Turning Of The Tide

Chapter 314

Chapter 314
The warm and bright rays of sunlight fought a desperate battle to pierce through the canopy, yet its efforts were in vain.
Surrendering, the sun allowed its rays to refract across the ground and the lawn.
The shade canopy remained resolute, casting unyielding shadows on the yard beneath it.
The card game had commenced.
Trevon cradled his young son. Jasper, in his arms as he managed the deck of cards with a single hand. Beside them, Natalie
intermittently fed pieces of fruit to Trevon and their son, Jasper.
The latter action was not a conscious decision on Natalie’s part. Jealousy knows no bounds. Even the affection a son receives
can ignite us flames. Thus, she had to tend to both her beloved “sons.”
After numerous rounds of games, Hackett and his companions found themselves consistently outplayed Their initial confidence
had been shattered, leaving them struggling in the game. Hackett sighed and said, “This isn’t enjoyable at all. Can’t you allow us
to win for once? We’re merely playing cards, not waging war.”
Witnessing Hackett’s waning spirits. Jasper hastily played a pair of clown cards and exclaimed excitedly. “A pair!”
“My dear Jasper, your father is already thoroughly defeating me in this game, yet you present a pair of clowns. At this rate, I will
suffer utter defeat, Hackett said with a smile, his gaze tenderly fixed upon the endearing Jasper.
Natalie emitted a soft chuckle. Jasper had actively participated in the game for over half an hour without a hint of boredom. He
continuously attempted to contribute to the game at every opportunity.
Hearing Hackett’s words, Trevon proudly declared, “Te is my biological son, and we are in complete agreement with each other.”
With a fond gesture, he playfully tousled his son’s hair, believing him to be a well-behaved young boy who knew how to protect
his father.
Upon hearing that, Hackett found himself at a loss for words.
Seated beside them, Frank played his hand and advised Hackett, “If you maintain silence and keep your nonsense to yourself,
your mind will gain agility and focus. Give it a try.”
Following this, he shared a knowing glance with Trevon, both men understanding their forthcoming strategy for the next

Henceforth, Hackett maintained absolute silence and did not utter a single word. Trevon leisurely played his cards, and
remarkably, Hackett emerged victorious in the next round.
Following his victory, Hackett pondered, “Perhaps I’m not cut out for multitasking. Concentration may lead to triumph and good
But, little did Hackett know Trevon had intentionally allowed him to win this round.
Frank diligently supported Ava throughout the game on the opposing side, suppressing her opponents and anticipating her cards
and moves. He synchronized his plays with hers, trying to help Ava exhaust the cards in her hand.
With Frank playing as her shield, it became a two-on-one situation.
Each time Ava emptied her hand, her countenance bloomed into a radiant smile, and it was a delightful spectacle.
In a deep, husky voice, Frank asked Ava, “How many cards are in your hand?”
Unperturbed by her defeat, Rose interjected and said, “You’re blatantly cheating now. This is hardly fair.”
Ava grappled with whether to inquire about her teammates’ card count. During her past games with Alex and others, she had
never probed her partners about their cards. Now cornered, she hesitated, unsure whether to answer Frank’s question.
Frank glanced at his sister and responded, “We’re no different from you. We’re merely mindlessly discarding our cards.”
Noticing Ava’s silence, Frank paused his play and turned his attention to the blushing girl beside him. In a gentle and somewhat
seductive tone, he inquired. “Hmmm? How many cards remain in your possession?”
Frank’s fleeting gaze caused Ava’s cheeks to flush uncontrollably. In a soft whisper, she replied hesitantly. “Four.”
Frank swiftly comprehended her situation and played a 3 card. Rose harbored no reservations about their overt manipulation,
and she consoled herself with the fact that the loser had some perks.
Turning to Alex, she asked, “Alex, do you have any straights?”
Hearing Rose’s question, Alex contemplated, “Why not reveal all my cards?”

Confidence radiated from Frank as he reclined in his chair, his legs spread apart, his muscular arms poised in defiance. In a
casual tone, he remarked, “You have the option to unveil all your cards.”
Rose scoffed and replied, “Cheater, that’s not allowed”
As he played, Frank’s arms occasionally brushed against the sleeves of Ava’s white shirt, whether by design or coincidence.
Ava’s heart experienced tumultuous fluctuations throughout the game, akin to a roller coaster ride.
Ava felt an overwhelming nervousness, prompting her to snack on the different cakes and pastries in an attempt to calm her
tumultuous heart.
Emma and Joseph occupied the second-floor balcony, gazing upon the yard’s unfolding scene below.
Joseph and Emma lingered on the balcony for over half an hour after politely excusing themselves from the yard to grant the
guests some space. Despite the distance. their presence cast an undercurrent of unease.
At a glance. Ava’s face radiated smiles mingled with a touch of shyness. Joseph and Emma’s observant eyes even caught her
occasional glimpses of Frank.
Holding a book, Emma delicately removed the bookmark and placed it on the page. Seated gracefully on a white wicker chair,
she spoke gently. Your sister’s affection for that young man holds more weight than one might think. It borders on love. Even if
you examine the situation, it’s unlikely that her feelings for him will change *
Joseph fiddled with Jasper’s Rubiks cube as he sat beside his mother. After a swift look towards Frank, he replied, “Mom, I
understand that ”
Emma’s perceptiveness was matched by her trust in Ava’s judgment. When that young man returns to Athana, return the secret
defense map to him.” Emma instructed her son.
The secret defense map could function as leverage against Frank but feelings coerced by manipulation would not be pure.
Genuine, unforced emotional expressions held the greatest beauty, and Ava did not require such reinforcements in her budding
Frank’s offer to stake his family’s fate was his earnestness and a way of conveying his feelings for Ava. Emma and Daniel were
content with his actions, further elevating their opinion of Frank

However, no one would intervene and interfere in the unfolding dynamic between Frank and Ava
The family consistently respected their children, allowing them to mature organically Each phase of growth should not be
prematurely disrupted Undergoing each stage naturally held more value than a multitude of counsel
Of course, it’s not about exposing children to danger without proper awareness. Like what they did with Frank Emma, and Daniel
evaluated their personalities, delved into emotional dynamics between the couple, and facilitated Ava’s organic experiences
within a secure framework
Joseph nodded in agreement. He had no intention of exploiting the secret defense map against Frank. I will return it to him, he
Emma then instructed. “I am going back to my room. You tend to affairs here. Your father has a late meeting and will not return
home until later tonight. Also, escort that young man s sister home”
Detecting a trace of unusual anticipation in his mother’s eyes. Joseph smiled his lips curving upwards. He added with a grin
“Mom, you’re overthinking again. There is no need to anticipate anything between me and Frank’s sister. It would have done so
years ago if our connection were meant to flourish. You need not worry about me. I’ve already arranged a private jet for
her return
Emma felt extremely helpless. Persuasion would prove futile if her son were not inclined to pursue a relationship. Love was
bound by destiny. For instance, Ava had numerous admirers at university, yet none piqued her interest.
However, upon arriving in Athana, she fell for this young man. Despite the distance. fate united them.
Emma resolved to allow her son’s path to unfold naturally. Despite excelling in his career and character, he held no desire to
pursue any romantic relationships.
With Emma’s departure. Joseph remained alone on the balcony, gazing at the stars and moon. He inadvertently slipped into
deep contemplation Solitude held its own merit. Witnessing his two sisters happiness was sufficient for him.
He had no excess affection and love to extend to others. Besides that, Joseph was engrossed in his pursuits and had no time
to spare
As evening descended, the estate hosted a bonfire party.

Joseph had prepared a high-quality speaker. The speaker was currently playing music that infused the gathering with a lively
The elongated, melodious tunes wafted through every corner of the estate. The wind also joined the party, sweeping into the
vibrant scene and offering a gentle breeze to all the guests who were present. Tree branches and blossoms swayed in response
to the music’s rhythm.
The melody encapsulated young men and women’s joy, confidence, and smiles, blooming in the picturesque estate. Laughter
reverberated, each note resonating in their hearts.
Jasper discarded his previously aloof demeanor, struggling to move to the music. His dancing improved, shedding its initial
Having attended such gatherings in various countries. Rose recognized the fun diminishes without games. A circle formed
as everyone sat down
She proposed enthusiastically. Thave a game suggestion, and no objections will be entertained. You must accomodate me as I
leave in an hour and a half Let me share the rules with everyone First, we will start with me. For each round, we will count from
one to 99 in chronological order. Anyone saying a number containing eight must skip the number and gently pat the next
person’s head. The count then resumes. The person who gets it wrong must either dance or sing as a penalty What does
everyone think of this game?
Hackett held Sherri’s hand as they sat cross-legged on the ground. He squinted slightly and inquired. “Rose, am I mistaken or
was your game originally based on the number seven”
Without hesitation. Rose responded confidently. “Because the number eight is my favorite number”
Subsequently, Hackett fell into silence. Next to them, Natalie chuckled lightly. “Sherri’s new spouse suggests you continue
concealing your identity”
Hackett thought the term “new spouse” had a pleasant ring to it. It sounded fresh. In response, he playfully gestured, zipping his
lips in Natalie’s direction

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