Chapter Mannerless Boss: What An Audacity?

"Could you prepare a macchiato espresso using the coffee machine?" He asked her immediately and she halted.

Reluctantly she turned to face him, feeling a pang of irritation for his audacity. "What does he take me for? A coffee maker? I am his personal assistant for crying out loud." She said in the head and maintained her composure. But despite her reluctance, she could not refuse for the fact that she was a new staff member and her job was at stake.

"Yes of course." Her voice came out slightly stiff as the anger in her voice could be somehow noticed.

She dragged her legs back to the table and dropped the files and made her way to the coffee maker which was opposite his table.

She hurriedly prepared thy coffee, so she could go to her office. This man was taking her as an errand girl just on her first day at work. "Is this the minor work Mrs. Agnes talks about? She asked herself as she prepared the coffee. Just when she was done, she handed the coffee to him. "Here is the coffee." She said stretching her hand to the arrogant man who was busy with his laptop.

The hotness of the coffee made her hands to be on fire, as the hot smoke evaporated vigorously but she endured it and gritted her teeth in annoyance still waiting for him to take it from her. "Take a sip of what you prepared." He ordered, his voice stiff and firm.

"I can't take it sir, It is not for me you asked me to prepare it. She said, shaking her head in disapproval.

"Are you defying my orders? Take a sip now! He sneered, giving me a deadly gaze which made my hands tremble as I tried not to let the cup slip from my hands.

With a contrite expression, evidence of anger she raised up the cup of coffee and sipped it a little bit.

"Ahh! She made a slight sound evidence of how hot it is as it burned the tip of her tongue.

"Hot right? He asked sarcastically as he chuckled slightly.

"Yes, it is." She managed to reply, the burning sensation lingering in her throat. She felt like strangling him to death but she waved his nonchalant attitude.

"I guess you haven't read the manual Mr. Agnes gave you. He asked her.

"Yes, I haven't gone through the manual. I just resumed today and a meeting was called. I had no time to go through it.

"Save the explanation to yourself. He chipped in cutting her off. "You have to read that everything concerning how I want things is in the note.

"Okay sir." She said trying not to sound rude or do anything that she might regret. Because her blood was boiling and was hotter than the coffee she had been holding for a while now. "Would you mind doing me a favor by blowing on it? I don't like my coffee scalding hot, I love it warm.

A wave of nausea washed over her as she imagined and wondered the gut he had to ask for such a stupid favor. "Is it that he is naturally rude? Or does he seem to remember me as the lady at the airport?" She couldn't help but imagine. Reluctantly and blood boiling she picked up a neat light file and stepped out a few inches from the desk, holding the cup of coffee in her hands as she blew it with anger, irritation All over her face. "That is enough." He said to her after a while.

Her mind relaxed a bit as she exhaled a frustrated sigh as she was already fed up with this asshole. She threw her legs back to the table just because her stilettos made her step rough as she lost balance.

This made the cup of scalding hot coffee slip off her hands and landed on his body, making him let out a slight squeal. The coffee spilled on his expensive suit and the glass landed on the marble tiles and shattered into countless pieces. "I'm sorry sir." She said, scrambling to her feet hurriedly. Hastily, she straightened her disheveled cloth and made her stilettos more comfortable before extending her hands to help him clean the dark stain from his shirt.

He sat there, his eyes were wide in shock as he stared at her in disbelief. She tried to clean up the stain but it felt impossible the more she tried.

Feeling helpless and devastated about what had happened, she stood there trying to figure out her next action as her eyes were already welling up in tears.

With no option left in sight, she reluctantly began to unbutton her light ironed blue shirt which revealed her breasts slightly and a glimpse of her cleavage.

She acted so dumb for the fact that she wanted to use her shirt to wipe it off. As she raised up her eyebrows, she saw her reflected self on the glass there and and a pang of embarrassment flush on her face which made her cheeks turn red. She started rubbing his shirt. Thankfully the stain was fading out slowly. Just as she was about cleaning the remaining stain on his thighs. He grabbed her hands, his gaze filled with an intensity that sent cold shivers down her spine.

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"Stop! You are making it worse. Are you this dumb?" He asked, his voice sliced through the tense atmosphere and his tone commanding.

"Ohh, I am sorry s.... sir." She shuttered and grabbed her disheveled shit to cover her already exposed body.

"Do you think you can seduce me by removing your shirt in front of me? Redford said to her as his grip slowly loosened.

"First, you spilled hot coffee on me and now you try to seduce me?

She shook her head slightly to prove her innocence. But his deadly stare made her realize she was still not putting on her shirt.

She hastily struggled with her shit until she put it on and buttoned it as though she was having a competition with someone.

"Now get out of my sight for you disgust me, you fashionable pervert! He said to her as his voice echoed the room like a thunderstorm.

It was time to stand up for herself again.

"Well, I am sorry for not being a perfect personal assistant and for ruining your multimillion dollar clothes."

She tried to control her already fueled up anger but she found herself still speaking.

"Perhaps, you should learn how to treat people like humans and try to lower the stupid pride in you. But considering you, I can understand where your lack of manners came from but you have to work on yourself." Without waiting for his response I stormed out and entered my office leaving him speechless.....

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