Turning Of The Tide

Chapter 69

Chapter 69
The private room was a complete mess, with everything that could be smashed now lying in ruins,
Refusing to be defeated, Mia retrieved her phone and swiftly dialed Natalie’s number With a mischievous glint, she could not
resist yelling. “Aren’t you curious to know who was behind the incident where you were drugged at the Foster family?”
There was silence on the other end, indicating that Natalie was listening. Mia felt a sense of triumph and continued to provoke
her, “It was me. Aren’t you surprised? Do you want to know if Mr. Wilson is aware of it? Well, let me tell you, not only does he
know, but he even had someone send me the information to keep it safe. You see, he didn’t want you to find out. Why do you
think you have the right to compete with me? Just because you think you’re Mr. Wilson’s woman? Would he allow me to drug you
if he truly liked you?”
With her objective achieved, Mia felt great satisfaction, and her mood significantly lifted.
As the call ended, Natalie’s complexion turned ashen, a wave of unease washing over her. Her chest tightened, making it difficult
to draw a steady breath. Tears threatened to spill from her eyes, and she fought to hold them back.
Sensing Natalie’s distress, Sherri swiftly located a nearby parking spot and unfastened her seatbelt. Leaning closer, she looked
at Natalie with genuine concern and asked, “Natalie, what happened? Who was on the phone?”
Sherri pondered, “Natalie is a strong woman. Besides Mr. Foster’s passing, no one had made Natalie lose her cool like this. She
is clearly trying her best to suppress her emotions!”
After a moment of silence, Natalie turned her head and looked at Sherri with her bloodshot eyes as she asked, “Sherri... do you
know who is responsible for drugging us at the Foster family?”
Sherri shook her head; she genuinely did not know. It would have caused a major rift if she had known, especially considering
involvement with Hackett Blackwell.
In a trembling voice, Natalie whispered, “It was Mia Blackwell”
“That woman is utterly despicable! Is she completely unhinged? I am going to find her,” Sherri exclaimed as fury surged through
her veins. She unlocked the car, readying herself to step out, but Natalie swiftly grasped her arm, preventing her from leaving.

In a muted voice, Natalie pleaded, “Don’t go. Trevon Wilson is determined to protect her. What could you possibly do to her?”
Sherri rose her voice, “What? Trevon Wilson not only knows about it but is actively protecting her. This is unacceptable! I don’t
care if he’s Mr. Wilson or Mr. Theo. We cannot simply let this go. We must hold that woman accountable. Natalie, you wouldn’t
let her escape unscathed, will you?”
Sherri never viewed her best friend as someone who would back down in the face of bullies. Throughout their lives, she
recognized Natalie as a person who would never hesitate to seek retribution for any wrongdoing inflicted upon her.
Natalie gathered her composure, carefully navigating her delicate emotions. She shifted her gaze to the tranquil scenery outside,
drawing solace from its calming presence. Returning to Sherri, she asked, “Does Mia happen to be Trevon’s love interest?”
Instead of offering an immediate response to Natalie’s question, Sherri countered with her own.
Sensing Natalie’s somber mood, Sherri observed that it was particularly pronounced that day. She responded, “I can’t say
whether Mia is considered a romantic interest, but... she happens to be Mr. Wilson’s ex-girlfriend.”
Natalie nodded understanding and pondered, “No wonder he’s fiercely protective of her. That explains how she accessed
Trevon’s phone and effortlessly examined the chat history. It also clarifies how she could send me a screenshot of my message!”
At this moment, the weight of heartache settled upon Natalie. The realization pierced through her as she comprehended the
depth of the betrayal. Her supposedly devoted husband had been aware of his ex-girlfriend’s role in the drugging incident, yet he
willingly relinquished the evidence into her hands.
Natalie contemplated, “What is there for him to fear? Is he concerned that I will bully his precious darling? How devoted is he!”
Sherri looked at her dejected friend and asked carefully, “Natalie, are you... in love with Mr. Wilson?”
That seemed to be the sole explanation that Sherri could fathom for her friend’s deep distress. Otherwise, why would Natalie be
so upset by Trevon’s betrayal? Natalie would not have reacted if she were not concerned about Trevon’s relationship with
another woman. She might have stated, “It’s none of my business.”
In matters of love, it is often said that the one who falls first is the one who suffers the loss.
Natalie knew that she had lost her cool. However, the profound sense of heartbreak and distress was inevitable as this marriage

been chosen for her by her grandfather.
She felt like a complete failure. Despite mentally bracing for an amicable divorce, she never anticipated the profound devastation
coursing through her veins. It seemed as though her husband, in collaboration with his mistress, had orchestrated a cruel
conspiracy against her. It felt surreal as if her life had been transplanted into a dramatic television series unfolding before her
bewildered eyes.
Natalie went over everything in her mind with a wry smile and mused, “How absurd. I never anticipated developing any feelings
for him. Perhaps it’s because I lack much experience with men.”
Noticing Sherri’s surprise, Natalie continued with her self-deprecation. “Don’t give me that look. Please, don’t worry. I’m perfectly
fine,” she assured, masking any hint of vulnerability. “I haven’t fallen in love with him. At most, it’s just a fleeting fondness. Now
that I see things clearly, I can cut my losses in time. I’m not at a complete loss. The only aspect that troubles me is that my
grandfather arranged this marriage. He had only wanted me to find happiness, but it seems this union is shaping up to be an
even greater disappointment than my mother’s. I can only apologize to my grandfather for failing to live up to his well-intentioned
Sherri, overcome with empathy for her dearest friend, felt her eyes welling up with tears. Unsure of how to offer solace, she
leaned in and enveloped Natalie in a heartfelt embrace and sincerely consoled, “It’s alright. Our lives don’t have to revolve
around men. I am here with you, and we should never settle for any scumbag. Natalie, you deserve someone far better. Your
world will be imbued with beauty once you distance yourself from these toxic relationships. In just over a month, you will blossom
into a radiant flower once more, and the men who truly appreciate you will go to extraordinary lengths for you, even if it means
circling the entire city of Athana.”
Natalie laughed lightheartedly at the flattering words, playfully patting Sherri on the shoulder. Stepping out of Sherri’s embrace,
she teased, “What’s gotten into you? Do you think I’m some beauty wandering around Athana in endless circles? Why not claim
I’ve circled the entire Earth while you’re at it? Besides, aren’t you the one getting married? If you decide to become a nun
because of me, I can already picture your mother hunting me down in the dead of night!”
Sherri playfully scratched her head, a warm smile gracing her face, “Isn’t that just stating the obvious truth? If you truly decide
not to marry, I’ll be right by your side. I’ll stand by my best friend no matter what, even if it means putting my life on the line.”
“Let’s go for pizza!” Natalie laughed.
Sherri glanced at her best friend and, seeing that Natalie’s emotions had calmed down, she started to move forward.

Sherri was not surprised that her best friend, Natalie, had developed feelings for Trevon. It was hardly surprising, considering his
handsome appearance and well-built physique aligned perfectly with a woman’s aesthetic. This allure proved irresistible for
Natalie, who had not been exposed to many men before. Moreover, the significant amount of time they spent together day after
day only deepened and intensified those feelings.
The length of time spent together does not necessarily determine the development of feelings. Some individuals can spend
years. together without forming any emotional connection, while others can instantly and profoundly bond from their first
Love and emotions cannot be quantified by time or constrained to a linear progression. They are deeply personal and subjective,
transcending rigid timelines or predetermined sequences. Guided by the desires and inclinations of the heart, they are often
ignited by a profound sense of connection and attraction between individuals,
Although Sherri had not been in any romantic relationship, she had watched numerous TV dramas that depicted various types of
love, and she had learned many lessons from these shows.
Furthermore, Trevon played a significant role in Natalie’s life. He had been involved in moments of intimacy, including assisting
Natalie with changing clothes and sharing meals, and recently, they even engaged in a physical relationship. The first time is
important for a woman, and Mr. Wilson can be regarded as Natalie’s first intimate partner.
“Oh, he is not a good person,” Sherri quietly sighed while carefully analyzing the reasons for Natalie’s attraction to Trevon.
At this moment, the unsuspecting man sat in his chair, scrolling through his phone.
He thought to himself, “No messages all morning. By now, this woman should be awake. Hasn’t she seen the news?”
Opening the chat interface, he discovered it still displayed the last received payment information.
Revealing a glimmer of coldness, the man’s deep pupils shifted towards Jim, who sat across from him. He inquired, “Is the news
still trending?”
“Are you referring to the trending topics about you and Miss Mia? Yes, they’re still trending. Do you want them taken down?” Jim
carefully asked.
After a minute had passed, Trevon cleared his throat and posed the question, “Has she sent you any messages?”

A little confused, Jim clarified, “Who?”
Trevon chose not to dignify the foolish question with a response. Instead, he cast a disdainful glance, leaving the other person to
interpret it for themselves.
Fortunately, Jim was not oblivious and swiftly grasped the underlying significance of the look. “Ah, you’re referring to Mrs.
Wilson? Let me check,” he promptly offered.
Muttering to himself, he unlocked his phone to check. “No, she hasn’t. Mrs. Wilson didn’t send me any messages today,” he
The man’s face darkened, and he cast an unfriendly gaze upon Jim. “Do you frequently exchange messages with her?” he
Jim quickly replied, “No, absolutely not. How could that be? I always seek your approval before responding to Mrs. Wilson.”
With a softened tone, the man instructed, “Alright, you may leave.”
Jim Hawk pondered silently, “So Mr. Wilson is waiting for a message from Mrs. Wilson? He’s quite stubborn. Why doesn’t he take
the initiative and message her himself? Does it always have to be Mrs. Wilson initiating the conversation?”
As Jim was about to depart, the man interjected, “Remove the trending topics. Clear them entirely.”
“Okay,” Jim replied. However, this time he intentionally delayed action, purposefully taking half an hour to remove the news

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