Twisted Emotions (The Camorra Chronicles Book 2)

Twisted Emotions: Chapter 2


“I assume you will hold back during our meeting and not offend Vitiello,” I said as Fabiano and I boarded the plane.

“I’m not a genius like you, but I’m no imbecile either. Don’t worry, I know when to shut up.”

I nodded as I sank down into one of the comfortable leather seats. Fabiano usually had a good handle on his emotions, unlike my brother. “That Luca even agreed to meet us at all is a good sign.”

Fabiano sat in the seat across from me. “It might be, yes, or Luca wants to put a bullet in our heads.”

“No,” I said. “He won’t risk war with the Camorra. Remo would attack, and he wouldn’t do it with subtle tactics like Dante Cavallaro. He’d go to New York and go on a killing spree they haven’t seen in the Famiglia before.”

Fabiano smirked. “Yeah, he’d do that. But I hear Luca has gone on a few impressive killing sprees in the last few years to get the Famiglia under control and shut up the Bratva. He and Remo are pretty similar when it comes down to it.”

“To some extent, but Remo doesn’t have wife and children he needs to protect.”

Fabiano raised an eyebrow. “Remo protects Savio and Adamo, and even you and me by some degree.”

“That’s different,” I said.

Fabiano regarded me carefully. “You really think marrying is a good idea?”


“Don’t say it’s the logical choice,” Fabiano muttered. “I want to know if you really think you can be with a woman like that. You are messed up, Nino. Not in the same way Remo is messed up, but still fucking messed up. Fuck, even I’m messed up, and it almost cost me Leona. And it’s still fucking difficult sometimes to make this relationship work because I keep saying or doing things that unsettle her. And let’s be real: I’m the fucking epitome of normalcy compared to you. Women aren’t like us. They want their fucking knight in shining armor. They want roses and all that emotional shit. They want declarations of love. That’s not something you’re going to give your future wife. To be honest, I think most women would kill themselves within a few weeks of marrying you rather than live under a roof with all you Falcone fuckers.”

“From what I know, arranged marriages aren’t based on emotions. They are based on tradition and rationality. A woman who’s given to me in marriage knows what’s expected. She’ll know it’s business. She’s a chess piece. And I can assure you, I will prevent her from ending her life for as long as her survival is required for peace.”

Fabiano sighed, touching his temple. “Maybe you should keep your thoughts to yourself as well. Most of the shit coming out of your mouth won’t set anyone at ease, least of all a woman.” 


My muscles tensed when I pulled our rental car up in front of the abandoned Yonkers power plant. After we landed in New York, Romero had sent me a text saying that was where Luca would meet with us. The building was decrepit, and the area was deserted. A good place to torture and kill, I had to give that to Luca.

“This is fucking great,” Fabiano said, his lips curling. “I’m not in the mood to die today.”

“Neither of us will die today,” I said, pushing open the car door and getting out. My eyes searched the area. On the roof of the building, two snipers were lying in wait. The moment Fabiano stepped up beside me, a gate in the old factory building swung open and three men emerged. I recognized them as Luca, Matteo, and Romero.

“I assume you saw the snipers pointing their guns at our heads,” Fabiano murmured. Despite his words, he appeared relaxed from the outside.

I inclined my head in confirmation.

The three men stopped about two car lengths away from us. Luca evaluated me for a moment before he narrowed his eyes at Fabiano. “Do you remember what I told you last time you were in New York?”

Matteo and Romero held their guns, the former particularly looking like he’d gladly put a bullet in Fabiano’s head. I could tell that the feeling was mutual.

Fabiano nodded. “You told me I was a dead man if I returned to New York.”

Luca nodded. “And here you are asking for death.”

“We are here to offer truce, Luca.” I interrupted what would have surely soon turned into a less than pleasant argument. “As Consigliere of the Camorra, I hold the power to negotiate a peace treaty between our two families.”

Matteo snorted and exchanged a look with Romero.

Luca took a step forward. “You really think I’m going to work together with the Camorra after the message Remo sent me through Fabiano last time, after you threatened my wife years ago.”

“Remo wanted to size you up. He didn’t mean to insult you or harm your wife.” That was only a half-truth, but there was no point in revealing it to Luca.

Luca sneered. “Every word out of your mouth is a lie. I know you caught one of my drug deliveries. You’re probably having my soldiers dismembered as we speak. I have absolutely no reason to trust you.”

“I don’t trust anyone, Luca, and trust isn’t required for truce.”

Luca and I whirled around toward the voice. Remo sauntered in our direction, completely naked except for black briefs. “I’m not armed as you can see.” My brother was even barefoot. I narrowed my eyes at him. This was insanity. I wasn’t sure why I still bothered making plans if Remo always acted on his own accord.

“One day, I’m going to kill the crazy fucker,” Fabiano muttered. “He just signed our fucking death warrant.”

Remo gave me his twisted grin as he clapped my shoulder then Fabiano’s before walking closer to Luca and the others. “I thought it would be good to talk face to face, Luca. From one man of honor to the other. From Capo to Capo.”

Luca’s face reflected hatred, but there was also respect present. “And I thought you were a coward who sent out his Enforcer and his brother to fight his battles.”

“I’m many things, Luca. A coward isn’t one of them,” Remo said.

 “You know what, why don’t we put a bullet in your head and help Las Vegas to a new Capo. Someone less fucked-up,” Matteo said, aiming his gun at Remo. Romero pointed his gun at me.

Fabiano pulled out his own gun, but Remo shook his head. I walked to his side. “Killing us wouldn’t serve any purpose,” I said calmly. “Savio will contact Cavallaro the moment we’re dead and offer them cooperation, and even you can’t fight both the Camorra and the Outfit.”

“Your brother Savio is only sixteen. He won’t be able to control the Camorra.”

“I was only seventeen when I began my fight to win my territory back. You were only seventeen when you crushed a man’s throat. Savio is a Falcone. He is a born killer, Luca. He can control the Camorra. The name Falcone holds power in Las Vegas and beyond,” Remo said.

Luca narrowed his eyes, but I took it as a good sign that he hadn’t killed us yet. “Do you want to risk cooperation between the Outfit and the Camorra? You can’t have peace with Dante Cavallaro unless you send him your sister-in-law and your Captain.” I nodded toward Romero.

Luca still didn’t say anything. He was probably trying to decide if he should just end us. My finger rested loosely on my trigger, but with the snipers on the roof, even my skills wouldn’t save us.

Remo moved even closer to Luca until they stood at arm’s length. Luca was about an inch taller than Remo, but that didn’t come as a surprise.

“What is there to talk about, Remo? And this time I know your brother Nino isn’t aiming at my wife, so there’s nothing stopping me from bathing in your fucking Falcone blood.”

Remo grinned. “The Camorra doesn’t have any interest in hurting your family, Luca. Not your wife nor your children.”

Luca lunged, his fingers clamping down around Remo’s throat. My brother made no move to defend himself. He didn’t take his eyes off the Famiglia Capo as he rasped, “We aren’t the only ones who know about your children. The Outfit does and so does the Bratva. The Outfit attacked my territory when they thought I was vulnerable. Who do you think they will attack to hurt you, Luca? Scuderi tried to get rid of Fabiano, his own son, his heir. What will he do to the daughters who disappointed him so greatly, who ruined peace between the Outfit and the Famiglia?”

The Famiglia Capo looked like he wanted to crush Remo’s throat, and I knew he could have done it. Remo was one of the most vicious fighters, brutal to the very core, but a fight with Luca would probably kill them both. Even Fabiano and I couldn’t prevent that, not with Matteo and Romero and the snipers.

Remo’s face turned red, but he kept talking. “Dante Cavallaro is our enemy, and I’m going to walk into Chicago and show him what it means to be at war with the Camorra, show him why we are despised even among our own. I will make him pay, and it won’t be quick or fair. As for Scuderi, Fabiano is going to kill him very slowly, and if you want, we can send you the video footage so you can share it with the Scuderi sisters. You want Cavallaro’s death as much as we do.”

Luca released Remo. “Don’t underestimate Cavallaro. He is a cold fish on the outside, but he is a cruel fucker like you and I. And Scuderi is a nasty piece of shit but a strategic genius. That’s why he remained Consigliere under Dante’s rule.”

Fabiano made a low growl but otherwise remained silent.

Remo nodded, rubbing his throat. “I know what kind of man Cavallaro is. And I don’t doubt that Scuderi is a mastermind of twisted plans, but I will attack where he and Cavallaro don’t expect it. I will beat them at their own game. And I will enjoy every fucking minute of it.”

Luca narrowed his eyes. “I’m not going to join you in your crusade. I have a feeling I won’t like your plan. You are fucking insane.”

“I’m not asking you to join me. I’m asking you to stay out of my fight. In the past, the Camorra and the Famiglia worked together. Peace in our territories can lead to peace between our families in Italy as well.”

“My territory is my only concern.”

Remo shrugged. “We can both profit from a union. I can offer you safe delivery routes for your drugs through my territory. You lose more than half of your deliveries because either my men or Outfit soldiers intercept them. Peace means you won’t have to worry about it anymore. You can double your profits. And I will keep Dante busy with attacks so you can focus on the Bratva and not worry about your family so much.”

“And all you want in turn is for me stay out of your war with the Outfit?” Luca sounded suspicious.

I spoke up. “Dante might approach you after we start our attacks. We want to make sure he doesn’t manage to convince you to help him.”

Luca smiled coldly. “I have no intention of working with the Outfit. I want Dante Cavallaro dead, trust me.” He narrowed his eyes. “So how do you want to go about peace?”

“First, we will release your soldiers and your drugs,” Remo said with a smile. He motioned at me, and I reached for my phone, causing all guns to swivel in my direction.

I sent a quick message to Savio so he’d arrange the release of the Famiglia men. I nodded. “Your men are being released as we speak, and your drugs will arrive safely in your territory.”

“Why don’t you just spill it?” Matteo muttered. “There’s more to this. I’m running out of patience over here.”

I tossed Remo a look. Matteo sounded just like him.

“We want to show you that the Camorra is willing to allow change,” I said calmly. “Fabiano is allowed to be with an outsider. He gave her that bracelet your wife gifted him.”

“I don’t give a fuck about any of that,” Luca growled. “I don’t care if Fabiano’s found a whore to fuck.”

“Careful, Luca,” Fabiano hissed, taking a step forward.

Luca raised his eyebrows.

“Why don’t we get back to business,” I suggested. “You need peace. We need peace. You want Cavallaro and Scuderi dead. We will kill them.”

Remo opened his arms. “And to show you that we are very serious about truce with you and the Famiglia, I want us to arrange a marriage between one of yours and one of mine.”

Matteo chuckled. “Oh, this is getting good.”

“We’re being serious,” I said because Remo’s expression worried me. I could tell that Matteo was starting to seriously piss him off. “Arranged marriages between Famiglias have ensured peace for centuries, and your Famiglia has always upheld the tradition. You and Aria are proof that it’s the perfect solution.”

Luca’s mouth tightened when I mentioned Fabiano’s sister. “It was supposed to bring peace with the Outfit and now there’s war.”

“Well,” Remo said, gesturing at Matteo and Romero, “that was your Famiglia’s doing. I can assure you we will uphold our part of the deal.”

“If I gave one of our women to the Camorra, who would guarantee she was safe?” Luca asked.

“Our women are as safe as your women, trust me. They have nothing to fear in our territory,” I said. Nothing that they wouldn’t have to fear in every marriage in our circles, at least.

Luca’s mouth curled in distaste as he regarded my brother. “I won’t give a woman to you in marriage, Remo. I don’t trust you one bit. You are too fucking crazy for my taste.”

“I’m not the one who will marry. It’s my brother Nino, and you will find that he’s absolutely in control of himself. Look at him. Doesn’t he look like every mother-in-law’s dream?”

I gave my brother a warning look before I turned to Luca. “It’s a good deal for the Famiglia and the Camorra. Don’t let old grudges or feuds ruin your chances of optimizing the Famiglia’s profits and securing your territory.”

“This is ridiculous,” Matteo said, but Luca was silent. He was a businessman. He knew what safe delivery routes through our territory could mean for him. Luca motioned for his brother and Romero to follow him. They walked out of earshot.

Remo smiled.

“I don’t know what you’re smiling about. This isn’t Texas Hold ’em. Going all in isn’t the way to go,” Fabiano murmured. “This is a fucking train wreck.”

“Luca will agree,” I said firmly.

My brother and Fabiano looked at me curiously.

“Are you sure?” Remo asked.

“Luca isn’t the man he used to be before he had his wife and children. He won’t risk open war with the Outfit, but he wants Dante dead and he prefers us on his side. If you have something to lose like he does, you choose the safe option.”

Romero walked toward us.

“He’s the one who broke truce with the Outfit by popping your sister’s cherry, right?” Remo whispered.

Fabiano grimaced. “He did, and I let them fucking shoot me so they could escape. I was a fucking idiot.”

 Romero regarded us with open distrust. “Luca will consider your offer. We have another drug delivery in three days. If it reaches our territory safely, we can discuss a truce in more detail.”

“It will arrive safely, don’t worry,” Remo muttered.

Romero nodded. “Luca wants you to leave New York now. We will contact you in a few days if everything goes as planned.”

“Everything will go as planned,” Remo said, grinning widely. “Luca better start looking for a wife for my brother. We’re looking forward to meeting her.”

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