Chapter 26

Devon wrapped up everything he needed to do at his office and decided to head back to Sammie’s for the night. He had received a text from her letting him know they had the house to themselves and to make sure he arrived at her place by 7. She wanted to have a quiet night together since he was set to leave for the airport early in the AM. Since she had already arranged for dinner, all he needed to do was finish up at the office and get ready before heading over.

He mind-linked Aiden that he was going up to his suite to shower and change and that under no circumstances, save an emergency, of course, was he to be disturbed. He was going to be away from Sammie for a couple of weeks, and a quiet night with his mate sounded heavenly. Devon was well aware that their intimacy had been a bit lacking as of late. Even Slade was harping on him to take her on several occasions. The primal need to mate and mark Sammie was driving them both insane. Yes, Slade and Devon both wanted to mark her, yet the Moon Goddess’s words scared the shit out of Devon.

On the other hand, Slade was quite confident that Selene’s words were utterly baseless, but her words managed to fill Devon with dread nonetheless. Of course, Devon was madly in love with Sammie. He’d do anything for her without question. Why and how he would betray Sammie was such a mystery that it plagued his thoughts for many a sleepless night.

Tonight, however, Devon would not waste any unnecessary energy dwelling on it. No. Tonight was meant to be a quiet evening with his mate. If the occasion arises, though, you could be damn sure he’d ravage her body up until the point where he needed to leave for his flight. Just thinking about her naked body writhing under him resulted in a massive hard-on beneath his jeans.

Shit! It looks like you’re going to have to take care of this before we go see Sammie. Seems like that shower will come more in handy than you thought. Slade teased him while donning a wolfy smirk.

Devon rolled his eyes and shook his head as he made his way into the bathroom for his shower.

“Damn smart-ass wolf.”


Devon was getting ready to leave for Sammie’s a few minutes before 7 when his phone notified him that he received a text. Making sure it wasn’t Aiden with some stupid joke text, he was pleasantly surprised to see it was Sammie. A warm smile crept across his face. Her texts always brought a smile to Devon’s face.

Firecracker: Hey, Baby!

ME: Hey Sexy – What’s up

Firecracker: I just wanted to see if u were still ok for time tonight.

ME: Yep … wouldn’t miss it for the world

Firecracker: LOL. KK …

ME: Why … what’s up?

Firecracker: I just wanted to let u know that I’m up in my room, so u can just let yourself in and meet me up there.

ME: KK … Need me to bring anything?

Firecracker: Nope … just you Alpha Sexypants 3 >

ME: LMAO grrr … baby … grrr

Firecracker: LMAO, tardo! Muah! Just get here, my sexy mate … dinner’s going to get cold.

ME: Sexy, huh? Lol. Don’t worry, doll; I’ll heat things up real quick when I get there.

Firecracker: riiiiggghhhttt … didn’t u say your favorite color is blu?

ME: SMH, nope, It’s the purple color of your hair that I’ll be gazing down at later tonight.

Firecracker. LMAO, PERV!

ME: U Luv it!

Firecracker: just get that ass over here, and I’ll show u how much I Luv it, foolio …


Firecracker: XX



Sure enough, when I arrived fifteen minutes later, the front door was left unlocked for me, and I let myself into Sammie’s home. The entry was dimly lit with the help of an old-style Tiffany Lamp that had little candle-shaped bulbs in each holder. Walking down the foyer’s long corridor, I noticed that the whole main level was just as faintly illuminated. Good thing I’m a werewolf with keen eyesight; otherwise, the journey to Sammie’s room would have been difficult considering the house itself was rather large. One could easily get lost in this old place. I thought to myself as I made my way up to the third floor where Sammie’s room was located.

Her door was only slightly ajar when I approached. Once I stepped inside, the sight before me took my breath away. There was soft music playing in the background, electric candelabras were placed on the two end tables, and my beautiful mate was standing at the doorway of her balcony. She smiled and gestured for me to step over to the balcony where she was. Without taking my eyes off my beauty, I walked over to where she stood. Damn, she looked utterly perfect. Her lavender locks were up in a messy bun; she had just the perfect amount of makeup, making her emerald green eyes pop but that dress… Holy Shit! That dress was the kicker. She was wearing a silky dark red dress. It hugged her in all the right places and had a dangerous amount of cleavage for me to feast upon. And Goddess, it was backless too. Her soft shimmering skin was teasing me like no joke. To top it all off, she had on a sexy pair of stilettos, making her shapely calves stand out even more. Fuck me … I wanted to take her right here and now, with those sexy ass heels on as well. I could feel myself getting aroused yet again and knew I needed to reign it in.

I caught sight of the romantic table setting she had set up on the veranda. Two Silver domes were covering our dishes, and a bottle of champagne was set to chill. She even decorated the balcony’s pillars; they were strewn with fairy lights making them look like little fireflies around us. Our table had two white tapered candles flickering with the light breeze, and she even placed a red rose next to my champaign flute. WOW! I was just blown away. Sammie worked so hard to make this a memorable evening. I bit my lower lip and smiled at her. Nope, tonight was obviously meant a lot to her, so I would not waste her efforts by jumping her bones right off the bat. First, I’d feast on the meal and enjoy the evening my mate prepared for me.

My beautiful, fantastic mate. The woman I loved more than life itself. She was the one person that could bring me to my knees with a single glance - Sammie Hunter.

I would make sure that this magical night she devised didn’t just end with our lovely dinner. Tonight, I would feast on her until she’s lost her voice from the abundance of rapturous screams of the pleasure I was planning on giving her all night long.

Goddess, I loved this woman.

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