Chapter 16


“Sammie, STOP!” I shouted, but it was too late. I could tell that my sweet Sammie was too far gone. She glanced up at me once, and the look on her face reflected a fierce and feral vampire - a killer. Her eyes were like two black dead pools devoid of any emotion other than rage, and that damn creepy smile that crept across her blood-drenched lips sent shivers down my spine. The person in front of me bore no resemblance to my beloved mate. This was the creature that nightmares were made of.

I wanted to stop her, but I knew I didn’t stand a chance. She was too unpredictable at the moment, and I wasn’t about to risk anyone getting hurt. I mind linked Aiden so as not to alert Sammie and ordered him to get the girls and inform them of what was going on. We needed them to help diffuse the situation if that was even possible.

Luckily, Sammie paid no mind to Aiden, slipping away as she continued to sink her fangs into Justin’s jugular. His gurgling cries and the animalistic wet slurping sounds of her feeding on him echoed around us. It was all I could do not to lose my lunch. I glanced over at Michael, and he seemed to be just as sickened as I was.

I clenched my fists at my side feeling powerless as I waited for Shay and Astrid’s arrival. Goddess, I only hoped they got here soon.


When Shay and Astrid appeared in the interrogation room with Aiden they were overcome with anguish at the gruesome sight before them. Astrid immediately clutched Aiden’s arm in fear.

Sammie suddenly stopped feeding on Justin as her senses picked up on the scent of the newcomers. A hungry sneer spread across her blood coated lips as she tilted her head at an awkward angle. She sniffed the air and licked her lips as a slow string of bloody drool emitted from her gaping mouth.

A ferocious growl emerged from her lips as she lifted herself off of Justin’s lap and began slowly stepping away from his insentient body. Her lifeless black eyes focused on Shay and Astrid. Her body tensed as she prepared to strike. In an instant, Devon, Michael, and Aiden charged at Sammie, attempting to thwart her efforts while Astrid and Shay joined hands and began chanting in their ancient dialect. Trying to fend off Sammie, Michael and Aiden were flung across the room, leaving Devon to try and restrain her erratic outburst. A bright ball of light burst from Shay and Astrid’s clasped hands and struck Sammie, instantly sending her sprawling onto the floor, rendering her unconscious. Devon ran over to Sammie and made sure she was still breathing. Despite his trust in Astrid and Shay’s capabilities, his heart ached at the thought of her being knocked out. His wolf, Slade, was pacing back and forth in his mind trying not to come forward and attack the witches for harming his mate.

“Oooookkkkay - so what the Fuck just happened?” Shay yelled accusingly at Devon, Michael, and Aiden.

“I have no idea, Shay. I literally just came back from getting Michael and Aiden to see this shit.” Devon waved his hand around the room at the grisly mess that surrounded them.

“What the hell, Dev?! I thought she was asleep!”

“Yeah, so did I. Why else would I have left to go get the guys?”

“Well, what made you guys come back in here anyway?”

“I brought the guys with me to question Justin … and a few other things.” Devon trailed off.

“Like what?”

“What do you think? I was going to kill him, Shay!. He hurt Sammie, and I was going to make that asshole pay for what he did!”

“Apparently, you weren’t the only one who had that idea.”

“Yeah, thanks, Captain obvious.”

“Just saying, Dev. No need to be an ass.”

“Whatever. That still doesn’t solve the issue we have now. What the hell happened with Sammie, and how are we supposed to fix this?” Devon motioned to the blood-spattered room and its inhabitants, Justin and Sammie.

“Well, first, we should make sure that Justin is dead. Although, after seeing this hot mess, I doubt he’s still alive. But we still need to make sure. I doubt we’ll be able to get any help from him anyway regarding Dasha. Secondly, Astrid and I will work on preparing the ingredients for Sammie – “

“What do you mean for Sammie? What are you planning?”

“Dev, you saw the same thing we did. She’s broken, like really broken. I don’t even know if Sammie’s in there anymore. It’s obvious her humanity has been flipped off, and she’s beyond reasoning with.”

“So what the hell are you planning on doing to her?”

“Nothing bad, I swear, Dev. Astrid and I were working on a spell before Aiden came and brought us here. We’re just going to have to get a few more ingredients to amplify its effects. She’s so far gone right now that we need to completely erase everything regarding her encounters with Justin from her memories. It will be as if this whole nightmare never occurred for her. Hopefully, this will allow her humanity to return.”

“So kind of like pressing the reset button, I take it?”


“Well, then how long till you get everything ready?”

“Give us a few hours.”

“What about Sammie?”

“Sorry, Dev, but she’s way too dangerous, buddy. You’re going to have to lock her in the cell until we get back.”

A low growl emerged from Devon’s chest as he tried to contain his frustration.” Fine, but make it quick. Aid, you Mike and I will clean up this mess while we wait on the girls.”

“Aye, Aye Captain!” Aiden and Michael offered a small salute and made their way over to Shay and Astrid, giving their mates a chaste kiss before the two women vanished into thin air. Devon carefully picked up Sammie’s blood sodden form, lay her gently on the cot inside the small 6X9 cell, and quietly shut the gate, locking her securely inside.

“Sorry, baby,” Devon sadly muttered as he exited the interrogation room in search of cleaning supplies.

“Hey Dev…” Michael called out.

“What!” Devon shouted.

“Where’re you going?”

“Where the fuck do you think? I’m getting the cleaning shit to clear up this mess.”

“Well … what about- “


“What about h-him?”

“Check to see if he’s still alive.”

“And if he is?”

“Kill the piece of shit.”

“Then what?”

“Then nothing. Make sure he’s dead. We’ll burn the body when I get back.”


Despite knowing he needed to gather the cleaning supplies, Devon’s wolf Slade was restless. Knowing that their mate was not only violated in the worst conceivable way, but now she was also unhinged, possibly beyond repair. Her only hope lay in the hands of Shay and Astrid. That is, of course, unless Sammie’s humanity is completely lost. If that were the case, then that would only leave one alternative; to kill his beloved mate. That possibility was something that neither Devon nor Slade were even ready to think about.


What Devon needed now was to let Slade take over and to run.

As Devon ran across the deep green trails of the outer lying forestry surrounding his and Sammie’s lands, the bone-chilling sounds that were elicited from the interrogation room earlier had crept their way back into his consciousness. Every unsettling noise was replaying itself mercilessly. Not even the warm breeze that carried the calming scent of fresh rain or the chittering of the little forest creatures could soothe them. Slade growled as he sensed Devon’s unease.

Our mate did what was necessary, Devon.

“I know.”

Had we been there first, we would have unleashed all kinds of torture on the vermin for harming our mate.

“I know.”

Then do not fear what she became. She will return to you, to us. I know it. She will be fine with time.

“I hope so, Slade. I really do.”

Devon blocked his wolf’s mind link and continued to run. Devon didn’t want Slade to see that despite his wolf’s trust in Sammie’s recovery, he still held many doubts about what was yet to come. He was glad that this was one of those times where he was able to keep these thoughts from Slade. Typically wolves and their human counterparts weren’t able to fully conceal their thoughts. But Devon and Slade were a very rare type of wolf. They were versipellem puri nocte, otherwise known as the pureblood midnight wolf, direct descendants of Selene, the Moon Goddess’s one and only true mate. Her first mate died by sacrificing himself for his family after their first, and only child had been born, thus the bloodline’s rarity. Devon’s origin was so rare, in fact, that very few of his kind were aware of its existence. Most people wouldn’t even recognize a puri nocte if they encountered one, not unless they happened actually to pay attention. To the naked eye, they appear to be black in color. But in actuality, they are, in fact, blue. The color of the midnight sky, to be more precise, thus how they acquired their name. People always doted on the infamous white wolves as being chosen amongst the moon goddesses’ children due to being highly distinguishable. Though they were indeed endowed with rare abilities and strength, the white wolves were still held to specific laws amongst their kind.

The puri nocte were not. In fact, while most Alpha’s required their mates in order to lead, the versipellem puri nocte could survive without one. A mate was a welcome companion and partner, but it was not a necessity. This was why Devon did not feel the need to push Sammie into completing their mating ceremony. He wanted her by his side but understood her cautiousness due to her being a vampire and its effects on his pack. Devon understood that his delay in marking his mate had been a detrimental mistake on his part. Had he marked Sammie, their mate bond would have alerted Devon that she was in danger, and he would have been able to protect her from that piece of shit rapist. Instead, he didn’t, and she was left helpless and violated in ways that no one should have been subjected to. To make matters worse, his Sammie was now broken.

Devon continued to run, his fur blowing freely in the wind as Slade let out a lone tear that slowly trickled down his muzzle and fluttered into the breeze.

While most had no awareness of Devon’s rare, formidable wolf, one knew all too well of its presence and what his power would bring to her army. She stood silently watching in the shadows as the magnificent wolf ran past her cloaked presence without so much as a second glance.

Soon, Devon, she thought … very soon.

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