Chapter 21

“Is everything in place?”

“Yes, my queen.”

“Good. Now run along and make sure he gets my message. I don’t want any mistakes. Understood?”

“Yes, my Queen.”

Dasha’s ruby stained lips formed a menacing smile as she envisioned her scheme finally beginning to come into fruition.

“If I had known at the time I had you in my bed that you were the puri nocte wolf I needed, Devon, my sweet, then I definitely wouldn’t have let you slip out of my clutches so easily.” She spoke aloud. “But soon enough, I’ll have you back, and that’s when the real fun will begin.”

A dark, sinister laugh erupted from her as she clenched her fists tightly. “Oh, little Sammie. I am so going to enjoy this. You have no clue what delightful things I have in store for you.”

Dasha’s maniacal laughter echoed all over her room, beyond her closed door, spreading throughout the dark gray corridors of her compound entrancing all her minions who followed suit.

All but one that is.



I fed on a couple of blood pouches to help speed up my hands’ healing process and made breakfast for Dev. Upon my arrival to my bedroom, I found him exiting the bathroom with only a towel wrapped around his waist, his muscular body glistening from having just taken a shower. Despite not feeling comfortable with intimacy yet, my attraction towards him was still there. We are mates. So, of course, the temptation was inescapable, not to mention the man is built like a Greek God. My eyes roamed over his taut muscles, his tattoos, his abs, everything, and I licked my lips hungrily.

Damn my vampire libido and this mate pull.


It’s not that I didn’t want to be with him; I just didn’t know if I was ready. I mean, let’s not kid ourselves; it’s only been a couple of weeks. I don’t know about you but, a supernatural creature or not, being violated doesn’t make the pain any easier to overcome. Not that he knew anything about my hesitations, obviously. Like everyone around me, he believed that they had helped me by erasing the horrid memories of my pain. Too bad that was not actually the case. I remembered everything.

I felt so dirty.

I think I need a shower.

I bit my lower lip to the point that a small trickle of blood trailed down my chin.

“See something you like, baby?” He teased as he walked into the room, smiling at me seductively.

I quickly wiped the blood off my chin and chuckled nonchalantly, trying to hide any hint of nervousness. “Always, my sexy Alpha,” I responded. I wasn’t lying.

He swiftly walked over to me, his eyes flickering between their ice blue and dark violet-black hues. His lust was clear as day.

Shit. Shit. Shit.

Think Sammie. Think.

Dev’s strong arms wrapped around my waist as he leaned down and began tracing small kisses along my neckline and collarbone. “This is where we are going to mark you.” He whispered seductively.

Mayday… Mayday …. Someone is pitching a tent down there … I repeat, someone is pitching a massive tent! Time to avert his attention.

I squirmed in his tight grip and cleared my throat. “Hey, Dev. Don’t you want the breakfast I worked very hard to make for you before it gets all cold and icky, babe?” I jutted my lower lip out and pretended to pout. I know it seems childish, but pretending to pout always works on your mate when all else fails.

That sexy little devilish smirk of his graced Devon’s kissable lips before he gave a small chuckle, then released me after he gave me a quick peck on my nose.

“I would love nothing more than to eat the lovely meal you made for me, my love.”

I smiled and directed Devon outside on the veranda, where I set his food down on the small café style table in front of him.

Devon’s eyes purveyed over all the food I had placed in front of him. The substantial meal included three eggs over easy, four strips of crispy bacon, four sausage patties, two biscuits with country gravy, country fried potatoes, lemon ricotta pancakes, OJ, and black coffee. He leaned over the dishes sniffing the aromas emanating from each of the plates smiling from ear to ear like a kid in a candy store. I returned his smile with one of my own. Little things such as these made me happy. Little things like these signified the sandbags that I had used to barricade myself against all the torment that was lurking inside me. Little things like these made me feel like I wasn’t so dirty.

As if some part of him unconsciously sensed my anguish, like a beacon of light piercing through the darkness, Devon reached his hand across the table and carefully clasped onto my own, holding on to it snugly.

“Eat.” I teasingly chided him.

“Yes, boss.” He gave me a wink and mock salute as he set about eating every single morsel of food I had prepared for him.

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