Twisted Games: A Dark Gang Romance (Boys of Briar Hall Book 3)

Twisted Games: Chapter 30

Becca bumped my shoulder as we pulled into a parking spot at the Docks, over-eager party-goers already flooding the entire area.

“Come on, girl,” she said. “Let’s go get you a drink.”

I grumbled wordlessly in reply, sighing as I followed her from the Rover, the guys exiting along with us. The music rose into the night, echoing across Spirit Lake and back to us as scantily clad bodies sauntered up the long dock to the twinkle-light covered pier. Inside the wide opening, people were already dancing. White and purple light twisted and flickered over the floor in time with the beat.

This was positively the last fucking place I wanted to be right now, though I understood the need to be here. Beneath the layers of graffiti painted all over the once green warehouse, you could still see the sharp spike at the top of a spade shape. The strong triangular form of a red ‘A’ since covered over with a glowy looking Saint tag.

If the Saints didn’t hold the location, the Aces could make a play for it, though I doubted they were strong enough to do that now. I also fucking doubted something as idiotic as a pier mattered to them. Though the guys had told me when the Aces controlled the Docks the place was a fucking shit show. Young girls getting roofied. Dirty drugs causing overdoses. Less than willing participants guided, stumbling, to the Red Room.

That wasn’t how they ran this place, and it showed. Teens and younger adults alike congregated here, wary of my Crows, but respectful of their authority. They knew exactly what would happen if they broke one of the rules. If they stepped a toe out of line. So they didn’t. Mostly.

Apparently, Rook once tossed a guy over the railing out back for trying to sell blow laced with dirty fentanyl. The guy lived but barely.

As we made our way up the dock, Corvus accepted a small bag from a skinny twenty-something with messy black hair and dipped his pinkie finger in. It came out white, and he touched it to his tongue, tasting the cocaine. He nodded, indicating the larger bag the smaller one had come from, checking its contents. He lifted out a Ziplock with about thirty single pills in smaller baggies inside. “We don’t allow these here,” he told the guy, tucking the bag into the inside pocket of his jacket. “You can collect them at the end of the night.”


“Problem?” Rook hissed at the guy, and he shook his head, pulling the drawstring on his drug bag tight.

“No. Not at all. Thanks, man.”

No one sold drugs here that didn’t first pass through inspection from the Crows. And not without them getting their cut at the end of the night.

The dealer scampered off after the crowd, slyly making inquiries as he passed through couples and groups of friends bound to split by the time the night was through.

I sighed, hearing heavy booted footsteps behind me and turning to see Axel, Crowley, and Derrik coming up the dock behind us, each carrying a heavy duffle. One of which I recognized. I lifted a brow at the badly concealed heavy artillery. “Really?” I asked Axel, indicating the sniper rifle. “Is that necessary?”

The guys and I were already armed with our regular load-outs, theirs buffed only with additional magazines. The gear the other Saints were carrying seemed hella fucking overkill to me.

Though no one else seemed to notice or care.

Axel fell into step beside me. “Orders,” he said with a shrug. “Grey knows how to use it.”

I smirked. Grey wasn’t the only one who knew how to use it anymore, but Axel didn’t need to know that. There was a quiet sort of satisfaction in keeping that fact to myself.

“So,” Axel said, dragging out the ‘o,’ his gaze sweeping up to Becca walking a few paces ahead next to Grey, the pair of them chatting while they walked. “Your friend, is she—”

“Touch her, and I’ll cut your balls off.”

Axel coughed, his eyes going wide as he stared down at his feet instead of at her ass. “Cool. Noted.”

Even if he wasn’t a healthy ten years older than her, I didn’t want Becca getting any more ingrained in this life with these people than she already had to be. With any luck, we’d get the Ace problem and my stalker dilemma resolved in the next few days and she could go back to her normal life without having to look over her shoulder, worried someone might want her dead.

Something inside of me crumpled at the realization that the only way she’d ever be truly free—really out of danger—would be for me to put distance between us, too. I was a Saint now. Like it or not and regardless of the tentative truce between Diesel and me, I doubted he was going to let me go.

Truthfully, I didn’t think I wanted to be let go. Not if it meant being separated from my Crows.

“Well, I’m going to go stuff this shit in the back office,” Axel said awkwardly, hefting the sniper bag higher on his shoulder as he took off into the pier, the other Saints following closely behind him.

“What’d you say to him?” Rook asked, rushing to catch up, tossing his finished cigarette into a sand pail by the entrance as we stepped inside.

I pursed my lips. “Not much. Just that I’d cut his balls off if he touched Becca.”

Rook tipped his head to one side. “Can’t blame the guy for trying,” Rook said with a mischievous grin, his gaze tracking to Becca, who was drawing a little mickey of Crown Royal whiskey from her black purse, her hair falling over her face like a shimmering curtain.

No. I really couldn’t.

Becca was hot as fuck.

If I swung that way…

Ava Jade,” Rook said, and I hadn’t heard him say my real name in so long that I startled at the sound of it leaving his lips, my stomach flipping. “Do I need to be worried?”

He glanced between Becca and me, speaking just loud enough for me to hear him over the music.

I snorted, shaking my head as I swatted him. “No. But just because I don’t order from that menu doesn’t mean I can’t appreciate the options.”

“Hey,” I grabbed his chin hard, tugging his gaze back to me. “can read the menu. Not you.”

His lips split wide, teeth grazing over the ridge of his lip ring as he looked down on me.

“Aves!” Becca shouted, and instinctively, I bent at the knees, hand reaching for a blade.

“What are you doing?” she asked, holding out the small bottle of whiskey to me with a raised brow.

Fuck. I needed to relax. Just a little.

I shook my head, accepting the bottle to take a small sip, just enough to wet my tongue and feel a burn down the back of my throat. Tonight wasn’t the night to lose control, no matter how much I’d have liked to. I still couldn’t fucking believe Diesel’s nerve.

That jacket was nine hundred bones. The most I’d ever spent on an article of clothing, like, ever. The only reason I’d spent the money was because it was gang income. Money I’d earned from the diner hold-up and my winnings from fight night. With the Crows covering literally all of my other living expenses and now with a free ride at Briar Hall, what the fuck else was I going to spend it on?

A girlish voice whispered beneath the hard shell formed in my mind… shoes. Bras. Those pretty lacy panties I’d seen in Becca’s laundry. I wondered how much a pair of those cost.

I handed the whiskey back to Becca and shivered as Grey ran a fingertip down the back of my arm, slipping his hand into mine, our fingers twining. He grinned at me before leaning over to say something in Rook’s ear that I didn’t catch. Rook grinned eagerly, his black eyes flashing on me.

“Come on,” Corvus shouted, leading the way to the raised stage at the back of the space, his body a long, rigid line.

I grabbed Becca and towed her along with us as we weaved through the crowd, Rook pushing ahead to catch up to Corvus.

Around us, I saw how everyone stared.

At all of us, but mostly at Corvus.

It was easy to tell if they were staring because they knew him as The Bone Man, their eyes bright and expressions filled with a devout sort of admiration. Or… if they were staring because they now knew him as the sole survivor of the Lennox Cult Murders.

Some of those looked on with pity, others with disdain. I released Becca, flashing my blade at the latter with a warning in my stare that had them turning their heads real fucking fast.

Corvus stepped up onto the stage, looking down on Rook with his brows lowered like he didn’t particularly like something he’d just said. Axel and the others returned from their office drop off, settling onto the sofa atop the dais.

“Hey,” Grey said, leaning forward to talk to Becca on my other side. “You good chilling here with Axel and the others for a minute?”

Her face screwed up, and she cocked her head at him. “I mean, I guess so, why, what’s—”

“We need to talk to AJ real quick. Won’t be too long.”

Becca’s lips popped open in a little ‘o’ and clearly she was catching on to something I wasn’t. “Ah,” she said after a second. “Talk. I got you.”

She brushed against my shoulder. “Have a wonderful conversation,” she said in my ear, giving me a knowing look as she sauntered up the two steps onto the dais and plopped herself down on the sofa between Axel and Crowley. Axel’s eyes flicked up to meet mine for a second before he shifted a few inches away from Becca.

“So, what exactly do we need to talk about?” I asked Grey, catching sight of Corvus and Rook over his shoulder a few feet away at the edge of the raised stage, arguing about something.

“You’ll see.”

“What’s going on?”

“Trust,” he said simply, lifting our joined hands to press a warm kiss to the back of my palm. The sly gleam in his eyes gave me goosebumps, and I thought maybe I knew what they wanted to talk about.

Grey grinned, tugging me toward the door to the Red Room.

I bit my lip as I craned my neck to see Rook and Corvus still arguing. Something in my belly tightened as Rook threw his hands up, his lips easily readable as he shouted at Corvus. “Fine. Your loss, man.”

Grey opened the door to the Red Room and dragged me through as Rook left Corvus standing at the edge of the stage, his hands in fists at his sides.

The red light flicked on, and a gush of warmth rushed over my skin as we entered the room, the smell of lavender scented cleaning products and some kind of diffused oil thick in my nose.

I blinked to adjust to the light, skin tingling as Grey released my hand to remove his jacket.

My throat went dry, at odds with my greedy cunt as my gaze swept the room, finding it devoid of partygoers, but filled with a hundred other things that made adrenaline spike in my blood.

Leather straps affixed to the walls. A large silver hook where at least five different types of whips hung like a horse’s mane from the low ceiling. A suspicious chest with a padlock on the side. A sex swing. A shining silver pole. Low, inviting black couches strewn with cock shaped pillows. Mirrors reflecting reversed images of us from the ceiling.

And the piece de resistance, a round table at the heart of the space with spokes jutting out from its cushioned leather edges, an assortment of leather straps and buckles flayed open, waiting for someone to latch on to.

Behind us, the door opened, washing louder music into the room for an instant as a couple tried to push through the door, giggling, already drunk.

Rook slapped a palm against this side of the door, stopping them from coming all the way in. “Room’s closed.”

They fell back, the guy putting his lady friend in front of him like a shield as they backed away. A little laugh escaped my lips as Rook shoved the door shut, tipping his head to one side to give me one of his rare wide smiles.

“So, Ghost… shall we put you to the test?”

“Depends…” I trailed off, trying not to let it show how badly I wanted to rip all their clothes off. After the bullshittery of earlier tonight and the bullshittery of our lives in general lately, I could think of no better release than this, but something was missing.

“Is Corvus coming?”

Rook’s grin faltered. “No, Ghost.”

“But he knows I’ve been with both of you, too,” I reasoned, not understanding his reluctance to join us. I didn’t realize how badly I’d been craving that.

Being with Grey and Rook together had been the most incredible sexual experience I’d ever dared to imagine, but having all three of them at once…?

Fuck. If it didn’t kill me, it would only make me stronger, right?

“Knowing it is one thing,” Grey said, kicking off his shoes, his gaze still heavy on my body. “Watching is another.”

“Our brother has never been much good at sharing,” Rook added. “At least, not with the things that matter.”

I nodded, trying not to sound disappointed as a Primal Ethos song began to play outside, the lyrics of it filtering through into the room, muffled by the door. The throb of the beat expanding and contracting around us echoed in my chest.

It was almost like he was here with us, and I let a small, coy smile find my mouth.

Rook was right, it was Corvus’ loss. It didn’t need to ruin it for the rest of us.

As though he sensed the change in the atmosphere at my conscious decision to enjoy myself no matter what, Rook cleared the gap between us. I braced myself, a small moan coming from my lips. A jolt of pure, unfiltered lust struck me like lightning as his strong fingers carved a path up the back of my neck, twisting into my hair to tug my head back, his lips crushing to mine.

Behind me, Grey pressed a hot kiss to the base of my neck, his fingers finding the zipper at the top of the slinky black dress I was wearing. It raced down the length of my spine, hands running over my ribs as he pushed it wide open, fingertips tracing the solid lines of my Saint tattoo before coaxing the sleeves from my shoulders and down my arms.

Rook’s lips left mine, his mouth finding my throat, teeth grazing the sensitive skin along my collarbone. I shuddered between them, my gaze finding the door behind Rook. “What…” I said on a gasping breath. “What if someone comes in?”

“Let them,” Rook said.

“Fuck that,” Grey said, his warmth leaving my back as we went to lock it, but just before his fingers could catch on the lock, the door opened and Corvus’ six foot frame pushed through, shutting the door behind him.

Rook released my hair, and I let my head roll, feeling the brush of warm air on my chest and back as my dress hung awkwardly from my frame. Half on and half off.

Corvus’ jaw tightened, his light eyes blackening.

“Stay,” I said before I could stop myself. “Please.”

He growled low, twisting his head down and away from me.

I brushed past Rook, and he let me go.

I gave Corvus no choice but to look at me as I planted myself in front of him, reaching past his wide frame to lock the door.

“Stay,” I said again, slowly peeling my dress from my arms, pushing it past my hips to let it pool in a black puddle around my heels.

His hungry eyes roved over the blades strapped to my body and the lingerie he bought me after the Lodi show. The night he first had me and ruined my bra and panties.

I put a hand to his chest and felt him shudder beneath my fingers. “I’m yours,” I promised him, letting that sink in but not without a caveat he had to understand because I would never choose between them. I couldn’t.

And I didn’t fucking care what that made me. What that made us.

I wouldn’t have it any other way.

All of yours.” I twisted to face Grey and Rook, both of them breathing heavily, waiting in the wings for the go ahead. “And you are mine.”


“You don’t have to stay,” I told him. “But I want this.”

He lifted his chin. “Then you’ll have it.”

I couldn’t help smiling, my thighs squeezing as a violent need coiled up through my belly, making me clench my teeth. Making my toes curl.

Corvus’ eyes lifted to something behind me before returning to my face. “Do you trust us?”

I turned to see what he was looking at, my throat bobbing at the sight of the table—the straps that would hold me down.

“That’s a loaded question,” I whispered, so low I didn’t think he would’ve heard me, but he jerked my back against his chest, erasing the space between us as he lowered his mouth to my ear.

“Give me my answer, Sparrow.”

I swallowed. “Yes.”

His hand snaked down between my breasts, lower to flatten against my stomach, fingers tickling at the edge of my panties.

Rook and Grey watched as Corvus slipped his hand beneath my panties, brushing over my soaked opening.

He groaned into my ear, nuzzling at my neck, making me shut my eyes against the riot of sensations coursing through my body.

Then he released me just as suddenly, pushing me forward. I thought I’d fall, but Rook was there, and he took me from his brother eagerly, dipping his head closer to mine, his fingers pressing hard into my waist. “You don’t have to do this,” he said, and somehow, coming from him, those six words made me melt.

I remembered the look in his eyes out behind the apartment buildings. When we’d fought and he’d held me down. His weight pressing heavily into my body, making it impossible for me to move. For me to get free.

I’d panicked, and he’d seen it for what it was. My trauma making a resurgence, wrapping it’s spindly fingers around my throat. Suffocating me.

I shook my head, pushing his black hair from his eyes. “I want to.”

Besides, these were straps, not vicious hands. And these were my Crows, not a dealer come to collect his due.

“Tie her down,” Corvus said, and a flutter of anticipation beat against my ribcage.

Grey took my hand on the one side, and Rook snatched my other, both of them leading me to the table like a pair of magicians might lead their lady to a vanishing cabinet.

But I intended to be very present.

They helped me step up onto the table, my heels making it difficult.

I reached down to take them off, but Grey settled a hand over mine, stopping me, a wicked gleam in his eyes. “Leave them on,” he said.

“Lie back, Ghost.”

My heart thudded against my ribcage, echoing in my ears over the muffled roar of the music outside.

I sank to my backside and let Grey tug my legs off the edge of the table as I lay back, my head resting on the pillowed edge, nearly hanging off.

Rook stuffed a hand beneath my back and undid my bra with a flick of his wrist, tugging at the delicate material until it came all the way off, my breasts laying heavily against my chest, nipples pebbling from the slightest brush of the fabric.

“Mmmm.” Rook groaned, bending over the table to grab my left breast and guide it into his mouth. I tried to reach for his hair, my hips bucking, but my arms were ripped away, pressed down against the cushioned edge of the table as Corvus buckled them in starfish wide.

I bucked against Rook’s mouth, resisting the urge to pull my arms from Corvus’ grip. This was what he wanted. What he needed.

My full surrender.

If he would give me what I craved, I would at least try to give him what he craved, too.

I opened my eyes, seeing my reflection in the mirror above. My torso covered over with Rook as he lavished my breasts, his mouth on one, his hand roughly pawing the other. And Grey at my hips, adjusting me so that my ass was on the cushion, legs hanging all the way off the table, before he fixed the wide leather strap over my lower waist, securing me in place.

And Corvus, studiously tightening the straps at my wrists. I could see the tension in his shoulders even from the birds-eye-view angle as he tried not to watch what Rook was doing.

I moaned louder as Rook bit down on my right tit, my head tipping back at the pain.

I reached uselessly outward, trying to find something, someone to hold on to. I wanted to touch them. Taste them.

Why were they making me wait?

“Patience, Sparrow,” Corvus said, his voice a gravelly rumble from his chest.

Rook fingered a blade from where it was strapped to my thigh and twirled it in his fingers, making my breaths come uneven and my throat bob in anticipation.

I followed the glint of it in the red light as he lowered it to the hollow below my rib cage and carved a path downward, hard enough to let me know he meant business, but not hard enough to draw blood. Not yet.

I peeled my shoulder blades from the table, trying to watch, but a strong hand on my shoulder jerked me back down, finding the underside of my chin to hook my gaze backward. “Eyes on me, Sparrow,” he said, holding me hostage with his icy stare as Rook sliced my panties off, exposing me to the air.

Fuck,” Grey groaned and I felt fingers on my thighs, but had no idea whose they were. “She’s so wet for us.”

“Are you ready to come, Sparrow?”

A hot breath gushed from my lungs, laced with a need so strong it made black spots dance at the edges of my vision. “Yes.”

Corvus broke eye-contact to give a tight-jawed nod to his brothers.

My eyes rolled back as mouths closed over the sensitive parts of me. A hot tongue circled my swollen clit. Teeth grazed over my nipples. Hands grasped and groped. And all the while, Corvus watched me, his own breathing growing heavier to match mine as he fed off my bliss.

I licked my lips, eyeing the upside down swollen bulge just inches from my face. “Fuck my mouth,” I asked him, squirming as fingers joined the tongue lapping at my clit, adding the perfect amount of pressure to the mix. I strained, holding back a cry as a tiny cut opened up on the outside of my thigh, the sting of it meeting the humid air making my head spin.

“What do you say?” Corvus asked, his hair falling forward as he stared down at me, cocking his head to one side, eyes filled with fire.

Please,” I begged, fighting against the straps holding my arms down.

He bent forward, his palm on the base of my chin moving lower to hold me lightly by the throat as he kissed me. I moaned into his mouth as his brothers continued their slow torture of my body.

When his lips left mine, his cock replaced them. Corvus moved to brace the back of my neck, tugging me as close to the edge as he could, giving me the angle I needed to take him in. The wide, salty girth of him slid down my tongue, pressing deeply at the back of my throat, holding there until I choked before pulling back to repeat the motion.

My eyes watered, the beginning of my orgasm built as Rook cut me again, and whoever was between my legs, Grey I suspected, increased his tempo. My body trembled against the table, and I could hardly catch my breath as Corvus began to fuck my mouth in earnest. I opened up my throat for him, taking breath when I could to keep the blackness at the edges of my vision from seeping any further in.

I cried out on his cock as my climax spun up from within unlike anything I’d experienced before. It crashed over me like a wave, centered around my breasts before ripping down the length of my torso to set fire to my core, making my clit pulse beneath Grey’s mouth.

Had I just…had a nipplegasm?

“Fuck,” I choked out as Corvus slid his cock from my throat, and I strained, catching my breath, squirming against the binds holding me down as Grey and Rook coaxed the orgasm to its fullest, making me scream. Colorful stars burst behind my eyelids until my entire body tightened so completely that I was on the brink of cramping.

Corvus grabbed my throat anew, pulling my heavy gaze back to him as my climax crested and began to fade, leaving me sated but still craving more. I would never get my fill of these men.

Not ever.

“Tell me what you want, Sparrow,” he said, his teeth bared, cock just out of reach of my lips, glistening with a bead of pre-cum on its perfect head.

“You,” I told him, jerking from his grasp to look at the others. Grey between my legs, his lips wet, and Rook hovering over my body like a wraith, his black eyes savage in the red light. “I want all of you.”

I didn’t care if that made me the biggest slut on the planet. I wanted to feel all of them inside of me.

“Spin it,” Corvus said, and confusedly, I craned my neck up to see him, but then he was whisked away.

No, was whisked away, my stomach flattening against my spine as the table spun viciously and I was left with Grey at my head and Corvus at my hips.

“Careful what you wish for, Ghost,” Rook taunted, biting his lip ring, distracting me so that when Corvus thrust into my dripping cunt with one strong stroke of his hips, I didn’t see it coming. My stomach lurched to my throat at the fullness of him seated inside of me, and my head tipped back. My cry of pain and pleasure stolen from my lips by Grey’s kiss.

Corvus fucked me hard and fast, grunting into his thrusts as Grey stroked my breasts, his tongue meeting mine. When he pulled away, leaving me gasping, I found Rook touching himself beside the table, his dark stare tracking Corvus’ movements. Looking equal parts like he wanted to skin Corvus alive and join him.

“Spin,” Rook demanded, his upper lip curling as he was brought to the edge of his need. He gripped the nearest spoke to him and jerked it, giving Corvus no choice but to pull out of me as I was spun toward Rook.

Rook slapped my cunt before moving in between my legs, making me buck against the strap tight around my waist with a gasp rushing down my throat. He took me swiftly, lifting a knee to brace himself on the edge of the table to deepen the angle of his thrusts.

He slapped against my thighs until I felt them begin to bruise, felt my next orgasm building like a wave, rolling, growing, cresting.

He flicked my clit, bringing me to my edge with an animal grunt on his lips.

“Spin,” Grey said, his tone dripping danger.

But Rook didn’t let me go, holding tight to the spokes on the outside of his knees as he fucked me through my orgasm.

“I said spin,” Grey hissed, and the table shuddered beneath me as the sound of snapping wood assaulted my ears.

I craned my neck back to see a busted wooden spoke in Grey’s lifted hand. He’d ripped it clean off the table.

Rook gave in to his brother, spinning the table hard, making Grey have to catch me by the knee before I could soar past him. He leaned over me, his normally playful, kind eyes, heated to cracking. He bent his head, pressing a kiss to my stomach. Then lower.

“Untie my hand,” I said, my voice more a moan than words as I tipped my head to the left, finding Corvus’ bright eyes roaming the surface of my naked flesh. Looking everywhere but at Grey and what he’d begun to do between my legs, dipping his fingers into my wet cunt before gently prodding them against my ass.

I shuddered as he pushed inside with his thumb, slowly stretching me for him.

Corvus untied my left hand, and I stretched the extra few inches over the edge of the table to grab his cock in my hand, still slippery from my wetness. I stroked his length, watching his face closely until I had the pressure just right.

Grey removed his thumb and lifted my legs, pushing them together before tucking them over his right shoulder. He pressed his cock into my cunt for a second before moving it lower, pushing it into my ass.

I tipped my head up, finding Rook stroking his cock.

I licked my lips, and he took the cue, moving in closer, grabbing my jaw with his rough fingers to jerk my chin up, forcing my mouth open to push his cock inside.

Grey eased all the way into my ass, and I moaned around Rook’s cock in my mouth, impressed with my ability to keep up a continuous stroking of Corvus’ cock with my left hand.

“Holy fuck,” Grey croaked. “You’re so fucking tight, AJ.”

I moaned in response, opening up my throat for Rook as he lengthened his strokes, fucking my mouth with a sort of slow gentleness I didn’t know he possessed. His rough fingers holding my face steady so at odds with the torturous pace he was forcing himself to maintain, grimacing with each easy thrust into my mouth.

Grey gripped me by the hips, quickening his pace until he was pummeling my ass with his cock, hitting something deep inside that made fire race up my back and tingles fall down my legs.

Another climax began to build, my already battered nervous system shooting sparks into my blood at the oncoming storm, but I was powerless to do anything to stop it. To lessen the force of impact as Grey slipped a hand between my legs and added the pad of his thumb to the mix, rubbing my clit as he fucked my ass.

“I’m coming,” I said around Rook’s cock, and it triggered something in them all.

Rook wrapped a tight fist around my throat, blocking my airway, fucking my mouth faster. Corvus moved his hips in time with the strokes of my hands, shuddering, bending over the table, wide palms splayed over its surface next to me. His face pinched and breaking.

“AJ,” Grey said, breathless. “Come on, baby. Come for me.”

My body responded, as though on his command alone, I came again, this time, the black spots dancing around the edges of my eyes crowded in, and I sagged, my muscles spasming and screaming as the orgasm tore through me, making my legs go numb.

Grey grunted as he came, his hands gripping tight to my thighs like life rafts at the same time Rook released my throat, coating my tongue with the salt of his release.

Fuck, Sparrow,” Corvus growled, curling in against the table as his heat spilled down my knuckles, dripping onto the table.

“Untie me,” I croaked as Grey slid out of my ass, lowering my legs.

“You good, Ghost?” Rook asked, his chest heaving as he caught his breath, his cock still steel stiff, jutting out from the top of his jeans.

I swallowed past the dryness in my throat, wincing at the ache.

“Get her a drink,” Grey said, and I heard movement, and then Corvus was there, lifting my head from the table to feed me a sip of water from a freshly cracked bottle. It sloshed over my cheeks and down my neck as I drank greedily, but I didn’t care.


“Yeah,” I sighed.

I felt Grey’s hands flying over my waist, undoing the wide strap there while Corvus and Rook worked the ones at my wrists.

I pulled my legs and arms in to my chest, luxuriating in the feel of my muscles recoiling back to where they belonged. As the creeping fingers of oblivion retracted their claws and I regained full consciousness.

“Are you hurt?” Corvus asked, peeling my knees back to get a better look at me.

I grabbed his wrist, and when he moved back, I went with him, letting myself be drawn from the edge of the table, unsteady on my heels for a second before my head stopped spinning. He held me there until I was good.

“That was…”

“Insane?” Corvus supplied.

“Incredible,” I corrected him, sex drunk and grinning from ear to ear.

Rook slipped me a soft towel and I took it, cleaning the evidence of them from my body as I swayed toward the sofa.

“What is that?” Grey asked, and we turned in time to see him zipping up his jeans again, his head cocked to one side, listening.

Immediately, I was on edge, my fingers tripping down my calf for the blade at my ankle, still shaky.

But then I heard it, too.


Corvus cursed, grabbing his jeans from the floor to retrieve his phone, but it’d already stopped ringing.

“Dies,” he said, flicking over his phone screen.

The vibrating started again, and I looked down to find my phone screen lit up where it had fallen to the floor sometime since we’d entered this room.

I bent and picked it up, putting it to my ear while I jammed a finger in the other to hear over the subdued noise coming from outside the Red Room.


“Jesus fucking Christ, does no one answer their goddamned phone anymore?”


“Shut up and listen. They’re coming. You need to—”


“Sparrow, what is it?”

“The Aces and the Dead Men, they’re coming right fucking now,” Diesel shouted down the line. “Do you hear me? Get ready. Our man just spotted them turning down the Dock road. We’re still twenty-minutes out and they’re right on fucking top of you.”

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