Turning Of The Tide

Chapter 470

Chapter 470
Early the next morning
Rose skipped down the stairs, while Frank followed behind, carrying two suitcases. His gaze was fixed on his sister’s feet
“If you don’t want to go to Haildland and prefer to stay in the hospital, then keep jumping around, Frank remarked
Sure enough, in the next second, Rose walked obediently
She had made a complete mating plan with Edward. Nothing must go wrong
When they arrived downstairs, Mr. and Mrs. Roberts instructed. “Be careful Rose, do you have enough money? If not, Daddy will
give you more
Before Rose could speak, Frank said teasingly. “Someone is paying”
“That won’t do. Edward and I are dillerent. How can we be the same?” William glared at his annoying son, Frank.
Frank disregarded William’s gaze and pushed the suitcase out to the car.
Rose said. “Daddy, I have enough money. I received some pocket money from Frank last night. If it’s not enough, I’ll ask him for
Grace said. “Have fum”
“Okay, Mommy Rose said playfully as she hugged Grace, William, and Frank before walking out with a hint of disdain. When she
arrived at the courtyard, Edward was already waiting there. Upon seeing the Roberts couple, he politely greeted, “Mr. Roberts,
Mrs. Roberts.”
William put on airs and spoke unhurriedly, his hands behind his back, resembling a dean. “Yes, take good care of Rose, he said.
It anything went wrong, it would be disastrous.
Edward replied. “I will
Compared to William’s take attitude, Grace was much more polite. She calmly replied, “Hello”

After the Roberts couple left, Frank handed the suitcase to Edward. “Take it. We’re going different ways. Carry it yourself, he
Edward smiled and took the suitcase. He opened the trunk and placed it inside. “I’ll protect her, he promised.
Remember what you said. Protect her well,” Frank emphasized, with only one request in mind: for Rose to be happy and afc.
Rose thought. “We’re at the same airport. Why are we taking different routes?”
gnoring his sister’s doubts, Frank got into the car and started the engine. Rose was left puzzled, but Edward understood er
concerns. “Perhaps your brother boarded the plane at a different time than us. Let’s go,” he rea**ured her.
rank was heading to Sapphire City on a private plane, which could be accessed at any time without any issues. On the ther
hand, Rose and Edward were purchasing tickets. Although the Landor family also had a private plane, Rose was
ferent from other girls. She enjoyed actively participating in life.
he felt that on the private plane, it was just her. Edward, and the captain, which made the journey quite dull. Buying kets for
commercial flights, on the other hand, offered the possibility of encountering interesting experiences. After all, isn’t the beauty of
life often discovered during various journeys?
ter getting into the car, Rose automatically buckled her seatbelt. Before Edward started the car, he apologized, saying. ose, I
have a business meeting with a client at noon, so...”
se interrupted, saying, “Then go ahead. I won’t get lost, anyway. Are you going to talk in Flaililand too?
1. ah. I might be a little late. I’ll come back as soon as we finish talking. I apologize for any inconvenience,” Edward replied. ell,
it’s just a small matter. It’s not like you’re going to another country to discuss something. It’s fine. Go ahead and don’t ry
about me. I’ll wait for you in the room, Rose replied, rea**uring Edward
ward was taken aback by Rose’s words, sensing a deeper meaning behind them. “Okay,” he froze and replied.
en he arrived at the airport, Kyle was already waiting
ing Rose, he nodded as a greeting. Kyle looked at the two of them with their fingers intertwined and had an expression

w hours later, the three of them arrived at the hotel in Haililand. Kyle walked in front of Rose with the luggage and it to the front
desk to get the room cards.
bak with the men can and handed one ut sem na Kidwand there in this hostel is quite mich darà ove sedam de la table the petal
wite thesh net wondable.
bibt mint Whe
awarding in krantand de sus deps to a vite te wacht two fam
One whom han is boughs were implete on that want wat well behaved the could guarantee that Shore plating was well prey
GENARNE. Äre pressed the bure the the toe the pley or dowly went up to the 19th Hesse
room, he and I meet you downstans in the tall at twelve
Shed pod and get the kes cand se ter the room. The moon waters huxurious, but it was not a suite with many
rachelise apa, with everything ilang one men and one bed
then he sare the
of the word had a guess Arie’s move. However, he could not expose it He
keberg Rose, there’s by one on and one bed Why don’t I go downstates and
here are my her NK
Cestousy Rose was the sum
over de qualy aged the situation and was tot a pretentious person. She had tee the patters of both parties with ward and had
been talking to them for a long time. So be it there are two Sarees to vicegung on the stime bed. We can os ingecher without
anything happening Our bears are calm and pure

After saning that she even paned awards shoulder Mefend acting like a big boss When she was done, she even madded as
express her encouragement
geweldiges, at this meinen Perhaps he was not as pure as Rose said.
Where anong bee bugete Rose proven the som She was too awake on the plane just now and did not fall sleeg. She wanted to
catch up on her eps that he could enjoy her time later
The a**istant besale Edward was quite good looking but he spoke very little. He couldn’t say anything more than Edward I was
unclear bow the me of them usually
is she thought about
reging on the pillow. The Bankee was
When wand came out of the bathroom after changing his clothes, he saw Rose
creed and her phone was pressed under one side of her face
Bard walked closer and gently turned Rose ever Be covered her with the blanket and turned her phone to silent mode. led it on
the bead of the bed and rubbed her cheek. Perhaps it was a little itchy, and Kose touched her face with her
and stood be the bed and watched for a while before quietly leaving the n nom
e was already waiting downstar Award and to him “You did it on purpose
le may understood what and meant because he indeed did it on purpose. He hoped that Ndward and Rose u noe so there. I
would be better if they could take their relationship further and get married. You’ve been stagnant
long time. You have to move forward de sad
2 guessed that Rose did not object to his arrangement Odherwise. Rowand would not have such an expression and made she
did tot object, it means that she does not die you ve sat

and didn’t know how to respond to this so he sing remained silent. He believed in betting nature take its course. As :as Rose
wasn’t willing he wouldn’t make any as towards her
aght ole helped the half–drunk Adward to the door and rang the doorbell After ringing for a long time, there was no
ase was about to run around and go to the next room, the door to Ndward’s wom opened Rose, still wearing her ning dress,
rubbed her sleepy eyes and squinted at the two people in front of her
atment, Beward’s cheeks and neck were red. He leaned against Kyle in a dare, a strong smell of alcohol emanating his body. He
was quiet and would not make a fuss even when ditunk Rose already halt awake, yawned and asked, “T
rds entire weight was on Kyle as he mumbled in a da. Go to your room. Rose doesn’t like it
ing Edward’s drunken instructions. vie continued to speak to Rose. Yes the contract has been negotiated. He had a
deks. Tim Ty
so heard Bowan’s words. Even in his chunk se, he was still concerned about whether she liked him or not Her ached slightly, but
she was also deeply touched Edward bad always been considerate of her feelings okay
give to Rose sasi, refer to tak
hapter 470
“No. Fin going to sit on the sofa and try to sober up. Could you please call the customer service and ask them to change the
sheets? It smells like alcohol, and I don’t want you to be uncomfortable sleeping at night.” Edward replied, concerned about
Rose’s comfort.
As there was indeed a noticeable smell. Rose didn’t object and called customer service directly. Edward. half–lying on the sofa
and awake, could see the concern in Rose’s eyes. “Are you still feeling unwell? Should we go to the hospital?” she asked.
genuinely worried about his well–being.
Despite his own discomfort, Edward’s concern for Rose’s comfort and well–being was evident. His selflessness and
thoughtfulness made him more than just a warm person; he was truly a remarkable and caring individual
Edwand pinched his eyebrows and neck with his fingers, trying to alleviate the discomfort. “No need to go to the hospital. Im
feeling much better now Just give me half an hour.

Alright. Rose replied, her worry evident in her voice. She had never taken care of a drunk person before, so she was unsure of
what to expect. She made a mental note that if Edward still felt uncomfortable later, she would take him to the hospital for further
A few minutes later, customer service arrived and cleaned the room, changing the sheets as requested.
She even placed a refreshing fragrance in the room.

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