Twice Blessed ~ Matthew’s Story

Chapter 2 ~ Not Helping At All

Matthew’s POV ~

My head is pounding.. not like it was.. but enough to remind me it’s there. I slept several hours, when we got back to the pack house. Mom even called Ari and Gaby home from their packs.. their mate stayed at home!

I walked into my office.. to find it packed with people. I asked “A party? And I wasn’t invited? I think we can fit a couple more people in here!”

Ari smirked “A hit so hard his memory is absent.. but didn’t affect his sarcasm!” They all laughed and I mumbled “It isn’t funny! It’s frustrating, as fuck! I remember eating dinner.. coming to my office.. then, nothing. I can’t find my phone.. I thought maybe I got a call.. or a text and went out. I don’t know, guys. I’m grasping at straws.”

Mom jumped up and said “Doc is on her way! I want her to draw some blood.. and test it. It’s been less than twenty four hours.. so.. any drug will still be in your system.. The way you’re acting, I think someone drugged you!”

I said “Who, though? I don’t even remember leaving home!?” Dad said “Let’s pull up our video feed from last night. There’s got to be a clue!”

As we watched.. an hour before dinner.. we saw a figure enter my office.. go to the liquor decanters, and pour something into the Jameson’s. Then leave. Always careful to not face the camera.

We watched as I came in, poured a drink, and sat down.. going over paperwork. Around ten minutes later, I was sweating.. and fidgeting.. I loosened my tie.. rolled my sleeves up.

My phone lit up and I answered.. a video was played.. I played it again.. then threw my phone. Stumbling out of my office.. and out the front door. I took off running towards town. No one saw me? No one tried to stop me? What the fuck!?

Then we watched that same person came back in my office.. empty the Jameson decanter, and rinse it out.. before putting more back in it.

Mom was moving cushions.. pulling out bookshelves. I asked “Mom? What are you doing?” She huffed and we hear her “Kids always asking obvious shit. What am I doing.. he wants to know what I’m doing. I’m hunting down a phone, Einstein!”

Dad said “Did you mean to say that out loud?” She moans “Nooo! I didn’t mean you’re stupid, son.” I laughed and told her “Thanks, Mom! Good to know!”

She holds up my phone with a triumphant grin. It powered on and the video was still open. She played it.. and it was Mom.. being tortured and crying.. then a voice said “If you ever want to see your mom again, meet me at the east border, alone.. NOW!”

I looked at Dalton.. “Can you see where that video originated? Now my eyes are sober, I can see it’s CGI.. not a bad one.. but clear enough. They blurred the images enough to make it look like a grainy video. Probably why I watched it twice.”

He responded “I will create an algorithm to run through it. Whoever it is, has your phone number. We have more than one traitor to ferret out.”

Doc was drawing my blood, so I just nodded.. “Dad, should we call Uncle Damien?” He nodded and pulled his phone out of his pocket.

We all went to bed.. it was going to be a busy day tomorrow. The locks on my office.. a keypad entry, from now on. ALL our offices. Drugged or not.. a traitor entered my office!

We had just got seated at the table, when Damien and Lynette walked in. She kissed my cheek and asked “Got yourself in a little bit of a pickle the other night, yeah?” I nodded and Uncle Damien clenched my shoulder “We will figure this out, Matt!”

Liam walked straight over to Marty “Grab your plate.. we are running all security videos to find where the traitor came from.. and where they went.” Marty jumped up.. slammed bacon and eggs between two pieces of toast and took off behind him.

Aunt Lynette and Mom were off to one side, whispering.. so it’s safe to assume they are talking about everything that we know, so far.

I look at the clock.. I have an hour before Ella arrives.. and I want to talk to my dad and Damien.. so I ask them to come to my office. Damien shook his head “Not until it’s checked for listening devices. Liam is in there right now.”

We stepped out back, and I said “This girl.. the one who saved me.. Ella Cassidy. She’s human.. but I think she’s my mate. She isn’t eighteen yet.. and I don’t know if humans have indicators.. but mine are all on point. Her scent.. her voice.. the sparks. How? How though? Have any of us been mated to humans before?”

Dad nodded his head “Not for awhile.. and never a ranked member, that I know of. But it’s happened. What are your plans?”

I thought about it for a minute. It’s pretty much all I have thought about. Frost snarled at me 🐺 Don’t even think it! She is my mate! I will accept no other. Ever! I want Ella! I told him to settle down! I looked at Dad and said “She is my mate for a reason. The Goddess has a plan for me and apparently that plan includes a human mate!”

Damien chuckles “Thank Goddess! I was running multiple scenarios through my head.. trying to come up with something to tell Lynette, if you rejected your mate!” Dad laughed and said “I was going to make Matthew tell his mother and sisters!”

I cringed.. “Well.. that would have sucked! I would have been flayed alive!” Damien laughed “Lynette would join them! Four women beating the daylights out of you?! Might have been worth a look-see!”

No kind of bro code among them! Not a one of them! Liam came out and said the rooms are clean.. so, at least, we haven’t been spied on. Still.. there is a matter of someone entering and leaving my office, at least twice. That can’t be done, without a key.

Maverick announced Ella had arrived.. and Frost started bouncing. Not helping the headache, buddy! Not. Helping. At. All!

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