Turning Of The Tide

Chapter 317

Chapter 317
The following morning, a man was dressed in a black T-shirt adorned with an intricate constellation design on the chest, paired
with deep gray jeans and limited edition white cushion shoes. He added a black baseball cap casually to his ensemble.
Strolling toward the entrance of Sapphire City University, the man’s hands comfortably rested in his pockets. Upon arrival, he
greeted the security guard with a nod of respect. The guard’s lips curved into a smile encountering a harbinger of wealth.
upon his
presence as if
The man strolled, exuding a demeanor of casual nonchalance. His swiftness carried a relaxed, unhurried rhythm, suggesting a
lack of urgency. Halting midway, he leaned against a roadside tree. With his back against the trunk, one foot rested against the
tree, adopting an aura of unconventionality and roguish charm.
Amidst the university’s academic atmosphere, he was an anomaly as he could not blend in with his surroundings.
The charisma of an attractive and unique man had its way of drawing women’s attention. Two young ladies dressed in elegant
attire could not resist gravitating toward the tree. One of them initiated a conversation, her voice laced with curiosity as she
asked, “Excuse me, are you a student of Sapphire City University?”
The man did not lift his gaze as he maintained his posture. It was evident he harbored no inclination for dialogue.
He retrieved his phone from his pocket and typed a message while the other hand remained in his pocket.
His demeanor reflected disinterest and detachment, practically broadcasting the message, “Keep your distance,”
The girl next to her companion discerned his lack of interest in interaction. She gently tugged her friend’s sleeve and whispered.
“Let’s move on. Shall we go to the library”
Nevertheless, captivated by the man’s enigmatic aura, the girl who initiated the conversation was not ready to give up. She
gently urged her friend to pause. Mustering her most charming smile, she asked, “Can we get to know each other? I am in the
Broadcasting Department. I’m often chosen to host the graduation ceremonies at Sapphire City University. L
The man found her persistent chatter rather bothersome. Ava Turner’s verbosity was bearable, but this girl’s words became a
grating nuisance. Without lifting his gaze, he responded curtly, “What does it matter to me?”

The girl exhibited equal pride. Being enrolled at Sapphire City University was no small feat, and if she did not meet specific
standards, approaching an apathetic individual like him would feel like lowering her standards.
Were it not for his striking appearance, she might not have taken an interest. Her pursuit of conquest surged, prompting a
coquettish flick of her hair. She asked, “If you’re not attending Sapphire City University, which university do you attend?”
The girl’s companion found herself in an awkward position Why would her friend try to hit on such an aloof guy? Feeling
uncomfortable, the companion nervously shuffled her feet on the ground.
The man stayed silent for a while. After a moment, a few words slipped from his lips as he said emotionlessly.
Homeschooled University.”
The two girls were locals from Sapphire City. They pondered for a while, racking their brains and almost resorting to searching
online. The girl who had started the conversation tried to echo his words, and she muttered, “Homeschooled University. Is that a
foreign university?”
The man’s focus remained on his phone, his silence unwavering. The messages he dispatched had yet to garner replies.
Little did she know that Ava and Alex had been watching at the door for a few minutes. It was not strange for Ava to witness this
scene. Frank was an attractive man. Otherwise, she would not have taken a fancy to him at first glance.
It was normal for attractive people to be coveted.
At the same time, this also meant that she had good taste in men.
On the other hand, Alex held a contrasting viewpoint. She detected a trace of envy within Ava. It appeared that Ava might be
slightly envious of the attention the man was receiving. Clearing her throat, Alex interjected as she said, “Ahem, Ava, is your
envy radar malfunctioning? Isn’t it about time we...”
That subtle throat clearing served as a genuine signal. The man’s attention was seized, causing him to raise his head. Turning to
the two girls, he projected a frosty expression and uttered, “I’m already taken, ladies.”
Nearby, Ava overheard his words and could not help but chuckle softly. Mentally, she awarded him a point, and he passed the
minimal criterion of 63 points.
Then, she feigned indifference and resumed her walk to the library. As she passed by, she covertly directed her gaze toward

the tree.
The man’s lips curved into a smile as he stood up to tidy his outfit. Then, he trailed behind her silently, his eyes focused on her
retreating figure.
The two girls trailed closely behind, not in a desperate chase but converging toward the same destination-the library. Ava cast a
sidelong glance and noticed the man had caught up with them. Her joy heightened, and Alex turned her head,
musing. “Ava. Frank seems to be quite the heartthrob. Should I hang back so you two can have some time together?”
Alex sensed Ava’s fondness for the handsome stranger and decided she needed an excuse to leave the couple alone. The
situation had shifted; this guy was irresistibly attractive. If things went awry, it could unsettle Ava.
Ava was composed and discerning. She did not share Alex’s view Walking alongside her friend, she confidently replied, “Not
need. If others easily sway him, then i have misjudged him. But I trust my instincts.”
With those words, she held her head high, radiating self-assurance, as she continued walking beside Alex.
Frank followed in silence, observing her with a smile, his gaze steady on the contour of her head.
Inside the library, tranquility reigned. Many individuals were already seated, engrossed in their studies.
The second, third, and fourth floors were occupied. Ascending to the second floor, Ava and Alex sought out their desired books
from the rows of shelves.
The shelves towered above them. Ava circled around and identified her sought-after book. While initially thinking of asking Alex
to retrieve it, she shifted her stance. Instead, she confidently addressed Frank, who was leaning casually against the bookcase,
and she said. “Fetch that book for me”
There was no subject, only a self-assured command.
Frank straightened up without missing a beat. He did not exhibit surprise. He stood before Ava and inquired, “That database?”
The proximity between them was intimate, and his breath gently brushed her face as he spoke. Her checks tingled, and the
library’s stillness echoed with the rhythm of her racing heartbeat.
Alex observed the scene unfold from the corner of her eye, and she thought, “Oh dear, he is far too captivating. Ava would not be
able to resist him”

Ava’s gaze lowered, her toes curling slightly inside her shoes. She nodded.
With one hand resting against the bookcase, Frank extended the other to the book Ava sought. Even though he had the book
within his grasp, he lowered his head and asked. “This pertains to your curriculum for the upcoming semester. I would not
recommend delving into it.”
The inclination to escape flickered in Alex’s mind as she thought. “Why would I escape? It’s because this guy is far too
calculative. He even seems aware of Ava’s subjects for the next semester, as though he’s been plotting. Even I, who spend
nearly daily with her, do not know about this.”
Ava’s gaze held firm as she confirmed, uttering. I want that book”
She needed to get ahead in her studies to graduate early. She had consulted her professor about early graduation and how she
could compress three years of coursework into just one and a half years.
In this timespan, she had to excel in character, participate in public service and group activities, adhere to regulations, score
above 85 in her courses, accumulate sufficient credits, pass her thesis defense, and apply for early graduation. Her professor
had outlined the steps, and she was ready to work diligently, for she needed to get a jump on the subsequent courses.
As he observed Ava’s resolve, Frank lifted his hand and handed her the desired book, a hint of skepticism flickering in his
thoughts and a subtle smile at the corner of his lips.
Clurching the book close to her chest, Ava’s heart raced. She found a secluded spot and settled in.
Alex took a seat beside Ava, facing Frank. She felt like a third wheel.
For Alex, who was unaccustomed to such scenarios, every fiber of her was buzzing with embarrassment. She tentatively
addressed Ava, who sported a faint blush, and asked, “Should I use the restroom?”
Through that utterance, Alex left the decision of a restroom visit entirely in Ava’s hands.
Ava had deliberately brought Alex to the library for some dedicated study time. In a gentle tone, she asked, “Aren’t you reading
“Of course I am. But I can’t focus. I can’t concentrate due to my pressing need for the restroom,” Alex replied as she fabricated a

Despite Ava’s intention for Alex to study diligently, she did not want her friend to endure discomfort while reading. Ava nodded in
understanding, silently urging her to leave promptly and return.
Just as Alex got to her feet, a magnetic voice reached her ears, “Thanks for that, mate.”
“Uh... you’re welcome. Goodbye,” Alex stuttered in response.
Frank nodded in acknowledgment.
Ava silently mused. “He thanked her for using the restroom. Well, she did not assist him in that regard.”
She kept her comments to herself, and brushed off that rough thought.
As anticipated Alex took an extended time to return, and Ava suspected that their productivity for the day might be compromised
A hun h told her that her friend had sneaked away
Just as she was about to grab her phone to message Alex, a familiar low voice echoed. She won’t be rejoining you.”
“Just as 1 thought, she slipped away. Ava thought to herself
“Oh,” Ava murmured, feigning engrossment in her reading. In reality, not a single word registered in her mind. The man proved
quite the distraction.
Just as Alex had notes the man impeded her reading progress-much like he interfered with her artistry. The opening page held
her captive for an extended period, as if she were mentally arranging each word
This could not persist She lifted her head, meeting eyes with Frank’s carefree gaze. He held a book akin to hers, engrossed in its
contents. It also belonged to the domain of computer science. While she was stalled on the first page, he had already traversed
to the fifth
She pondered whether he detected her attention. Frank met her mildly vexed expression and quirked a smile. “You cannot seem
to focus he remarked.
It was an affirmative sentence and not a question.
Sincerity compelled Ava to confess, and she said. Tm awarding you 7 points. You’ve passed the test.”

Her ears reddened after her admission She hastened to press her palm against her heated cheeks and the cool surface of the
table With pursed lips and puffed cheeks, she transformed her countenance to conceal the urge to burst into laughter
Frank perceived her intent but did not expose it. He allowed a smile to grace the corner of his lips and said. “Hmm, let me
teach you that’
The book encompassed topics set for the next semester, which was challenging for the young girl Frank’s elucidation would
undeniably simplify comprehension Observing Ava’s incredulous gaze, he clarified again, saying, “I know this topic. I can
teach you
Concise and direct, Ava grasped the notion and responded, “Oh”
Eager to learn. Ava naturally welcomed the prospect of free topic elucidation After all, it conserved her mental faculties, and
allowed her to learn the subjects more efficiently.
Mr. Roberts extended a concise explanation, and she absorbed it with unwavering attention, assuming the role of a diligent
student. Yet, she could not resist glancing at the captivating instructor during his impromptu lecture.
“Lasten to me first. You can stare at me later. Frank advised with earnestness
Caught in the act, Ava experienced a twinge of embarrassment and answered with a sheepish smile, “Oh”

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