Twice Blessed ~ Matthew’s Story

Chapter 24 ~ You’re Adorable

Ella’s POV ~

It took three days to get the mind reading thing under control. I Now, the only thoughts that can breach my walls, are very loud ones. I can single out anyone I choose to eavesdrop on.. But, to be honest, why couldn’t I have any other superpowers? Mind reading? Seriously? Ooohh.. let me get my crystal ball and I will tell your fortune. I want to go invisible! That would be useful! Or flying! I could get used to that.

I have felt a deeper connection to the Moon Goddess since I have been marked. She looks through my eyes more frequently, now. Matthew’s healing capabilities have strengthened to the point he can heal in seconds… wounds and injuries that would take minutes.. now healed in seconds.

The oracles informed us together, we will be able to decipher a human’s mind.. even a nonbeliever. But we have to be together when we try it. So, we did.. we tried it on the human in our cells.

Not surprisingly, he didn’t have any deep thoughts. He wondered what he was having for dinner. If his girlfriend was cheating on him.. and when Edgar was going to rescue him.

Matthew mind linked my ‘fathers’ were leaving. Standing joke, now. HaHa! Very funny. Their is no paternal connection. The trio are as much strangers to me now, as the first day they popped in. If I never see them again, it would be too soon. Still creeped out!

I said my goodbyes to the oracles and they promised to check in on me from time to time. I tried assuring them it was totally unnecessary but they insisted. In triplicate. They boomed away.. the same way they arrived.

I grinned at Matthew “Want to take your wife out for some drinks? I think there might be some thinking thoughts floating around the den.”

He laughed “Some thinking thoughts… huh? You know what!? Let’s do it. We’ll grab Maverick and Calvin and make a night of it.”

I ran upstairs and took a long shower.. I had to do all the ‘girl’s night out’ preparation. Shaving my legs and… stuff. Shaping my eyebrows.. time consuming crap.

I slipped into dark skinny jeans and knee high heeled boots. Gold halter top and black leather jacket. HOTT! With two tees!

I skipped down to Matthew’s office and he was wearing dark jeans and a black tee. With a leather fucking jacket! Yes!

He looked me up and down.. pulling his bottom lip between his teeth.. Damn! My core clenched! I felt that! He smirks and “Damn! I am a lucky man!” I giggled “I am pretty damned lucky, too, Studly.” He kissed me while still laughing.

We reached the Den just as it was getting busy. A good thirty people already.. but still nearly an hour before the band’s first set. We waded through the sea of people to a booth in the corner.

Matthew went to the bar to get the first round.. and I started tuning in to conversations around us. Calvin laughed and told me I look constipated when I concentrate so hard. Asshole!

Matthew made it back, kissing my forehead.. he asked “Anything interesting popping up? It’s probably too early yet.. Beth said he usually wandered in around ten, on average.” I nodded.

I grinned “There’s a whole bunch going on, though. The two girls at the hightop table by the window are looking to get laid… and not the same guys as last week. The tall one has a small dick. The couple in the corner are arguing. Ohh nope, he just broke up with her. Now he’s trying to talk her into goodbye sex one last time. He doesn’t know she’s posting a video of him with his neighbor’s wife.. along with the audio of him begging for goodbye sex. Instagram is a beautiful thing.”

We all laughed and Maverick said “Goddess! Don’t go crawling around in my brain.” I laughed “You guys are the first ones I learned to block out. Are you kidding me? Have you heard some of the shit that comes out of Calvin’s mouth? Now, imagine.. all the things he doesn’t say out loud. It’s scary up there, dude!”

Calvin said “Heyyy! I’m not that bad!” Making Matthew laugh “Bro! You’re the worst.. which is why we love you like a brother. You’re free entertainment.”

We danced a few songs and had moved toward the back of the bar to shoot pool. Matthew and I played partners against Mav and Cal. We were playing eight ball.. and monopolizing the table.

It was my turn to grab a round, so I headed to the bar. I picked up on some loud thoughts coming through.. and listened while I waited for our drinks.

I headed back to the table, and mind linked the guys “A man in the right corner of the bar.. talking to three lone wolves. He said his name is Ray.. maybe, maybe not.. but he’s recruiting.. Talking about the Mountain Men.. and Edgar offering two hundred dollars a day.”

Maverick said “Pulled some warriors into town.. should be here in five minutes or so. It’s best to have them here and not need them.. than the alternative of needing them and not having them here.

Matthew surreptitiously made his way to the men’s room.. directly passing the table where Ray sat with the lone wolves. He wanted to memorize his face.

I stayed focused on the conversation at that table. Two of the loners were becoming interested.. while the third one seemed to be the voice of reason. I tell Matthew he might be able to speak with him about it. His name is Kevin and he works at the hardware store.

Matthew walked straight to their table “Kevin? I thought that was you! How are things going over at the hardware store? It’s been awhile.”

I sat.. facepalmed.. mind linking Matthew 🐺 I didn’t mean right this second! He chuckled telling me no time like the present.

Calvin asked “Does Matthew know that guy?” I shook my head no.. as Cal went on about that being the reason Matthew is Alpha and not him.. since he’s not as good with people.

Maverick said “Yep, Calvin! That is precisely why you’re not Alpha. Your poor people skills. Not your inability to focus on a single thought.. or stay on task.”

Matthew walked back to us and grinned “Kevin is coming out to the pack house tomorrow.. We are ordering two new doors to replace the damaged ones.” Maverick said “There’s not any damaged doors at home, Matt.” He grinned again “Calvin.. you have a job when we get home.. Let’s see how long it takes you to break through two doors, shall we?”

Calvin’s response to that was “Can I use my head like a battering ram?” I gasped and Matthew laughed “Sure you can, bro. Just don’t break your neck like last time.” What the fuck!? And they wonder why Cal struggles putting two coherent thoughts together?!

Three guys walked in the bar and I said “Don’t look now.. Fred just walked in with that Tommy and another wolf. They seem to be looking for someone.”

Matthew unobtrusively looked over at the three men and growled lowly.. He turned to Maverick and nodded .. their silent signals are frustrating.. I need to learn their particular subtle body languages.

Matthew laughed “You said that out loud, baby girl. You’re adorable!

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