Twisted Kingdom: A Dark New Adult Romance (Royal Elite Book 3)

Twisted Kingdom: Chapter 12

Dad agreed to let us go back to RES.

Shocking, I know.

With what happened at the Rhodes’ estate, I thought he’d be opposed to RES now more than ever. However, when we sat down and I told him I want to finish the year at my school, he didn’t object.

And I’m glad. It was rushed to even think about leaving the school in the first place.

I’m done running and hiding.

I’m done disappearing when I should be walking the halls with my head held high.

I did nothing wrong.

Dad’s agreement might have to do with the fact that he needs to be in London to prepare for the Rhodes’ project.

Knox is all for going back to RES. His previous school in Birmingham is boring as fuck — again his words, not mine.

Teal isn’t as ecstatic about the move. She only came along because no one stayed in Birmingham except for the staff.

Dad’s house in London is close to Ronan’s neighbourhood. It’s a bit far from Aunt and Uncle’s house, but I promised to visit them today.

Teal, Knox, and I walk down the hall towards our class. I try not to focus on Aiden standing by the entrance, all powerful and polished. Both his hands are shoved into his pockets, which means he’s stopping himself from doing something — what, I don’t know.

He watches me as if I’m the only one in the busy hallway. The interest in his eyes is paralysing, suffocating even. His gaze studies me close, so close, as if he’s relearning my features, the curve of my shoulder, and the line of my collarbone.

Almost like… he’s making sure I’m real.

He gave me that look once upon a time.

Was it in our childhood?

I shake myself internally. Just because I came back to RES doesn’t mean I’ll get entangled up with Aiden all over again. My return has nothing to do with him and everything to do with my self-worth.

RES has my grades and my track practice and my friends.

It also has Aiden and my bullies.

Oh well, all places have advantages and inconveniences.

I breeze straight past him, ignoring his stupid broad shoulders and ridiculous tall frame.

One day, I’ll stop seeing him as an attractive bastard.

Attractive or not, I’m not falling back into his orbit.

This is more than my attraction or feelings. This is about my worth.

I deserve better than being the other woman.

I deserve better than being a mere pawn.

I deserve better than him.

Knox, Teal, and I sit close together, and I listen to Knox talking about how Agnus tricked him into helping for free.

Aiden strolls inside but doesn’t take a seat, instead he remains near the entrance. I can feel him watching me closely even without lifting my head.

A part of me wants to watch him back. I want to engage in that glare for glare battle. I want to see him see me.

The betrayal, anger, and bitterness.

But he’ll only use those emotions to hurt me all over again. I’m done being hurt by Aiden and his fucking games.

“Ellie!” Ronan hops on my desk, nearly knocking my pens on the ground. “I was just telling King about how to bring you back. I even offered to sing.”

Teal snorts from my side.

Ronan grins at her, but it’s fake. It’s rare to see Ronan fake anything, he’s about the most honest out of the horsemen. “You have a problem, ma belle?”

She searches around me. “Did you hear someone talk, Elsa?”

Ronan leans in to whisper, “I’m happy you’re back and all, but why did you bring this freak?”

“I heard that,” Teal deadpans.

He feigns innocence. “Did you hear someone talk, Ellie?”

I smile, shaking my head.

This is the first time I see Ronan go out of his way to show passive-aggression towards anyone. He usually avoids confrontation — except with his friends. But I guess, just like in football, Ronan gives twice as hard when he’s attacked.

He’s Death after all.

Mrs Stone comes inside. All residual chatter dies down and everyone takes their seat.

During the entire class, the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end. I’m supposed to concentrate, but my attention keeps bouncing back to a certain someone who’s watching me like a hawk.

Without turning around, I can feel his cloudy gaze darkening and fixating on me. I can almost see the twitching in his left eye and the tightness of his sharp jaw.

When the day is finally over, Kim invites us for coffee. Knox is all for it and forces Teal to come along.

I agreed to stay with them until I have to visit Aunt and Uncle.

Before we head out of RES, I excuse myself to go to the toilet.

As I wash my hands, a violent sound of heaving comes from one of the stalls. I stay behind after drying my hands.

Does she need help?

“It’s okay. It’s going to be okay.” The familiar voice chants as she steps out of the stall.

Both of us freeze.

Silver stands there, her hair in disarray and her uniform dishevelled as if she was thrown out of bed.

Acting as if she didn’t see me, she wipes the side of her mouth and heads to one of the taps.

She splashes water on her face. “Pretend you didn’t see anything.”

“Your life doesn’t matter to me, Silver.”

“No problem, then. Good talk.” She starts to breeze past me.

“Wait.” I clutch her by the arm.

She swings around, her hand wrapping around her midsection. “What are you doing?”

The fear in her eyes hits me straight in the chest. I drop her arm and step back. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

She studies me suspiciously but doesn’t move.

“Do you…” I clear my throat. “Do you need help?”

Silver’s huge blue eyes widen, appearing as stunned as I feel.

I never thought there would be a day when I’d offer Silver help. I guess I’m not so monstrous after all.

“N-no.” She takes a step back, then stops. “I didn’t want to be in the Meet Up. I’m sorry.”

And then she breezes out of the bathroom.

I stand there for a second, gathering my wits around me.

Did Silver just apologise to me?

Also, what does she mean about not wanting to be at the Meet Up? Being there or not doesn’t change the fact that she’s engaged to Aiden or that Aiden hid it from me.

It doesn’t matter anyway.

Not when it’s over. Only, it didn’t start in the first place. She was right all along. From the beginning, Aiden was never mine.

He was hers.

The itch starts under my skin and spreads all over my body. I wash my hands again and dry them.

The moment I open the door, someone shoves me back inside.

I shriek, but a hand swallows all the sound. The bathroom door closes with a bang.

He spins me around. My back hits it as my gaze meets Aiden’s metallic eyes.

I scream.

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