Turning Of The Tide By Diana Sander Novel

Chapter 153

Chapter 153

Once Natalie returned home, she was engulfed in a whirlwind of emotions. There was an unsettling feeling lingering within her, as if something was amiss in Trevon’s words, yet she couldn’t quite grasp what it was

Lena still dwelled on the revelation about Jasper’s father She anticipated Natalie would take a while before joining her upstairs, but to her surprise, Natalie followed closely beland.

With a hesitant and concerned expression, Lena voiced her worries, “Miss Natalie, is that gentleman truly the father of Jasper? What if he…”

Understanding Lena’s concerns, Natalie offered reassurance, “No, he won’t. He assured me he wouldn’t engage in a custody battle with me over Jasper. Please don’t worry. I’ll consult with my uncle if he ever tries to challenge me. Rest assured. I will take Jasper to the Landor Lamily’s residence later Would you like

comjuny you to the villa?*

Lena still carried a trace of worry but understand the boundaries she couldn’t toss. Considering the other party’s affluent background, engaging in a prolonged struggle for custody would be a formulable battle With a busy tone, she replied, “No need. Miss Natalie We prefer taking the subway. It’s beneficial for us to stay active at our age”

Upon hearing Lend’s suggestion. Natalie didn’t insist any further. “Alright then, let me change Jasper’s clothes, and we’ll be on our way.”

After dressing Jasper in a fresh outfit, Natalie swiftly headed to the largest supermarket. She carefully selected various items there, including swift grain, thoughtful gifts, fresh fruits, and seafood. Accompanying her was Ethan, who efficiently loaded the purchases into the car.

Half an hour later, Natalie arrived at the Landor family’s residence. Ethan’s car followed closely behind and parked at the entrance. With a sense of urgency, he swiftly unloaded the items from the trunk and placed them on the doorstep. With utmost respect, he inquired, “Would you like me. bring them inside, Miss Natalie?”

Natalie pondered for a moment and decided against it. After all, Juana was not acquainted with Ethan. Moreover, today she had come to offer an apology, and it would be more sincere if she handled the situation herself “No, that won’t be necessary. Just leave them here I’ll take them inside later. Thank you for your assistance

Ethan maintained his respectful demeanor. “It’s my pleasure. I’ll be waiting nearby. Please don’t hesitate to call upon me if you need any assistance.”

Natalie nodded in agreement and freed one hand to press the doorbell, its melodic clime resonating. The door swung open, revealing the familiar face of the maid from the Landor family, who greeted Natalie with warmth and familiarity. “Miss Foster has arrived. Are these items to be brought inside?”

A gentle smile adorned Natalie’s lips as she responded, “Yes, please. I would appreciate your assistance”

The gracious and generous maid assured her. “It’s no trouble at all, Miss Foster. Please come in with the child, and I will take care of the items for you”

With Jasper nestled in her arms, Natalie decided it would be best to enter the house first and settle him down before returning to help with the belongings.

Meanwhile, Juana sat comfortably on the sofa, keeping Ruby company. Since learning about Jasper’s true identity, she has become even more attentive and doning “Ruby, what would you like to eat today? Grandma can prepare anything. We bought some prawns. Would you fancy having some?”

Ruby’s eyes sparkled with delight, her love for prawns evident Juana always indulged her granddaughter’s culinary preferences Today was no exception

Natalie felt a surge of relief as she heard Sherri’s joyous laughter. With a tinge of nervousness and guilt, she called out to Juana’s retreating figure, Auntie.”

Juana turned around and spotted her standing there, cradling Jasper. A warm smile spread across Juana’s face as she eagerly exclaimed. “Come in! It’s been days since we last saw Jasper. He looks even more charming today?”

Natalie had anticipated a potentially tense encounter with Juana, but the warmth in Juana’s eyes melted away her worries.

Ruby darted toward Natalie’s feet, craving her embrace. “Mammy, carry met Natalie gently lowered Jasper to the ground and scooped up Ruby, showering her with affectionate kisses. She pondered whether it was time to talk with Ruby about refraining from calling her ‘Monny” but found it difficult to broach the subject.

Assuming that Natalie had come to take her granddaughter out for a fun outing, Juana didn’t raise any objections to Ruby’s endearing name for Natalie. With a smile, she inquired, “Are you planning a day of adventure while Sherri remains tucked in bed?

Natalie shook her head, embarrassed as she settled down, still holding Ruby in her arms. Jasper was already engrossed in playing with his toys, and when Ruby saw him, she couldn’t resist joining in. The children began interacting, with Ruby addressing Jasper as “brother”,

Jasper responded coolly with a simple “Hmm”

Natalie inwardly cursed the stubborn genes hindering Jasper’s communication skills.

Turning her attention to Juana, she mustered sincerity and spoke, “Auntie, I didn’t bring Ruby here for a playdate. I came to apologize to you. Sherri and I mistakenly kept this secret from you, and 1 sincerely apologize.”

Juana glanced at the pile of gifts on the coffee table, finally understanding Natalie’s intentions. She gave Natalie a playful look, her voice carrying a touch of gentle reproach. “Do you think I’m such a petty person? I’m the type of person who can let bygones be bygones. Besides, I am thrilled to have precious Ruby as my granddaughter. It’s a joy I can’t put into words” Juana had forgotten entirely about scolding Sherri earlier in the morning. Worn out from a restless night and the encounter with Juana, Sherri sought solace in the embrace of sleep once more.

Natalie had envisioned countless scenarios, but this outcome was beyond her expectations. She had braced herself for a hint of anger from Juana, but instead, she was met with words of comfort and understanding. Juana’s remarkable generosity and grace surpassed Natalie’s wildest imagination.

She possessed an extraordinary level of generosity.

“Thank you, Juana, Natalie expressed her gratitude, her voice tinged with sincerity. “We were wrong, and I must take responsibility for the situation. Otherwise. Sherri wouldn’t have… turned out to be a single mother.”

Juana had already learned the reasons behind Sherri’s pregnancy that morning, and she couldn’t place blame on the innocent cluld. Sherri had always seemed to have drawn the short straw, entangled with such a family. This isn’t your fault. It’s all due to your father… that mistake made by Harry. Please don’t burden yourself with guilt. You’re both exceptional


Despite Juana’s light-hearted tone. Natalie’s eyes welled up with tears. She fought to maintain her composure, swallowing the Jump in her throat as her eyes burned with unshed tears

Juana noticed the shift in Natalie’s emotions and skillfully changed the topic. “Natalie, why don’t you tell me if Hackett is pursuing Sherri? I have taken a liking to him.”

This topic immediately captured Natalie’s attention, overpowering any desire to shed tears. She was taken aback. Did Juana have a liking for Hackett?

To please Juana, Natalie betrayed Sherri for the first time in her life by becoming an informant. “Juana, I believe Hackett might be interested in Sherri. Every day, whenever Sherri is at work, he sends her a bouquet of roses. The whole hospital is aware that someone is pursuing her, although we re unsure if it’s Mr. Blackwell himself, as he only signs the cards with H Natalie refrained from mentioning the cheesy messages like thinking of you, H’ or ‘love you, H. Those were just too cringeworthy to utter aloud.

Juana’s eyes sparkled with a smile. “Is that so? Someone is pursuing Sherri. That’s wonderful news. After all, he is Ruby’s father. If he genuinely cares for Sherri, it would be a win-win situation. But let me be honest with you, Natalie. I do have a soft spot for Hackett. However, I don’t want them to enter a forced marriage just because of the child. Such unions rarely stand the test of time. Please don’t mention this to Sherri. There’ll think I’m head over heels in love with her.”

Natalie couldn’t help but let out a light laugh. Juana was a woman of solid words but a soft heart, a classic case of tough love. Although she genuinely cared for Sherri, she put up a facade of nonchalance and even expressed concerns about Sherri’s happiness. It was a complicated relationship between a mother and her daughter. “Understood, Juana. I won’t breathe a word, but aren’t you bothered by the rumors surrounding Hackett?”

Juana waved her hand dismissively, projecting an image of indifference. “Oh, my dear, I can see through people quite well at my age. Hackett may have a playful side, but he’s not malicious. He’s quite polite. Besides, I won’t deny that his striking looks have captivated me. He fits my son-in-law’s aesthetic standards perfectly.”

Natalie raised an eyebrow at Juana’s straightforwardness. “Juana, you certainly don’t mince words.”

Deep inside, Natalie silently applauded Juana’s cl


While Sherri was still sound asleep, Juana seized the opportunity to gain Natalie’s favor. “Natalie, I have a task for you.”

She felt a surge of unease as she replied, her voice slightly shaky. Juana… you said?”

“From now on, when you’re with Sherri. I want you to discreetly gather information about their relationship and keep an eye on their prospects.”

The weight of the task seemed immense, akin to being a spy. Natalie found herself caught between accepting and declining Eventually, she yielded to the authority of her elder, saying. “Alright, Juana, I’ll do my best to observe and report back to you.”

Juana’s face lit up with delight upon hearing Natalie’s agreement. “We’ll have lunch and dinner at home. I’ve bought abundant seafood today, and Ruby is quite the foodie, especially regarding shrimp and shellfish.”

Natalie couldn’t help but tease, “If I decline, does that mean I’ll be sent home for meals?”

Finally, they exchanged contact information, promising to update each other through WhatsApp.

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