Twisted Hearts (The Camorra Chronicles Book 5)

Twisted Hearts: Chapter 15

Gemma’s family invited me over the next day. They wanted to reconnect and probably get me to commit to a wedding date, which wasn’t going to happen. Fuck, I was turning twenty-two in two months. I had absolutely no intention of settling down.

Daniele opened the door for me. He seemed to have aged ten years since I last saw him. We shook hands. “The offer stands,” I told him as a sort of greeting. He knew what I was referring to.

“No,” he said immediately. “I’ll take care of my family. I may not have much, but I have my pride.”

I tilted my head, even if I thought his pride was endangering his family. I followed him into the house, three bouquets of flowers in my hands. Diego nodded at me as he carried a huge dish with lasagna over to the dining table. Nonna and Gemma were behind him, carrying a salad bowl and antipasti. Gemma sent me a small smile. She seemed to have gotten rid of her modest dresses once and for all. The skirt and blouse she was wearing weren’t exactly sexy, but she made them look that way. Her dark hair fell in dark curls down her bare arms.

Nonna clucked her tongue, drawing my attention to her, only to be met with a frosty glare. I smiled at her, but she didn’t return the gesture. I walked up to her and held out the flowers. She took them with narrowed eyes.

Then I handed the next bouquet to Gemma’s mom who’d entered the room with a pale Carlotta on her arms. I gently stroked the little girl’s head before I finally stepped up to Gemma and handed her the bouquet with red roses. Then I leaned down and kissed her cheek, which was a sign for Diego and Daniele to back off. Gemma was my responsibility as my fiancée. “You know how to wrap people around your fingers,” she said with a small laugh. “But you’re playing with fire.”

“I can handle your dad and Diego.”

“I’m not referring to them. If I was you, I wouldn’t turn my back on Nonna today.”

Gemma pulled back and pressed her nose into the roses, a teasing twinkle in her eyes.

Her nonna was giving me a death glare that might even impress Remo. We settled around the table. Of course, I wasn’t allowed to sit beside Gemma. Diego and Daniele took the seats beside me.

“So how are things in Reno?” Daniele asked halfway into the dinner when Nonna’s prodding about the wedding got a bit too forceful.

“Shaky. Cristiano is of age now, but soldiers don’t like to be ordered around by a teenager. Only Remo’s protection is keeping him in power, but you know my brother. He thinks a true leader can control his men, so I don’t know how long Cristiano can hope for our support.”

“Remo is the best Capo,” Daniele said.

“He is,” I agreed.

“I hear you’re looking for another Enforcer to support Fabiano,” Diego said suddenly.

“We are. He’s been taking over more administrative jobs recently. He’s probably going to become Captain of the Betting Department.” Remo would have made him Underboss by now if Fabiano didn’t want to stay close to us. I regarded Diego closely, knowing where this was going. Enforcers earned a percentage of the money they collected. If you were good, that meant an assload of cash.

“Do you think Remo would consider me for the job?”

Gemma’s eyes widened.

“Diego,” Claudia whispered, shocked.

Diego ignored all of them. Daniele’s restrained reaction showed that he had been involved in Diego’s decision. Diego had helped me deal with a few Bratva members. He didn’t enjoy torture like I or my brothers did. He did what was necessary. I wasn’t sure if he would be a good Enforcer, but his family needed the money. “If you throw your hat in the ring, I’m sure he’ll choose you.”

Nonna shook her head and began clearing up the plates. Gemma soon joined her, but both were listening in. My eyes lingered on Gemma’s enticing shoulder, remembering how I’d kissed the spot too long ago, then I focused on her mouth, a mouth I desperately wanted to claim.

“I don’t want the job only because you’re going to marry my sister,” Diego said sharply.

I dragged my eyes away from Gemma. “Remo would never favor you for any reason but your qualifications.” That wasn’t exactly true, but he didn’t need to know that. I’d talk Remo into giving Diego the job and had to hope he could deal with the duties of an Enforcer.

Daniele stood and helped Gemma’s mom bring Carlotta to bed while Gemma and her nonna cleaned the dishes in the kitchen.

“If you keep undressing my sister with your eyes, I’ll kick your ass,” Diego muttered when we were alone.

I grinned. “She’s doing the same. Don’t tell me you can’t see how she’s looking at me. Gemma wants to see my bull.”

“Keep your dick in your pants around my sister.”

“If she wants my dick, she can have it, no matter what you say.”

Suddenly Nonna stepped up to us and hit us both over the head.

Gemma was right behind her, her eyes shot open in shock, and Diego, too, gave me a stunned look. Did they think I’d strike down their grandma just because she’d slapped me? Even Remo, who was as twisted as they come, would at least hesitate before killing a granny. And I actually liked Nonna. Even if her beliefs belonged in the middle ages and she wanted to take a potato peeler to my balls.

“I don’t want to hear that word again.”

“Nonna,” Diego said fiercely. “You can’t hit Savio. You know who he is.”

“Of course, I do,” she said, regarding me like a schoolboy in need of reprimand. “He’s a young man lacking manners.”

“Ahh, Mrs. Bazzoli, I didn’t mean any disrespect.” I gave her my most charming smile as I cupped her hands in mine before kissing the back of one. “I apologize.”

She raised one hand in warning, but she was smiling. “Oh, you’re a dangerous one, aren’t you? My Gemma needs to be careful around that charm of yours.”

Nonna glanced at Gemma. “That boy can charm the frock right off a nun, Gemma. Be vigilant.”

Gemma bit her lip. “Don’t worry, Nonna.” Her cheeks were flushed in mortification. “Would you like a sweet treat? We made tiramisu.”

“I’m always up for a sweet treat,” I said.

Nonna narrowed her eyes, obviously unsure if I’d made an innuendo. I gave her an innocent look. She muttered something unintelligible in Italian and disappeared in the kitchen. Gemma glanced after her then turned to me. Diego’s phone rang that moment and he got up to get it.

I stood and pulled Gemma toward me. Her eyes widened as they darted to the kitchen door. I used our moment of privacy to wrap my arms around Gemma. “Savio,” she hissed. “Nonna could be back any moment.”

Nonna was still clanging in the kitchen. “Come on, Gem. Won’t you give me a little something for the pain I suffered through your grandma’s hand?”

“You can handle pain.”

“That’s true,” I said quietly, bringing us closer. She glanced at my lips then quickly looked away. “So can you, but you’re scared of pleasure.”

Her expression hardened and she pulled away. “I’m going to get you a piece of tiramisu.”

It seemed I had hit the nail on the head. Kitty was scared of pleasure, which meant she wanted me like I wanted her. She only needed a little nudge in the right direction.


Savio had amplified his charm since his return to Las Vegas two weeks ago. He’d come over several times to spend time with my family and me, and I knew it was because he thought he could impress me that way, and it was working.

Especially when Savio talked to Carlotta, I couldn’t stop my heart from swelling.

He knew it.

Today was the first time we’d be allowed to fight together in years. I could barely contain my excitement, but at the same time, I had to admit I was nervous. Of course, Diego would be there as a chaperone, but still.

When I faced Savio in the cage and saw the teasing twinkle in his eyes, I knew he had something planned. I kept my eyes firmly above his waist, trying to ignore the horns.

Diego pretended to be pummeling the boxing bag when, in truth, he kept an eye on me and Savio.

For good reason, it turned out, because Savio used the fight to bring us as close as possible, as often as possible.

None of the touches were inappropriate and yet they felt like they were. When I landed on my back after another futile high kick, Savio crouched over me, my arms pressed into the ground above my head. His other hand clamped down on my hip and for some reason I could feel the touch between my legs.

We stared at each other, breathing harshly.

“I think this was enough training for one day,” Diego muttered.

Savio straightened with obvious reluctance and pulled me with him. I quickly took a step back. Diego’s phone rang again. He cursed and picked up, nodding grimly. “I’ll be there in five minutes.”

He hung up. “Fuck.”

“What’s the matter?” I asked as I climbed out of the cage.

“The stupid stove again. That thing is only giving us trouble. We should have bought a new one a long time ago. I need to get over there immediately.”

“I need to shower and stretch,” I said.

“I can take Gemma home,” Savio offered at once.

Diego glanced between him and me, obviously suspicious of my fiancé’s motives, and probably for good reason. “All right. But I probably won’t be long. I might be able to pick you up.”

I nodded. “Help Dad. I can handle this.”

Savio cocked an eyebrow.

With a last warning glance at Savio, Diego left. I sank down to the ground and stretched out my legs, then touched my feet with my fingertips, feeling the slight tug of my hamstrings.

Savio lowered himself beside me. “I didn’t think Diego would agree. He’s been slacking with his guard duties recently.”

“You’re my fiancé. That’s why. It’s only a matter of time before we’re married and I’m no longer his responsibility.”

Savio nodded, but as usual, didn’t comment when it came to our wedding. He touched his feet as well. As a kickboxer, you needed to be flexible, and Savio was. That was why he could do the most amazing high kicks.

My eyes kept checking Savio out as we went through the stretching routine, and I caught him doing the same with my body. I was flushed when we were finally done.

Grabbing a towel, I headed for the locker room but stopped when Savio followed close by. “I need to shower and get dressed.”

He grinned. “I know. So do I. There’s enough room for both of us, don’t you think?”

I stared. “I won’t change in front of you, much less shower.”

“Scared?” Savio murmured, leaning down. The challenge in his eyes was a trap, and yet I stepped into it.

“Of course not.” Savio pushed the door open and motioned for me to step in.

I shook my head. “I’m not going to be naked in front of you.”

“Then go ahead and change. Once you’re in the last shower stall I can’t see you if I stay in the front.”

“Don’t you dare take a peek. I mean it, Savio.”

“Go in, Kitty. I won’t take a peek, don’t worry.”

I entered the changing room. My stomach was buzzing with a billion butterflies from the feel of it. What was I doing? Every night I lay awake, touching myself in the dark as I imagined Savio’s touch.

Savio closed the door, waiting outside. “Hurry up. I need a cold shower.”

I quickly got out of my gym clothes, keeping an eye on the door, then grabbed a towel and clean clothes. The moment I was in the shower, I called for Savio to come in. My voice was croaky.

I turned the water on but regretted it when I couldn’t hear Savio anymore. What if he didn’t keep his promise and came to the last stall. I was proud of my body. I knew he’d be pleased, so it wasn’t that, but I was scared like Savio had said. Not of him doing something I didn’t want. Savio wasn’t the type to force a woman. I’d never heard those kinds of rumors about him. He was too vain for that. He wanted the girl to yearn for his touch, not fear it.

And I yearned for it, despite my traditional upbringing, despite Nonna’s and Mom’s and Dad’s and Diego’s warning words.

I washed my hair quicker than ever before then turned off the water. Savio was still showering from the sound of it. I dried off and got dressed. I was pulling my sneakers on when the water in the stall at the other end stopped. Savio reached outside and gripped the towel.

I could have left the room without tying my laces. I could have turned around. I could have…

Savio stepped out of the shower stall, the towel slung loosely around his waist, only held up by the hand holding it against his body.

I let go of my laces and straightened.

Savio stood still, allowing me my appraisal. The towel hung much lower than his boxing shorts and half of the horns and the top of the bull’s head teased me. My mouth ran dry, but at the same time heat pooled between my legs. I needed to get away, needed to turn around, but I was immobile.

Savio took a step closer and I stiffened, scared of his effect on me, of my body’s reaction, of my lack of restraint.

Savio stopped, searching my face. I wasn’t sure what he saw, but he shook his head with a harsh exhale. “Kitty, you only need to say the word and I’ll give you what you want.”

I wanted him, only not in the way he thought. Not only in that way. I wanted him to be mine first, only mine. Savio had been doing this with too many girls. For him, it was nothing special. Even the ring on my finger didn’t change that.

He lightly tugged at his towel, one corner of his mouth lifting upward. “How about I give you a little decision help? You have been eying my tattoo in secret for a long time. What do you think?”

I stared, unable to form a coherent word. I shook my head no, because I needed to get a grip as long as I still could but it was too late. Savio had already released the towel. It fell to his feet.

I couldn’t breathe. My eyes took in the tattoo of the bull’s head, magnificent and imposing, right above his… Oh help.

Savio chuckled. The dose of reality I needed. Anger replaced my surprise and desire. Not bothering to grab my gym bag, I stormed out of the changing room.

“Kitty, come on! It’s not going to bite!”

His obvious amusement only fueled my fury at him. He thought I was his toy, another one of his girls. Bastard. I didn’t stop running until I was outside. My hair was wet, so I shivered as the cold February air hit me, but I didn’t care. I needed to get away from Savio, his arrogance and most of all, his body—which was sin turned to flesh.

I’d left my phone and everything else in the gym, so I couldn’t even call Toni—calling Diego was absolutely out of the question.

It was starting to turn dark, and despite my fighting skills, I wasn’t comfortable walking in this area by myself. Home was too far away. That left me with only one choice: going to the Arena. It was the closest to the gym.

I kept jogging, even if it meant my shower had been for nothing. After fifteen minutes, I reached the bar. I could only hope that Toni was there by some stroke of luck.

I froze in my tracks when I saw Diego’s car in the parking lot. Hadn’t he said he had to help Dad in the restaurant?

Frowning, I entered the Arena through the front door. The bar was still deserted as it wouldn’t open for another hour. I walked past the bar and into the back area. The corridor was as quiet as the front of the place, but clanging came from the kitchen. That wasn’t what caught my eye though. The door to Roger’s office was open a gap. I headed in that direction and peered in.

The second shock of the day hit me square in the face. Toni was sitting on her father’s desk and Diego stood between her legs, kissing her, his hands on her waist.

I gasped. Both turned to me. Toni’s face flashed with horror, then guilt. Diego grimaced. Could this day get any worse?

I backed away, completely shaken. How hadn’t I noticed anything? How long had this been going on? I turned and walked away.

“Gemma!” Toni called. “Wait!”

Diego caught up with me and grabbed my elbow. “What are you doing here?” He took in my wet hair and ruffled appearance. “What happened? Did Savio do something?”

I stared at him, then at Toni. She was biting her lip, looking like she was about to cry. Did she think I was mad at her for dating my brother? It was an icky thing to consider, but nothing I’d get mad over. That she hadn’t told me bothered me.

Diego shook me slightly. “Gemma, tell me right this fucking second what happened. Did he touch you?”

Toni approached us slowly.

I shook my head.

Diego forced me to look into his eyes. “What the fuck did he do?”

“Nothing,” I said.

“You don’t look like nothing!” he snarled. “Fuck it. I’m heading over there and talk to him. I swear if he touched you, I’m going to rip his dick off.”

He stormed away. “Stay with Antonia! I’ll pick you up later.”

I stood, stunned. When he was gone, I looked at my best friend.

“I’m sorry,” she whispered. “I’m so sorry, Gemma. Please don’t be mad at me.”

“I’m not.”

“You look mad.”

I was mad. Not at her. I was mad at myself and Savio, and Diego. “How long has this been going on?”

Toni shrugged. “A few weeks.”

“Why didn’t you tell me? I thought we could tell each other everything.”

She blushed. “I was worried about how you’d react.”

I linked our fingers. “You know I’d support you with anything. Even if seeing you kiss my brother makes me want to bleach my brain.” I grinned and finally she smiled back.

“Come on,” she said, tugging me into the office, even if the desk now held disturbing images for me. We sank down on the couch.

“What happened with Savio?”

“Nothing. I mean…” I flushed. “I saw him naked. Not on purpose. He just removed his towel to show me his tattoo.”

Toni’s eyes widened. “You saw all of him?”

I nodded, biting my lip, torn between embarrassment, anger, and giddiness.


“Don’t tell me you want me to describe his you-know-what!” I wouldn’t even know where to start. Even that part of Savio had been magnificent and a bit intimidating if I was being honest.

“Was he excited?”

I covered my face with my hands. “Toni…”

“Come on, tell me.”

“No, he wasn’t. Not really.” He hadn’t exactly been soft, but not hard either. But what did I know?

I fixed her with a stare. “Now it’s your turn to answer my questions. What’s going on between you and Diego? I thought you weren’t in love with him anymore.”

Toni shrugged. “I’m not in love with him.. A few weeks ago, he had business here. Dad wasn’t there so we talked. We hit it off, so we met again and then it happened.”

“You kissed?”

She looked away, and my mouth fell open. “Don’t tell me you slept with my brother?”

Toni looked down at her hands. “It just happened.”

“You had your first time with Diego and didn’t tell me?”

The images forming in my head were too disturbing to bear. Toni had slept with Diego. Dread filled me, remembering Diego’s words. He would marry for tactical purposes. Toni’s family had some money due to the Arena, but they weren’t well-respected in the Camorra. A marriage to her wouldn’t improve my brother’s standing.

She nodded slowly. “I’m sorry.”

“Why are you apologizing to me? You had to sleep with him.”

“I wanted to.” She sighed. “I know that you think sex belongs in a marriage, that your family is traditional, so I was ashamed to tell you. I was worried what you’d think of me, and I didn’t want Diego to get into trouble.”

Diego wouldn’t get into trouble for sleeping with a girl. He’d been sleeping with girls before and Dad didn’t really care. Then part of what Toni had said registered in me. I hugged her tightly. “You are a dumbass, you know that? I’d never judge you for sleeping with a guy, even if that guy is my idiot of a brother. You can do whatever you want, Toni. I love you. If you want to have sex, then that’s only your decision.”

It wouldn’t give her bonus points in our still very traditional society. The mafia didn’t play by the rules of the outside world, even the Camorra.

She released a shaky breath and I realized how much this must have bothered her. “I’m so glad that you know. It was horrible not being able to talk to anyone about Diego and me.”

Diego and Toni. I simply couldn’t wrap my mind around it.

I pulled back. “Are you dating?”

“We didn’t really put a label on what we have, but I think we are.” She didn’t sound certain.

“So how was it?” Then I grimaced, realizing that Toni would have to tell me about doing it with my brother. I really wasn’t ready for that conversation. At least it distracted me from Savio’s impossible behavior.

Toni made a face. “Do you really want to know?”

I didn’t, but Toni was my friend and I could tell that she wanted to share. “Yes, but please be vague.”

Toni giggled and I fell in. Her expression became tender—in love, and suddenly I was worried for her. I’d have to talk to Diego the moment he picked me up. “He was very careful. I didn’t think he could be like this. He kept asking me if I was okay.”

I tried to keep a neutral face, which was difficult, considering I was imagining Diego with Toni. She regarded me with a knowing look. “You’re freaked out, right?”

“It takes some getting used to.”

“I know,” she said. “But wouldn’t it be amazing if we became sisters-in-law?” Alarm bells rang in my head. I wanted nothing more than that, but I wasn’t sure about Diego.

My thoughts drifted back to Savio. Toni had taken what she wanted, without care and worry. She was free to do so. Her family wasn’t traditional.

Not to mention that Diego, unlike Savio wasn’t chasing after every skirt.

“What are you thinking?” Toni asked gently.

“Savio. He’s driving me crazy.”

“Do you want to sleep with him?”

“I do,” I admitted. “But not like this. I just can’t allow closeness outside of a committed relationship.”

Toni smiled. “Then don’t. If he wants you, he needs to work for it. He knew what he signed up for when he agreed to marry you.”

Sometimes I wasn’t sure if he really knew.

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