Twin Tormentors By RARE

Chapter 64

Chapter 64
“I forgive you.”
The words charged at me like a sharp dagger that gatecrashed through my heart leaving me breathless. Heat rose from my neck
and settled just right above my head, creating a cloud of intense self-loathing that made my ears deaf. With blurred vision, I
watched as she slowly sashayed out of the damp dense cellar where I was chained.
My eyes followed her movements until she was out of view. My mind reeled with all sorts of thoughts recalling all the evil things I
have committed. She had forgiven me, despite everything I had done to her. She forgave me and bathed me clean, after being
tortured by my son for how long... Heck, I didn’t even know how long I have in here without food, water, let alone taking a bath. I
reeked of death and all the things I have done in my past. Vernero always brought him a small bite of protein bar just to keep me
alive, nothing more than that. I was famished, my throat so patched it felt like it was burning. In my darkest moment where I felt
life slipping through my fingers, Leigh-Ari gave me water to drink and quenched my thirst.
Good lord, had I been wrong all these years? Was I wrong to want what’s best for my sons? Was I wrong to uproot things that
would bring them distraction? I just wanted what was best for them. I never wanted my sons to end up as low lives with nothing
to do. I wanted to pave a way for them, to sharpen them and make them unstoppable, and they were exactly what I had hoped.
What wrong did I commit in doing all that?
A lone tear escaped my eye and drizzled down my cheek. I couldn’t even believe what had just happened. When I saw her, I
thought she came in here to laugh at my face, to torment me even further and tell me how much of a failure I was, how weak and
pathetic I am. That’s what I had hoped for. Because at least I wouldn’t have felt so shitty like I was.
My heartfelt lighter, it was at that moment it dawned to me that I needed her forgiveness. I needed Leigh-Ari to forgive me for all I
have done to her. Her forgiveness was what made me look forward to my death without regret, not because I was running away
from all my sins, but because I was redeemed and ready to receive my befitting punishment.
I have hurt the only people I tried to protect, and there was no way I could ever undo all the things I did to them. But out of all the
fiasco, Leigh-Ari suffered the most. She didn’t even have to forgive me. Heck! Even if she cursed me and told me to rot in hell, I
wouldn’t cry and raise a ruckus, I deserved it. I was sp unworthy of her forgiveness, but she chose to forgive me nonetheless.

That made me feel so pathetic and low like I have never felt in all my life.
An image of Elaia flashed through my mind like a tape recorder in slow motion. Her hazel eyes and pearly white teeth with a
smile that could brighten up the whole world, she had been the most beautiful girl I have ever laid my eyes on. And instead of
cherishing her and thanking her for the wonderful gifts she gave me, I killed her. She gave me a reason to live, she gave me two
sons, but I didn’t give her the credit she deserved. I whipped her every minute of her days, cursed her, I could literally see the
angry lash marks on her porcelain skin. Despite everything I did to her, she still came home to me, to our sons, to us.
And then I killed her. With my own hands, I killed her. The look on her face when she gave out her last breath flashed even
slower. At that moment I had her lean body between my legs, straddling her, with my hands squeezing tight on her throat,
preventing all the air from entering her body and leaving. I remembered as she tried to fight me off, hitting my arms and trying to
pry my hands off her neck with her small delicate hands, but I didn’t budge.
I had throttled her until her face turned purple, her eyes had pleaded with me, as she silently begged for me to get off from her,
but I didn’t. Gosh, I killed her. she didn’t last long. She became weaker until her eyes rolled into the back of her head and her
body went limp. I didn’t let go. Even when her arms dropped to her sides I just held on tight. And my beautiful Elaia died. The
mother of my sons died and I had killed her.
I didn’t deserve Leigh-Ari’s forgiveness. I didn’t.
Soft murmurs echoed around the stone walls as Lorenzo and Vernero emerged to where they had gone off to after being
dismissed by their girl. The way they let her control them always puzzled me. My boys took orders from no man, but one word
from Leigh-Ari had them on their knees, submitting to everything she said. That never went well with me. I hated the idea of my
boys being weak, being controlled by someone else. But that little girl knew just the right words to say to them and they would do
whatever she wanted.
Was that how it is supposed to be like? To be controlled by a woman like that? To be ordered around like a headless chicken?
Was I supposed to let Elaia control me as Leigh-Ari did with the boys?
I guess we’ll never know.
I watched as the boys drew closer towards me, Enzo had his eyes on his feet as they conversed slowly. They halted and then
looked up the stairs where Leigh-Ari had taken off to, their voices were so low, so full of admiration and adoration and pure
appreciation whenever they talked about Leigh-Ari. I don’t know what that was, but I bet you my rotten life it was love. They loved
her, they always did. And I hurt her.

“See you up.” Enzo gave his brother a small hug and then climbed up, without much of a glance at my side or even a word. I
longed to hear his voice, I longed for him to talk to me and call me “pops” like he used before I sent him to the US. And how long
it has been!
I waited and waited with my breath hitched, for his voice to call me out, but what I heard was the sound of his footsteps as he
climbed up the cold, stone stairs, leaving me behind. He
hated me. And I had myself to blame for all of that. My head felt so heavy that it just dropped between my shoulders. Verzi’s
steps were all I could hear as he took steps towards me, then stood right in front of me, removing the chair from sight.
“She may have forgiven you, but I haven’t. Because you didn’t raise me like that.” He informed in a plain voice, so raw and empty
of any emotion. It hurts! Goodness, it hurts so bad.
This is what I had wanted, this is what I had hoped for, why did it hurt like this? Why did it feel like someone had my heart in their
fist, and they were angrily clenching on it with each passing second, painfully squeezing all the blood out? Why?
Had I treated him better, had I accepted him as the small, soft, and mild boy, so full of life and always supercharged, would
things be this way? The image of his toothy grin flashed in my mind, the day he had come to me holding a toad in his hands, so
happy about it. The smile on his face when his mother gifted him a bunny. He had looked at me with a huge grin and then
laughed out loud, he had been so happy.
“Do you remember Stickas?” I asked facing down, my eyes shut close because I couldn’t bring myself to look at him. I didn’t
even deserve looking at his face to see all the damage I had done to him!
“Hmmm. How can I forget him? You forced me to eat his flesh remember?” He spat stepping from my line of sight.
“Your mother gifted it to you.” I ignored his biting spite and focused on something I needed to
“I know. And then you killed her right after. It was my fault for existing. Had I not been there, maybe she’d still be alive.” He
intoned causing me to raise my head abruptly. Words seemed t o be stuck in my throat as I watched him cleaning his dagger so
unhurriedly, his face was still blank, and I so wanted to know what he was thinking. But one thing that made me feel like a dick

head was that he blamed himself. He blamed himself for his mother’s death. All these years, Vernero carried the burden of guilt,
and I caused all that. But what made me want to lose my medulla was the fact that I never knew! Heavens what have I done?
“It wasn’t your fault,” I said plainly and let the tears pour down my face. Gosh, it wasn’t his fault. He didn’t know anything, he was
a child, a lovely child who knew nothing.
“Then whose fault was it? Yours? I remember you screaming at her that she’s spoiling me. And that makes it my fault. Everything
that has happened, to mom, to my brother, to Tesoro, you did all because you hated me.” He shrugged off casually, making my
heart sink even further.
“It’s not like that. It was never your fault son. You were never at fault.” My shoulders shook as a sob wretched through me. He
didn’t reply, he didn’t have to. Vernero was one child who suffered the most. I knew intimately how I tortured him. Now when
death was right in fronto fme, I saw how stupid I was. And Vernero, my poor boy became the victim of my stupidity. He suffered
so much and I did all that. All I ever did to him was take, and take, and take until he
had nothing more to give. Even when it was to that extent, I still took from him. Until I completely took his being, and he blamed
himself. How can I be so horrible?
“I am sorry son. I am so sorry. For everything.” I intoned through a sob. I didn’t need his forgiveness, I didn’t deserve it. Even if
he chose not to forgive me, I wouldn’t blame him.
“Hmmm! I am sorry too. That I was never what you wanted.” He said and walked towards him. He stood in front of me and lifted
my head with the sharp blade of the dagger, causing its sharp edge to bite on the smooth skin under my chin.
“You suck Lorik. You are the cruelest monster this world could ever have. You killed me. You killed me completely because you
hated me. No amount of forgiveness could ever redeem your forsaken heart. Heck, even the devil himself is going to deny you.
That’s how rotten you are. Not even the devil would want you in his abode.” He yelled in my face, his words piercing so deep
inside me I felt like I was going to lose my mind. My whole body felt like it was being consumed by this raging fire that burned me
deep to my core. At that moment, I felt hell. I knew hell was real, and I was in hell.
“Hold on to Leigh-Ari. Love her the way I failed to love your mother.” I said in a small voice. M y heart shattered even further
when a lone tear drizzled down his eye.
He didn’t reply, instead, he pulled back his hand and then hurriedly jammed the dagger through my ribcage, all the way to my
heart. My eyes stayed glued to his face as he twisted itt o the side, causing it to dive even further and rapture my heart. Blood

gushed out of my mouth as seconds ticked by. I felt life running through my fingers like smooth sand, my vision gave out, and my
tongue became heavy in my mouth.
“So... S-sorry.” The words escaped my mouth, and they were responded to by a loud, tormented, tortured, and pained scream
from my beloved son. His cry accompanied me to the afterlife!

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