Twisted Blood

Chapter The Scourges

Do not be fooled by the works of Bram Stoker, Stephanie Meyer, L.J. Smith or Richelle Mead. It is all lies. Fictitious. Artifice. The truth about the foundation of the vampiric society is based on peace. Their origin, like ours, is questionable and uncertain; there are many theories. Despite this minor detail, ampyra (not vampires, that was an unforgivable derogatory word) are quite like us. The bled and bred like us. They behaved and lived like us. Their bloodline, however, is more pure. The older generations live longer than the younger ones, since their blood is closer to the orginal bloodline.

No, being bitten by an ampyra wouldn't turn you into one. An exaggeration that promoted fear and superstition. Yes, they lived off blood. Blood means a great deal of things to the ampyra. Blood can bind families and make them stronger and could also destroy families and make them weaker. Blood was life giving and also life taking. One thing was certain about the origins of the ampyra. All ampyra blood was sacred.

France is a country well known for its beautiful sights, food and wine, and luxury restaurants and hotels. From the snow-capped mountains to the Riviera coast and the iconic Eiffel Tower in the City of Lights and Love, France is breathtaking! It is a popular tourist destination but the country has also had a profound influence on art, fashion and literature.

Its rich history and culture - though captivating - is laced with secrecy. Like any part of the world. Stories about the supposed vampire race exist in many territories around the world. In different connotations and native legends or folklores. The House of de Luq was an ampyra family of goldbloods.

Goldbloods had the purest blood; so pure in fact, they bled gold. During the Gold Scourge, goldbloods were hunted down regularly under the misperception that goldbloods were the rulers. House de Luq was one of the unlucky goldblood families of the Gold Scourge. Annihilated, save for one. Renee de Luq.

Renee fled France for the safe haven for the Free World. There, she spent the next few decades living amongst the Consortium of Revolutionaries; an organisation of hunters who believed peace was possible between the two races. The goldblood ampyra learned their ways and joined their cause.

The Red Scourge broke out only seven years after the first one, when more goldblood houses were slaughtered. This time, however, non-ampyras were hunted down mercilessly simultaneously while other ampyra joined the cause for peace.

There was no precise end to the Red Scourge since it merged into the Black Scourge. The Black Scourge was a hunt for the, loosely used term, halfbreeds. The ampyra hunted down non-ampyras and saw blackbloods no different than they saw non-ampyras.

Later - after all the bloodshed and a new world order was drawn up - the Consortium was renamed The Hunt Association, more commonly known as The Hunt. The Hunt developed into an international organisation that protects ampyras from non-ampyras and visa versa. Their mission remained the same: maintain the peace.

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