Twin Tormentors By RARE

Chapter 71

“The bosses are going to love the little transformation. It looks so good on you. Right baby?”
Val called from the passenger’s seat before gently squeezing Ciello’s hand that was rested on the gear lever and looked at him
dreamily. I smiled from the backseat where I was sitting, watching the little interaction between the two little birds that were just
so in love with each other.
“Definitely. That little taint looks good in her hair.” Ciello replied with the little knowledge he has in woman’s beauty espionage
causing me to guffaw with peals of laughter.
“They are called highlights. Not taint. But I think they are going to bite my head before really accepting that I did a little change to
the hair. And just know you will carry the blame if they complain about the length.”
Following the recent rundowns, Val had asked me to join her on a spa appointment which was way too tempting to deny, (This
novel will be daily updtaed at I had pleaded with the guys who were reluctant to let me out of their sight at
first, maybe more so because I had just recovered from the surgery. But in the end, they had no choice but to agree and so I
went along.
Arriving at the spa, we were taken to the sauna, where we soaked our ovaries in crazy steam that just worked magic on my body
and skin. Although the steam had reminded me of the time I was locked in the steam room after I arrived in Dark Woods, this
was just at the right rate, and the temperature was also adjusted so well that it wouldn’t cause any bodily harm. After the sauna,
we were taken to the massage rooms where we had full-body massages. And gosh how relaxing they were. It was right at the
moment when the masseur kneaded the knots off my back did I realize that I had been under a lot of pressure; stressing over
what the death of Lorik might do to the twins.
After being kneaded and massaged to pure bliss, we were shifted to the mani-pedi sections where I just sat in a plush seat and
had two people attend to my nails, while the other was working on my hair adding some dark purple highlights. Val insisted I trim
the hair just a
little bit so that everything could all click in place. By the time we left the spa, I was so lighto
n my feet, so happy and my body so hyper I felt like I could push over a whole mountain.

And I was glad that I had agreed to the spa visit because I really needed it. Ciello arrived shortly after we got something to drink
and drove us back to the castle, and here we were, in a black Mercedes relaxed as it whooshed comfortably all the way to Dark
Woods in heavy rain. Funny how the weather can just change!
The conversation in the car was light, and I realized how happy Valerie was with Ciello. She had been right, Ciello made her feel
more alive and made her the happiest version of herself.
And that was all I could wish for her; true happiness.
We arrived at the castle and I hopped out careful not the get caught in the ruin lest I ruin my amazing hair, while they drove to the
side of the parking bay. My mind drifted to my boys and I couldn’t wait to see their reaction when they saw the nails, the hair. I
climbed up to our wing and opened my bedroom door to find it empty, then decided on a quick bath to remove the oils and get
comfy before they came back. My first thought was that they were maybe in Verzi’s office or somewhere in the tower lounge,
which gave me much time to freshen up and get ready for them.
I showered quickly and stepped out, only to be met by an empty bedroom yet again. I didn’t give it much thought because the
boys were always busy, and even though it was on a Saturday, I figured they had something that held them up so I decided to go
down to the general kitchen which was always buzzing with cooks and maids. After the theatre room and the jacuzzi, the general
kitchen was my top third favorite place in the whole castle. Because heck! Just being in that room made me feel so satisfied
because of the rich different aromas o f food swirling in the air. And the amazing fact was that there was never a time the scent
went away.
Go there at midnight you’ll find a few cooks doing the most preparing the midnight snack. Go in the evening and man, (This
novel will be daily updtaed at amazed by the efficient teamwork those guys put in to prepare the food for
everyone in the castle. Minus the guns and the mines, this was indeed a princess’s castle with maids and 10,000 salad plates.
I arrived in the kitchen and everyone quickly noticed me and of course, went in and bowed then the head cook came by and
asked me what I’d love to eat. I glanced around and my eyes landed on a stash of chocolate waffles that made my mouth
salivate with just the look and the smell. They quickly brought them to me and pointed me to a chair where I plopped my ass
down and watched as they all went about. Although my presence made them somehow fidgety, they really knew how to mask it
all off.
“Has anyone seen where the bosses are?” I asked on a mouthful of a heavenly tasting waffle, not even aware that my eyes were
closed to savor the taste.

“T-they were at the p-pool in the west wing the last time I brought s-snacks to them.” One little maid informed with a bit of a
stammer. How cute!
“Hmmm. Could they still be there? It’s been raining for a long time now.” I said peeling myself from the chair and pocketed a
good amount of waffles before leaving to hunt down my boys.
Like always, it took me a thousand years to reach our wing, let alone the pool that was at the farthest side on the rooftop. They
loved this one the most because it was so secluded and very private. I was light on my feet and on cloud nine with spongey
waffles massaging the insides of my mouth when I pushed the door open only to pause at the most heartbreaking, yet funny
sight I have ever seen. I shielded my face and hair with my hands from the harsh raindrops before I ran to the lounger and
dropped next to Enzo who was laying on the seat on his front, the heavy rain hitting his exposed back.
“Enzo!” I tried to yell over the rain and violently shook his body which was insanely hot despite the cold rain, but he didn’t even
flinch. I felt his forehead which was burning and one thing just clicked! He was running an insane high fever!
I looked around to spot where Verzi was and nearly went down crying when I spotted him inside the pool, with his arms hanging
from the edge and his lower body completely covered b y the pool water. Luckily, he was on the shallow end of the pool by the
“You’ve got to be kidding me.”I cursed as I ran to him, my new hair and nails completely forgotten, and quickly dropped on the
edge of the pool and tried to pull him out. But his body was so heavy it felt like I was pulling on a whole dang truck full of bricks.
This man was a whole dang ogre!
I felt his forehead too and then my mind went completely blank when I realized that he was also running a high fever. I got up
and literally palmed my face because it all just didn’t make sense. How the hell did they manage to fall asleep outside? IN THE
While my mind was trying to figure out how the fuck did they end up here, I spotted some towel at the small veranda which was
shielded from the rain, then ran to them and took a healthy amount. I covered each one of them with the towels, but struggled
with Verzi since h e was in the pool, then dashed inside to call for help. There was no way I was going to take them both inside. I
spotted a few guards who were sitting on the terrace enjoying the rain and they quickly came to me. At this point, I was fully
drenched, like a mad dog.

From then on, we worked so hard on getting them inside the house, the guards helped me set up two beds in my room, thanks to
the couches and then real work began:
I called for Val to send all the supplies from the medicine room and then stayed up all night,(This novel will be daily updtaed at switching from couch to couch trying to help break their fever down. I gave them the shots and put them on a
drip since they were dehydrated as fuck. By midnight, their fever broke and wild shivers took reign.
And the real drama of taking the blankets on and off just started. I exhausted myself running from couch to couch to cover them
up, they’d get so hot and throw off the blankets, then gets o cold and start shivering with teeth clanging against each other!
After a good while, I dropped on the rug between the two couches and stared blankly ahead!
So much for a reaction on my highlights and nails! (face palm)

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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