Twin Soul

Chapter 5: (6/8)

Kain said, "I have to go back so they wouldn't know it was me. Emelia, stay inside this room with Nanya and do not make a sound until I come back. Do you understand?"

"Yes *hic*. Thank you, mister." contemporary romance

Kain nodded and tapped into an abyss link to feel the status of the Skeleton Warrior he placed inside a dark alley. After confirming that Skeleton was still alive, Kain activated [Warp Infusion] to swapped places with it. Kain walked out from the dark alley and rushed toward Sofia's place as she and the other Intermediate Student Mages of Nosh were struggling to fight with two Ice Gargoyles.

Ever since Kain was pranked by David Bodwyn inside the Mages Council’s temple, he had learned an important lesson. The lesson was to always have a backup plan in order to get out of a deep shit situation. If David was not a Blood Mage, Kain would have died that time. That was why Kain conjured a Skeleton Warrior earlier today and commanded it to stay inside his hotel room before he left to go shopping with other students. Kain did that so he can escape using [Warp Infusion] when needed by switching places with the Skeleton inside his hotel room.

Sofia was happy to see Kain arrived. She yelled out loud, "Kain, where have you been!?"

"I was conducting an investigation in the restroom (taking a shit). What is going on here?"

"We were fighting with two powerful Blood Mages. Assist us to fight with those creatures first and I will explain later."

Kain casted [Conjure Fire Demons] three times and commanded them to fight with the Ice Gargoyles. The Demons and Gargoyles could feel that they served the same conjurer. They were confused as to why Kain would desire for them to fight each other. But because their conjurer commanded them to do it, there is nothing else they could do except fulfilling his plans.

After all the Skeleton Warriors, Fire Demons, and Ice Gargoyles that were conjured by the ‘masked Blood Mage’ were killed, Kain banished all of his creatures except for the Skeleton inside his hotel room. Kain wanted to keep his escape option available just in case someone discovered he was the masked Blood Mage.

Putting on his angelic face, Kain asked, “What has happened here?”

Sofia carefully explained to Kain what has happened about the two Blood Mages and the Twin Soul baby girl. Kain nodded and acted surprised like he did not know anything about it. About a hundred feet away, Aber kept gazing at Kain while Sofia was still explaining to him.

Kain got a little upset and wondered why this little piece of shit kept looking at him, he walked toward Aber and asked, “Shit head, why are you kept staring at me?”

Aber felt like he had met Kain somewhere before but he couldn't figure out where. After digging through his memory for several seconds more, Aber decided to let it go and said, “My apology, I shouldn’t have stared at you that long without introducing myself. My name is Aber Hardy. What is your name, shorty? Have I seen you before?”

Kain was not mad when being called a shorty. Aber is about six feet four inches tall, but that doesn’t mean Kain was short. Five feet seven inches are average heights of Toria Continents. Kain is five feet eleven inches, he is way above average.

“Kain Almos.”

“Oh… so you are Kain Almos. Nice to meet you.” Aber put his hand out and wanted to shake Kain’s hand.

“Uhm, move on.” Kain rudely refused to shake Aber’s hand as he walked away from him.

Kain walked toward Arthur and said, “Weakling, you didn’t shit your pants fighting with those Blood Mages, did you?”

“No, I could have captured them if I have enough time.”

“Yeah, right…”

Kain and Arthur walked away together while speaking to each other. Aber smirked but in his mind, he was quite offended by Kain. Never in his life before today that he felt so disrespected. Aber knew Kain did a pretty good job in the first round of the tournament, but his cocky attitude was inexcusable. Aber hoped that he would face Kain in the next round of the tournament so he could reveal to Kain his true power.

Aber approached Jaane and asked, “Little Earth Mage, are you alright?”

“I’m okay, thank you. Mister Hardy, how about you?”

“There is nothing to worry about, those Blood Mages could have never caused me any injury. Jaane, as I have said before. I can give you a tour around Flumen city. Do you want to go tomorrow?”

“I… I don’t think it's a good idea.”

“How so?”

“I will need permission from my professor.”

“Let’s go ask your professor right now.” Aber then walked toward Vincenzo.

“Mister Hardy..?” Jaane called Aber back but he totally ignored her.

After the appearance of two Blood Mages inside Flumen city, Vincenzo escorted the Student Mages of Nosh back to the hotel while four Executioners from the Mages Council placed a lockdown of the town and led over fifty thousand guards to look for those Blood Mages. A locked-down city will have all of its gates shut. Nobody will be able to leave or enter the city during the locked-down time.

Outside of Kain’s hotel room, Sofia asked, “Why wouldn’t you let me come in today?”

“I’m just a little tired. I was investigating the restroom earlier and saw that I may have eaten some bad food which caused nasty diarrhea. I will be spending time conducting more investigations.”

“Hmm… I can wait.”

“Ay, not a good idea.”


It took a while but Kain had successfully convinced Sofia not to come inside his hotel room. After carefully monitoring to see Sofia didn’t come back, Kain opened the door and walked in.

Nanya had completed healing herself and gave Kain back his Blood Pendant. Kain refused to take the Blood Pendant back and said, “You needed it more than I do. This Blood Pendant belonged to another Senior but I will explain to him later.”

“Thank you, Senior.”

“You must have better escape strategies next time. An Intermediate-tier Blood Mage can’t win against that many Master-tier magic casters, understand?”

“I have strongly disliked my reckless behavior, Senior. I was also thoughtless. I lost my mind and went berserk when I saw Emelia’s parents walking away while the guards were about to kill her. My parents also walked away from me when they discovered I was a Twin Soul child. I have let my emotions take over my actions today, this was entirely my fault.”

“Uhm… learn from your mistake.”

“Yes, Senior.”

“Nanya, who is your Master?”

“Master Eroth, but he was killed six years ago.”

“Hmm, I heard about it. A Blood Mage named Duinir Eroth was executed six years ago in Glomer city when he was trying to save a Twin Soul boy.”

“Yes, they were both killed in that incident.”

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