Twisted Hate (Twisted, 3)

Twisted Hate: Chapter 53

“This wasn’t what I had in mind when you said we’ll continue things at your house.” Jules’s soft grumble was muffled by my pillow.

I suppressed a laugh as I iced her shoulder with a towel-wrapped ice pack. “I never said what the things would be.”

After I thoroughly apologized at her apartment, we took the train to my house before Stella came home. The minute we did, I had Jules lie down in my bed so I could tend to her injuries.

She’ll fully heal in a few weeks, but the thought of her in any sort of pain, even if it was temporary, made my heart twist.

“It was implied. I feel misled. Bamboozled. Falsely advertised to.” Jules lifted her head to glare at me. “Where’s my makeup sex, Chen?”

My laugh broke free. “Were your earlier orgasms not enough?”

I skimmed my fingers up her neck to her face, where I pushed a strand of hair out of her eye. The entire train ride home, I couldn’t stop staring at her, afraid she would disappear if I looked away for two long.

There’d been every chance Jules wouldn’t forgive me for how I treated her, and I wouldn’t have blamed her if she hadn’t.

But thank the fucking Lord she had.

You fucked me, then you tossed me aside just like everyone else.

An ache pierced my chest at the memory of her words.

God, I was such an ass.

“Oral sex isn’t the same.” Jules’s words morphed into a soft sigh when I kissed her neck and gently stroked her wetness.

“You want me inside you, Red?”

A shudder rolled through her body. “Yes.

My already-stiff cock hardened further at the breathy hope in her voice, but I held strong. “You have a shoulder sprain, Jules, not to mention bruises all over. You could exacerbate your injuries.”

She let out another, less pleasurable sigh. “This is what I get for dating a doctor, isn’t it?”

“Hmm.” The corner of my mouth tipped at her exasperation. “There are benefits to dating a doctor, though. For example…” I pushed one finger inside her while I kept my thumb on her clit. “I’m very good with anatomy.”

Jules’s grumble melted into a string of moans as she arched into my hand. I kissed my way down her chest and bare stomach, and her moan turned into a cry when I spread her open and delved in with my tongue. Stroking, sucking, licking. Worshiping her like it was penance and she was my salvation.

“Josh…I’m going to…” Jules’s soft gasp arrowed straight into my heart. “Inside me. Please. I want to come when you’re inside me.”

I paused and groaned. My heart hammered so hard I felt it in every inch of my body, and my cock was close to exploding. “You’re killing me, Red.”

We shouldn’t. She was injured. They were mild injuries, but still. The smart thing would be to wait until she was fully healed.

But God help me, I couldn’t deny her anything when she was pleading like that.

Against my better judgment, I lifted my head and rose until we were eye level again.

“It’s going to be a little softer today, okay?” I brushed another strand of hair out of her eyes.

Jules nodded with such enthusiasm I almost laughed again, but any humor died when I rolled on a condom and pushed inside her, inch by inch, until I filled her completely.

Her moan mingled with mine.

She felt so fucking good. Tight and wet and made for me, like she was the jigsaw puzzle I’d been missing all my life.

My skin misted with sweat from the effort of holding back an orgasm, and I let out a soft warning growl when Jules tightened around me.

“Can’t help it.” Her breaths came out in short pants. “You’re too big.”

Whenever we went even a few days without sex, she had to adjust to my size all over again.

“And you take every inch beautifully.” I pulled out, then slid back in with a slow, smooth glide. Jules squirmed a little, but her muscles gradually relaxed, and pride lit my chest. “That’s it. Just like that. You’re doing so well.”

Jules’s face flushed with pleasure. “Josh…”

“Your pussy was made for me, Red. Every part of you, made for me.” My own breaths harshened as I increased the pace. The sensual, languorous rhythm was a one eighty from our usual rough, furious fucking, but in a way, it was even hotter.

I could savor every glide of my cock into her and every one of her whimpers and moans as I fucked away every bad memory from our last time together.

“Don’t hold back,” I growled when her teeth sank into her bottom lip. I could tell from the tenseness of her muscles that she was about to come. “I want to hear your sweet screams.”

I reached down to rub her clit, pressing with just enough pressure to tip her over the edge while I picked up the pace. A cry of pleasure ripped from Jules’s throat. Her back arched, and I grunted at the sensation of her tight pussy walls pulsing around me.

My chest expanded at the sight of her like this—completely undone and so beautiful I couldn’t look away if my life depended on it.

“That’s it.” I rubbed my thumb over her cheek and leaned down to kiss her. Hard. “Good girl,” I whispered. “I love hearing you scream for me.”

Jules’s whimpers shot straight to my cock, and it didn’t take long before I came with a loud groan.

I rolled off her, not wanting to jostle her shoulder, and we lay there in contented silence until we caught our breath.

Sex was great, but this part? The one where we basked in the glow and each other’s presence? It was even better.

I turned on my side and wrapped an arm around Jules’s waist, drawing her closer. I never gave a fuck about cuddling before her, but I loved having her in my arms. It just felt…right.

“How’s your shoulder?”

“Still attached.” Jules laughed at my scowl. “It’s fine. See? We had sex, and I didn’t die.”

“Not funny.” I didn’t even want to joke about her dying. “I’m checking your shoulder again later, just in case.”

“Yes, Dr. Chen,” she teased. “Do you offer these kinds of hands-on checkups to everybody, or am I special?”

“I only offer them to my most stubborn, infuriating, pain in the ass patients. The ones I can’t stop thinking about. Luckily…” I smoothed my palm over the curve of her ass. “I only have one of those.”

Jules’s breath hitched. “Lucky me.”

“Lucky you,” I drawled, a cocky smile forming on my lips.

“Arrogant ass.” She laughed before her face turned serious. “Do you still have the painting? Max’s associates will come looking for it, and I don’t—”

“I took care of it.”


“You’ll see.”

She winkled her nose. “Cryptic much?”

“It’s a surprise, Red. You’ll see,” I repeated.

Jules huffed and dropped the subject, but I could tell she was intrigued. Nothing piqued her interest like a surprise.

Now, all I had to do was figure out how to reveal it…after I figured out how to retrieve those musical tickets I destroyed last week. I could fold both things into one.

I grazed my knuckles over her back in lazy strokes, content just to listen to her breathe, while she yawned and buried her face in my chest. Now that the high from sex was wearing off, exhaustion lined her face and shadowed her eyes.

“We’re going to have to tell Ava, you know,” she mumbled. “Eventually. Someday.”

“Don’t remind me.” I grimaced at the thought of Ava’s reaction. “How long do you think we should wait? A year? A decade?”

“A decade, or maybe a century. A century sounds good. She’ll be so…” Jules’s voice slowly drifted off.

I peeked down at her. Out cold, just like that.

Between what happened with Max, her bar exam, and our makeup, she must be worn out.

I kissed the top of her head and tucked her closer to me.

We could worry about Ava later.

For now, I wanted to enjoy the moments that belonged only to us.

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