Turning Of the Tide by Diana Sander

Chapter 74

Chapter 74
That evening, Natalie hurriedly made her way to the Wilson’s residence, her heart filled with anxiety and anticipation.
As Natalie stepped inside the house, Mary, the friendly housekeeper, welcomed her with a warm smile. “Mrs. Wilson, you’re
Mary could not help but feel a sense of confusion. Today was not usual for gatherings at the Wilson’s residence, and she could
not help but notice that Trevon was nowhere to be seen.
Natalie smiled warmly at Mary and replied, “Hello, Mary. Is Mr. Theo in his study? I have something important to discuss with
him. Is he available at the moment?”
“Sure, he’s upstairs. Just knock on his door, Mary replied. “Mr. Theo has finished dinner and is currently practicing calligraphy in
his study,”
Natalie went directly to the study and gently knocked on the door. A deep voice resonated from within, saying, “Please,
come in.”
His lack of surprise was palpable as Theo laid his eyes upon Natalie, who was standing at the door with poise and grace. It was
evident that he had anticipated her impending visit.
However, he was caught off guard by the timing of her visit.
A flicker of surprise danced across Theo’s face as he greeted Natalie. “My dear, what brings you here?” he exclaimed. “Come in,
come in. Have you had dinner?”
Natalie responded politely with a white lie. “Mr. Theo, I’ve already had dinner, she claimed. Deep down, however, she harbored a
greater purpose, knowing that indulging in a substantial meal would only hinder her as she braced herself for the weighty matters
“Mr. Theo, are you busy? I want to discuss something with you,’ she expressed, conveying a sense of urgency.
Natalie had always been a person unaccustomed to compromise. She persevered through countless days because of her deep
love and loyalty toward Theo. However, amidst her unyielding nature, she found one aspect elusive-her own heart, a force
beyond her control, dictating its desires and yearnings.

Instead of offering an immediate response, Theo shifted gears, diverting the conversation to a different topic altogether. A
nostalgic smile played on his lips as he suggested, “It’s been some time since we last played chess together. How about joining
me for a few rounds today?”
Complying with his request, Natalie gracefully sat at the chess table, radiating respect and affection.
After a few minutes of focused play. Mr. Theo broke the silence, his voice gentle yet probing. “Natalie, are you contemplating
separating from Trevon? Are you unhappy?”
A quiet astonishment washed over her as Natalie absorbed his astute observation “Mr. Theo possesses an uncanny ability to
perceive the unspoken,” she marveled.
As she moved the chess piece, Natalie replied, “Mr. Theo, the truth is that Trevon and 1 lack compatibility. As you know, our
marriage was not born out of Trevon’s desire Despite our efforts to make things work, we have failed to foster any genuine
emotions for one another. It wouldn’t be fair for him to remain bound in a loveless marriage. I believe we should part ways
amicably, preserving a sense of goodwill between us.”
In addition to her previous sentiments, Natalie yearned to convey another important aspect of her decision. She wanted to
ensure that, despite their incompatibility, their marriage would not descend into a state of mutual animosity and bitterness, which
she found distasteful.
“My dear, he sighed, his voice tinged with understanding and concern. Trevon isn’t inherently a bad person. His upbringing and
fiercely competitive nature have shaped his worldview. Furthermore, his time serving in the military, where opportunities to form
meaningful connections might have been scarce, could have impacted his emotional intelligence. Natalie, I must ask, is it truly
that you harbor no fondness for him, or could other underlying reasons contribute to your decision?”
Pausing momentarily, Natalie contemplated her next move. “Mr. Theo,” she spoke earnestly, her voice carrying a mix of
conviction and empathy, “Regardless of the specific reasons, I firmly believe that forcing two incompatible individuals to remain
together is a form of torment for both parties involved. It’s not that Trevon lacks exceptional qualities, it’s simply that our
compatibility is lacking.
Following a brief silence, Natalie pressed on, “Mr. Theo, I want to be transparent with you. I have already completed my
application for studying abroad. It’s a decision I made carefully, and I believe resolving the matter between Trevon and me before
I depart is of utmost importance.”

As Natalies words settled in, a tinge of surprise flickered within Mr. Theo’s thoughts. This child has taken the initiative to prepare
to leave.” he contemplated inwardly. Recognizing that her decision went beyond the influence of mere trends, he acknowledged
that there must be deeper underlying reasons propelling her forward. It became apparent to him that her dissatisfaction had likely
been accumulating gradually and that his grandson might have fallen short in various aspects, disappointing Natalie in the
process. Mr. Theo couldn’t help but perceive the resolute determination in his granddaughter’s
words, a testament her unwavering resolve.
In a moment of resignation and support. Mr. Theo slapped his thigh, indicating his willingness to accept Natalie’s decision. Very
well, my dear, since you have firmly made up your mind. I will be the one to make the final decision” be declared.
Natalie’s astonishment was evident as she registered Theo’s swift acceptance of her decision. “Mr. Thro, is tomorrow suitable! If
it is, I would appreciate it if Trevon could accompany me to the City Hall,” she proposed.
Mr Theo’s expression turned disdainful as he responded firmly. “We don’t need to beg him. We can proceed with the divorce
without his involvement. We can handle this matter ourselves”
After a brief moment of silence, Natalie found herself taken aback, feeling somewhat uninformed about the possibility of initiating
a one-sided divorce. Her mind raced with questions as she pondered the situation. Is it now possible for divorces to be initiated
unilaterally she wondered silently. “When did this change occur? Have I missed some recent developments in the legal system?”
As someone who had never experienced divorce firsthand, Natalie lacked in-depth knowledge and understanding of the
intricacies involved in the process.
Theo strode purposefully towards the door and called out loudly. “Gage, please come up here for a moment”
Moments later, the butler, Gage, hurriedly ascended the stairs, his breath slightly labored from the hastened pace. “Mr. Theo.
what are your orders?” he inquired.
Theo, acknowledging Gage’s presence, nodded in approval. With his hands clasped behind his back, he responded, “Catch your
breath and then proceed to call City Hall Request they work overtime to accommodate our need for a prompt divorce procedure.”
“Yes, sir, Gage acknowledged.
Within a concise span of less than an hour, a man in his thirties arrived at the residence, accompanied by two individuals. The
trio, equipped with the necessary paperwork, swiftly entered the study.

The scene unfolding before her eyes evoked a sense of surprise within Natalie, reinforcing her perception that circumstances
seemed more expedient and convenient for those with wealth and influence.
Natalie did not anticipate the swift progression of the divorce proceedings that evening. Although she had come prepared. with
her identification card, she had not anticipated the need for her marriage license at this particular moment.
The staff, recognizing Natalie’s predicament, quickly reassured her that the absence of her marriage license was not an
impossible obstacle. With a reassuring tone, they informed her that she could apply for a new marriage license on the spot,
ensuring the necessary documentation was in order before proceeding with the divorce process.
Once the marriage license was successfully issued at the City Hall. Trevon received the newly obtained red booklet and promptly
handed it to Theo. Theo had safeguarded it until the present moment.
The entire process’s efficiency was remarkable, completing the necessary steps in less than 15 minutes. The swift resolution.
showcased the high efficiency and effectiveness of the professionals involved. As a result, two fresh divorce certificates, each
adorned with a distinctive red cover, were obtained. The swiftness with which the divorce had transpired contrasted starkly with
the duration of her marriage, leaving her with a profound sense of astonishment
As Natalie held the divorce certificates in her hands, a wave of surrealism washed over her, and the weight of her previous
marital obligations seemed to dissolve.
Experiencing a mixture of hesitancy and a tinge of embarrassment, Natalie could not suppress her doubts and asked a
seemingly simple yet poignant question. “Are these certificates genuine?”
One of the staff members answered swiftly and firmly, “Miss Foster, it is authentic. I am an official staff member. If you do not
believe, I will show you your marital status now,”
Theo, seated nearby, interjected with a supportive tone, “Show it to her. Please don’t mind her. My granddaughter is more
particular about these details”
Acknowledging the significance of Natalie’s concern, the staff member promptly opened the internal network on their laptop They
entered Natalie’s name into the system, swiftly retrieving the relevant information. In a gesture of transparency, they turned the
computer around, allowing Natalie to confirm the displayed results visually.
With lingering skepticism, Natalie leaned closer to the computer screen, scrutinizing the displayed information. The marriage
column clearly indicated that she was now officially divorced, aligning with the obtained certificates and confirming the accuracy

of the staff member’s assertion.
When the staff left, Theo tenderly handed Natalie the remaining divorce certificate. He spoke with heartfelt concern. “My dear,
although we are no longer legally bound by marriage, please know that you will always hold the place of my granddaughter in my
heart. I admit that I initially kept you close to me for my own reasons, and I must acknowledge that my grandson failed in his
responsibilities and caused you pain. It is my fault for placing my trust in him. From the very beginning. I should have treated you
as my granddaughter. I made a mistake. But let us be clear: just because you are now divorced does not mean you cannot come
to see me anymore. Trevon Wilson is Trevon Wilson, and our relationship is separate from him. He does not influence the bond
we share. If you ever face any difficulties, remember that you can still come to me. Let me be a source of help and support for
Touched by Theo’s words, Natalie’s eyes welled up with tears. His heartfelt speech resonated deeply within her, containing a
unique blend of firmness, plea, and comfort.
Suppressing her emotions, Natalie nodded in agreement; her tears held back as she sought to maintain composure.
Before taking her leave, Natalie walked up to Theo and enveloped him in a tight embrace. “Thank you, Mr. Theo,” she
murmured, her voice laced with genuine gratitude and deep affection.
Among all the individuals in Natalie’s life, her grandfather and Theo stood out as those who treated her with exceptional kindness
and care. Their actions spoke volumes about their love for her. Even though Natalie had requested Theo’s assistance with the
divorce, he showed a remarkable disregard for her grandson’s feelings.
The active involvement of Theo in facilitating the divorce proceedings relieved Natalie from the burden of personally approaching
It was already 7:30 p.m. when Natalie left the Wilson’s residence, and she still had a list of errands to run.
The car pulled up in front of the supermarket adjacent to the villa, and Natalie wasted no time upon entering. Making a beeline
for the durian section, her eyes focused on the sought-after Cat Mountain King durians. With a sense of purpose, she picked up
two prized fruits, their distinct aroma filling the air around her.
Upon her arrival at Adare Manor, Natalie immediately headed upstairs to tend to her belongings. With only two suitcases in tow,
she approached the task of organizing her possessions with a sense of efficiency and purpose. One of the suitcases held her
treasured collection of books, while the other held her necessities and clothes. She carefully packed away the helmet and boxing
gloves that Edward Landor had given her, placing them inside the suitcase.

She made her way to the garage, suitcases in tow, and carefully fastened them to the car using a sturdy rope. With her
belongings securely fastened, Natalie returned to the living room; her mind focused on an important task that required her
attention. After accomplishing her task, she closed the door behind her, a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction accompanying her

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