Turning Of The Tide

Chapter 150

Chapter 150
Entering the room, Ethan stood silently by the doorway, watching the two doctors examine Natalie. The doctor began by
checking her temperature and reported, “39.5 degrees.”
In the grip of a high fever, Natalie murmured incoherently, her words indiscernible. Ethan’s anxiety grew, prompting him to ask,
“How is she doing?”
The doctor replied honestly, advising. “Miss Natalie has a dangerously high temperature. She requires an intravenous saline
solution. After administering the injection, I will have a nurse stay with her. As both of us are males, it would be inappropriate to
remain in the room. Furthermore, her inability to speak means she won’t be disturbed.*
Ethan understood the reasoning. He could see Natalie’s discomfort from his vantage point at the doorway. Her brow furrowed in
pain. Recognizing his limitations as a male attendant, he realized it would be impractical for him to assist with tasks such as body
care. If he attempted to do so, he could risk compromising his well–being for the following day. “In that case, please make
yourselves comfortable on the living room sofa. Wait until Miss Natalie’s temperature subsides, and then you can leave.”
The doctor nodded in agreement, saying, “Very well, I will start the saline infusion. As he began the procedure, he instructed the
mute nurse, “You can stay in the room and attend to her. Wipe her arms and forehead with a damp cloth to help lower her
temperature and make her more comfortable. Her fever is quite high.”
The tall nurse listened attentively, nodding in understanding. Satisfied with the plan, Ethan followed the doctor out of the room
and closed the door behind them. The room became tranquil, leaving Natalie in the nurse’s care.
By closing the door, Ethan intended to ensure privacy, especially if there was a need to attend to Natalie’s physical needs.
The woman on the bed occasionally furrowed her brow and turned her head. Her murmured words were indiscernible. Her
cheeks, flushed with fever, had resembled a delicate blush, revealing her discomfort. In response to her distress, the nurse
entered the bathroom and filled a basin with warm water. She dipped a towel into the soothing liquid and gently wiped the
woman’s forehead. Her movements had been delicate and cautious, as if she had handled a fragile treasure with utmost care.
Natalie’s body radiated intense heat. In her search for comfort, she reached out her pristine arm. The nurse delicately clasped
her tiny hand and offered a comforting grip. Starting from the wrist, she carefully wiped the arm, proceeding to the palm. Her
gaze remained fixed on the woman lying on the bed, unwavering in her care. After the gentle wiping, she tucked Natalie’s arm
under the blanket, ensuring she was warmly wrapped.

After approximately half an hour, the saline solution began to take effect. The rosy flush on Natalie’s cheeks gradually subsided,
and the furrow between her brows relaxed slightly. With her eyes closed, she softly murmured words that were difficult to discern.
Drawing closer, the nurse reached out to arrange the stray strands of hair on Natalie’s face. She gently smoothed the creased
brow, soothingly whispering, “What do you need?”
Natalie found the voice peculiar yet strangely familiar in her fevered state. Although her mind was clouded, she struggled to
make out the person before her. With effort, she half–squinted her eyes and repeated, “Water”
As the nurse prepared to fetch water from the kitchen, her gaze fell upon a hot water bottle on the bedside table.
Quickly grabbing a cup, the nurse filled it with water and placed it on the bedside table. Sitting by the edge of the bed, she
carefully lifted Natalie’s upper body and cradled her against her own. With a gentle touch, she tidied the stray strands of hair
from Natalie’s forehead. She tenderly offered her the cup of water using her free hand, ensuring each movement was soft and
delicate. However, in Natalie’s groggy state, she only drank half of it, spilling the rest onto the bed, leaving a damp patch.
The nurse grew slightly anxious. Slowly lowering Natalie back onto the bed, she reached for a tissue and delicately wiped the
corners of her lips. She then proceeded to dab away the damp spots on the sheets. Once the tasks were completed, her gaze
returned to Natalie’s face, noticing her slightly dry lips. Determined, she rose and opened the bedside drawer, searching for
straw. To her disappointment, none could be found. Briefly pausing, she fixated on Natalie’s parched lips before deciding.
She stood up and quietly locked the bedroom door. In the living room, Ethan immediately reacted to the sound, preparing to
enter the master bedroom. The composed middle–aged doctor reassured him. “No need to be alarmed. We wouldn’t be able to
leave this room if we had any intentions My apprentice is simply assisting in physically cooling down Miss Natalie. Locking the
door prevents an awkward situation for all of us. Let’s remember, she is a woman, after all”
As the doctor’s words sank in, Ethan hesitated momentarily before settling back into his seat. Yet, his gaze remained fixated on
the door leading to the master bedroom
Inside the room, the nurse took a delicate sip from the water cup before settling on the edge of the bed Leaning close, she
pressed her chilled lips against Natalie’s fevered ones. With gentle determination, she coaxed Natalie’s mouth open. recognizing
the source of relief Natale responded, parting her lips willingly as the cool water trickled in. Once Natalie had taken her fill, the
nurse took a sip, then leaned down again, sealing their lips together. The water flowed again, finding its way into Natalie’s thirsty
mouth. This cycle repeated five or six times until the drinking pace slowed, signifying a pause.

Carefully, the nurse retrieved a tissue and tenderly wiped away any lingering droplets from the corners of Natalie’s lips. Her palm,
broad and comforting, gently caressed Natalie’s flushed cheek. A mix of reluctance, apology, and remorse shone through her
Chapter 150
Finally, in a soft, remorseful voice, the whispered. “I’m sorry?
The following morning, Natalie stirred from her slumber. The sunlight peeked through the partially drawn curtain a gentle glow
across the room. Stretching her limba lazily, she luxuriated in the revitalistioad her body was a contested sigh, she murmured.
Her constitution had always been strong and her body had a remarkable ability to recover. As she raised her food, the noticed a
faint mark on the back of her right hand–a needle prick Had the ben gym an injection?
Sitting in bed, she adjusted the covers, trying to make sense of the events from the preozen nigh She vaguely remembered
calling Ethan when she had a fever, but the details seemned hazy. She recalled gimpers of a marked oran tending to her. offering
water and whispering apologies in fragmented phrases. It all felt surreal, like fragments of a dream
But the voice of the female doctor
A peculiar thought emerged, only to be swiftly dismissed
A sense of unease washed over her. Was there something wrong with her lately? How could the rearriain such thoughts
Once Natalie stretched and rose from the bed, she went to the wardrobe and selected a comdorable dorms. Aber dresan she
emerged from the room and inquired. “Lena, is Jasper will asleep
Lena observed Natalie’s complexion closely and nodded in approval. “Didn’t want to disturb your rest, so Jening took harni
downstairs for a stroll. Why don’t you catch some more rest??
“Im feeling much better now, and I can’t sleep any longer! Besides, she wasn’t ne to indulge in lazy mornin

Lea began to voice her concerns. “Last night, thanks to Mr. White’s swift actions in calling the dorse your tempen had wared to
nearly 40 degrees. I was truly alarmed when I heard about in Mr. White stayed with you werd $20 AM. only allowing the doctors
to leave once your fever subsided. They endured the right at his insistence. The older doctor even stumbled a few times as he
Natalie had yet to realize the gravity of the situation. The faint image of the female doctor resurfaced in her mind, leaving her with
lingering questions. “Tera, two doctors came last night. Was there also a woman among them?
Lena was an early river, with age reducing her need for sleep. She had already prepared we cral for trade in ter was another
doctor, a remarkably tall woman. Id say the must have been around 59 Som tall. She was en taller than Mr White, and had a
sturdy build. Mr. White thoughtfully arranged for a female doctor to take care of you. They didn’t bother waking us two old folks.
But Mr. White mentioned that the worran doctor is mute, which as
Lena’s empathy for the mute nurse lingered in Natalie’s mind, but she was preoccupied with her thought
Was the female doctor truly mute? But she distinctly heard an apology from her last night. Perhaps her fever had clouded
her senses
Suddenly, Natalie realized that Lera wouldn’t confuse the genders, and Ethan was not one to fabricate stores. If Lera sad a
woman, then it must be so. She had let her imagination run wild, but such a un ition would never occur with Erhan was simply
the ramblings of a fevered mind.
Meanwhile, in Sherri’s room, she hard spent the entire night contemplating her confesion Seated at the dining table, she
absentmindedly fed Ruby, stealing occasional glances at Juara’s face to gauge her reaction.
Sherri had mustered the courage to condes the previous night but ultimately decided against it.
he was bere
Juara noticed Sherri’s intense gaze and inquired. “What’s on your mand? You were fixated on your father and now you’re staring
at me If there’s something you want to uy, uy it. I won’t resort to volmre
Sherri straightened her posture, summoning every ounce of resolve as if faring her deepest fears head–on Juana, I need to talk
to you You promise me you won’t lash out at me, no matter what I reveal”

Juara shot her a disapproving look and nonchalantly peeled tomato for Ruby “I won’t mort to violence, not even if you condess to
the most heinous crimes. So, tell me, what’s the matter?
With Juana’s response. Sherri’s newfound courage instantly evaporated, leaving her feeling defined
Observing Sherri’s sad state, Juana softened her tone and gently probed, “Go ahead. I assure you I won’t lay a hand on you. Tell
me what’s bothering you”
Sherri took a deep breath, closing her eyes briefly before mustering the courage to speak. “Raby is my daughter“: cautusly
eened her eyes anxiously waiting for her mother’s reaction
To her surprise, Juana remained ulent, leaving Sherri no choice but to repeat herself, her vower led with determination. “I sad,
Ruby is my daughter”
Juror’s patience wore thin as the responded with irritation. “I already know that You’ve always called yourself her mother. Why
bring it up now And why hasn’t Natalie come to pick up Kubry today”
Juana couldn’t help but feel puzzled by Natalie’s absence, as she usually took Ruby home at this bevar
Sherri couldn’t believe Justia didest grasp the weight of her words. Imean, Robyn my biological daughter, prout granddaughter. I
gave birth to her,” she said with a surge of courage, raising her voice.
Sherri’s declaration lingered in the air, enveloping the room in a tense and unsettling silence, Juana stood frozen, her initial
shock rendering her momentarily speechless.
Seconds ticked by, and Ruby sat peacefully, obliviously enjoying her meal of tomato Sherri anxiously stared at her mother. their
eyes locked in a tense gaze. Finally, Juana regained her composure and demanded, “Repeat it.”
Sherri’s voice quivered, her gaze averted downward, lacking the usual strength and conviction. “I... I’m the one who gave birth to

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