Turning Of the Tide by Diana Sander

Chapter 87

Chapter 87
The secretary escorted her into a spacious conference room spanning several hundred square meters, a size that would typically
be considered a suite in an average household However, within the premises of the Wilson Group, it was simply a
conference room.
This only intensifed Mia’s determination to win back Trevon’s affection.
As time ticked on and half an hour passed without any sign of Trevon, Mia’s patience wore thin. The two glasses of water she
had consumed only added to her restlessness, causing her to fidget in her seat
The urge to use the restroom became overwhelining, prompting her to grab her bag and locate the nearest facility. While
attending to her needs, she couldn’t help but overhear discussions and the sound of running water outside the restroom door.
“Did you happen to catch the news today?”
“Yes, I did. It’s disheartening to witness such distasteful trending topics early in the morning
Oblivious to the fact that they were discussing her, Mia reached for a tissue to clean herself up
The conversation between the two individuals became increasingly animated. “I must say, the girl from the Blackwell family is
utterly revolting. She was born with the Sullivan surname but insisted on adopting the Blackwell surname. It’s the epitome of
deception, a glaring display of hypocrisy. If I had to find a single word to describe her, it would be a fake heiress.”
The other person nodded in agreement. I find her behavior repulsive. Can you believe she’s so ashamed of her lineage? Instead
of embracing it, she goes to the extent of changing her name and pretending to be someone she’s not. Honestly, why doesn’t
she go abroad and undergo a sex reassignment surgery, transforming herself into a man to fulfill her delusion of becoming the
rightful heir of the Blackwell family?”
“Indeed, your words hold great wisdom. I daresay she lacks the astuteness you possess.”
The room filled with laughter as the two individuals remained oblivious to the mounting tension in one of the restroom stalls.
Inside, Mia Blackwell gripped her bag tightly, her veins pulsating with anger, and crumpled tissue clutched firmly in her hand.
With lightning speed, Mia pulled up her pants and stormed out of the stall, her fury palpable.
Smack Smack! The sharp echoes of two slaps reverberated through the empty restroom.

Caught off guard, the two individuals stood there momentarily stunned, struggling to process the sudden turn of events. But as
reality sunk in, they wasted no time in retaliating Cursing vehemently, they lunged toward Mia, and within seconds, all three of
them were entangled in a chaotic brawl.
Nobody took kindly to bring slapped across the face.
Amidst the tumult, one of them managed to speak amid the frenzy. “What the hell is wrong with you? Did I do something to
deserve this?”
Mia, her refined image completely shattered, stormed into the premises of the Wilson Group with a contorted face filled with
anger With a firm grip on one of the women’s hair, she forcefully pulled and yanked, causing the woman to cry out in pain. Mia’s
eyes blazed with deep-seated hatred as she exclaimed, “I am Miss Mia from the Blackwell family! What’s wrong with me
slapping you? You dared to speak ill of me, and now you’re paying the price!” With each word, she ruthlessly banged the
woman’s head.
The two women, who never expected their casual gossip to confront its subject in person, stood in a momentary daze. However,
the searing pain on their faces snapped them back to reality. Initially feeling somewhat guilty for their behind-the-scenes
remarks, any trace of remorse vanished as they experienced Mia’s forceful slaps. The pain fueled their
With her face throbbing in pain, Mia channeled every ounce of her fury and unleashed a relentless assault, striking with an
unyielding force.
Using all her strength, the other woman managed to break free from Mia’s grasp and confronted her without flinching. Her voice
dripped with contempt as she retorted, “What’s the matter, Miss Mia? Can’t handle the truth? You’re the one with a twisted sense
of morality, parading around like a saint while engaging in questionable behavior. And who’s to say you’re even a legitimate
member of the Blackwell family? You’re shameless and lacking any sense of decency.”
The cutting remark had successfully ignited a fire within Mia, and the three women swiftly found themselves entangled in a fierce
physical altercation. The escalating commotion attracted the attention of other employees, prompting someone to report the
incident to Jim.
Soon enough,

Jim hurried to the scene, and upon taking in the sight before him, he struggled to contain a smile. In her current chaotic state,
Mia resembled nothing more than a typical street fighter.
Her hair was wild and unruly, her lipstick smudged and askew, and her once flawless makeup now resembled the garish palette
of a clown
As a leader within the Wilson Group, Jim knew he had to maintain a composed facade, despite the amusement bubbling up
inside him He suppressed his laughter, ensuring it remained hidden deep within, wary of allowing the employees to catch a
glimpse of his entertained expression
Jim didn’t immediately rush to separate the three individuals, knowing the other two wouldn’t easily back down. They had
personalities similar to Mia’s, capable of holding their own in a fight.
As Jim observed the situation without immediate action, his secretary grew anxious and urged him, “Mr. Hawk, shouldn’t we step
in and separate them? If this continues, things could escalate, resulting in a serious incident.”
Upon hearing the plea, Mia turned her furious gaze toward Jim and exclaimed, “Jim, for God’s sake, get these two lunatics away
from me! Her scalp felt as though it was being torn apart.
Finally prompted into action, Jim, though displeased, began separating the three individuals. He couldn’t help but feel a tinge of
disdain toward Mia, thinking to himself that even Mrs. Wilson herself wouldn’t address him so impolitely. She always referred to
him as Mr. Hawk with the utmost courtesy. There must be a reason why he couldn’t live up to the standards of Mrs. Wilson
Experiencing a brief moment of contempt toward Mia, he directed the others to separate the three individuals.
As they were pulled apart, all three wore grim expressions, their hair disheveled, and their faces and necks marked with visible
signs of the altercation. Their appearances were untidy, revealing the aftermath of the intense scuffle.
Jim lectured them intentionally. “You all have nothing better to do than fighting in the office? Is this how you behave? Have you
forgotten all the company’s rules and training on etiquette? A woman involved in a brawl at the workplace, acting like at common
street scrapper? You’ve tarnished the reputation of the Wilson Group. Now, quickly clean yourselves up and prepare to leave. If
you show up tomorrow with the same demeanor, don’t bother showing up at all.”
The two employees let out a sigh of relief, thinking they could finally make a quick getaway. But just as they were about to
escape, Mia intercepted them with an outstretched arm. It was as if she felt that Jim had just made a sly remark at her expense,
and she couldn’t let herself be treated that way without standing up for herself

After all, she was Trevon’s former girlfriend. She couldn’t allow herself to be trampled upon and insulted by these people.
The halted employers glanced at Jim, realizing the severity of the situation. After being scolded, they quickly understood. the
consequences of their actions and had no intention of stirring up further trouble.
Jim felt frustrated, but he knew better than to confront Mia directly. One of the reasons was that he couldn’t accurately. gauge Mr.
Wilson’s true feelings on the matter.
Just as he was about to voice his thoughts, a shrill and cold voice resonated through the air, “How long do you plan to keep up
this performance Aren’t you ashamed of yourselves? Is the Wilson Group paying you to put on a show?”
The impact of the words sent a shiver down everyone’s spine, prompting the onlookers to quickly retreat to their workstations,
burying themselves in their tasks. Only four people remained at the entrance of the restroom.
The two employees trapped inside the restroom lowered their heads, afraid to meet Trevon’s gaze.
With his impeccably sculpted features and an aura of icy detachment, he spoke in a chilling tone, “Aren’t you two planning
your way back?”
to make
Upon hearing his command, the two employees, brimming with determination, managed to free themselves from Mia’s grasp and
swiftly escape from the restroom.
Mia’s frustration manifested in an exasperated foot stomp. “Trevon, they’ve been bullying me, and you just stood there doing
nothing! How could you let them get away? Look at what they’ve done to my clothes!”
Jim couldn’t help but shudder at the sound of her voice. Mrs. Wilson’s melodramatic demeanor was starting to grate on his
The man maintained an impassive expression, seemingly impervious to her outburst. Looking down at Mia, her appearance
disheveled and lacking poise, he surveyed her with a condescending air. “Are you planning to discuss the downfall of the
Sullivan family in the restroom?”
Mia felt a pang of remorse. She knew she had lost control of herself, allowing her frustrations to get the best of her. Now, her
appearance was far from the polished and composed image she usually projected. Blushing with embarrassment, she attempted

to smooth her ruffled hair and straighten her clothes, but her efforts seemed futile.
This scene did not go unnoticed by the office staff and fueled their gossip and speculation.
Meanwhile, the man paid no attention to those behind him. He strode purposefully toward the conference room with his hands
casually tucked into his pockets
Very aware of Trevon’s temperament, Mia swiftly composed herself to keep pace with him.
Of course, Jim followed them into the conference room, earning a disdainful glance from Mia
Disregarding her presence, Jim remained as still as a statue.
Meanwhile, Trevon calmly sat in the prominent chair, unbuttoning his suit jacket and crossing his legs. With his hands
resting casually on his thighs, he casually adjusted his glasses on the bridge of his nose. Mia’s gaze remained fixed on his
impeccably defined features, realizing that Mr. Wilson seemed to grow more striking with each passing day.
Lost in her admiration, she momentarily forgot the purpose of her visit.
Unfazed by her intense stare, Trevon calmly stated, “I’m pressed for time. You have five minutes. Speak your mind, and then I’ll
be on my way.”
The weight of the words brought Mia back to reality. “Trevon, please, I’m begging you to help me. We can’t let our family’s project
fall apart, and I desperately need those trending topics about me taken down.”
Mia was confident that she could handle removing the trending topics independently. “Sure, I can do that. However, the Wilson
Group will no longer collaborate with the Sullivan family. You don’t have to dwell on it.”
Mia’s anxiety escalated. If the Wilson Group severed ties with the Sullivan family, it would spell disaster for them. With her true
identity exposed and facing public scrutiny, potential partners would likely distance themselves even further.
Desperate to appeal to Trevon, she resorted to a more heartfelt plea. “Trevon, please consider Mr. Blackwell’s legacy. Can’t you
help me, just this once?”
His eyes narrowed with a hint of displeasure as he tugged at his tie, his gaze piercing and unfathomable. “Mia, know your limits.
You can take down the trending topics, but any form of collaboration is out of the question, and I don’t want to see you setting

foot in the Wilson Group again.”
Rising from his seat, he straightened his attire, meticulously buttoning up his jacket. Without sparing another glance, he exited
the meeting room.
Jim couldn’t help but feel a mix of disdain and satisfaction. Mr. Wilson’s recent divorce had left him in a sour mood, and Mia’s
insistence on pushing his buttons was inviting trouble upon herself.
With a touch of smugness, Jim remarked, “I hope Miss Mia will be cooperative. Please, do as requested.”
Mia, however, silently scoffed within herself-just another lapdog of Mr. Wilson.
With a disdainful snort, she walked away, firmly believing that Mr. Wilson harbored feelings for her. She was convinced that she
occupied a special place in his heart, and it was only a matter of time before she ascended to the position of Mrs. Wilson.

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