best thing in my life.” 

Sofia urged them to get going, “Enough of the sweet talk. You should head back. You’ll be busy for a while with all this.” When Isabella first moved in, she had brought only a few things, mostly clothes and toys for the kids. Now, she was leaving with many items Sofia had given her since she arrived. Isabella had thought a car would be enough for her belongings, but she didn’t know Sofia had secretly bought her a lot of dresses over the past two months. Ultimately, they needed a moving company to transport all their belongings. 

As they drove, Alexander tightly held Isabella’s hand on the steering wheel. “I’ve sorted everything out. I’ve arranged for a maid from my parents‘ home to help. This way, the kids will have someone around, giving you some peace of mind.” 

Thinking of her nanny, Isabella chimed in, “the nanny is reliable, and the kids adore her. I’d like her to continue caring for them.” 

“Absolutely,” Alexander agreed. “It’s best not to change their nanny now. They’re just starting to settle into everything new.” 

Alexander valued Isabella’s experience in parenting and sought advice from Drake on managing things with the children. Taking cues from different sources, he was improving at handling the kids

Though initially surprised by Alexander’s new relationship, Drake was moved seeing Alexander so content and in love. Together, they had seen Alexander’s jewelry company, started in college, grow significantly into a renowned luxury brand. 

Nelson’s steady support had been pivotal for Alexander, making managing everything much easier. 

Upon arriving at the luxurious downtown mansion, Sofia was awestruck by the opulence of the wealthy neighborhood. Though Sofia’s home was lovely, it didn’t match the grandeur of this place. 

“We’re here,” Alexander announced as they pulled up. 

At the entrance, a group of servants awaited them. Alfred, one of the attendants, came forward to open Isabella’s car door, greeting her with, “Madam, welcome home.” 

Isabella was a bit surprised by the formality but chose not to correct Alfred, considering her impending marriage to Alexander. Alexander noticed her surprise but was relieved she didn’t object. 

He casually handed the car keys to the butler, saying, “Please take the stuff from the car and place them where they belong.” 

“Certainly, sir,” responded the butler. 

Amelia and Miles, both new to such luxury, were brimming with curiosity. They eagerly began exploring as soon as they stepped out of the car. Isabella called out, reminding them to be cautious, Let’s not wander too far; we’re still getting used to this place.” 

“Okay, Mom!” Miles replied, glancing back. 

Nearby, the Smith family spent their weekend. From the second floor of her mansion, Edith Smith observed Alexander arriving with Isabella and the kids. She felt a surge of tension within her. 

Fuming internally, she couldn’t comprehend how Isabella had effortlessly entered their lives. She had worked hard, hoping for Alexander’s attention, but it seemed futile in comparison to Isabella’s influence on him

In a fit of anger, Edith began smashing objects around her, unable to accept the reality that Alexander was now with Isabella. Despite her proximity to Alexander, Edith never expected Isabella to captivate him so effortlessly. 

An anxious maid tried to intervene, pleading with Edith, “Please, try to calm down. If you continue like this, we’ll all be in trouble.” 

In her rage, Edith snapped back, “Stay out of my way! I’ll do as I please!” 

The maid quietly tidied up the mess, staying in the room while silently observing Edith’s continued 

outburst. Initially contemplating consoling Edith, the maid reconsidered upon hearing her lament,” How could Alexander choose her over me? I liked him first. Why doesn’t he notice me?” Pondering quietly, ‘With such a temper, it’s no wonder she struggles to attract him.‘ 

Gazing towards Alexander’s mansion, the maid noticed Isabella’s calm and graceful demeanor. Reflecting, ‘If I were Alexander, I’d probably choose Isabella too.‘ “Why doesn’t he pick me? What does he see in her?” Edith ranted. Frightened by Edith’s rage, the maid nervously stepped back and replied, “I don’t know…“In a fit of hysteria, Edith yelled, If you don’t know, then just leave!” 

Meanwhile, Isabella, carrying a box of her personal items, insisted, “I’ll take care of this myself.” Eager to help, Alexander carried the kids‘ luggage and politely declined the nearby servants‘ offers of assistance, preferring to manage it himself. He cherished these moments of family togetherness, even in simple tasks like moving in. Entering the mansion, Alexander offered, “Let me give you a tour so you can get familiar.” Our bedroom is on the top floor. But if you’re not comfortable sharing a room with me yet, you can have the master bedroom.” “I can sleep in the study or with the kids if that’s alright.” 

Isabella was surprised by his considerate approach, anticipating him to be more assertive now that they were moving in together. She thought, ‘Alexander is really different from other men. 

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