Twisted Kingdom: A Dark New Adult Romance (Royal Elite Book 3)

Twisted Kingdom: Chapter 35

We sit in here for what seems like days.

According to Aiden’s watch, it’s only been one day.

We’ve been here for exactly thirty-five hours and counting.

We did all. We tried the door, we screamed — or more like, I screamed. However, there was no sign anyone would come to help.

There was a reason why Ma chose this place. It’s on the far eastern side, no one wanders here, and I’m pretty sure it conceals sounds somehow.

My energy has been waning over the past hours. We have nothing aside from water from the tap.

No food. No blankets. Just like ten years ago.

It’s not cold per se, but a slight tremor has been going through my limbs since the door closed behind Agnus.

There’s a tightness in my chest, suffocating and bruising. Now that I think about it, I flew out of the house without taking my meds the moment Aiden texted me.

Please don’t act up now, heart. It’s super bad timing.

Aiden’s sitting, his back against the wall as I nestle between his long, powerful legs. My back rests against his chest and my head lies on his hard shoulder.

It’s weird how such a hard muscle can be so comforting.

“Maybe he won’t come back for us,” I whisper into the silence. “Maybe he decided it’s better if I’m out of the way?”

“He will.”

“How do you know that? What if he has an accident and dies and no one will come for us?”

“Now you’re being dramatic, sweetheart.”

“It’s a possibility.”

I lift my head and watch him closely; his neutral expression and undisturbed eyes. How can he be so calm about this? While I’ve been losing hope, shaking, and pacing, he’s been sitting here as if we’re on a picnic or something.

Granted, he’s more cool-headed than me, but this is a life or death situation. My head’s crowding with horrific images about how they’ll find our corpses months from now, decayed and stinking.

Tears fill my eyes. I don’t want to die. Not now.

Not when I’m ready to overcome my trauma. Not when I’m finally getting control over my life.

“Hey.” Aiden’s lean fingers cradle my face and stroke my trembling chin.

“I can’t stop thinking about dying.”

“Then let’s occupy that head of yours with something else.” He grins, and my aching heart flutters with sparks.

“Like what?”

“Since you’re a curious little kitten, I’ll let you ask me any question you like.”

My eyes widen. “Any question?”

He nods.

Whoa. That’s some commitment for the devil.

I straighten so my back is propped up against his bent knee. “And you’ll answer them all.”

We need to get that straight, because ‘you can ask me any question’ in Aiden’s manipulative words can also mean he’ll choose not to answer.

His grin widens as if he can read my mind. “And I’ll answer them on one condition.”

Of course.

I huff. “What?”

“You’ll remove a piece of clothing for every question I answer.”

“Hey! That’s not fair.”

He lifts a shoulder. “Take it or leave it.”

I should’ve known the deal would end up playing in his favour.

My jacket lies on his lap. I try to retrieve it. I need all the clothes I can get.

Aiden snatches it away. “This was already off. It doesn’t count.”


Since my underwear is already somewhere in his pocket from the earlier sixty-nine, that only leaves me with three pieces of clothing; my shirt, my skirt, and my bra.

Three items, three questions.

I glare at him.

The arsehole must’ve thought this through.

Still, I’ll play. He’s right. I need to get my head off the dark thoughts swirling inside it.

My mind crowds with all the questions I wanted to ask, but he always deflected his way out of them. The first one is easy.

“Do you miss Alicia?” I ask.

He appears deep in thought for a second. “Sometimes, I walk inside the house and wonder how it would feel if she was there, but then I recall she’d still be married to Jonathan because she was so helplessly in love with him, and I stop wondering.”

That’s interesting.

Aiden’s lack of empathy is like being in a logical, emotionless state of mind twenty-four seven. That state of mind even forbids him from missing his mother properly because he thinks she would’ve suffered if she lived her life as Jonathan’s wife.

“Take the shirt off,” he orders in that delicious deep tone. “And make it sexy.”

With a sigh, I unbutton my shirt. I don’t really know how to make it sexy, so I just do it without rush, slowly revealing the swell of my breasts covered by the simple cotton bra.

Aiden watches me the entire time with a dark, predatory gleam. His head tilts to the side to get a better view.

My nipples harden under his scrutiny, throbbing for attention.

Not now.

I let the shirt fall to the floor, ready for the next question. I’ve been burning to ask it since the time I heard about it.

“Who was the girl you and Cole had a threesome with?”

He raises an eyebrow. “Let me guess, Astor said he walked in on our ‘kinky shit’.”

I frown. “You know.”

“Typical Astor running his mouth about something he saw when high. Nash and I never had a threesome. Neither of us is the sharing type.”

“But Ronan said he saw you.”

“The fucker was so high that he got her hair colour wrong. Astor saw me fiddle with the ropes and he thought I was binding her when I was actually unbinding her and saving her from Nash’s crazy kink. See? I can be a gentleman when I want to ruin something.”

Aiden and Cole never had a threesome. I was being all green with jealousy over an imaginary person.

“Who was she, anyway?” I ask.

He smirks. “Nash’s damnation.”

Nash’s damnation.

Interesting. I wonder why Aiden worded it that way.

“Now,” his voice deepens with perverse lust. “Take the bra and skirt off.”

I cross my arms over my chest. “Why both? I only asked one question.”

“Two, actually.” He grins with mischief. “You asked who’s the girl I had a threesome with and then even after confirming I didn’t fuck her, you still asked who is she.”

Damn it.

I should’ve known Aiden will set me a trap somewhere.

“A deal is a deal, sweetheart. Your curiosity is adorable.”

“Oh, shut up.” With a huff, I unclip my bra and let it fall to my side.

Aiden’s eyes feast on me like I’m his favourite meal, the one he’ll have before a death row.

I shimmy out of my skirt next and kneel naked in front of him.

For long seconds, Aiden just watches me. His brows draw together over darkened eyes as if he’s a predator sampling his prey.

“Hmm.” He reaches a finger and traces it over my hardened nipple. “Are you cold, sweetheart?”

Even if I were, his touch is making me all tingly and warm.

“No,” I say.

“Then I shouldn’t warm you up, huh?”

Ugh. Is there a way to take back my words?


“Hmm, sweetheart?” He twirls both my nipples between his fingers, twisting, and torturing them.

A zap of pleasure shoots to my core until I’m almost sure he can see my pussy glistening with arousal.

He pinches my nipple hard. I throw my head back in a whimper.

“I’m waiting.” His voice turns husky with lust. “Was there something you wanted to say?”

I meet his eyes reluctantly, pleading for him to take me already. “I… I…”

“What do you want?” He leans over and sucks a nipple into his mouth. His tongue laps around the peak, licking and twirling.

My stomach flutters with a thousand butterflies.

“Say you want me.” He speaks against my soft flesh, his stubble tickling my skin.

“I want you.” The words come out in a tortuous breath.

I was always such a mess when he teased my breasts. They’re throbbing and aching, but I still want more.

I want all of him. The good and the bad and the ugly.

He drags his pullover over his head, messing up the black strands. I barely register the emptiness on my sore nipples before he goes back to sucking on them, torturing them with his tongue, lips and teeth.

At the same time, he yanks down both his jeans and boxers. The thickness of his cock nestles at my thigh, hot and ready.

“What else do you want, sweetheart?”

I’m distracted by the perfection of his cock and the tautness of his abs. Those hard, powerful muscles of his arms and thighs can snap me in two if he chooses to.

Maybe I would’ve believed that a few months ago, but not now. I trust Aiden now.

I trust he won’t hurt me.

I trust he’ll bring the world to its knees for me.

“I want to be your queen.”

“You already are.” He grunts against my skin, and I briefly close my eyes at the sensation.

My fingers trace along his forearm and arrow tattoo. The one I’m sure he got for me. It’s a reminder of our past on his skin. Just like his scars and mine.

Proof we both survived.

We’re survivors.

“What else do you want?” he murmurs, fluttering kisses all over the curve of my breasts, the hardness of my nipple, and the softness of my tummy.

It’s barely enough.

Scratch that. It’s not enough.

I want to feel his raw strength right now. I want to get lost in him and his intensity; it’s the only thing I have.

“Fuck me, Aiden.” My words end on a moan when he thrusts two fingers inside me. I’m so wet, he barely finds any resistance.

“Hmm. I love it when you’re soaked for me, sweetheart.” He kisses his way up to my ear then nibbles on the shell. “I love that you’re mine. Now, say it.”

“Say what?”

“That you’re mine.”

“I’m yours, Aiden.” The words leave me in a hushed murmur like I’m divulging my deepest, darkest secrets.

Because that’s the truth, isn’t it? Admitting to be so wholeheartedly his is both liberating and scary, but I’m ready to take that step.

I’m ready for everything with him.

Aiden curls his fingers inside me, bringing me pleasure but also touching my soul and making a permanent place for himself.

“There hasn’t been a day where you weren’t fucking mine, Elsa. You’ve been mine since that first day you walked in here. ”

“Yes, yes.”

His lips find my ear and he whispers in husky words. “And I’ve been yours.”

My chest vibrates with the sparks and explosions going off all at once. Those words are my undoing. I might’ve had some sanity before, but now it’s poof. Gone.

My lips find his and kiss him with abandon. I kiss him until my lungs burn, demanding breath. I kiss him until my air is saturated with his scent.

Aiden removes his fingers, and my walls clench with the need to keep him there. Before I can protest, he manoeuvres me so I’m sitting on his lap and slides his cock inside me in one ruthless thrust.

I cry out, holding on to his shoulder for balance. If my nails were any longer, I would’ve scraped his back.

He fucks me like never before. His rhythm goes from slow, lazy strokes that touch my damn soul to fast, ruthless thrusts that make me bounce off his lap. With every rock of his hips, I’m thrown into a delirious state of pleasure, rough and consuming.

My space is filled with him. His scent. His strength. His intense gaze.

My muscles tighten around him with the force of my build-up.

“Fuck, sweetheart.” He curses without slowing his fast pace. “Your tight pussy is strangling my dick.”

How does he do that? How does he stimulate my body even more with his dirty words? Sweat covers my brows as I grind against him, trying to match his pace.

“Are you going to come for me, sweetheart?” He nibbles on my shoulder and neck, most likely leaving hickeys. “Are you going to clench all around my cock?”

I nod several times as the pleasure mounts to heights I can’t control.

I cry out at the violent waves hitting me. It’s a madness, I’m sure of it now. Just like I’m sure that I don’t want it to end. My fingers stroke his brow as I ride the high. I run my fingertips over that small mole at the corner of his eye, needing to engrave it and this moment to memory.

Aiden slides a finger into my wet folds, coating it with my arousal, then trails it to the crack of my arse.

It could be because I’m in the middle of an orgasm, but the moment he thrusts his finger inside my back hole, I scream louder, tightening around his dick like never before.

Oh, God.

What is happening to me?

Aiden doesn’t stop. As his finger stretches my virgin hole, his cock thrusts deeper and harder. I can almost feel the thin wall between his finger and his cock as he fills me from both ends.

I hold on to his shoulders while he picks up his rhythm. He angles me forward so his cock brushes against my clit with each of his thrusts.

A different type of build-up starts at the bottom of my stomach. The pressure from his finger in my arse eases the more he teases my clit.

The friction fills me with sparks, all bright and blinding.

“Fuck, you feel like sin.” He moves his finger in and out of my arse before he eases another one in.

I gasp, feeling stretched whole.


Oh, God.

Why does it hurt so good?

“You’re so fucking tight. Hmm. I might break you if I use my cock.”

My breath hitches at the thought, but my arousal coats him, dripping down my thighs.

“D-Do it,” I whisper.

He pauses thrusting in and out of me. “What was that?”

“Fuck me. All of me.”

His chest shudders with a groan that fills the space around us, masculine and so damn hot. “You’ll be mine? All mine?”

“Yours. All yours.”

I don’t get a warning. Aiden slips out of my pussy and arse. Before I can concentrate on the hollowness, he flips me around.

“On your elbows and knees.”

I scramble into the position in front of him, my heart pounding in my chest.




Aiden places a hand at the top of my back and lowers me further so my arse is in the air and he’s behind me. Not too long ago, I would’ve felt self-conscious about being so exposed to him. Not now.

Now, a burn covers my skin, yearning for more.

Two of his fingers thrust inside my pussy. I moan aloud as his cock traces my wetness to my back hole over and over again.

It’s then I realise he’s using it as lube.

“It’s going to hurt,” he muses. His voice holds a sadistic, dark edge.

This is my chance to escape this, but the truth is, I don’t want to.

Deep down, I want it to hurt.

If Aiden is open about admitting how much he perversely wants me and can’t get enough of me, I can be the same.

“Do it,” I murmur.

“Even if it hurts?”

“Especially if it hurts.”

He growls and slowly eases into my tight hole. I remain motionless, not breathing.

“Relax,” he groans. “Ease into me. Don’t fight me.”

I try as hard as I can to lose the tension in my shoulders. Aiden’s cock is barely inside and it stings.

He pumps his fingers inside my pussy, scissoring them, and the pleasure loosens my muscles.

Aiden’s free hand grips my hip and he rams inside me in one go.

I scream, the pain ripping me open from the inside out. Tears spring to my eyes.

Oh, God.

It hurts. It hurts like hell. It’s even worse than when he took my virginity.

I’m about to change my mind, to tell him to stop, but then he starts moving. Both in my pussy and in my arse. His fingers meet his cock through the thin wall, and his thumb grazes over my clit.

“Oh… Aaaah…”

“You like that, huh?” Aiden’s deep voice turns me on even more.

I move my arse against his thigh, needing more.

He reaches over and pinches my nipple. I cry out at the torturous sensation.

“Answer me,” he orders.

“I…” I gasp. “I do.”

“You do, huh?”


“Do you like my cock better in your pussy or in your arse.”

“I… don’t know.”

“Hmm. I love your arse as much as your pussy.” He picks up his pace. “I never thought that would be possible.”


“You’re so fucking tight in here, sweetheart. I can barely move. Do you feel how much you’re strangling my dick?”

Aiden’s dirty talk must be contagious because all I can say is, “Yes.”

He pumps inside me in a long torturous rhythm that wrenches pleasure out of me. “Do you like it?”

“I-I do.”

“Then come for me.” His authoritative tone hits me in the core.

A whirlwind of pleasure sweeps me over like a hurricane. My nerves are so stimulated I come twice, at the same time. Or maybe it’s one long orgasm that bleeds into the next.

I don’t even get to control it. It takes me over like a possession, like an otherworldly power.

I arch my back, chanting Aiden’s name like a prayer. He might as well be touching my soul instead of my body right now.

“Tell me you love me,” he grunts near my ear as his thrusts turn animalistic.

“I love you,” I pant.

He follows me over the cliff with a ravenous growl. “Mine. You’re all mine.”

I am.

It’s useless to deny it anymore.

If we never find a way out of here I’ll die happy knowing I’m with the person I love the most.

The boy I loved since I was seven.

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