Twisted Bonds (The Camorra Chronicles Book 4)

Chapter 6

In the afternoon, I joined Remo on the terrace. He was still brooding after a fight with Serafina during one of their daily walks this morning. His hands were pushed into his pants and he was glaring off into the distance. Standing beside him, I looked at his face, at the scar his mother had caused, at the cruel twist of his mouth.

Serafina had told me she felt like she was losing herself and I couldn’t help but wonder if it was the same for Remo, and what did it even mean for a man like him?

“Say what you got to say,” he growled. There was so much I wanted to tell him, how I thought it was wrong to kidnap an innocent woman, but he knew that. And deep down I wondered if maybe this was the only chance for Remo to ever be close to a woman, for him to overcome the hatred that had carried him through the years, that still carried him.

I wanted to tell him that he needed to stop this game so he could be strong for his brothers, particularly Nino. I wanted to tell him that I wished to see him happy one day, even if he didn’t believe in happiness.

Remo growled, anger flashing on his face. He grasped my upper arms and brought our faces close. “Say something. Don’t just stand there with that fucking sad look. It’s fucking annoying.”

Despite my body’s tension, I didn’t pull away. “Do you think Nino could love a child?”

Remo released me with a jerk, eyes widening as he stepped back. “Are you …?”

“No,” I said quietly. “But I want a baby. I’ve always wanted to be a mother. I want to hold a baby in my arms, cuddle it into sleep. I want to protect and love it. I want to give this baby everything we all never had. If there’s only one thing in my life I can achieve, then it’s that.” Tears filled my eyes. I wasn’t even sure why I was telling Remo this. Maybe because I could feel that he was on the verge of something, something either better or far worse.

Remo looked like I had shaken him to the core. Silence stretched between us.

“I’m sorry,” I said eventually. I turned but Remo stopped me and leaned down, his expression fierce. “Nino loves you. I don’t understand how it’s possible. I thought the part of him capable of that shit was lost but you dug it out. I don’t know what he can or cannot feel, but every child that grows up in this house will be cared for, will be safe and as fucking happy as it can be in our fucked-up world.” He straightened. “And with you as a mother, it’ll drown in love and sweets, that’s for sure.”

Remo turned and left me standing there. I wrapped my arms around myself. Nino found me like that a few minutes later and pulled me against him.

“I’m fine,” I said before he could ask. I smiled up at him and his frown smoothed. Once things had calmed down, once Serafina was back home, I’d ask Nino if we could have a baby.

After following our new routine of swimming a few rounds in the pool together, Nino and I retired to our room to change. I watched Nino get out of his swim shorts, taking in his muscular tattooed thighs, his narrow hips with the delicious V leading down to his hardening cock. He stalked toward me as I admired him, feeling the familiar tugging of desire.

Nino kissed me, taking the lead as he always did. He unfastened my bikini top and bottoms, which fell in a wet heap on the floor, before he steered me backward until I fell on the bed. He climbed over me, his strong body pressing into me as he captured my lower lip in his mouth and sucked as he rocked his erection against me, sending a shockwave of desire through me.

My mind wandered to the one thing I’d been thinking about often in the last few days—finally going down on Nino. I’d been meaning to do it for a while but always lost courage. For some reason, I couldn’t forget how degrading and disgusting it had been to go down on my uncle. He’d forced himself into me until I felt I was choking, until my throat and mouth were tender. Whenever I considered pleasuring Nino with my mouth, the same horrible images flooded my mind, followed by a nagging worry that I’d still feel degraded and dirty when going down on him. I desired Nino, every part of him. I loved how he gave me pleasure with his mouth and I wanted to return the favor.

“Kiara?” Nino asked quietly, drawing back, searching my face. I must have become still under him.

“I … I want to put my mouth on you,” I said. Even voicing the wish cost me a lot. It felt wrong to say it, to want it, and I was scared that despite my desire to do it, the images of the past would win, that a small part of my uncle remained wedged in my brain.

Nino didn’t say anything at first, but I could tell by the brief flicker of desire in his expression that he wanted this. I supposed I shouldn’t have been surprised. He’d been on the receiving end of that kind of attention in the past, with other women. And he pleasured me with his mouth almost daily. Of course he’d want it.

“On my cock?” he asked carefully.

Flushing, I nodded. “I want to try to give you…give you head.”

Nino’s face softened. “Okay.” He rolled off me and lay down beside me. “Come.”

I sat up and knelt beside his hips, then curled my hand around his shaft.

“Would you like me to tell you what to do?”

I considered that. “I don’t know if … if I …”

Nino squeezed my thigh gently. “Take your time and if you want to stop, stop.”

“You won’t go down my throat … right?” I whispered, feeling a wave of shame wash over me.

“I won’t thrust into your mouth unless you want me to. I’ll try not to move at all.”

“Okay,” I said softly.

I stroked him for a while, enjoying his silkiness and feeling my own arousal spike once more just from touching him. I loved Nino’s body, the way he made me feel, the way I could make him feel. Gathering my courage, I bent my head down and cupped the tip with my lips, tasting him for the very first time. He twitched and I tasted a hint of saltiness. I looked up, finding Nino watching me with unabashed hunger.

Emboldened by his reaction and my body’s need, I twirled my tongue around his tip before I began to bob my head up and down slowly, testing my limits.

Nino brushed my hair away then touched my neck. I became still, slowly pulling away, fighting the images of the past. My gaze darted up to his face and as usual I found solace in his calm.

“I wanted to hold your hair so it doesn’t bother you. I won’t tug at it and I won’t push you down,” Nino said quietly, his thumb rubbing my neck.

“I know,” I said, because I did know. My body reacted before my mind could catch up.

With a small smile, I tasted him again, then ran my tongue around his tip, enjoying his softness, his scent, his taste. Everything kindled my own desire and I could have cried from relief. I established a slow rhythm. Nino stayed true to his promise, lying completely still beneath me. Only his hand fisting the blanket gave an indication how much he struggled to stay put.

Nino moaned, his muscles tensing. His hand on my neck tightened then he relaxed it quickly. “I’m going to come if you keep it up.”

I nodded, and kept up my sucking. My mind began whirring when I felt his muscles twitch. I tensed as I tried to decide if I could swallow, if I could do this for Nino.

“Kiara,” he gritted out another warning.

I didn’t pull back. I wanted to do this, to beat the last shreds of my past into submission. Nino’s hand twitched a second before his body coiled tightly and then his erection jerked. With a low moan, Nino came. He made small rocking motions as he spilled into me. For a second I was frozen, awaiting the inevitable. My past to bulldoze my present, for my body to do what it had done many years ago, to retch, for bile to travel up my throat. The feeling of choking, of suffocating as my uncle held me in place.

But nothing of that sort happened. Nino stroked my back and I swallowed, kept pumping and felt a wave of accomplishment. I was free. Completely free.

Nino pulled me on top of him as if I was a doll. He nudged my chin up as I lay sprawled on his strong chest, his eyes searching mine. He kissed my mouth once, twice. “Do you want me to get you a glass of water?”

Every time I thought I couldn’t possibly love Nino more, he showed this kind of consideration. My lips pulled into a smile.

“Say something,” Nino said with a hint of confusion.

“I love you.”

Nino kissed me again. “And I love you, Kiara.” He ran his hand over my spine before palming my ass. “But you didn’t answer my question. Do you want something to drink?”

“No,” I whispered. I didn’t feel the need to wash Nino’s taste away, not at all.

Nino tilted his head, confused by my reaction and unsure what to do. And I was too, because giving Nino pleasure like that had turned me on.

“Kiara,” he said. “Right now I’m not sure if you’re in shock or if you’re really okay with what you did …”

I buried my nose in his throat and arched my hips in silent invitation. Nino’s hand on my ass cheek tensed briefly before he dipped his fingers between my folds, finding me wet.

His chest expanded under me as he released a shuddering breath.

“I’m more than okay,” I said with a small, embarrassed laugh.

Nino ran his fingers along my slit lightly, stirring up my need for him once more. “Sit on my face.”

I lifted my head with wide eyes.

He smiled, but his eyes shone with desire. “Come on.”

I pushed into a sitting position on Nino’s chest. His eyes lowered to my most private part as his hands came to rest on my hips and he nudged me forward, encouraging and hungry. With a small smile, I gripped the headboard and lifted up, allowing Nino to hoist me above his head.


My body was still throbbing with the remnants of my orgasm as I saw Kiara’s beautiful body, seeing her breasts stand to attention and her dripping pussy right in front of my face. Dripping because she’d sucked my cock. I couldn’t deny it, I’d enjoyed coming in Kiara’s mouth tremendously, especially because she’d enjoyed it too.

Grasping her ass cheeks, I pushed her pussy toward my mouth, tasting her arousal. Kiara peeked at me, but as always she was too self-conscious to watch like I knew she wanted to. I drew back from her pussy. “Watch me.”

Kiara smiled sheepishly then moaned as I sucked her clit lightly. She held my gaze and my cock soon filled with blood, eager for another round. A sound outside the open window caught my attention, but I kept teasing Kiara with my tongue, not wanting her to get distracted. It took me a moment to hear the hints of a deep male voice. Remo.

I wasn’t sure what he was up to now and I didn’t care. For all I cared he could listen, as long as Kiara didn’t find out. I slid a finger inside of her as I flicked my tongue back and forth, keeping her busy. Kiara’s body tightened and she rocked forward, driving my finger deeper into her pussy as I licked. Her moan rang out and I watched her thrown-back head and puckering nipples. She went slack, shaking and panting. I gripped her hips and rolled over so I was on top of her. “Turn on your stomach.”

Kiara’s eyes peeled open but she did as I asked and I pressed into her back, kissing her neck and shoulder blade as I slid my cock between her thighs. “Is this position okay for you?”

“I think so,” she murmured, her expression trusting.

I pushed into her and groaned low in my throat. In this position Kiara’s walls gripped me even tighter. Tilting her head so I could taste her mouth, I pitched my hips forward, my pelvis slapping against her firm ass as I fucked her. Our bodies rubbed together and Kiara’s tantalizing scent drove me almost insane with lust. I still tasted her on my tongue.

Kiara soon lifted her butt to match my thrusts, moaning desperately into my mouth as she came undone. After a few more hard thrusts, I exploded and Kiara arched up. We both went slack and I held her tightly, kissing the corner of her mouth. “Am I too heavy?”

“Stay,” she whispered. “I love the feel of your body on top of me. It makes me feel safe.”

I linked our fingers. “You are safe.”

Her mouth tipped up and her doe eyes held mine and I just stared back, feeling utterly calm.

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