Twisted Bonds (The Camorra Chronicles Book 4)

Chapter 4

On Remo’s request early the next day I went clothes shopping for Serafina. Nino was busy visiting a drug lab in the suburb to discuss new designer drugs and Remo hated shopping, which left Savio with the task of playing babysitter.

He was munching on one of the muffins when he swung himself behind the wheel of his Ferrari. “If you’re bored, I wouldn’t mind if you bake again.”

I smiled, happy that they all enjoyed my cooking when in the past I’d barely had the chance to try my hand at it. “What’s your favorite?”

“Red velvet.”

“Then I’ll make those next.”

Savio tore his eyes away from the traffic to give me a curious look but didn’t say anything.

“You have to turn right there.”

“I know Vegas by heart, don’t worry.”

“Even boutiques?”

“I like nice clothes.”

I tilted my head in agreement. Savio was always impeccably dressed and styled.

He said, “Your new style works better for you, by the way.”

I flushed, glancing down at myself. I’d chosen a red off-shoulder summer dress with white dots that ended above my knees. “Because of the red?”

“That and you’re not hiding your body anymore. With curves like yours, it was a fucking shame to hide them under those wide dresses.”

I laughed uncertainly.

“Don’t worry. I’m not coming on to you,” he said with a smirk. “Nino would chop my balls to pieces like a Tataki master. And you’re like a little sister to me. I’m not that kinky.”

My cheeks burned, causing Savio to chuckle and shake his head after catching a glance at me. He said, “That you can still blush like that living under a roof with my brothers and me…”

I couldn’t get over the fact that Savio had compared me to a little sister. It made me emotional and I really didn’t want to cry. It would only freak him out. “If anything, I’d be the older sister. You’re younger than me.”

“Yeah, but you’ve got the whole little sister vibe going, needing protection, being tiny as fuck and all.”

“Tiny as fuck?” I repeated.

Savio laughed again and pulled the car up in front of a boutique. “Let’s go. I don’t want to spend all day shopping with you. I’m meeting Mick and Diego later.”

“Mick? That doesn’t sound very Italian.”

“Short for Michelangelo. His parents must have been high on something when they chose that name.”

Savio got out of the car and walked around it so he was by my side. With my flats, I only reached his chest, so I understood his tiny comment. As we strolled toward the boutique, I caught a group of three teenage girls checking Savio out. Of course, he noticed and winked at them, causing them to giggle then look at me guiltily.

“Do you know them?”

Savio dragged his eyes back to me and held the door to the shop open. “We went to school together.”

“Wasn’t it strange for you to drop out early?”

He gave me an odd look. “Why? It was a waste of time. I need to help my brothers and protect the Camorra’s interests. Nino’s homeschooled me a lot of the time, and I did graduate. I was advanced in most classes anyway.”

We stepped into the shop and at once the vendor who’d served me the last few times appeared at our side. After a nervous glance at Savio, she smiled at me. “I have a couple of new red pieces I could show you.”

“Actually, I need clothes for someone else.” I paused. “But I’ll try the red pieces as well.”

Savio huffed and headed over to one of the chairs in front of the changing room, sank down and pulled out his phone. The other chair was occupied by a middle-aged man whose wife was likely getting dressed.

“I’ll put these in a changing room for you,” the vendor said as she walked past me with two red pieces. I nodded distractedly as I perused the clothes for something Serafina might like. I didn’t know Serafina but she seemed the type who wasn’t shy about her body. Taking a few shorts and summer dresses as well as shirts from the rack, I asked the vendor to get them for me in the size I suspected Serafina needed. Then I headed into the changing room to try on the other clothes.

The first dress was an instant buy. The second piece, a jumpsuit with tight shorts and a wrap-around top, I wasn’t sure. “Do you think that’s something Nino would like?” I asked.

Savio peered up, eyes raking over me. Then his gaze shifted to the mirror behind me, giving a good view of my butt in the shorts, but he wasn’t focused on that. His usual air of easy-going arrogance slipped off and I realized why. The middle-aged man was checking me out, or rather my ass. Savio turned toward the man.

“How about you stop the leering and keep your eyes on your wife?”

The man quickly tore his eyes away, stood and walked over to the changing room, calling out. “Are you almost done?”

Savio rolled his eyes. “Looks sexy. I’m sure Nino will approve of it in his logical way.”

My lips twitched, and I returned to the cubicle to change back into my clothes.


The push and pull relationship between Remo and Serafina was reaching unsettling dimensions. In the last few days he’d spent more and more time with the girl and I wasn’t the only one who noticed. Kiara tried to extract information from me every chance she got, thinking I knew what my brother had in mind, but for once Remo kept his motives carefully hidden.

I stepped into the kitchen, following the sound of clanking and humming, just as Kiara put a baking tray into the oven. The kitchen smelled of lime and coriander, and something spicier. The sight of Kiara’s ass in tight shorts was even more enticing. Walking up to her, I caught sight of what looked like tacos. I wrapped my arms around her from behind, kissing her neck.

“That looks good. What is it?”

“Enchiladas Verde. I hope they aren’t too spicy.”

I gripped her hips, turned her around and hoisted her on top of the counters, then stepped between her legs.

Before she could utter a protest, I kissed her, my fingers stroking her smooth thighs. In the last few days my own emotions had been erratic, maybe triggered by Remo’s irrationality. Kiara’s closeness always eased the pressure in my chest until I felt a familiar calm.

Savio sauntered in, letting out a scoff. “Okay, just to get this straight. I’m banned from any kind of fucking in the communal space of the mansion, but you’re getting it on in plain daylight on our kitchen counters?”

Kiara drew back, her cheeks turning pink.

“We were kissing,” I said, not bothering to step back.

Savio leaned against the counter, arms crossed. “Looks like that won’t be the end of it. Hypocrite much?”

Kiara gently pushed against my chest, trying to make me step out from between her thighs, but I resisted. “Nino.”

“If you ever bring a girl you’re serious about, you can get it on like this, too,” I said.

Savio smirked. “I take my fucking very seriously, does that count?”

Kiara poked my side and I finally moved back so she could slip off the counter, avoiding Savio’s eyes.

“The blush goes well with the red of your shorts,” he said.

I sent him a warning look but he was immune to my threats.

Kiara checked the enchiladas, bending over, and Savio’s gaze followed the movement of her ass before he gave me a thumbs-up.

I moved forward but Kiara beat me to it, whirling on him and stabbing her finger against his chest. “Stop staring at my backside.”

Savio raised his hands with a grin. “All right, Tiny.”

Kiara shook her head, smiling. I frowned, trying to understand what was happening between them. She told Savio, “I hope you’ll find a nice girl soon who will teach you some manners.”

“Not going to happen. Girls in relationships are too much work. They start thinking they can boss you around and make demands. I prefer it when girls do what I want.”

“How would you know? Have you ever had a relationship?”

“I don’t need to. Look at Nino and you. If a girl like you, who’s submissive as fuck already, can get a guy like Nino wrapped around her finger, that doesn’t really make me want to be in a relationship. I like my freedom.” He pushed away from the counter and headed for the door. “Call me when the food’s done.”

Kiara scowled after him. “Submissive as fuck?” She turned to me. “Do you agree with him?”

I stroked her throat with my fingertips. “Not in those exact words, but you are submissive.”

“I thought I was getting better.”

“You are. You stood up to Remo and Savio. Outside of the bedroom you aren’t naturally submissive.”

Her eyes grew wide and she swallowed. “What?”

I cupped her chin, bringing our foreheads together. “You don’t like being in control during sex, even when I tried to let you be in the beginning. You only relax if I take lead, if I don’t give you choices but decide for us.”

She bit her lip, embarrassed. “Isn’t that unnatural considering what happened to me …”

I kissed her. “No, you were scared of feeling at someone’s mercy, of feeling out of control, but you trust me and know you can relinquish control without fear because I only want to give you as much pleasure as possible.”

Kiara released a shaky breath, licked her lips, and from the look in her eyes she was aroused. The oven beeped, announcing the end of the baking time. I leaned into Kiara, letting her feel my erection.

“Later,” I promised.


I watched the cage fight of Savio’s next opponent with Nino and his brothers, even though I’d have preferred spending the evening with Serafina, talking. Nino refused to let me be alone with her. My eyes began drooping as I rested my head against Nino’s chest.

I must have fallen asleep because suddenly Nino shook me. “Wake up, Kiara.”

His voice rang with tension that had me wide awake. I peered up at his tight expression. He was looking at Adamo, not me.

“Adamo, take Kiara into the panic room. Shoot to kill, no questions asked.”

“What’s the matter?” I asked, sitting up, completely confused. Remo and Savio were staring down at their phones. Nino pulled me to my feet, kissed me quickly then nudged me toward Adamo. I didn’t understand what was going on, only that it must be bad judging by Remo’s terrifying expression.

Adamo gave me a tight smile as he grabbed my hand and pulled me after him. He was clutching a gun in his other hand and his body was brimming with tension. I could hardly keep up with Adamo’s pace.

“Adamo,” I gasped. “What’s wrong?”

“Not now.” He led me down the stairs into the basement, then to the last door in the corridor: a monstrous thing made out of steel.

Adamo keyed in the code and the door unlocked. Shoving it open, he stepped inside with me and closed the door again. Only then did he release me.

“Fuck,” he breathed.

I touched his shoulder so he faced me. Seeing his worried face, my insides twisted. “What’s going on?”

“The Outfit attacked the mansion. They want to free Serafina.”

“They are on the premises?”

He gave a terse nod, running a hand through his unruly locks. “I should go back out and help my brothers.”

I gripped his sleeve. “Don’t leave me alone in here.” The panic room was designed to keep us safe, but it felt like a grave of steel. Panic began to claw at my chest as I felt the walls closing in on me and I started shaking.

Adamo shoved his gun into his pocket and touched my shoulders lightly. “It’s okay. I’ll protect you.”

I swallowed, my throat tight.

“Look at me, Kiara,” Adamo said gently.

I peered up at him, trying to concentrate on his concerned eyes. For some reason this was the first time I realized how tall he was, already a few inches taller than me. After a few deep breaths, I felt better.

“Thank you.”

Adamo lowered his hands, his attention returning to the steel door. “Savio should have arrived with Serafina by now.”

“Do you think something happened to them?”

“The Outfit won’t hurt Serafina …” Adamo pulled out his gun once again. “… and Savio can take care of himself, but sometimes he’s too confident.”

“Go if you want. I’ll be fine in here,” I said, even though I wanted him to stay. If Savio needed him I didn’t want to be responsible for any tragedy.

Adamo gnawed on his lower lip, stepping closer to the door. “Nino wants me to protect you. If I leave and something happens to you …” He sighed, looking torn.

I pointed at the shelf filled with knives and guns. “I can defend myself, and nobody’s going to get in here, right?”

“Not unless they have the code. Neither Savio, nor Remo or Nino will ever give it to anyone, no matter what kind of torture they put them through.”

“Neither would you,” I said.

Adamo looked doubtful.

I walked over to the sofa against the wall and sank down, studying the other shelves stacked with water and food, then the door leading into a small bathroom. How long could we survive in here if it ever came to the worst?

I pushed the thought aside. Nothing would ever happen to Nino and his brothers.

Adamo sat down beside me, his hand with the gun resting on his thigh. The skin around his Camorra tattoo was no longer red.

Adamo followed my gaze. “It takes some getting used to. People in school look at me different now, and even in the street strangers keep their distance as if they think I’d kill them for looking at me the wrong way.”

I nodded. “How are things with Harper and your former clique? Did she try to talk to you again?”

Adamo avoided my eyes, shrugging. “I saw her alone a couple more times, but now it’s over.”

“You did?”

“My brothers don’t know. Promise not to tell them.”

I hesitated. Adamo looked like he needed someone he could confide in, and this wasn’t really a major secret.

“My lips are sealed,” I said. “But why would you want to see her again? I thought she used you to get drugs? And she cheated with that guy …”


Adamo frowned, clenching and unclenching his hand, watching the way his muscles flexed. Every day he seemed to grow more. In moments like this he didn’t look the fourteen-year-old. “I don’t even feel guilty.”

“That’s okay.”

Adamo tilted his head up with a grim smile, and for the first time I saw his resemblance to Remo. “Is it also okay that I only went back to Harper because I wanted to get another blowjob and screw her, after what she did to me? Pretending I didn’t know where Mason was when I’m the one who killed him?”

For a moment his words threw me off and I felt my cheeks heat. Adamo sank against the backrest with a grimace. “Sorry, Kiara. I shouldn’t have said that. I didn’t want to upset you. Forget what I said.” He leaned his head back and glared at the ceiling.

“Why would I be upset?”

Adamo winced. “Because of … you know … ”

“I’m not breakable. I don’t get upset because you talk about sex.” He didn’t say anything. “So you slept with Harper?” I couldn’t believe he’d had his first time with a girl who’d messed with him.

A flicker of embarrassment crossed his face and he kept his gaze fixed on the ceiling. “Yeah. Only once. I thought I’d feel better. Like I was paying her back in some way, you know? I wanted to get something out of it after how she and Mason tricked me.”

“But you don’t feel better?”

He shook his head. “I hated it, and now I wish I hadn’t done it.”

“See the positive. Savio will stop teasing you now,” I tried to lift his mood.

“I won’t tell my brothers. I was supposed to stay away from Harper.”

Before I could say more, the lock clicked. Adamo jumped to his feet, aiming his gun.

Nino stood on the threshold, knife in hand and covered in blood. My stomach fell and I rushed forward, touching his chest. “Are you all right?”

Nino tilted his head at his brother before he met my gaze. His eyes were blank mirrors, hard as steel. “I’m fine. The threat is contained.”

“The attackers are all dead?” Adamo asked.

“Not yet. We spared two for questioning. Do you want to be present?”

Adamo gave a jerky shake of his head. “I’d rather not…”

Nino’s frowned momentarily but he nodded. “Then take Kiara up to our bedroom.”

“Nino,” I said softly, worried by his demeanor.

He touched my cheek, his eyes remaining detached. “I’ll be upstairs soon. I want you away from the basement when I’m dealing with the prisoners.” He nodded at Adamo. “Take her upstairs.”

Adamo held out his hand. “Come on, Kiara.”

With a last, lingering glance at Nino, I slipped my hand in Adamo’s and followed him. I shivered, causing Adamo to tighten his grip.

Blood stains littered the floor. It was silent in the house. At my request, Adamo left me alone in the bedroom. My thoughts strayed to Serafina, wondering if she was okay. She must be devastated, having her hopes crushed and what if someone she knew died? Her father? Fiancé? Brother?

I got ready for bed even as my anxiety rose with every passing moment. Trying to focus on a book was wasted energy and eventually I curled up on my side in bed, staring at the door, waiting for Nino to return.

It was past midnight when he finally stepped inside, closing the door silently and looking surprised when he saw me. “I thought you’d be asleep.”

I took in his clothes, blood-drenched now when before there had only been a few stains, and his hands coated in red. Slowly I slid out of bed, pushing down my revulsion. Tiredness filled Nino’s face and my protectiveness banished any hesitation. I opened the bathroom door for him so he didn’t leave marks and he walked past me. Turning on the faucet, I filled the sink with water while Nino undressed. Even part of his chest was stained pink from the blood and a bruise started forming over his hipbone. Nino lowered his hands into the water and reached for the scrubbing brush.

I put a hand on his. “Let me.”

Nino regarded me with a frown. “You don’t have to do this, Kiara. I know the sight of blood unsettles you. I don’t want you to feel uncomfortable.”

I kissed his bicep. “I want to.”

Nino nodded and allowed me to start cleaning his hands and forearms with the brush. His eyes never left my face as I scrubbed him clean in silence. Once I was satisfied, I drained the sink and filled it with fresh, warm water, then took a washcloth, dipped it into the basin and lifted it to Nino’s chest. He released a small sigh and the tension left his body as I wiped the blood off his skin. He brushed a strand of hair away from my shoulder and traced my collarbone before he cupped my face.

Smiling, I dropped the washcloth in the sink. “All done.”

He led me back into the bedroom where we laid down in the bed.

“Will you tell me what happened?” I asked.

“Serafina’s brother led a badly executed rescue mission.”

“Her brother? Is he dead?” Serafina loved her twin. She’d be devastated if something happened to him.

“No, Remo decided to keep him alive and send him back with a warning.” Disapproval rang clearly in Nino’s voice even as relief filled me. Serafina would have hated Remo if he’d killed her brother.

“You disagree with his decision.”

“It’s not logical. Killing an enemy after extracting information is the most effective tactic.”

“I think Remo’s psychological warfare follows a different logic than yours.”

Nino shook his head. “I’m aware of the usefulness of psychological warfare. Remo’s emotions are getting in the way and that poses a risk for our mission and worse, you.”

“I’m fine. Nothing happened.”

“But it could have. If Samuel had planned his attack better, if he’d had the support of Cavallaro or Mancini, he could have done real damage. What if they’d captured you? I promised I’d never let anything happen to you.”

I touched his chest. “Nothing will happen to me.”

“If someone ever tries to hurt you, I’ll take them apart piece by piece, sinew by sinew, bone by bone.”

“I know,” I whispered, and I hoped it would never come to that.

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